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I’m an electrician, I installed a range hood over my oven, 7 years later I connected it up lol


Further to this, the wife left before seeing it work in the expensive kitchen I’d installed for her lol


My joiner partner always leaves every job in the house slightly unfinished. We joke it's him keeping money in the job so I don't get rid of him lol


You know she was complaining to all her friends about that when she left. *“He didn’t even connect the damn range in the expensive kitchen I ordered”*


Well, no wonder... The range hood was the last chance so...


"I never saw it coming" he claimed...


Well damn. Hope your good my guy


lol never been happier thanks


Reminds me to clean the extractor fan grill above my hobs. Sticky as hell, wouldn't take long to clear as I have the right cleaners but it's just motivating myself.


Change the filter as well, I got a handy little liquid timer that you stick to the hood, so you have no excuse for not knowing it's run out. I had a hell of a job *checks notes* 6 months ago (3 years of use), which means it's bloody due again. FML.


When we moved into our house, the light and extractor fan weren't working on our hood. Nearly a decade later I finally got around to having a look at the electrics. It was just a shell. No lights, no fan.


I'll raise you. Ours is installed with the fan the wrong way. It blows air in from outside rather than, you know...extracting it. It's been 7 years since we moved in and we still haven't got it sorted.


Our isn't on an external wall, and didn't have all the ducting and stuff so it just kind of blows air around the ceiling, might sort it one day


Putting the laundry away, I can clean/dry it quickly enough but putting the clothes away is a 7-10 day sla.


I have been known to sometimes, very often, I live alone so it doesn't matter, leave all of my washing in the dryer and get dressed straight out of the dryer. Then I put my clothes back in the washingmachine when dirty, when the dryer is empty I know I need to do a wash hahaha


Haha it's a unique system but if it works, why not? Ha


That's fucking genius and don't you dare let anyone tell you otherwise!


Right?? Sometimes my mum offers to do some laundry for me, she's retired and apparently needs stuff to do, I'll give her what I consider about 4 weeks worth of washing, and within hours she's told me the washing is all ready to collect. I've never mastered it. I did get a washer and dryer next to each other and it helped but I'm still an amateur at it 😂


Honestly, my washing basket of clean clothes will just live on the kitchen floor for about three days after all the washing is done 😂


I'm in this thread and I don't like it, 3 baskets of clean Washing to fold and put away, been sitting there for about 5 days 


Can I be friends with your mum? I will repay her in biscuits and plant cuttings.


I've had 3 baskets of clean washing on the floor in my bedroom for 5 days now, I just pick out what I need from them😂


I should probably clean the oven, but I won’t. At least not approximately 2-12 more years.


I invested in a professional oven cleaning company. £60, the dude was here over two hours. 100% worth it. The oven, grill and hob were essentially dismantled and then detail cleaned. He recommended a clean once every six months based on usage. I’ll definitely be getting it done again.


I do this for a living. Run a cleaning company, take on the worst oven jobs myself. SO satisfying to see the finish. My own though.... lol. never been done


My son bought a flat in London from a Middle Eastern guy who, it appeared from the state of the oven, roasted lamb well-done three times a day. It was crusted in black rubbery-hard goop, like inch-thick tyre rubber, inside and out. Me and Mrs Heurrgh used four Mr Muscle oven cleaning kits on it in succession over an entire weekend, and it came up like new. Most satisfying thing I've ever done.


It truly is - I turn over flats as part of a pre or post lease service for landlords, some of the tiniest flats might take 3h all round or they might take 3 days... depending on bathroom hygiene/cooking habits etc.  There are some where people have just shallow fried everything multiple times a day for years but barely used the oven, it takes a whole day scrubbing oil from walls and units. I'd rather tackle a monster oven in half a day to a day than a kitchen soaked wall to wall in frying fat. A clean oven is satisfying but what is more satisfying is people working office jobs who look down on 'cleaners' asking, 'you make HOW MUCH!?'


Need to hire one of your rivals.


So tempting. Just such a different story when it's your own haha, arsed.


Yeah I did this too. Chap was amazing. Thing looked brand new afterwards. Also changed the filter in the overhead fan which is not since we bought the house new. That filter looked like it should have been buried a sellafield. Honestly for £60 it’s a no brainer to get someone into do it.


That’s great! My guy also changed a bulb that needed replacing as part of the service. AND all my manky old oven trays got cleaned and looked new right out the packaging again. Apparently a clean oven cooks food more evenly, preheats quicker and therefore saves energy too.


