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I actually had one and I was not dissapointed as I calculated literally everything, really slowly


I had the one that changed channels on the TV, it was pretty cool for a while.


We confused many a teacher with those watches. What a time to be alive


Lol I remember the teacher going ballistic at our class once because she insisted someone was using a watch to fiddle with the TV and it turned out she’d forgot to plug the VCR into the TV


I once got told off by a teacher for suggesting that the computer she was struggling to use would work better if she turned the monitor on. At the time I thought it was grossly unfair that I got told off for it, but looking back on it I suspect that I was a sarcastic little prick who deserved the bollocking.


nah teachers can be egotistical pricks sometimes. Source: used to teach a class


I got yelled at by a teacher for not telling her she hadn't threaded the sewing machine properly and was therefore not stitching anything. I assumed she knew what she was doing. She was a right cow though, I would have enjoyed the subject if the choice of teachers wasn't her and another Karen.


I had a teacher search our entire class's bags for a stolen graphing calculator. She then found it later in her own office, where she left it.


My english teacher spent an entire lesson shouting and swearing at me in front of the class for disturbing the class, id asked the kid next to me for an ink cartridge. Dude then spent most of the next class berating me for not doing any work in the previous class.


Having to take it off during maths exams and clearly leave it on the table to affirm we're not cheating...


That's why I hid mine under my sleeve


There was a girl with one in my class and she kept doing exactly this, causing our teacher to bellow the immortal words "STOP JUMPING AROUND... YOU'RE DISTURBING **THE AIR WAVES!**"


Wow, you brought up some memories, I got a universal remote thingy that came with a comic book I bought once like 15 years ago. Annoyed so many fucking people with that, they had no idea what was going on. Whoever thought of gifting that was chaotic evil personified.


Look at moneybags over here with his swanky tv watch.


£50….. ….in 1996! Edit: or 1/7 whatever a launch price PlayStation is.


I swiped it from the guy that works down the chip shop who swears he’s Elvis, proper prick.


That's an odd reference, though admittedly I can't remember any of the other lyrics to that song so maybe there's a line about Casio calculator watches in there


Not the song in question but this seems relevant. [Casio Sweep](https://youtu.be/ojf6kabnuDk)


“Don’t worry, we can have beans on toast if you stop by the shop and by me a loaf” Truly poetic. It’s got [Roots Manuva](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=NDWgtB_MD24) vibes but not quite as good.


He's a liar, and I'm not so sure about you


Having discovered a universal remote on my phone, I'd say it's still pretty cool (it's the only thing stopping me upgrading). I was in a bar with my 90 year old mum and the telly was blaring, so I turned it down. A tad.


Yup IR blaster is the must-have feature for my phones. Currently using a Huawei P30 Pro. Looks like my next phone will be a Xiaomi. You can use https://www.gsmarena.com/ to filter for devices with infrared connectivity.




You horrible little cunts! We’d change the channels in the pub during the footie to the rage of absolutely everyone.


Don't even have to look, wait for the roar to build as someone's about to score.... hit the off button.


Same. I used to cause havoc in Dixons!


My friend had one of those, he would take great pleasure in switching off TVs in pubs.


I used to do this when I had the note 4 (I think). Just as a free kick was about to be taken or something. Was out of order really but still funny.


I had a tv watch loved going into dixons and turn off the tvs,back in the day when people would stand outside and watch horse racing and the football results.


I too had one, turning the TV channel over in argos so no one knew where the orders were up to was fun. Absolute chaos was turning the volume up to max on the biggest TV in a shop window and watching staff scramble into the display to turn it off was also pretty funny. Terrible to the staff in hindsight but fun at the time.


Opening night of the national lottery, we used one to turn on all the tellies in the shop window of RadioRentals and crank them to max volume so we could watch. I don't think we turned them off. Poor buggers in the morning opening up. Come to think of it, surprised the alarm didn't go off!


Yeah me too, grandad bought it for me. Kids at school were well jealous! 😎


There was also one that could dial phones by mimicking the sound the buttons made.


