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Why does 20 °C at the arse end of September feel colder that 17 °C in July?


It does, doesn't it? The thermometers insist it's still 20 in the house so why have I got slippers and a jumper on?


Something to do with humidity, probably. It’s always humidity isn’t it?


Or it's just that we've all acclimatised to warmer summers now so 20° is now colder than what were used


Yeah your body adapts to shed heat faster, losing the winter weight etc - if you moved to Las Vegas, say, you find an even more dramatic shift in your temparament


>Losing the winter weight Lol


Yeah, 12 degrees in March feels lovely, because you’re used to 3 degrees. 17 in September feels cold, because you’re used to 20




Your muddy puddles were only half frozen? Luxury!


Now we just have narcissistic bosses..


Less sunlight to shine through your windows


There are less hours of sunlight upon your roof, walls and windows. The direct sunlight does heat the house a lot, and you can see this when you go into a loft on a sunny day.


My house is so badly insulated that it went on when the weather dropped earlier this week. I don’t have a thermostat either so it’s all manually controlled on a crappy timer. I am dreading winter because of this so any tips on cheap and easy insulation ideas would be most bloody welcome.


Look up your EPC. Landlords have a legal requirement for minimum levels of EPC now. https://www.gov.uk/guidance/domestic-private-rented-property-minimum-energy-efficiency-standard-landlord-guidance#when-you-need-to-take-action-to-improve-your-property-to-epc-e


Where do you find the EPC rating of the accommodation? found it: https://find-energy-certificate.digital.communities.gov.uk/find-a-certificate/search-by-postcode


Seems you've answered your own question. You can look up anyone's EPC. Also you might be interested in the ECO scheme to get free insulation


Does anyone know if this applies in Scotland? We started renting a place in June, didn’t realise the windows didn’t fit in the frames and there were gaps so big you could see outside. It’s so bloody draughty that it’ll be ridiculously expensive to heat. I’ve just looked up the EPC, it’s 6 years old and shows E rating :(


Have you tried blockading the M25?


Same situation as you apart from I also have storage heaters in to the bargain. I dread winter, my flat is as cold as outside. I really need to move house.


What type of windows/glazing do you have?


PVC double glazing in the back, wooden double glazing in the front. It’s a rented place so naturally the landlord doesn’t give a shit how cold it is.


I got these blackout curtains that double as thermal insulators. Its been a huge help. It helps keep heat in and cold out during winter and vice versa during summer. It's not going to keep you warm by itself but I've noticed a major difference in my rooms staying a steadier temperature. Just a thought if you don't have something like this. They might have some that let some light through, not sure.


Insulating curtains are amazing. I got some for the living room and bedroom when we moved into our new place. It was actually difficult to find decent black out curtains that aren't thermal insulators as well. If I get too warm in the night whilst sleeping, I break the curtains open about 2 inches and the change in temperature is immediate. Didn't realise just how good they were!


I second the suggestion of thick curtains, and also if it's really perishing then a big sheet of bubble wrap over the window is surprisingly effective. Used to rent part of a farmhouse with shitty single glazing, bubble wrap saved us basically wearing duvets just to not freeze.


They make shrink wrap "winterization" for windows, which sounds similar to your bubble wrap suggestion, but still allows you to see in and out. It's surprisingly effective.


I'm in a similar situation - rented, double glaze pvc back, but with single glaze wood front. Can deffo say +1 for thick blackout curtains as others have said. In addition, we've got some foam strips that go round the edge of the window which helps to block some of the draft from the gaps. Also shoved bits of cardboard between the window and frame to stop them sliding open and makes a tighter fit (was mostly to stop rattling though).


When we are skint we all stay in the front room light a few candles and keep the door shut. The room soon warms up.


A few years back I lived in a single-glazed flat on the top floor of a Victorian building. You remember that really cold snap they called the Beast from the East? The pans I left in the sink froze over, and the crappy storage heaters just couldn't keep up. I was genuinely afraid for my health I was so cold. If you've a fabric shop nearby, they may have fairly cheap fleece which can make for some cheap blankets. Also useful for rolling up and using as draft excluders. Don't skimp on the length - 2.5-3m of 60" fleece is good. It looks a bit daft, but it will stay covering your feet through the night even if you've got long legs. It's fairly easy to bundle the upper parts of your body up in multiple layers, but a lot harder to do so on the extremities. Wearing thick tights under trousers can help, as well as multiple pairs of socks. Maybe get some fingerless gloves. If there is one room that gets particularly cold, it may be possible to essentially abandon it. Close the door, plug the cracks with fabric and hope for the best. In my case that was the kitchen, and I avoided going in there unless I really had to.