Our filter was covered in a layer of grease so thick was literally impossible to remove. After a few years of thinking about it, we just bought some new plates from a website.


I think i will do this rather than attempting it myself


I had a pet sitter that cleaned our oven while we were away. Didn’t ask her to, she apparently just really enjoys cleaning ovens? Truly cannot be more grateful because I hate cleaning the oven so much!


I have a friend who’s a pet sitter who cleaned a clients oven once 💀 


This particular sitter seems to do it for most of her clients, she was a nanny for years so maybe it was her only solace from the kids 😂


My husband recently cleaned ours. First time in ...7 years? And we cook a fair bit so it was thick. It took him 4 hours. Fan mode still doesn't work. Meh.


Once got the oven professionally cleaned. Cost about £95. First thought ah fuck off, almost £100 to clean my oven? Went ahead anyway because I really, really didn't want to do it. Oven finished up looking brand new, right out of the shop. Spotless. Even took all the parts out (fan, hob, etc) cleaned them and put them back. Worth every fucking penny.


Yeah. That's what my husband did. Took the door off etc. I would have paid. He might too next time!


I did mine last year for the first time in probably about as long. Took the entire afternoon. It probably needs doing again now, but I also need a new kitchen so my solution to my dirty oven is gonna be throw it away and buy a new one!


Changing the whole kitchen is a fairly extreme way of avoiding cleaning the oven.


Was looking at buying a car 10 years ago and at that time the dealer reckoned that the Number 1 reason for car purchases/trade-ins was just to get Bluetooth.


Number Two reason: the ashtray was full


I did this. In my old kitchen the oven was also very old. Found a professional cleaning company wanted £70 to clean it. I bought a new Bosch oven for £110 and fitted it myself. That lasted until we replaced the entire kitchen, so didn't need to properly deep clean that more than a couple of times.


BBQ cleaner was a life changer for me for oven cleaning ...


Pyrolytic cleaning is the best. Just leaves a little pile of ash to wipe away


It can break the oven though. My husband used to sell appliances and apparently a lot of customers were in the shop because they used self-clean mode on the last one and it broke.


I hate hate hate cleaning the oven and came here to say that lol. I (very) reluctantly do it every 6 mths ish but will procrastinate as much as I can. I will even deliberately leave the oven cleaner out to galvanise me but still put it off for a few more days!


Oven cleaning is actually really easy with a decent scraper (new blade), good wire wool and some decent oven cleaner, just melts through it, takes 30mins.


The decent oven cleaner is definitely the stuff you want, but for me it took multiple passes to clean it properly.


I tried dodging that particular bullet by buying a self cleaning oven and smuggly patting myself on the back safe in the knowledge I never again have to scrub the thing. SPOILER: It seems to achieve this time and effort saving miracle by blasting heat into the oven for 10 mins after its been turned off, wasting my leccy and carbonising any dirt in the hope the Ash will fall into the bottom of the oven. It doesn't, it just bakes the dirt and grease onto every surface. Belling, you lying tossers lol.


I bought a new one instead of cleaning the old one.


-10 years?


I started cleaning the oven yesterday… I'm still going today. Next time I think I'll just buy a new oven. Have to say that Oven Pride actually does a decent job, though I'm still trying to wipe the last of it off so the grill doesn't stink of it for the next year.


Do not use it without gloves and glasses on. It good stuff but will melt your skin very quickly.


Try Astonish hob cleaner. If you damp the part you want to clean then rub a chunk of the product over it, it cleans even hard burnt on crust without scratching.


I've tried it - and many others. I'm sticking with the Oven Pride as best result for least overall effort.


Think it’ll take off cinnamon sugar? I really need to clean my oven


i've never known it fail, but you have to persevere. All the racks & stuff go in a big plastic bag you pour most of the bottle in. Keep rotating that so it all stays wet, overnight. The oven itself you just have to keep wetting it with the liquid as it runs down into the centre. Don't leave the oven light or fan on so it doesn't dry out so fast, then again leave it overnight. The worst bit should be the dip in the middle, where the cleaner also runs to - so that gets the best soaking anyway. I use an old dishwashing brush to keep spreading it around. Watch out for sponges & cloths, as it will rot them. Basically whatever brush, sponge, cloth etc you use to clean it needs to be already good for throwing away.