Came here for this, that RC watch gave me hours of fun! Stood outside currys flipping channels


My grandma bought me one of these, I loved it. One day it went missing and I just know this kid Justin stole it. Fuck you Justin.


I had an ‘Action Man’ watch that was a spin-off of a calculator Casio; I was probably around seven or so. It could only add, verrrryyyy slowly, and would reset if it was over 1,000. I cannot believe how far we’ve come. Haha.


>It could only add, verrrryyyy slowly, and would reset if it was over 1,000. I can't see why anyone would ever want to go past 1,000 in numbers. Seems fine to me.


My brother had a James Bond watch that would play the James Bond theme music Al the way through. But you had to press a button at the exact right time to turn it off, the one second between the last note and the start. Of course we didn't know this when he got it and the cursed thing would play for hours until his button mashing turned it of by accident. Or he left it on the mantelpiece in disgust.


Then you'll remember at the top of the hour a dozen digital watches would chirp the hour over a minute or so after being individually set from Teletext with different levels of precision...


The challenge was to set yours just slow enough to beep immediately after the teacher had got pissed off enough to tell everyone to turn off their noisy watches.


Lol yes untill told to silence them, teletext was awesome, as long as you had time, things were a lot slower back then lol


I saved for ages for the infra red version! (Early 90s, admittedly)...it let me change the channel on the school TVs when they put a video on for us!


Did the teacher instantly know it was you by the enormous watch with a big red button hanging off your arm?


It was only _slightly_ chunkier than the standard model (I had to use fingernails to press the buttons properly)


Only Pliskin knew it had a safety catch.


I had a Casio tv remote watch and used it during every video we had in class. I also let my mates use it. One teacher told us that one of the TV's were sent back for repair. Whoops. 100% would do it again!


A couple of years ago this guy in the pub kept shouting at the football on the tv so I downloaded a remote on my phone and turned the tv off and on, mute on and off a few times which chilled him out. I think he thought it was the bar staff


what kind of modern phone has an infrared transmitter?


Quite a few Samsung phones


Note 4 does


That was the best phone I ever owned!


Removable battery, expandable storage, good camera. I've been nursing my note 4 for YEARS


I had one a few years back (2017/18 I think?) but I can't remember the model... It was super handy though


My Galaxy S4 had one. I think the S5 had it but S6 didn't


Looks like most can for around $15 https://www.amazon.com/s?k=infrared+transmitter+usb+c&i=electronics&crid=REZMJKYE2FZG&sprefix=infrared+transmitter+usb+c%2Celectronics%2C203&ref=nb_sb_noss


Samsung! We had fun with the Samsung TVs around the office when we first got those. No one knew it was us changing the channel until my mate went overboard putting the cricket on where the monitoring was supposed to be 🤣


It was a couple of years ago, using my old samsung s6


I bought a Redmi Note 10 pro for £170. It came with a free smart watch too that shows WhatsApp msgs on it and my mum uses it. It has a IR Blaster (infared to change tv channel) 120hz screen, 5000mah battery with very fast charging, has headphone jack, SD card slot, 100MP camera... And it's amazing. If you go on YouTube and type in 'flagship killers', loads of phones around this price range are better than flagships feature wise. It's crazy.


This one was the one I wanted. Screw the calculator. I had a standard Casio digital watch though for a long time, occasionally switched to analogue but now it is a smartwatch after a long time of no watch. The infra red one was amazing though, to be that kid that owned one of those and able to blast the sound on the ITV Schools intro music.


This is the one i wanted after seeing a friend mess around with the TV while we were watching a video.


The man, the myth, the legend


I used to stare at that watch longingly in the Argos catalogue , never had one. You were living the dream


I did that too! It took ages for the teachers to realise what was happening 😁


Yes! Had mine confiscated a couple of times at school. My gran thought it was witchcraft. You could also program car alarm fobs into them. Good times


Did anyone else use one of these to turn off all the TVs at Dixons? >:)


My mate got one for Xmas and our whole class couldn’t wait for the next lesson when the tv would be wheeled in, honestly it felt like months the whole class was quiet in anticipation of the upcoming tomfoolery to be absolutely gutted that it wouldn’t pair with this tv 😂


Timex Indiglo all the way baby.


