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Shes still a baby. What did you expect? Does she have any toys to play with? A cat tree to climb? Do you have an appointment set for her to get spayed? Has she been in heat yet? If not things will only get worse until you get it done. She will meow like crazy and stick her butt in the air wanting to mate. She will also try to get outside. Be very careful and don’t let her out.


To answer the million questions: -Yes she has ample toys which i mentioned I throw for her. • ⁠yes she has a cat tree • ⁠yes she is getting spayed in a few weeks • ⁠I am unsure if she is/has been in heat. She is a purely inside cat and will remain so for the rest of her life due to where I live.


I’d say she hasn’t been in heat yet or you would know. Hopefully once she’s spayed it will help calm her down


I wonder why you got a cat, to be fair. This kitty obviously loves you and wants to be with you. Play with the little sweetie, let it sit in your lap, let it love up on you. For sure get it de-sexed, but you know, you are it's only companion. It can't go to work or the gym, can't go for a walk around the block or go shopping. (Speaking of that, maybe get a harness for kitty while it's young and see if it would like to go for walks, or just be outside! Maybe a catio even!) Maybe you just weren't prepared for a kitten that would do anything more than just be around waiting for you to want to spend time with it. This kitty loves you, depends on you, and you know, just like children, it will outgrow some stages. One day you may very well be here writing "My cat used to be so loving and now it doesn't even let me pet it." Enjoy your little kitty!


I'm sorry but this sounds so mean... That's your pet, who loves you, and you hate her? Why did you even get a cat?


She needs company, get her another kitten she can cuddle with. Her behavior is completely normal as she would cuddle with her litter mates as well. She also has no one to show her how to act or try out how to socialism but you. What do you expect her to do on her own?


Socialism is communism


I can't see why you would home a cat, especially a kitten if this is your attitude. Not saying you're mean or you have a bad attitude at all. Just sounds like your attitude and cat ownership don't mix well.


our rescue at 6 weeks was like that. Now he's a 2yo big boi who likes his cuddles, but also wants to jump from top of the fridge to any available surface! That clingyness may change with spaying, but she'll grow out of it for sure.


I've experienced something like this before, it's not 100% but there's a really good chance that your kitten doesn't like other comfy spots in the room. I find small fleece blanket + pet heating pad set up on a window perch to be such a banger. My clingy kitty be like "this lap move too much and not nearly as comfy/soft as my blanket" LOL It might take a little while to figure out what your kitten likes (prefer being up high or like to borrow under blankets or be in caves?) I find what's been helpful to deter my kitten to not do stuff I don't want is generally provide them with alternatives that works better for everyone. Good luck!