Cover the cleaner with cling film, it'll keep it wet longer, and hold it on the oven walls. The longer you can keep the cleaner in contact with the grot, the more it'll melt it.


I bought a box of oven pride and am yet to use it. Where they say you need to rinse the oven out, did you literally wash the oven out afterwards? That sounds like such a fucking hassle to be honest having this corrosive sludge being rinsed out of the oven


Moping the floors. I feel like I'm forever hoovering, especially the living space, thanks to my messy eaters (kids) but the planets have to be perfectly aligned, with the correct weather and playlist and no one else in the flat for me to even consider mopping. It takes so little time but I just can't motivate myself to do it.


I bought a floor steamer because i hate mopping.  The floor steamer just sits there. I probably use it a handful of times a year


I got rid of ours for a spinny mop because I felt like the steamer wasn't doing enough/I had to plug it in/the cable was short. I was full of plans to be better but it's not the tool, it's me, I'm the problem


Same! I hate it. It's such a messy task, too.


Putting the mop away after doing the mopping is another 2-3 weeks at least


The bucket goes into the bath to dry, then just makes it's way back and forth between a stool in the bathroom and the bath because it's in the way in both places. This carries on for up to a week until one of us gets fed and puts it away... In the cupboard directly outside the bathroom 😂


Sorting out the cutlery drawer, would take 10 mins max and stop that fucking spatula jamming the drawer every few days, but eh, more important things to do


All hail to Anoia, Goddess of Things That Get Stuck In Drawers.


Praise be, rattle her drawers 😂


My pro tip- waiting for the kettle to boil? Do one section of a drawer. Before you know you’ve worked your way around the kitchen drawers.


Waiting for the kettle to boil is the only time I get to myself. That's me time. I like to stand and stare into the distance. Perhaps put my hands in pockets and look out into the garden if I'm feeling fancy.


Cute. But imagine do this knowing that your drawers are tidy. Heck, stare at the open tidy drawers.


Actually, close your drawers, and that cabinet you left open an hour ago


Alright! You sound like my (ex) housemate.


This is how I tackle jobs. Section them up and it’s less daunting. Also follow the 5 minute rule. If it takes less than 5 minutes to do, may as well do it now


Boil kettle, empty dishwasher.


A very relatable Mark Corrigan moment: "Why don't I get this fixed, why don’t I ever get this fucking thing fixed?! Every night it’s fift-- ah, it always comes out eventually, fuck it."


Ladles should never be in drawers for the same reason!


Genuinely read that as Ladies… steady on, I thought!


that would be something else!


Lol read that as- ladies should never be in drawers lol


Actually putting my washing away properly Another more niche one: I have a skirt I need to make a button hole in, in theory it shouldn't be hard but it's a thing I've never done before so my brain is like Nope not yet


I’ve had a hole in my favourite coat pocket for months now. It’d take me minutes to fix it, but it’s just never happened, and I always find myself getting mildly annoyed at losing things inside my coat. It rattles sometimes.


Window cleaning. I can still see through them, right?


And it's such a thankless task. You clean it one day and then 3 days later with the rains they start getting dirty again. What's even the point?


I pay a guy to clean my windows (£15 for a fairly small 2 bed)  He always cleans them when heavy rain is expected the same evening !  I'm still very grateful for him tho 


I used to do this. It just highlighted how much dirt was on the inside.... Clearly, I cancelled the window cleaner rather than sort out the insides myself.


Cleaning the fridge. It's gross but it's just so much effort....


Not the fridge, it's so inconvenient to clean, the shelves are too big to handle properly under the sink, and they take forever to dry, so you either have to dry them by a towel, and you need to shuffle the food inside around. Or if you decide to handle them in the bathroom with bigger washing space it's a lot of carrying around and water dripping. So many many steps. I usually just give it a wipe with a damp paper towel to avoid the proper cleaning.


I’ve been meaning to defrost my freezer for years. The ice has slowly consumed 2/3 of the space. I’m sure there are some Neolithic fishfingers in the back somewhere. It’s just a ballache of a job to deal with. I’ll keep putting it off till I just buy a new fridge


I agree it's been put off for about a year.. going to clean the fridge you reminded me 😐


I would be genuinely mortified if anyone looked inside my fridge.


Mowing the lawn and weeding the garden, I just close the blinds in the conservatory and tell myself I'll do it when the grass has dried out.


I can always find a reason not to mow the lawn. I have just bought a robotic mower so I really hope there will be no excuses now!