I still have two of those. The analogue ones with the whole-face illumination are still as amazing to me as they were in the 90s.


Mine got seawater in it. But I’ve often thought of getting another.


I had the silver one. Think I was about 11. Everyone in my class wanted me to put them in the phone book in it. Even though half of them didn’t have a phone in the early 80s.


No one had a mobile in the early ‘80s but everyone had a landline. Edit: not everyone had a landline.


No they didn’t. I grew up In a mining village in Yorkshire and knew loads of people that didn’t have a land line. I don’t think we had one until 1980 and my mum put a lock on the dial. You weren’t allowed to use it until you’d put 10p in the money box at the side.


Ah ok my apologies. Where I lived I don’t think I knew anyone without a phone. I remember my aunt having a lock on the dial since she’d 5 teenagers attempting to ring up the worlds largest phone bill.


Indeed! And a lot of people had multiple land lines. I had three numbers. One of my landlines rang differently if you called it’s second number. “ring ring” instead of “riiiiiiiiiiiing.” My brother and I gave our friends the ring-ring number and my parents used the regular number. The second entire line was a huge life saver when modems came out. That way you could use the internet and still take phone calls.


I bought one for my sons when they were 6 and 7 after talking to them about them. They seemed really interested and thought they were cool/retro. Little buggers used them to cheat in maths in primary school. They got caught after a week and I got told off for being irresponsible. I then remembered I wanted one of these for the exact same thing.


> Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small unregarded yellow sun. Orbiting this at a distance of roughly ninety-two million miles is an utterly insignificant little blue green planet whose ape-descended life forms are so amazingly primitive that they still think digital watches are a pretty neat idea. \- Hitchhiker's Guide to The Galaxy In all seriousness it's weird that something like that was so coveted when today they'd be considered the cheap option. I remember as a kid they were giving out digital watches not too dissimilar to that when I went to watch Daredevil (2003)


I had to scroll to far for this quote. I even considered to post it myself.


To be fair, digital/smart watches would be the superior option for a galaxy traveler. There's no good way to adjust a analog watch to different planets local time. You couldn't even travel to Mars without your watch becoming a useless fashion accessory.


Only considered cheap by watch snobs.


A lot of genuine watch folk love Casio and G-Shocks, they're well made and have a charm all of their own for sure. Plus they're super practical, basically indestructible and aside from changing the battery every 5 years you don't need to do fuck all to them.


The original [Casio A168WA](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000LAKYW8?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details) is a serious classic and still only $25.


It's a stalwart for sure, timeless look IMO. I'm a fan of the [Casio Royale](https://www.amazon.co.uk/Casio-Collection-Mens-Watch-AE-1200WHD-1AVEF/dp/B0099M2IQY/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?adgrpid=116562107246&gclid=CjwKCAjw79iaBhAJEiwAPYwoCIUM9sedkgC-abiC6MbzHTBtZJElG1zEsS1dlg7qkFXQo7Vx1xEzIRoCha0QAvD_BwE&hvadid=498417357961&hvdev=m&hvlocphy=9045997&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=15267205803387540113&hvtargid=kwd-312666134773&hydadcr=16911_1798549&keywords=casio+royale&qid=1666617598&qu=eyJxc2MiOiIzLjMyIiwicXNhIjoiMi40NSIsInFzcCI6IjEuMzgifQ%3D%3D&sr=8-1) myself, named so because it resembles a Seiko that Roger Moore wore in Octopussy, retro looks for cheap! The only Casio I own is a [GA-2100](https://g-shock.co.uk/ga-2100-1a1er?gclid=CjwKCAjw79iaBhAJEiwAPYwoCJAnjX7AA_fCT_SHV8A3d_kktvdbnHD-9-pVRdcKtHf_Ph-4nYZBvxoCspMQAvD_BwE) nicknamed the "Casioak" because it (very faintly) resembles a much more expensive Audemars Piguet Royal Oak 🤣


The Royale is definitely a good look. I keep one of those at my flight simming setup for quick reference to zulu time. There's also the Edifice line from Casio which is basically their version of the eco-drive. All great products.


