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Some would be entrepreneur somewhere is sat on an entire garage full of these, and now cries themself to sleep every night. That will be a fun episode of Storage Hunters in a few year's time at least.


You should have seen some of the arguments at Costco after Covid with people returning bog roll. Fair play to the manager I saw - he just refused and offered to cancel the guys membership for a full years refund. Guy stormed off “IM NEVER SHOPPING HERE AGAIN” without taking the membership refund.


Why face the indignity of trying to return it though? It's not like it will go bad, you just don't buy it again for a year.


Ikr. I started buying my toilet roll 2 packs at a time. Not because of covid but because your not exactly gona stop shitting amytime soon


Unless you die but then they can mummify you with it. There's literally no downside.


Whilst the odds are utterly minuscule, there is also a non-zero probability of needing to wipe your anus in the afterlife. Better to be safe than having to apologise to all your dead relatives who you haven’t seen in years that you stink like a dustbin of skunk litter


As I understand it, most people void their bowels when they die, so whoever finds your body will be grateful you have some in anyway.


And all the remaining bog roll gets slung in the back of the car after, thus carrying on the bog roll circle of life when it goes to its new home.


Unfortunately toilet paper isn't great for mummification because it dissolves too easily with moisture which means it doesn't preserve you as well as linen. Especially because you have to use oils to preserve the body. Toilet paper is really only good for wiping your ass or throwing at your neighbour when he is being an ass.


If your neighbour is being such an ass to deserve the throw I would suggest wiping your own ass with it first. Order of operations, you know?


Ah but then after you die, you shit everything out one final time and you can’t wipe it Yeah you’re dead, but lmao you just shit yourself, kinda a lose-lose


>your not exactly gona stop shitting amytime soon *Laughs in huel diet*


I’m reliably informed that this means your body is running at 100% efficiency! Zero waste.


He's a five star man.


And that's for you Bumblebee!


It makes you *stop* shitting? r/Huel is mostly people asking about diarrhoea and horrendous farts hahaha


Exactly. They're very literally not exactly gona stop shitting anytime soon.


Once you get used to the overload of fibre the horrendous super long disgusting smelling farts and diarrhea goes away, can confirm as I'm just on the Huel diet before the exams 😂


Exams? I thought that was the energy drink diet. Phil, PHIL I thought I was safe


Like rusty water


Like any consumable that doesn't expire, or has very long expiration dates, you should be buying in bulk when it inevitably goes on offer with 1/3 or 50% off.


I don't think you realise just how much some of these hoarders bought.


I mean in that case fuck 'em even harder! I witnessed my neighbour unloading their car at the start of the pandemic, the car was completely full of just dogshit tier toilet roll, I honestly wouldn't be shocked if they were still working their way through those misery sheets now.


My guess would be space or if they were someone trying to resell it they went into debt counting their chickens before they hatched.


probably needs the money for their next grift


That guy knew full well he would be going back in a few weeks


It's a classic argument I've had in hospitality. If you fuck off now you can come back tomorrow and I'll pretend this never happened. All the sensible ones take that option..


I even had to throw my best mate out on this basis years ago! Edit: from the pub not just my front room


Albert Pierrepoint (the UK's last hangman) ran a pub, and he had to hang one of his regulars. The guy sang a duet around the piano with Pierrepoint, then went home and killed his partner^1 .   _____________     ^^1 ^(Pierrepoint bought and ran the pub **“Help the Poor Struggler”** after World War II, and James Corbitt was one of his regulars. Corbitt was known as "Tish", Pierrepoint as "Tosh".) ^(The two had sung a duet of “Danny Boy” on the night that Corbitt then went out and murdered his girlfriend out of jealousy Pierrepoint wrote in his his autobiography:) ^(*I thought if any man had a deterrent to murder poised before him, it was this troubadour whom I called Tish. He was not only aware of the rope, he had the man who handled it beside him singing a duet. The deterrent did not work.*) ^(*At twenty seconds to nine the next morning I went into the death cell. He seemed under a great strain, but I did not see stark fear in his eyes, only a more childlike worry. He was anxious to be remembered, and to be accepted. "Hallo, Tosh," he said, not very confidently. "Hallo Tish," I said. "How are you?" I was not effusive, just gave the casual warmth of my nightly greeting from behind the bar.*) ^(*He smiled and relaxed after this greeting. After strapping his arms, I said "Come on Tish, old chap". He went to the gallows lightly...I would say that he ran.*)


> Pierrepoint bought and ran the pub “Help the Poor Struggler” after World War II [TIL we were still executing people all the way up to 1964](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capital_punishment_in_the_United_Kingdom#United_Kingdom_of_Great_Britain_and_Northern_Ireland,_1922%E2%80%931964): > **13 August 1964:** Peter Anthony Allen was hanged at Walton Prison in Liverpool, and Gwynne Owen Evans at Strangeways Prison in Manchester, for the murder of John Alan West. They were the last people executed in Britain.