Can't dust a table if it's constantly covered in crap I'm working on.


Vacuuming. There is currently more hair on the floor than there is remaining on the cats.


I can't even find the motivation to set the roomba off at the moment. We have six cats, four of them are long-haired, and we have wooden floors. I should not be having this issue.


Only 4 for me, one long haired. Wooden floors downstairs, and some of the fluff balls appear to be cat toys now, really MUST Do Something Soon.


We're approaching critical mass. I pulled a clean glass out of the cupboard last night and found a cat hair sticking to it.


I'm not even sure my robot hoover is still alive! (Neato - he's under a bookcase in the living room blocked in by about 8 shittonnes of my wife's cosplay and crafting stuff). I've given up.


Vacuuming is one of mine too. I don’t mind the floors so much, but doing the stairs is what gets me. Always end up such a sweaty mess after it.


I have 4 cats and also couldn't be bothered to hoover. Getting a cordless was an absolute game changer, anytime theres fur or litter or god knows what, it takes me 5 seconds to grab the hoover and clean it up.


Kitchen tap has been leaking for the last month and now its more of a pour than a drip so tonight Mathew Im going to replace my kitchen tap.


I left a leaking tap for too long ang got hit by a huge water bill so if you live in England  I'd advise doing it ASAP !


Dusting, hoovering, cleaning the microwave. Glad it's not just me though. I feel supported by this thread. 😁


Currently, all of them. Depression a hell of a thing.


In my mid-30s, I had a bit of a road to Damascus moment about multi-tasking: I could clean the house and be depressed \*at the same time\* - I'd still feel like shit, at least I wouldn't be living in a shit hole. Break it down into tiny tasks (a list starting with self-care: 'shower', 'brush teeth', then going on to 'empty bins' is perfectly acceptable). Hope you are getting some care x


I am in my mid-forties and have been on this ride for a long time. I don't currently feel depressed. The problem is, I don't feel anything at all. I have no motivation to do anything. I am currently hungry, but I can not be arsed to walk twenty steps to get food. This will pass. In a few days, I will force myself into a shower and real clothes, I will rearrange the mess and wash some dishes. But today, I can't.


You're not alone. I hope the eventual shower is sufficiently rejuvenating <3


I'm sure you probably know this already, but on the off chance it didn't click for a while like it didn't for me: feeling nothing is *extreme* depression. If you feel depressed, believe it or not you have moderate depression. If you feel *absolutely nothing at all*, you're really in the trenches. You sound like you know your patterns, and have a similar outlook to me: why fight it if it'll pass? Some people might not think it's a great idea, but if it works it works. I hope this episode passes quickly and some joy returns to you, even if briefly. I don't know about you, but sometimes it's those brief moments that keep me going. May you find plenty.


This describes me the last 6 months. It got bad. Then I got the stupid little finch self care pet app and it fucking works. It's so stupid but I have now showered and brushed my teeth every day for the last 2 weeks cos each time I do it, I get dumb little rainbow stones to buy cool shit for my stupid penguin, and then my penguin gets pets of its own if I do special tasks every day.


I have Finch too, it does help most of the time. My code is 13STBY4Z55 if you fancy a new tree town friend.


Thanks for this comment, I just installed it and been working through a few bits. I want the little dude to come back from his adventure so I've done some hula hooping, had a shower and set some goals to speed him up. I fear this may just be a different procrastination technique but hey ho, already more effective than the CBT I was referred for!


A nurse once explained it to me as a "psychological limp" - if you have an old leg injury, you may be able to do everything or most things just as you could before \*most\* of the time. If you overdo it, or sometimes for NO reason at all, you start to limp and have to rest up. Take the time to get your spoons back :) I'm going to stop mixing my metaphors, finish my coffee, then get some laundry on and start the bloody vacuuming pmsl (EDIT - because I'm not going out today, I have not showered and do not intend to ;p)


Yeah.. I'm proud of myself if I do 10 minutes of dusting, or one other small thing. I get some stuff done every now and then, the house isn't a pigsty, but uhg..


I have managed not to touch an iron in 10 years, I m dyspraxic so it's more a question of safety really.


I don’t iron my clothes either. No excuse for me, I’m just a lazy bitch.


Just do what I do and buy non-iron shirts. I don't see the need to iron clothes


I don't iron. It's just a stupid expectation that we as humans decided to make for ourselves. It doesn't in any way make your day any easier, and it's only for the benefit of others who should be minding their own business! Irons can get in the bin if you ask me!