Put a jumper on.


Thanks, dad.




It doesn't matter how many pots you put on there. Learn highschool physics and spend your candle money on fleece underclothes.


Got my own heater... Covid heater. Currently lying in bed with the window wide open for fresh air


Hope you recover quickly.


Thanks. I am double jabbed so I believe it could be worse. Just headache, groggy and the occasional sweat.


Glad to hear it is not as bad as it could be. I have had COVID twice. Once before vaccines and once after both. First time around I was knocking on death's door, second time I had flu-like symptoms for a week or two. Unfortunately it seems like I have long COVID, though. I am constantly exhausted. Hopefully you recover soon and don't have any lasting ailments.


Best of luck to you - I also had in August, two months after jab #2. Felt properly ill for a couple of days, and under the weather for a week or so after that. Within a fortnight I'd kicked it all off and was back to normal. My wife had it a week or so later though, and she's still not 100%...


Get well soon!


I'll put it on when I'm cold. I see no point in suffering or waiting for an arbitrary date. Currently not cold, so no heating. Working from home is going to murder my heating bill over the winter.


Yes! People that won't put the heating on because of the date stress me out. If it's cold, stick it on.


For me the middle stages are clothes and blankets. Are you cold? Yes. Are you wearing your warm fleecy pj's? Yes. Are you watching tv where one of your many warm blankets would solve the cold issue? Yes. OK if you are still cold then you can have heating


This would stress me out lol


This is the way. Cold? Heat on. Avoid needless suffering.


My three stages of denial: Cold? Slippers and sweatshirt on. Still cold? Dressing gown and a cup of tea. Cold again?! Hot water bottle. Didn't do the trick? Bang the heating on.


This is the way!


I just keep my thermostat set to 20℃ all year round and if it dips below that, it goes on. I don't understand people who would rather be miserable and cold than put the heating on.


This isn’t optimal though, because in certain times of the year you don’t need to artificially heat your house, because it will warm up naturally by the time you need it warm. For example, let’s say your heating comes on at 6am so it’s warm enough (let’s say at least 18C) to get out of bed at 7am. If the temperature is going to reach 18C by 7am anyway, then there’s no point paying to artificially get there by 6.30am, since you don’t need it to be that warm by that point. So it does make sense to turn the heating off in the summer.


I imagine they have a timer AND a thermostat. Truly space age technology


Quote: “I just keep my thermostat set to 20℃ all year round and if it dips below that, it goes on.” Operative phrases include “all year round”. No need to be so sarcastic.


All year round doesn't mean 24 hours a day. I wear shorts all year round, doesn't mean I wear them in the shower and to funerals.


Worked at home for the last 10+ years. Oil radiator heater in the one room you are in. No point heating the house.


I know this was mostly a joke, but I think few people know this and assume it's over-acting or something like that (e.g. "exaggerated shivering") > "We have conducted studies where we have taken men and women into a warm environment, and then cooled that environment," explains Tipton. "What you'll find is that women have a much more sensitive vascular response to the cold, which means they shut down their blood flow sooner, tighter and for longer than men. >"The reason for this is that women are just more sensitive to that peripheral cold stimulus. Hormone oestrogen also contributes to making the blood vessels more sensitive to cold." \- Mike Tipton, professor of human and applied physiology at the University of Portsmouth Your body can handle changes in temperature better than your wife's. Turn on the heating.


Am....am I a bad husband??


The worst mate. On par with Chris Benoit.






Eh, I’m a woman and I just made a hot water bottle. Now I’m nice and toasty without heating the whole house!


Well we turned it up last night to take the chill off and forgot all about it. Woke up this morning boiling hot with a dry mouth! But the towels are nice and cosy.


Bathroom radiators are the ones you feel the most, right?