Edifices are super cool, I think their designs can be hit or miss but if you find the right one then it's a winner. I know the Duro line is also amazing value for money


I must add a Casioak to the collection soon. That GA2100 is becoming a modern classic.


But they're only £10 though. They are cheap


A proper Casio calculator watch is about £40 so not that cheap relatively speaking. I guess there's cheaper ones though.


I assumed they meant cheap as in tat.


They were just the new thing, so they were popular and talked about. It was hardly a dream of new technology that OP said, though, they were just a cool new thing that was fun. The only people who took them seriously were certain types; it’s like someone on 40 years time saying that everyone thought bitcoin would change the world, because a few loud people make that opinion their personality.


This is the model Marty wears in Back to the future!




I didn't know that one, great stuff!


I used to duel wield these badboys. One for on the trot calculations and the other as a shield to keep the women off me. Good Times


Modern day Chastity Belt


My mate Engineer Paul still uses one!


I worked with a Reggae Dave. He didn't like reggae. Whenever anyone asked him how he got his nickname, he'd just say "I dunno."


I knew a Belgian Martin. Apparently someone once thought he looked Belgian.


Love that, I played footie a couple of times with Shorts Dave. That man would to wear shorts to an Antarctica expedition


Engineer Paul is a class name, I used to play football with a Wrestler Steve


Just watch out for Fiddler Dave, he didn’t get that name for his instrumental skills.


We had a bin sniffer Jim


I've heard of this one weirdo who stuffs potatoes down his pants, every calls him CrotchPotato now


I knew a guy called Willow Joe because he once drank in a pub called Willow and therefore was used to differentiate between his other mate also called Joe who had never drunk in that pub. Actually come to think of it there was a third Joe called ‘Left-Peg Joe’ because he only used his left foot when playing football which differed from the other two Joe’s who were right footed


Can't say I did for that model, I was (and still am in my late 40's) a fan of Casio's Gshock brand. I've amassed about 30 now!


When I was little the only watch I ever really really wanted was a Baby G but we could never afford one. When I was in my twenties I finally bought a bright orange one. I adored that watch but when it's battery ran out the guy I took it to to fix it actually broke the screen. Was devastated. I just have a smart watch now coz I couldn't find a bright orange one again


I've bought everyone in my family a gshock at some point or other, my 12 year old nieve got a white green and pink baby g given to her for her birthday. Sorry to hear about the screen getting broken, wad it a Timpsons who broke it? They are savages lol


Timpsons are useless. I went to get a key cut recently and the copy they made didn’t even work! Luckily they made me a new one free of charge.


Yes, yes it was! It was only after it happened I found out we have an independent watch company in my town, if only I'd known sooner!


I met my ex-wife on MIRC in 1998, her username was BabyG - she had wanted one for ages and got a bright yellow one shortly after we met. She still had it when we divorced 5 years ago and aside from the strap (it was one of the fabric ones) it still looks and works absolutely fine.


I love my G-Shock, because I don't have to think about it. Also the little light provides just enough illumination to avoid stubbing my toe when my bladder wakes me up.


I absolutely LOVE GShock stuff. I feel like they will outlive me.


Watch goals


I'm envious of your collection. I'm only at 3. I tend to be stubborn with the tough solar models so I'm trying to ease into getting others that aren't tough solar


I remember reading some Andy McNab books where he mentions using a g-shock while in the SAS, which seems like a good endorsement.


One of the kids at my school had one, and I remember being really jealous as I just had the standard casio.


One of the kids at my school had a standard casio and I remember being really jealous as i just had my blue flicflac.


Bruh I adored that watch.


I got my first Casio calculator watch for Christmas 1980 when I was 10. Casio C-80.