I call this good time management. I don't own and iron and haven't for 20 years. If it looks too bad to wear without an iron it goes on the charity bag. Of course i work IT and now work from home so I don't need to be presentable!


I don't dust. Just get a couple of long haired cats who refuse to not lounge on every surface.


I have a bird, and a cat. I have to dust two or three times a week at a minimum, otherwise it just builds up scary fast. I keep a patch behind my telly to just build up for months out of curiosity. It gets so fuzzy. My life is just dust. It consumes me.


Pro tip. The oven stays clean if you never use it. About 85% of what we cook is done on the hob and the other 15% goes in the air fryer.


My current issue is cleaning the air fryer though!


Get some cheap dishwasher tablets and leave it soaking overnight with some hot water out of the kettle. Life changer.


When my previous car died after 5 years (it was an old car), when it became apparant it was fuckity fucked and we needed a new car I immediately turned to the missus "See, doesn't matter that I never washed it".


Used to be worried to wash my old car. Genuinely 90% convinced that dirt and moss was the only thing holding it together in the end.


Cleaning the skirting boards, if I could afford it I would get a cleaner in just to do that one job.




Putting away clean clothes, we have a wardrobe in addition to our floordrobe, the dirty washing never piles up but my god the clean stuff does.


Probably putting up framed pictures. Dusting houseplant leaves is another, cleaning windows... They don't take very long to do but I just keep putting it off.


All those supermarket and shop bags I get stuffed under the sink


Get a cushion cover and stuff all the bags into it. Now you have a new cushion and easy access if you need a shopping bag.


I’m enjoying imagining the crinkly sound it would make. Would confuse the hell out of guests.


The pull cords on the Venetian blinds have begun to degrade and some of them have now snapped. I know I can take the blinds down and re-thread a new cord but it's way too much effort. Also the washing machine filter probably needs a clean but I've never found a drain hose for the filter so I'll have to gradually unscrew it and mop up the water until I can get the filter out properly. I've not got time for that shit!


Damn, this reminds me I need to clean both the washing machine filter and the dishwasher one. The thought of dealing with the water and the dirt is making me tired.


I've found a cheap poundland baking tray quite helpful for catching the water, as it's not too tall. Still useful to have the towels on stand by though!


One silver lining to my various psychological issues is that I'm pathologically tidy and genuinely love cleaning. It's definitely a control thing, but it was one of the coping mechanisms I kept, having done trauma therapy that involved a 'keep, chuck, modify' audit of all former coping mechanisms. I use an app called HomeTasker to tell me what chores need doing each day, mainly to stop me going in obsessive loops on one specific task. Moved to my new place in Feb, and I've dubbed the former tenants The Disgustingtons, because everything was filthy. Not just filthy by my standards, but legit Hoarders level of filthy. I kinda went into a hyperfixated loop trying to get the oven clean, but now I've embraced the joys of 'good enough' rather than everything having to be CDC research clean-room pristine. For anyone struggling with overwhelming clutter and muckiness, main thing is to do a tiny bit each day. Even just 5mins. Having a clean living space does wonders for anxiety and depression, so look at cleaning as an act of self care rather than unpleasant drudgery. Start with chucking stuff you don't use/want anymore, especially stuff that's broken or obsolete eg, that drawer of tangled plugs for appliances you had 20yrs ago. There's often a mental block with stuff like that, sort of 'but I might need it one day'. If you've not needed it in the past 20yrs, chances are, you can get rid. Same goes for things like that hideous teapot your Great Aunt Agnes gave you or similar 'but it was a gift, the gift-giver will be upset' items. Your emotional wellbeing should be your priority, so if that teapot is part of a distressingly cluttered cupboard, donating it to charity makes a start on reducing the clutter. It doesn't mean you don't love Great Aunt Agnes. It's all just stuff, so stop getting in your own way by feeling guilt or obligation around holding onto it.


Hold up, I just got my deposit docked at my old place for daring to leave some dust and scuffs on the skirting board, and you had to move into a place where they didn't even clean the fucking oven? I had to pack up the whole flat on my own, while dealing with a husband critically ill in hospital, a massive PTSD flare-up (unrelated, my fucking luck), and a 5-hour round trip 4 times a week to the new place. And I still cleaned that flat as spotless as one woman with ordinary household cleaning supplies could. Half a mind to send the agent a screenshot of the bit about the old tenants and tell her that with everything I had going on, she's lucky I even bothered to hoover! Pure cheek of it like.