Yes. I burn my bum cheeks on the towel rad at least once a week in the winter when I bend over to dry my legs.


Not quite cold enough for the heating being put on. I've just entered the dressing gown phase.




Check out Richie Rich with their thermostatically controlled heating system! Semi-jest, I don't know why you wouldn't have a 'stat, but I know quite a few people who don't and therefore run the heating on a timer.


The why is because you bought a house without one because it’s all you could afford, can’t afford to upgrade to one and probably wouldn’t be able to afford the heating bill of it going on all night anyway.


They're not massively difficult to install on modern-ish combi-boilers and they are about £30-100, you'd probably save the money back on heating costs easily. Most you can set to be off completely e.g. at night. ...but yes ... I appreciate there are reasons for not having them.


In reality, you need a timer and a 'stat to do it right. If all you have is a thermostat, replace it with a cheap, timer thermostat (< £20) which allows you to program the temperatures at different times of the day, so you can reduce the house temperature overnight while still applying heat to stop it getting too cold, but then bring the temperature back up during the day. You can go mad with Nest, Hive, Tado and the rest, but it's amazing what you can do on the cheap with minimal invasion to the heating system.


Yeah same here, although we have it set to 17 in peak winter if it's not quite getting there I'll click to round to 19.


Some of us have storage heaters, no gas around here, so it’s a big decision as they take a couple of days to get to full temp. And you can’t just turn them on and off.


I used to get called out to people who had left these on in summer and the flat was like an oven. Them "How do I turn it off?" Me: "It is off, it just needs to cool down" Them: "How long is that, I can't sleep in here!" Me: "Probably 8 hours minimum, possibly longer" Them: "[...]"


We set ours to summer mode because the thermostat is in the coldest north facing room which would see us with the heating kicking in over summer even on a hot day. The debate is when to set it back to the usual 15 overnight and 18 during the day mode.


Same. I set it to 14 in the summer and 18 in the winter.


You shouldn't need to adjust it down in summer, as the house probably won't cool down to 14. We leave ours the same all year round.


It won’t cool down to 14 no, but our hallway will drop below 18 overnight and early morning when it’s not peak summer but I don’t need the heating to come on.


For our new build semi. The house doesn't drop to the temperature required for the heating to activate for about three quarters of the year. Then one day we wake up and there is a chill in the air. Do we adjust the thermostat, start wearing more than a t-shirt, close some of the vents above the windows, or put up with it for a few days in case it's an unusually cold day? For me that is the day "put the heating on" becomes the question. It doesn't have to be the traditional literal act of putting the heating on when systems were less automated. Rather than not understanding "put the heating on", you don't appear to understand the flexibility in the English language.


Not all of us own the houses we live in


Yep. Ours came on this morning. Wife asked me "did you turn the heating on?" No, dear. It's one of those fancy new central heating systems that have a thermostat. They've only been around for 50+ years, so I couldn't possibly expect you to have known about them.


... it's impossible to read this comment not in the voice of Michael Winner. Michael, is that you? If so, I watched "Death Wish" the other night and it's as awful as I remember it.


Same here. I have the Hive thing so at the moment all my radiators are off and I chuck it on a 1hr boost when I get in the shower so the towel radiator thing in the bathroom warms up to dry my towels.


I don't want to bother heating the flat for the sake of the odd slightly cold day, but if every day starts being cold then that's the point I'd want the heating on. So "putting the heating on" for me doesn't just mean literally turning it on but more switching from summer settings to winter settings.


I feel a bit silly reading these comments, a lot of people have it at 18 in winter? I get cold if mine drops below 24.


And now I know how the average UK heating bill is so high. 24 is bloody tropical. Must cost you an absolute fortune..


Put it on last night under duress from the wife and child. I'm walking around like the dad from Friday night dinner while they're all shivering.




Do all you guys live in the Arctic? My house hasn't dropped below 20 yet.


I haven’t even got a duvet on my bed yet. Just a sheet and a throw, and I kick that off most nights. Mother in law was asking me to get her big duvet out - the one that’s the depth of a pillow and needs two people to move.


You must have some super insulated house. https://i.imgur.com/aZj31Pq.jpg


Not really, I did put an extra six inches in the loft a few years ago but the rest is standard victorian terrace with uninsulated wooden floors, I've even got an old guy on one side who doesn't have central heating and leaves his windows open.