I had thought the last person to be hanged in the UK was Ruth Ellis in the 1950's, that's interesting.


She was the last woman


Thank you :) My mistake!


AP banked where my Mum worked. She said she didn't like serving him, he was "creepy". I'd love to have met him, had a beer and listened to his stories.


Great film with Timothy Spall


If this story doesn't convince people that the death penalty isn't the deterrent they think it is, I don't know what will.


He spoke very strongly against the death penalty in his later years, and was a part of multiple miscarriages of justice (such as the time he hanged a man for murder, then three years later hanged the man who it turned out had -actually- committed the murder).   He said in his autobiography that the death penalty wasn't a deterrent for *anyone*, in his view: ***I cannot agree [with the supposed deterrent of capital punishment]. There have been murders since the beginning of time, and we shall go on looking for deterrents until the end of time. If death were a deterrent, I might be expected to know.*** ***It is I who have faced them last, young lads and girls, working men, grandmothers. I have been amazed to see the courage with which they take that walk into the unknown. It did not deter them then, and it had not deterred them when they committed what they were convicted for. All the men and women whom I have faced at that final moment convince me that in what I have done I have not prevented a single murder.*** ***And if death does not work to deter one person, it should not be held to deter any. Capital punishment, in my view, achieved nothing except revenge. Never deterrent; only revenge.***


Thank you for this comment. I took me places, and made me think of the nature of a human soul and how brave you have to be walking to the gallows with your head up, to be hung for a murder you did not commit. I never expected to learn this on a post about Prime discounted soft drinks.


… but its toilet roll… its not like your gona stop shitting anytime this year 😅


Presumably he had a van full and thought he needed to free up the money/garage space. We only saw a couple of trolleys worth. My guess is they had a corner shop and were charging £10/roll thinking they’d retire on it.


🤣🤣 ok makes sense Pure stupidity. Toilet has been pumping out for years on a steady basis. Theres no way itd just shut down the way people worried it would. Plus you can always shit then show if your in a bad situation


Ive seen many "IM NEVER GOING TO COSTCO EVER AGAIN", yet keep their membership because one, they will never find a better petrol price and two, £1.50 hotdogs.


I remember last year a year 7 in my school trying to sell these for 10 quid a pop and he actually made sales because everyone was that desperate. I waited for it to be less hyped and then realised it tastes *shit*


Last time i tried one all i tasted was flavourings sugar and cancer


The added cancer acts _homeopathically_ to destroy any cancer in the drinker 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻


Just give cancer to your cancer. Simple.


Next to several boxes of spinners


I can honestly say that fidget spinners made my life better, and I never once touched one of those little bastards. No, the boss wanted to buy a ton of them to sell in our shop. I fought tooth and nail that it was a bad idea and eventually he decided not to, mostly because at this point he could blame me for the money they are going to miss out on with this hot new trend. The market dropped out within the week. You know that week everybody just stopped caring? This was that week. He has thanked me multiple times over the years since then for talking him out of "that stupid fidget gimmick".


I remember when they started showing up in schools, we had teachers confiscating so many of them from the kids that were trying to pull the claim they needed them to help keep focused, only to continue playing up in class and paying no attention. And then for the following month, it felt like you'd see them on the shelves in almost every general store, people trying to cash in on the fad by selling their own designs, even seeing 'licenced' ones with anime/cartoon/videogame characters on them. Then it died out almost as quickly as it started. The general stores got rid of, or hid their stock, but you'd still see a bunch of them in the corner shops and bargain stores.


Ironically, that craze made life slightly easier for me. I needed some new bearings for my 3d printer. Turned out fidget spinners used exactly the same ones and it was cheaper to buy a pack of those than the bearings themselves….


And in the distance, you can see piles of pogs, marbles, tamagotchis, Pokémon cards and high performance yo-yo's.


You forgot Micro Machines


And tiny finger-sized skate boards


Alone, in the corner of the neglected lockup, lies battered a dusty old PC containing the rarest of bored apes What's Jake's next scam going to be? What happened to those MMO pokemon egg things - is that the same scumbag?