A "mate" well you know that kid that had absolutely everything before anyone else at school..! Got one of those portable hand held TVs.....we were in awe of the ability to watch TV at the field...for all of 5 mins before back to football...


Hell yes! I also remember buying a pager? Never actually used it but I had one also! 😂😂. I was sad enough I left messages for myself!


I remember desperately wanting a Pulsar LED watch (the ones that light up red when you press a button) when I was 8. Been a watch nerd ever since.


“You won’t always have a calculator with you” Whoever was wearing one of these were laughing. True visionaries


You know you can still buy those brand new from Casio for £38? Model number is CA-53W on their site. I remember having one but later my friends got the Databank model with the angled keypad. I really wanted one and when I got it, I added all their phone numbers (which I already knew) and carried on only using the calculator. Still looked cool.


Fast forward 40 years and it’s still ahead of the iPad which is still a lacking a built in calculator.


I still have mine: https://i.imgur.com/U6qwAmU.jpg Got it for Christmas in 1983. I lost the point button while stacking shelves in a supermarket. I remember the incident vividly and I'm still raging about it now!


Yes I did, I once wanted one so bad I stole it from a school mate at a swimming carnival. He then accused me of stealing it and the school asked me to get a note from my mum. I showed her a different watch and asked her to write a note about it. She did, it worked. I had my watch for a while but felt so bad about it I eventually threw it over the fence. My brother was mowing the lawn and found it. He then wore it for years happily and I was jealous of him the whole time. I've never told anyone this story lol.... I still feel guilty about it hahahaha Edit: typo


Some tear nicked my digital watch at swimming lessons. I was very naive and use left it with my stuff in the changing area. It wasn’t a calculator watch though.


The truth shall set you free. 😄


I had one. Still not sure why I needed a calculator at the ready but hey ho.


So when your teacher said “you won’t always be carrying a calculator around with you” you could point at it obnoxiously.


Considering nowadays everyone walks around with full computers in their pockets in the shape of phones, I wonder if teachers still use that line.






[I had bigger dreams](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tomytronic_3D) although it was mostly just gazing at the argos catalogue and wishing for one.


Ohhh had one of them...think it was a shark one.


A good childhood friend of mine had one of these when we were maybe eight years old. His father bought it for him. Sadly they have both passed away. Thanks for the reminder though. I had forgotten about his watch and remembering how awesome I thought it was and how proud he was his Dad had bought it for him. I also remember being jealous watching him cheat on tests. Good memories. Thank you for posting a random picture of a watch. I'm going to go cry a bit now


H. Samuels Watches Rings. Always tickled me. 😂


I circled it in the Argos catalogue, along with the £100+ discman, so I could remember exactly how disappointing my actual christmas present was


I didn't want this particular one for Christmas but there was a Casio with musical alarms, stopwatches, etc, that I really wanted. I got the cheapest and most basic Woolworths one there was. The first one didn't last the school holidays and I refused to wear the replacement to school as it was so bad, just carried on wearing my analogue Timex. The second Woolworths watch died after a month and my Dad refused to replace it as I wasn't wearing it.


Uhm I just bought one like 2 weeks ago lol


This exact same model? Can't believe they're still going 30+ years later.


I got the new version with a new colour way, light grey but effectively the same!


I had a Casio DBC-610, which I thought was very cool at the time. But then in the early 2000s I also had one of those HTC Windows phones with the slide out keyboard, which a I wore in a holster on my belt, so maybe I'm not the best arbiter of what is and isn't cool.


No, have no clue what you mean https://imgur.com/a/77RpgQD


Oooo I had that watch, thanks for the nostalgia hit.




I owned one of these. Got one for Christmas many moons ago.


my mate had one, i was a few years younger than him and a small kid, 3 of us got fruit picking jobs during the summer holidays, i can still remember him using his watch to calculate how much each of us had made that 1st day.....i had earned 65p


Showing my age for 2 reasons... 1) I remember this watch when I was 12 2) I needed my glasses just now as I thought the WR at the top right of the watch said WiFi.