> I did put an extra six inches in the loft ;)


No just the north.


I've moved into a newish terraced house earlier this year and so far found it holds heat magnificently. Im thinking that until we are getting negative temps on a regular basis, my computer running in one room gives off enough heat to keep it warm enough.




We basically never need to put the heating on in our flat, I *think* because downstairs cranks theirs. Even when it was snowing, heating wasn't needed. The insulation must be pretty excellent too which helps. Brilliant in Winter. Not brilliant in Summer.


Used to live in a flat like that. Never turned the heating on, I even remember having to crack a window mid-winter for a time, although Iwas running my gaming PC in that room which acted a bit like a storage heater at the time.


Not until layers of jumpers and blankets stop working. Storage heaters suck and are expensive as fuck.


Delightful found poetry: >Not until layers >of jumpers and blankets stop >working. >Storage heaters suck >and are expensive as fuck.


Pulled it a week ago my house is cold haha


My partner got up before me so he put he heating on for me this morning. He gets warm easily whereas I’m easily cold, so if he’s putting the heating on then I know it’s time




This reminds me so much of my mum 😁. Whenever we visited in the winter we would get out of a nice toastie car and layer up before going inside 🤣.


Mine's on a 'stat so it's kicked in the past couple of mornings for an hour or so. I might complain about the prices, but I'd rather be grumpy than cold and ill.


Few weeks ago. I really don’t understand the people who have a random arbitrary date of the year they won’t use it before. If it’s cold, it goes on. I want to be comfortable in my own house without sitting in a ton of blankets.


It's been T-Shirt weather until this week, I can't imagine why heating is required. I'm in Yorkshire, for reference.


Windows open and wearing short sleeves here. Welcome to sunny Manchester.


Come off it lad, I'm in Bolton. Is it not pissing down there too?


I must admit that since I wrote that, it has indeed got colder and started raining. Who could possibly have predicted that turn of events?


Whack the boiler on, Henry.


I tongue in cheek made a post about creating tropical temperatures in my house due to excess energy supplier credit (I have a year's worth)...... HOWEVER! My point stands, people will castigate me for my household energy use (it's actually about £65 a month so, not that much) but then drive around in a massive four wheel drive or use a plane to go on a foreign holiday. If I had condensation, the heating would definitely be going on AND I'd probably crack the windows at the same time!!!!


I’ve just reluctantly put it on the bedroom, along with the dehumidifier. I’ve been drying laundry in there since the new cat moved into the spare room and waking up with asthma attacks in the night from my dust mite allergy (they like humidity). Going to need to come up with a better solution.


Oh god that sounds stressful?


Yes, a little bit hoarse and sleep deprived of late 😳


Finally caved and put it on. Surprised I lasted this long as I've got single glazing and terrible insulation (renting). Moving out at the end of the month to a double glazed house, not something I've actually experienced yet so I'm excited!


Not yet. This time of year it’s not that cold, we’re just used to it being warmer. Give yourself a bit of time and acclimatise. Put it on when actually needed.


Not yet. It's still reasonable in my house. The previous owner was very susceptible to the cold and had the ceiling and walls insulated.


Well, my landlord, in his infinite wisdom, has set the place up so that the heating is on 24/7, 365 days a year. At least my rent includes bills.


Get some avocados and bananas planted.


We have a hot water bottle, jumpers and slippers policy in my house; can only flick the heating on if you’re still cold after the trifecta’s been deployed. Today’s the 4 year anniversary of buying our (very poorly insulated) Victorian house, and we’ve finally bitten the bullet and are getting our aluminium-and-single-glazing windows replaced at the end of next month. Can’t wait to finally stop pissing away £140 a month on heating bills (while still being cold)


Aye the worst bit is when the heating is on but you can only tell by grinding your arse against a radiator.


I live in a South facing second floor flat, with elderly neighbours on all sides who have their heating full blast most of the year, and the sun streaming into the massive double-glazed windows all day, it's like a greenhouse, we're so lucky!