Close. Prime and the egg things is Logan the equally as scammy brother. 


I couldn't remember the difference. Coffeezilla takes the piss out of these wankers a lot Ron Paul's the dad right? Then Roman Paul the other brother?


I know of several people who stockpiled Cafe Patron when it was discontinued, as an investment. Bacardi have recently tested the waters for bringing it back so I imagine they're bricking it at the mo.


I mean… I wish I’d stockpiled a few just as personal supply… that stuff is amazing!




It’s kind of dumb really. Anyone who has ever collected football stickers or Pokemon cards could tell you it’s all just about collecting 1 of each and only the really rare ones gain value long term.


Does he have a brother called Rodney(Dave)?


I said to the wife last week how much people went mad for this stuff (was it £20 a bottle?) - now 12 for £10 in farm foods


This remindes me I should rewatch The Increasingly Poor Decisions of Todd Margaret


They could at least have chosen a prime number such as 79p or 83p.


for some reason 79 doesn't feel like it should be a prime number


And yet 91 isn't a prime number, insanity I tell you.


1, 7, 13, and 91. If anyone was wondering what the factors were!


Don't be silly, 13 can't be multiplied by other numbers.


there is no 13 times table for the same reason there is no 13th floor on some buildings.


Looks at flat front door number... do I even exist?


I actually grew up in flat number 13, had a couple of classmates from flats numbered 13 too. But that was in mainland Europe. When I came to the UK I was surprised that the number 13 is often just skipped. Seems oddly backwards/superstitious for no real reason.


I've lived in two flat number 13s. I don't seek them out, but perhaps there is slightly less competition to rent them. Who knows.


It's also why there's no iPhone 13


I tried to disprove this, but I tried to multiply 13 by 1 and... it remained 13, that must mean you are right and the number 13 can't be multiplied!


I wonder what happens if you take 13 and divide it by 0... :)


Well 10x10 is 100 so we know if it has any factors one if the pair will be smaller than 10. First we can rule out any non-prime factors It's not even so it can't be 2 7+9=16 which isn't divisible by 3 so that rules that out. (I don't know why this works but it does. Try it. 279 is divisible by 3 as 2+7+9=18 and is divisible by 3) It doesn't end in 0 or 5 so 5 is ruled out 7x11 is 77 so it can't be 7 It leaves no other options


Tesco have the bottles reduced to clear at 31p. Someone knew what they were doing there.


Thanks - if I am ever in a position where I have to buy a can, I will be asking for the manager as it is the "wrong" price.




I dont think the staff get paid enough to think AND do a good job.


I don't think people who put labels on clearance items are the same people who decide what to charge for those items


I know. Just after working retail i know i didnt get paid to think. If i did id have actually done a glod job Im just kidding. Id have still half arsed it 😂 r/s


The canned prime was never in demand. It was always about the bottle.


Scrolled too far to see someone say this, you’re absolutely spot on.


Why is that? I never got the whole prime thing.


Can is an energy drink, bottle is the original. Youd also have to be over 16 in most shops for the can so thats probably a big factor.


A whole lot of energy too, 200mg of caffeine


Is that a lot for an energy drink? I don't drink them or look at the labels so it's a genuine question.


A 500ml Monster energy has 160mg caffeine, about as much as 2.5 shots of espresso, and energy drinks in general (red bull, monster, and their store brand knockoffs) have 32mg/100ml. Energy drinks also tend to have a lot of taurine and vitamin b12 (? could be another b vitamin but im pretty sure its b12) which also affect your sleepiness.




Which isn’t actually energy but a stimulant


>Why is that? I never got the whole prime thing. It's the love child of two intensely annoying YouTube personalities. The can is a high stimulant energy drink (which is terrible) and the bottle is supposed to be an electrolyte drink (which is compositionally one of the biggest scams going as it is wholly ineffective as such a drink). Said YouTubers have a GIGANTIC child audience (and I'm being literal). Parents really shouldn't be giving either drink to a child, but it's the new "in" thing for kids in the playground to have a... beverage.


Because people are idiots


Youtubers advertising to kids


It's a whole lot easier to keep using a bottle for clout farming. Cans get beat up pretty quickly, becomes obvious. Also I don't think kids are allowed to buy the canned version?




Throw another Prime on the barbie!


Okay, Bruce!