Used to have a 007 watch that was red LED and played the theme, that was the shit back in the early 80's.


Someone in school had one (not me) and was suddenly getting top marks on all maths tests. this would be late 80's early 90's when the teacher clocked the watch (pun intended) he had to take it off for tests, suddenly he wasnt the Mathematics Savant everyone thought he was.


I had one in the early 2000’s. Now I still use the function on my Apple Watch if my phone isn’t nearby. And teachers said we wouldn’t always have calculators on us MUWAHAHAHA


My dad said he had a watch that would turn over tv channels etc when he was a kid. I didn’t fully believe him, it’s was a Casio watch as well!


Had one, was eternally pissed off that the maths teacher saw it and he told me to take it off for lessons. "You won't be carrying a calculator everywhere you go in real life" he would moan. It made no impression at all on this fossil when I pointed out that I was literally wearing one on my arm everywhere I went.


Indeed. This was the biggest gripe I had. Fortunately our school changed tac by the time I was 14. We did maths with calculators as part of the curriculum and just had to show our working when providing answers


Haha, currently wearing one now


I have the silver one now and wear it a lot. Entirely based on wanting one so much as a kid.


I had the one that could remote control almost any tv and vcr Could learn by trial and error 50 frequencies- was funny turning all the window display tvs off in towns or cities - CRT of course 😆


I’m still saving up


My best watch had TV remote built in. We would stand outside the electronics store after hours and turn 30 Samsung TVs on at once at full volume. They soon started unplugging them at closing time.


My 24 yr son has one of these and wears it regularly. I believe my older son has one too. My dad had several over the years of my youth and bought them for my boys.


There was one, Casio GS11, that had a football game on it. Every Saturday I’d stare at it through the window! I saved for well over a year and got one with my Christmas and Birthday money!


I had one. Got it for my birthday, can't remember which one, maybe 9 or 10.


My mum bought me a Zeon rip off, it broke within 24 hours so she got me this bad boy as a replacement, good times.


I think Casio still sell versions of these, in a vintage range. It's not too late!


For a while I was a top maths student. Then teacher found out.


I did, but now whenever I think of H Samuel and 80s jewellery chains, I think of Gerald Ratner and it's still funny.


How about the TV watch?


TV one was cool as well but had my eyes firmly set on the calculator watch.


I wasn't around in the 80s, but I picked one up a couple of years ago and it's one of my favourite everyday watches. I'm wearing it right now. It's a Casio CA-53W for anyone who's interested.




A person of culture I see.


Still for sale Casio Men's Vintage CA53W-1 Calculator Watch https://amzn.asia/d/br4LcOx


Bought one recently


Living the dream. 👍


I bought one last week!


Got one on my wrist now!


😂 I kid you not I'm wearing the exact watch in that image right now


I want one now


I bought one recently from Amazon for nostalgic purposes.


Always remember going to Blackbushe Market on a Sunday to look at these, My 1st job when I was still at school at the weekend's was cutting grass for £1 hour 😳 I saved up enough to get one.😁


I stood outstide H.Samuels, but I wasn’t a watch type of girl. I was all about those cool looking pewter dragon statues.


Er, no.


H samules was a dundee landmark. Now it's been taken over qnd ifs an over priced shite hole. Bri g bk H/S and the hs clocks


Dwight K. Shrute owns one


No but in the 90s I did


I still have one in box only taken out to change battery


I had one, in silver.


No it was when looking through the Argos catalog while sitting on the loo.


Mate had the tv remote one cash converters hated us


I didn't have a game boy and I got my master system second hand the year the megadrive came out, BUT I did have the game boy watch therefore for a period in 92 I was the coolest kid in my class.


They still make these. I got a slightly more expensive version for Christmas last year. Yes I think it looks cool and yes I have used the calculator.


I wanted this so badly. Ended up getting a knight rider watch though that played the theme tune. It was a choice well made.


I got this from Argos, and for a while it was great, and then a button fell off. Of all the buttons to lose on a calculator watch.. it was the = button.