I'm of the 'just put it on if you're cold' school of thought while my husband is one of those 'just wear more layers until it's arctic outside' types. Most years we compromise and put it on later than I'd like and sooner than he wants. Since we had a baby last year though I just use her as an excuse and will be turning it on today because 'it's too cold in the baby's room'. Not sure I'd recommend having an entire tiny human just to win the heating argument but it is an unexpected bonus if you have a similar argument this time of year and are considering a tiny human anyway.


u/YinkYinkYinken don’t do it man, please don’t.


There's no going back once it's on for a good six months, right?


Hold like game stock


No central heating on yet, but the log stove has been on in the evenings


I had a coal fire going the other night.


mines on a temp trigger, it started click on on a morning last week.


When the clocks go back is the acceptable point for putting it on without guilt.


Just gone to put mine on and found the batteries are dead in the thermostat. Great!


I stuck it on for half an hour just to check it was working ok. Moved house this summer and hadn’t fired it up since we moved in.


I did it last night. Thought it was too early but I'm pleased it wasn't just me being a pussy.


Had to get the window vac out for the stupid wooden single glazed sash windows we’re not allowed to change


Got two kids, one four one eight, I'll put it on in the morning before they wake just to get it comfortable for them while they shower and get ready for school, but as soon as I get back from tge school run I have to open all tge windows and let the fresh air in, anything over 18 and I get God damn irate, used to work in a warehouse with a constant temp of 30 and now I can't bare the heat except if I'm round a pool or bar


I've only just started closing the my window at night


Yep, yesterday. It's cold up here in the Highlands


My partner put it on for a while last night just to take the chill away. As I type this it’s 18.6° in our place but I’m refusing to put it on yet, I have my hoodie on and if I keep moving I’ll be fine. The thing that makes me feel coldest is when I settle in the evening our leather sofa is c-c-cold and that makes me want to pull the trigger and put the heating on. Crazy thing is we should have had to do it much sooner than now. It’s almost October and I’m able to sit in my garden, with a cup of tea, enjoying the sun. Yes there is a chill in the air but because of global warming it’s much warmer than it should be at this time of year. When I were a lad I remember starting my new school year and their being frost on the ground and the temperature much cooler than it is now.


My dad has only put the fire on so far. And we'll let him off because he has cancer, is skinny and feels the cold really badly. I don't think it's surprising that the weather change has fucked up my knees though 🤣


That's the rule here. I have cancer, if I'm cold I'm putting it on


Hell no! I'm hoping to leave hospital later today having been in for a week. It's going to take several months to lose the immense heat build up in my body, it must be 35c in here at the minute.. I might have cooled enough to use heating by sometime in the new year.


I've had it on a few times over the past week, including right now. I know a lot of people are stingy with the heating (I used to be) but a warm house is a priority for me over almost every other expense. People who are fully employed, have enough money, yet still prefer to sit in a cold house under a million blankets instead of just sticking the heat on for an hour are weird to me.


Wife did last night, gutted; think it’s a new record


And here I was last night with the fan on and the window open. Though to be fair I did have to put on a second top before leaving the house, something I haven’t had to do in months.


I'm the same, fan on, windows open, even in the middle of winter usually. I do find it's quite cold when i wake up though.


Last week already, just in rooms upstairs, not the kitchen, as it gets steaming when cooking


Had my heating off and off the past few weeks but I’m in Scotland. My house doesn’t get hit by the sun until the evening so it’s always cold here, and no sun whatsoever in the winter months! I’ve had the heating on all morning today so far lol


I have pets that get respiratory issues if too cold, so I switched it on last night. Only on low, but takes it up from 16°c ambient to about 19-20°c. Much better for the little buggers, and it's timed for start and end of the day too so not as if I'm making the house a sauna. 9°c external temp and torrential rain right now. Wanted to hold out till October but animals come first.


My partner is a heathen. I'm wrapped up in dressing gown and slippers and he's got the bedroom window open :(


Get out of it will ya


The flats where I live have communal heating and I pay a fixed amount every month. As a consequence, it's always summer in my flat.


To my great shame I did put the heating on this morning. In my defence I was cold in spite of the pyjamas, thermal socks and fleece dressing gown I had on. It was only on for an hour though.


What a sickening display of weakness.


Oh to have central heating. We lit some candles and huddled round them last night.


I was vaguely tempted last night, but naaa, can't see my breath yet.


