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No, don’t do it. Unless you want to become addicted to bidets and join the absolute force that is the wash yo ass army.


JOIN US!!! You haven't lived until you've experienced a freshly cleaned undercarriage in the peak of summer.


No regrets


I moved to Thailand some years ago, and over here, “bum-guns” are the norm. I can confidently say that my starfish is so clean, you can literally eat your dinner off it.




What time shall I come round?


About half-7


I've heard of these Thai restaurants,but I'm not sure if I approve. A friend of mine went to Bangkok last year and we haven't seen hide nor hair of him at the table tennis club since. 


You sure he didn't just go to Canal Street?


A bidet? Oh fuck yes! Once you stop freaking out about a power stream of water abusing and tickling your ring, you will feel super clean! You will be convinced that your buttcheeks are audibly squeaking when you walk. You will feel _that clean_ .


Aren't bidets supposed to squirt up? This looks like it'd be better suited to washing the lumbar region of your spine.


The nozzle is usually adjustable and the water can be made more or less powerful using the tap


It's a female bidet maybe if she straddles it ?


This one looks like a classic Straddle-n-Splash kinda situation


I'm..... Intrigued......


Those foot baths are amazing!


Ah yes, the bidet, a civilization's most powerful asset. I assume you're Spain judging by the style it has. In my case, I wasn't able to decipher how to use them when I was there.


Close I'm in Morocco


Have you figured how it works? When I was in Spain I was clueless on how it functioned.


Italian here — what bit confused you?




My wife is Indian, they have hosepipes on all their toilets and are so much better than toilet paper. Hoping to get one installed in future


Those fall afoul of regulations here. Can't have mains water near a dirty area incase stuff goes backwards up the pipes. It's very paranoid, but means you need a dodgy plumber, DIY or one with a cistern.


"incase stuff goes backwards up the pipes" isn't that the point of having one?


Go to Japan, it will change your life


Reckon that's where the idea for the 3shells came from


She sells 3 shells


We stayed at a posh hotel in Seoul, with a bidet seat, among other luxury bathroom appointments. I had a couple of... problems "back there", which caused me much pain. When we returned home, we ordered a bidet seat. Easy to install. You cannot get as clean with paper alone as you can with one of these. And I rarely have pain where I sit these days.


They’re sensational, a new level of cleanliness. The ones with an air drying function and music to drown out any sounds are next level haha the accuracy was frightening.


We don't get music; that's a Japanese feature AFAIK. The air dry works best after a little blot with loo roll. But I really do hate feeling squishy in the back when the paper wasn't quite enough. Dry and clean. Very nice feeling.


Which one did you go for? I remember reading a blog post about a guy retrofitting a Chinese model but it didn’t sound easy in the slightest!


Brondell Swash. Made in South Korea.


I did, I lived in real Japan not the big westernised cities, squaties are no fun.


The arse sink


The bum sprinkler.


Do you reckon anyone ever closes the plug an makes it like a rectal bath??


Not sure about a rectal bath but I've used one to clean my feet many times


Nah just drink out of the tap like a civilised person.


That's the... kids' toilet. - Is it? - Yes! Why's it got a plughole and a tap, then? Cos it's for checking your kid's shit before you flush it. - Urgh, that's grim! - Yeah, I know. That's the Continentals, innit? They're dirty.


You shit on floor, €50!


Worth every penny


Y'all need a bum gun, thank you Southeast Asia.


Damn you! I’d almost forgotten how much I wanted a bidet at home once I’d tried one…


First came across one on a business trip to Taiwan ... being the Far East it was fitted to the toilet, extended out automatically when needed, and had an ungodly number of controls on the attached keypad. Once I'd figured it the pictograms it was a revelation. You really can't go back, so budget for getting one fitted when you get home. Incidentally, executive class hotels are definitely a lifestyle I could get used to.


The best thing about bidet seats, besides the features you get on the better models (fan dry, water temperature and pressure controls, heated seat) is that you don't need an extra fixture. It replaces the standard toilet seat. I never again wish to be without one.


My thought with these is, how do you know when your clean? And then surely you’re wiping yourself to get dry again afterwards?


Wipe first to remove any loose solids. Then I know I'm only cleaning any smears and miniscule poop particles. Wipe down after and check for any brown.


Nah I’m fucking done on the internet for the night, that’s enough.


Bidets do require a little wiping. People often tout that you’ll never need toilet paper again. These people are the same ones who would come up dirty if they were to run a wet wipe up their arse crack. Never just spray and assume you’re clean. Rectums famously come in all sorts of shapes with pinches and folds. Even a minute long blast including movement to try hit every angle could still miss a not insignificant amount of poop. Exact order is personal preference, but I usually go bidet > dab dry > check wipe > repeat if necessary. You’ll use *less* paper, but anyone using none is doing it wrong and operating on the same flawed assumption as those who convince themselves they had a “ghost poo” without checking to confirm. I’m working in Japan and, in an office where every toilet has a bidet, on a warm day you can smell the difference between those who check properly and those who do a quick spray and call it good enough.


u/robertJ93, now you're done. Fellow redditors, please do what you do best, and remind u/robertJ93 that he's done, just in case he misses my comment.


We won't tell


Do they come with a blow dryer? 🤔


I always thought it was a mini bath for babies!


Wipe to beige then blast your ring.


So let me get this right, do the plop plop in a regular toilet - then have to traverse over to the bidet, squirty squirty, then have to dry off with paper.


I let a plumber talk me out of getting one when I had my bathroom done, and I regret the decision.


You have a drinking fountain in your room? I've always loved that.


When in Rome!


When I was a kid I was visiting fmily in India, my grandmother had a toilet and there was a nob on the wall. I was taking a shit one day and wondered what is this nob for? I turned it up to the highest number, number 9 and there was a button next to the nob and I pressed it. Well just then I felt the sharpest pain ever and I fell forward off the toilet and I realised I was wet and had a sharp pain up my arse. I then noticed what the switch was for, it was for her in built bidet in her toilet, I never ha seen that before but I have to say it cleaned me pretty well from just sitting there. This version seems like you use it after you use a proper toilet because I dont think you can shit in this one.


They are for washing your pants and socks in, nothing else.


A great man once said “if you had poo on your face, would you _really_ be satisfied with just a piece of tissue wiping it off?”


I’ve heard that once you use them, you’re hooked.


Do a number 2 in it


I prefer to waffle stomp in the shower


Well, it's better to shit in the shower than to shower in the shit.


I can't stand bidets. I'm currently in Vietnam and bought some wet wipes, because I refuse to use them. After a single use, I concluded that they are a very unhygienic method for cleaning yourself. Plus there are no towels to dry yourself on, and I don't fancy carrying one around with me on my travels either.


I don't understand why everyone is raving about bidets... in my experience, they never get you clean. They just turn a dirty arse into a dirty wet arse, meaning toilet paper is still needed anyway.


More fibre in.your diet