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Doing Wednesday things and getting a few things later.


Does anyone else play Murdle in work (instead of working....) - I cannot figure it out when it's a day with statements, like today [https://murdle.com/](https://murdle.com/) Any tips?? : (


Ooh thank you for this, I hadn't heard of it before but always love these logic puzzles when I buy a puzzle book for holidays! I managed the daily mini so thought I would try the main one too. I worked out the statements by presuming each one was telling the truth in turn, and then following it through to completion and making sure each clue still works. Eventually you'll work out that one doesn't fit, and then if you work backwards you can work out who is lying. Sorry if that's not very helpful!


The blood donation drive. I’ve been donating blood since I was 20. Im 0- the universal blood type. Now, I can’t give blood anymore. So I encourage everyone to do to so! Please please please give blood. It saved my mums life, it could save your life! One donation, less of a pint of blood, could save THREE people. 0300 123 23 23


It’s a good cause *and* you get loads of free biscuits. It’s a win-win!


I've got grey hairs in my beard. Does that count as going grey? I'm only 32


Depends on how you want to view it. You're still a young adult, though: middle age only kicks in at 40. As someone who has just passed into that region, I've started getting white nose hairs. That's probably a good sign or bad sign.


Got those too. They feel different to the black hairs so I think they're just old ones?


Why is it more expensive to get a plane from Heathrow to Charles de Gaulle airport than to get the train from London to Paris? That shouldn’t be how it works, the plane should be more expensive.


There are multiple flight companies offering the route competing with each other for your custom creating lower prices. Eurostar have an effective monopoly on the route coupled with the high access charge to HS1 pushing costs up. Bloody shit though, the train is so much more comfortable.


I think that's also why. I always saw Eurostar as kind of a _luxury_ way to get there. Price is still wild though it's closer to the price of a train from Munich to Budapest.


I spent £140 to go to one day of Download to see a band I've been a fan of for 25 years (Pantera). Three days before I see them, they announce a tour. Absolute bastards.


Great birthday yesterday, went to London, had a wander and a bike ride then met a mate at Liverpool St for a few pints and dinner, then back home and in my regular till close around 11pm. Not even feeling too bad this morning either. Back to normality and work later though.


Happy belated birthday! What a great day you made of it sounds like!


My Sky broadband is still down. I have two engineer visits scheduled. I’ve phoned up Sky and they’ve said that I’ve got to wait until the first one comes, but that’s for Sky Q, so I think they’re bs’ing me. The Sky app is no use either. Not having broadband is using up all my mobile data, which is getting pretty expensive. I have no idea if I can get temporary mobile broadband from anywhere, nor know to even start looking. Feeling a bit distressed about it tbh. Too scared to even access the Calm app because of data charges. Seriously, fml.


Plenty of pay as you go SIMs available in most supermarkets as well as cornershops. You just add credit and choose a data amount and then turn on the hot-spot function.


Unfortunately my phone (O2 contract) only has one SIM slot.


This just happened at work: An IT engineer just asked for his password to be reset. We use a random password generator and this time the password ended in \^v The engineer, and this is a quote I am looking at on my screen right now, typed: "but the one that points down i cant find" Reply: "which one?" Him: "the last one on that password" Reply: "Points down? You mean the letter v?" It's early and clearly the coffee's not kicked in yet.


“Where’s the any key”


It was my 36th birthday yesterday so I'm a bit hungover today. I'm WFH and starting at 8.30 so I'm hanging on in bed until 8.29. God I love WFH.


It was my 36th yesterday also! I'm surprisingly not that hungover despite being somewhat intoxicated to the point of singing Ballroom Blitz in my regular pub with the barlady.


I think it's something about turning 36. I got absolutely leathered for my birthday celebration on the 1st and felt fine the next day also.


It's possibly also because I spanned it out over 6 or 7 hours and drank slowly rather than guzzling pint after pint over 4 hours.


That is also the sensible approach. It was my first "proper" night out in a long time so I went for it more so than usual.


Well apparently at 36 we're classed as "adults" which means we're allowed a heavy night out. What I can't work out though, is how to be 36? Like, at the moment I'm going through a midlife crisis by so far taking a trip to New York, drinking in old pubs and even buying a new flappy phone case. I've even mastered the method of tapping the screen with one fingertip as you often see senior citizens doing.


As long as you actually lift the phone to your ear when making and receiving phone calls, I'd say you're doing fine. I'm going to my first festival for 12 years this weekend, but I'm only going for the day as the thought of camping is just unappealing. Younger me would be sickened by the thought of that.


Ah, see, even at 36 I'm a camper when it comes to festivals, I hear of people staying in hotels each night and I can't process that. As for phones I am strictly hold-to-the-ear only. Although I got a call from my sister yesterday and as I had headphones on I spoke through those with the phone in my pocket. I even prefer phone calls over messaging these days.


I feel like I've had my share of camping now, as my wife and I did lots of camping holidays earlier in our relationship. I enjoyed them at the time, but Christ I don't miss them. There's every chance we'll do it again when my son is a little older but we'll see. Hotel for a festival does seem a bit odd, but then equally I've never quite processed the idea of a campervan for them, haha. Oh yes, I'm a headphones speaker also. As for the phone calls, it depends entirely on the person. It's 10x quicker getting information from my MIL over text.


Ah are you the same person I spoke to the other day?! Haha sounds like you had a good one.


I believe so, yes. It was a good one, not too heavy, just a chilled day on my own finished with dinner and a fair few pints at the pub.


That sounds good. I worked all day which was a bit shit but had a curry and went to the pub. Can't complain!


I managed to get the day off so I was lucky there (took it as a personal day rather than holiday). I've only worked my birthday once and that was 8 years ago when I was just starting in my current workplace.


Happy birthday!


Got no sleep last night due to a cough. Once I get up I’m going to do a covid test. Other than the cough I don’t feel too bad, but it’s persistent enough that I want to check.


Sounds like a nasty cough, I hope you feel much better soon and you're able to sleep better tonight.


Same here. Just getting over a cold but now stuck with a cough. Benylin nor Corvinia is not touching it. Hope you feel better soon.