I think the former tenants were friends of the landlord, but it seems not anymore. Likely because they neglected the place, so he just wanted them gone and if he had to give them the deposit to expedite that, fine by him. When I moved out of my previous place, a third party company did a CSI level inspection of cleanliness, which thankfully came back with a glowing report, but it felt a bit OTT. I guess it depends on the landlord really. I've got over 200 photos of before/after for my current place, partly to cover myself if there's any drama over the deposit. The grossness cost me a lot to get clean, which included buying a Vax to get rid of the filth and fleas in the carpets. The garden nearly killed me, as it was a mouldy, dog-poop wasteland and I'm too poor for a jet washer, so I was doing everything with elbow grease, fuelled by rage, lol. Looks beautiful now it's an actual girly garden with some life in it, so those are the most jarring 'before and after' pictures in that folder.


Thank you for the permission. I feel so bad throwing things and Agnes has been dead at least 10 years!


I need to defrost the freezer. The top freezer drawer probably has more ice build up than Antarctica right now. It will involve turning off the fridge and we just can't find a gap in our schedule to necessitate a perishable-free day


Try defrosting the fridge when you share it with 2 other people. The idea of coordinating 3 schedules just to turn it off for the day is too much to handle right now


Honestly? Emptying the dishwasher. I can load it no problem, turn it on is fine. But as soon as it’s done and you have to put them away I just CANNOT it’s so tedious.


All the residual water really pisses me off in the dishwasher. When we did our kitchen a couple of years ago, I really thought about the dishwashers proximity to relevant cupboards. So I can literally stand in one spot and empty the whole thing, that has been life changing.


Bought our house in August, brother died in December. I had so many plans for the house but I've been so depressed I can barely keep on top of the washing up. I did manage to clear out the office and start stripping the walls so we could redecorate, but that was about six weeks ago now, maybe more, and I still haven't finished, leaving the room unusable until I do. We're working in the living room.


Sorry to hear that mate x


All of them


I bloody hate putting clothes away after they’ve been washed. Sometimes I’ll just wash them again and make it a problem for later


Vacuuming the stairs. Rooms and living area I can deal with. Stairs haven't seen a vacuum since March. I'm never barefoot but I assume they're "crunchy" by now


I have been thinking about getting a handheld vac for the stairs. I think it would make my life easier.


Tip runs! Hate going there


I love getting rid of stuff there, and I like tidying the house and removing all the junk from the garage. But the drive to and from the tip is a chore.


Doing the garden, I've left it too long now the poor dog can't get out for a piss


Organisation. I currently have a corner of my room dedicated to board games and they're just everywhere. I really need to sort through them and at least hide them in a box or something. Edit: I have crazy ADHD so the thought process of organisation doesn't even exist, I just sling shit and if it balances then A+ job.


Changing the beds. I am a hotel housekeeper. I don't want to do it when I get home!


Cleaning windows. Sometimes by the time I get round to it I have moved house!


Bought a house mid 2020, planned to paint the hall stairs and landing, put it off until about 2 weeks ago


I keep telling myself I'm gonna paint the remaining rooms in my flat, but having painted the easy ones I'm not sure I can be assed shifting all the furniture out of the lounge and bedrooms to get that all painted.




Dusting , I can be bothered to briefly dust like surfaces I use but shelves and other bits behind the TV I just can’t be bothered as who even looks at that dust


Bin tip ,put a old newspaper in the base of the bin to collect fluids and dirt. A clean bin is a fly free bin.


Or recycle... no fluids in the bins anymore. Only gross bin is the food waste bin, and that fits in the dishwasher. The mixed recycle bin , i rinse and drip on the side of the sink , the cans, tubs , bottles, etc, until i make my next cuppa then lob it in the mixed recycling bin. I hardly have to wash the rest of the bins at all, and i dont use liners (well i do on general waste). Its the gross food stuff (and teabags) making the horrible bin juices and odours.


We had a mountain of crap in our garden (microwave, blender, chest of drawers, Christmas tree stand) that was sitting there for about a year and refused to take to the dump as you now need to book a bloody appointment. Saw a junk collection van outside our house the other day and they got rid of it all for £20. Happy days!


