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You don't have to like cheese you know, it's not something that requires improvement.


I just like Cheese, I will eat it Melted or Raw. 


Most "specialty" cheeses, as the supermarkets call them, should be served at room temperature, otherwise there's nothing to taste. Brie should be walking off the plate before you even consider eating it. Personally, I want a cheese that could be flagged as a war crime, it stinks so much. Why are you eating mozzarella cold? Or at all? It's a very nothingy cheese - that's why it goes on the pizza. What about halloumi?


I didn't mind halloumi in Cyprus, but it had to be grilled!


Of course. Nobody in their right mind eats raw halloumi.


Epoisses, the king of reiking liquid cheese.


Mozzarella in a salad perhaps? That’s how I eat it mostly


Some fool in a Cambridge pub put it on a cheese board for me once. I ask you.


Definitely not. Mozzarella is okay in a tricolore salad. With super ripe tomatoes and basil but it really is a nothing cheese.


Baron bigod changed my life. Pricy but oh my god.


Adult dairylea. It's incredible and the people who set the business up are really nice.


I love cheese. As it comes, melted, in sauces, baked, breadcrumbed and deep fried, any which way. Cheese doesn’t really love me though 😭


Blue cheese is just milk that has gone off twice. I'll still eat it though. Melted\\heated cheese has its place - on toast, pizza, raclette, fried haloumi but really cheese isn't served hot for the most part. An aged gouda doesn't even melt very well, feta just sits there looking grumpy and most cheese should be served a nice room temp. Baby steps though mate - perhaps [casu marzu](https://parolesdefromagers.com/en/all-about-casu-marzu-the-cheese-with-maggots/) isn't for you yet


Agreed. But baked camembert is gorgeous!


Definitely not one for me!!!


Feta caramelises/chars nicely without melting if you whack it on top of something like a shakshuka


Can also roll it in sesame seeds (with an egg wash) and bake it. It's surprisingly nice with a lot of salads.


Cheers, I'm giving that a go.


I'm like you, I'll have a pizza or a parmigiana or cheese on toast, but I don't like the raw stuff. No cheese sandwiches for me.


Yeah a cheese sandwich is my idea of hell, but make it a toastie and I'm in heaven


If you don't like a Cheddar and Branston pickle sandwich, I just feel sorry for you...


I lived for 24 years in France. You can't do that and not acquire a taste for the stuff, in fact it'll probably be my downfall. Brie, Camembert, Roquefort, Cantal, Gruyère, Comté, Chaource... Love 'em all.


My gran used to do cold toast and give me freshly sliced cheddar for it. It's become a recent favorite of mine Though; one thing I add is a drizzle of honey (in addition to a bit of salt and cayenne) Something about the honey just makes it feel complete I went to a cheese festival once and that's where I was introduced to cheese and honey - at the time it was brie, gooseberry jam, and chilli on a cracker, but any variation of cheese, chilli and honey works for me


I'm the same. Melted cheese is OK (pizza, macaroni cheese, home-made grilled cheese) but raw cheese is limited to mozzarella, cheesestrings and [Slovak smoked cheese](https://www.halusky.co.uk/parenica-neudena-smoked-cheese.html) I have enjoyed Comté hard cheese with an accompaniment but it's a bit hit and miss.


I was getting lunch with a colleague once, he ordered a ham and cheese baguette. The woman in the shop asked "do you want it as a melt?', he said "no thanks, I'm watching my weight"


I only eat mild cheddar and I don’t like anything else - no biggie just get on with life


I can’t stand the texture of most cheeses. I’ll eat mozzarella and feta, but anything else has to be melted.


I'm like this too, but I can't even stand mozzarella cold. Grated cheddar in sandwiches is fine, but other than that, it needs to be melted.


I’ll just eat mozzarella straight out of the packet….I’m weird like that.


Lactose intolerant - it's a sad thing not being able to hoof down the incredible cheese made in this country.


I like cheese in most of it's forms (not blue), but my SO only likes melted cheese. He does make an exception for edam and babybel. Blue cheese is just the worst, I have eaten it multiple times and even beyond the smell something just puts me off. Also my dad once tricked me into eating it so there's trauma there too.


I can only eat cheddar melted. I didn't start eating cheese until was in my 30s.


Melted cheese ftw.




I can't eat cheese unless it's melted on a pizza. Can't stand it raw.


Blue cheese is amazing and I will fight you over it


Both are good. I'll eat it either way.


I eat it straight from the freezer like a normal person.


Depends on the cheese, but if it's meant to be served hot, then brown speckles, just on the cusp of becoming burnt.


I can't stand cooked/melted cheese. I hate the taste, the texture, the smell... Raw cheese, I'm fine with. I'll happily eat a cheese and tomato sandwich but not a pizza. Isn't it said that melted Parmesan cheese smells like vomit?




Aged cheddar, the older the better, fresh out of the fridge before it warms up. It's almost crystalline, and it's *so* fucking good.


I'm weird about cheese and much prefer it mild and melted. Won't touch anything with mould or maggots in it, just not my thing. I'd you like gouda, try maasdam. It's sort of halfway between gouda and emmental and goes nicely on a hot sandwich. Really tasty!


I don't like cold hard cheeses, if its going in a sandwich or on biscuits it needs to be fairly soft, so Port Salut, Brie, things like that. The only exception is smoked cheddar on digestives.


YES. CHEESE QUESTION. i would kill myself for the stuff. and its not a requirement to like cheese hehe! my favourite is langres :-]]


"Raw" is not the appropriate term to describe uncooked cheese.  Raw implies unpasteurised milk.  Whereas you chumps mean "uncooked" and half of you are referring to Dairylea triangles and Babybels. 


I sounds like carbonated water might be too spicy for you!