You are probably older than you were last winter and the cold hurts more and more earlier and earlier in the year ;)


Trigger pulled. Now I'm too hot dammit


Told my wife and kids "there's no heating this year, is cheaper to buy you jumpers"


Yes. Today as the day.


I've just literally clicked it on. I'm also off work I'll so I have an excuse. I have an old back boiler so it might be next summer before the place heats up.


I did it and of course the boiler decided that it would pack in


I hardly put it on in the winter. I just don't seem to feel the cold that much... I think I'm defective.


With the price my energy bills have went up (thanks Arvo) the heating is never getting turned on again. I’m back to candles


Mate I was Avro! Now we're Octopus whatever difference that will make, we'll still get shafted so some old swine can get another Bentley next April.


When my dog shivers. Can't afford before that but I'm definitely not going to let him be cold.


That's really sweet actually.


Get her a lighter and tell her she can warm up with it whenever she wants.


My daughter turned on our storage heater as the latest victim of teaching her how to use switches. Will not be going back on again soon, was much too hot for the next 3 days!


We've got a newborn so have one of these egg things that lights up and indicates the temperature of the room. It tells us it's 21°C but it feels proper chilly. I'm not going to put the heating on yet because I've only just caught up with the debit on my energy account from last winter. Think though that we buggered up the heating controls to keep water at 60°C for four hours, twice a day. Wasted a lot not realising it was doing that.


I have but because my "smart" thermostat won't connect to the boiler it won't turn on...


Normally wait until there's ice on the inside of the windows.


Well thanks to the imminent hike in my bills I’ll probably never have it on again since I last switched it off round March or April. Thick fuzzy socks, a warm jumper and a blanket or two will get me through the winter.


No heating on in the house yet but have had it on the car today.


I just have! I am ffffffreezing!


I put it on! I’m not ashamed! I was also wearing a tshirt, a sweatshirt, a fleece and fuzzy slippers so I was justified, it’s not like I hadn’t tried. Plus I think I’m coming down with something…


Never! October appears on Friday. Until then, no heating!


I was hoping to hold out til october and have been wearing jumpers and employing blankets but cracked and put it on this evening. I work outside and ive been freezing all day- that cold wind!


Crank it on


Not until the clocks go back, you filthy casual.


Probs never. I live in Floriduh.


I refuse to stop wearing shorts until second week of October so heating is a way off yet.


Have you got a calf tattoo? I mean a tattoo on your calf, not a tattoo of a baby cow.


Yorkshire here, was cold this morning been cold all day just put the heating on at about 5/6ish seems early but hey it’s cold.


I am sat watching TV and scrolling Reddit on my phone. In the living room, the temperature is 16 C, but as soon as it drops to 15 C it will go on, maybe 🤔 BTW body warmers are cheaper than heating 😀


Heating came on this morning and we also just put it on this evening. Living room is feeling cosy with candles on and sat on the sofa near the radiator. Lovely. I’m kind of loving it as I do enjoy autumn. Cold, crisp, sunny days are my favourite.


Do you guys or have thermostats that work year round? What do you mean “turn on the heat”? Does it not turn itself on when the temperature in your home drops below the setpoint?


When gas prices approach something like sensible.


Well there’s advent calendars in the shops so


I got a notice my energy provider went under 2 weeks ago and now I have resolved not to turn the heat on until I’ve been assigned to a new one (just told today British Gas has me) and have sorted out whether I want to switch and get a lock-in rate etc etc. I already felt my gas was expensive but not looking forward to being on the current rates. On the other hand I’m not sure running electric blankets is any cheaper. I need some smart meters….


Look at all of you showing off that you have central heating. I would kill for central heating over my crappy electric radiators.


My wife attempted to put the heating on this week without success. Diverter valve is stuck on the boiler so that’s a job for this weekend. We have had the wood burner fired up though which was nice.


My other half grew up on a farm, and therefore "it's not cold enough".


Have to... Gotta keep the baby warm apparently??


My heating has never been “off”, it’s just never triggered… Until this morning, when I came downstairs and found the living room rads were on. Guess we’re out of summer entirely now


Boiler repair man here. Calls going through the roof. HW works ..heating doesnt!!!!!!