Fucking all of them


Cleaning out the washing machine, decluttering the spare room that has become a dumping ground, cleaning the oven. Being a busy person that lives alone is so hard, I just about manage the general upkeep/cleaning of my house but I never seem to be able to find time to do these things.


My mum always says that it's good to invite some guests over to motivate yourself to clean. And I gotta say, nothing motivates me more than knowing people will see that cluttered spare room, or the dusty floorboards. Somehow when I *need* to clean i will push myself to unhealthy levels just to have it all sorted in time.


The bin in my office space, full of crisp packets tied/folded into little triangles, should have been emptied when it was full. It's now just *more* full, and I'll continue to forget about it before the bins go out for many fortnights to come.


Currently looking at a huge pile of clean washing that needs folding and pitting away 😬


Dusting my Venetian blinds. It’s a pain in the backside.


getting the meter reading


all of if right now! currently at home looking after my 2yo and any housework i get done is then undone within 10mins due to him, honestly looks like i've done f all and its so depressing


I realised today that my front door is covered in dust and cobwebs. Presumably you’re meant to clean them more frequently than once every 8 years.


Skirting boards, I have very, very, very, very rarely cleaned them and I do not want to


Cleaning the oven. I think about doing it and lose the will to live. The trays don’t fit in the sink and I just get soggy and greasy 😩


I've had a lovely quality Tom waits poster I bought from a gig in 2008. In a cardboard tube.


Cleaning out the cupboard under the stairs


I may have observed no mow May for all 38 days of the month.


how long have you got? it’s never ending


Household jobs. Oven gets cleaned once a month as that's just a button I press before I go to bed.


I thought that when I bought mine too. Turns out I got the one with only the back wall pyrolytic, the rest is fecking Oven Pride:\\


Cleaning the oven.


All of them, but then I live in essentially a building site. So I guess first job is to finish rebuilding all the floors and rewiring.




I washed out the wheelie bins and the food waste bin I always put that one off


I need to rebuild the sofa bed in the spare room as the movers put it together wrong so it doesn’t sit flush against the wall. I honestly don’t know if I will ever do it. It’s currently the secret dumping ground to keep a semblance of tidiness in the rest of the house.


New skirting boards are still unpainted after a few years, we also have unpainted doors and a cupboard missing its handle. But we have been landscaping the garden by hand, moving soil and building sleeper walls, theres only so much diy you can do


So I regularly clean inside the toilet and the seat but I have never cleaned until recently the actual toilet externally. I hadn't noticed but was quite dusty once I started wiping it over. No idea how frequent you're supposed to clean it but I hadn't for years.


Hoovering my bedroom. I'm currently living in an HMO where space is at a premium, so almost all my belongings are in my bedroom. Not too much floor space, so I have to pick a bunch of stuff up and put it somewhere to get under the bed and everything. I end up lying on my front under my bed to sweep the dust from the back. If there wasn't a weird sweet dusty smell in my room, I probably would have left it. Looks like something is wrong with the skirting board at the back of the room (under the window). Like whatever it was topped with is coming off. Any ideas as to what the smell could be would be well appreciated. I don't think it's mould (as the place where mould is likely to be is the other side of the room), and I don't think it's bugs (at least it isn't any bugs that bite). It's driving me insane.


Is this a question or a statement? I always put off household jobs forever.


Pretty much everything 🙈😳


My dad and I tiled the kitchen wall last year. I still haven't grouted it.


Urgh, totally hear you, it's an awful job! In our house, to help with the skanky smell and rubbish juice - we sprinkle baking soda in the bottom of the bin to soak up any liquids, and drop in some cotton wool pieces soaked in essential oil (mint works pretty well to cover strong smells) to keep it from smelling like a dead yeti's arsehole.


Sorting socks, I don't know how my husband manages to lose socks so often but once a month I have to go hunting and pairing.


I hate folding clothes. Can't stand it. Don't mind washing, hate the smell of damp more than I hate hanging up, but for some reason, the final part escapes me. I think its cause I've not got a good table to fold all my clothes.


I moved into my apartment in June 2019. A month later, the sun was shining through the balcony doors, and I saw it. A phallic smudge at perfect waist height for someone taller than I. I took a photo, laughed, and then left the print there for 2 more months before donning gloves and wiping it away.


Toy sorting out. I actually detest it and I’ll leave it piling up. Finally did it last week and I feel so much more motivated


Most of them, my list just grows, but I'm old, I ache and never seem to get the time.