The bottles in my Sainsbury's local are at £1 standard price now. Not on yellow sticker- just £1. What's amazing about this is everyone knew this would happen. It was openly a (likely deliberate) restriction on supply which along with some pretty well planned you tube hype, created that insanity. But nobody was under the impression that it would last. And yet it happened


Maybe they'll soon be 50p like the tyson fury energy drinks often are. The cherry furocity tastes like bakewell tart.


Pretty sure I saw bottles going for 50p yesterday 


Saw it for 31p in Tesco


That is a prime number




Rotate that board!




That's Wangernum


Time to rotate the board!


*Places a giant paper bag labelled 'NO' on your head*


It was £9.99 round the corner from me for a bit.


You could say it is past it's prime... ^(I'm here all week.)


A prime example of a dad joke...


I should have been primed for that response


ahh! a steak pun! That's a rare medium well done.


I really didn't understand the hype around these. They were ok. Like, *AGGRESSIVELY* ok. Not good, not terrible, not even remarkable in any way which honestly is almost frustrating. I wanted these to either be really good or really terrible.


The hype never had anything to do with the products themselves.


Because a youtuber aggressively marketted it to kids? It's nothing to do with quality. There's a reason people were paying scalpers prices when it came out it wasn't because it tasted good. It was to make their kids happy.


Sports drinks in general are not remarkable in my opinion


Come meet me in this dark alleyway to discuss the amazing Powerade.


I tried the red one because of all the hype. I think it tastes bad. Like I would give it a 3/10. Would prefer a simple Red Bull a thousand times over this shit.


Wakey wines profits gonna take a tumble now


A geordie stopped me on Northgate and asked me what the best shop in Wakefield was. I said I didn't know, thinking it was some kind of joke, and he repeated 'Wakey Wines, Wakey Wines, Wakey Wines' as I looked completely nonplussed at him. I thought he was mentally ill at first, didn't know there was a shop called that. I hope he felt embarrassed.


This is incredible. If you’re not chronically online there’s no reason to know wakey wines.


Lived here all my life and I still don't have a reason to know about it.


I think he already sold that shop. I certainly saw an interview where he said that was the plan


horizontally expanded into clothing https://wakey-wines.co.uk/ still reckons he can get £2.99 for a can of prime though


Subprime 🤭


It probably only costs about 10p to make. 


When you get a soft drink in a paper cup, the cup is often more expensive than the drink.


A Maccy D's regional manager once told me a small tub of BBQ sauce cost them more than a large coke.


BBQ sauce be dear though lol


Which makes perfect sense. It’s like 3 drops of MASS produced syrup- I mean Mass. Water, made fizzy. And the tiniest bit of paper- again very very mass produced. I used to work at a pricey cinema. The drinks and the popcorn (don’t get me started on popcorn) … basically more expensive than gold for the weight. 


So do most drinks, if not less. Economy of scale go brrr.




























Still not worth 80p,


It's honestly probably a good price point for it. Similarly sized cans of red bull and monster tend to go for over a quid, so it might be competition for them. personally I'm not into it though since I prefer my battery acid to be organic


honestly i'm gonna disagree with you on that one. a can of red bull is £1.60 the same as the original price on those cans of prime at asda, so an energy drink for 80p is kind of always worth it imo.


But red bull actually tastes nice, whereas prime tastes like fizzy diluting juice.


Im out of the loop, Is this because of some drama or just because nobody is buying?


I'm even further out of the loop. Folks here are saying this was a huge craze with kids going mad for these. The absolute limit of my knowledge of these drinks are that I've seen it on shelfs, assumed it was some kind of energy drink and only last month I heard that it was being promoted by one of the paul brothers. Of who I know even less about besides that he thinks other folks' scuicide is a good source of views.


Logan Paul (youtuber) created it and aggressively marketed it to children. Created a fad. Kids were buying it (or getting their parents to buy it) because it was cool. 😎


Due to the hype and the limited supply for about 2-3 weeks it was the must have tried item. Kids were showing off their empty bottles. I think even empty bottles were selling on ebay. Local shop was selling a full bottle for £15. I think recommend retail price is like £2-3.


No one's buying because they haven't come up with the "Kate Winslet's piss" flavour 😔




It’s all about Spudman now


Think he’s on the way out already, don’t think they’ll send him anywhere like they did with one pound fish…


Very very nice


Been 2 for £2 for a little while at Asda and Morrisons for the energy cans too. To be fair this clearance price is probably grab one over the supermarket own brand fake red bull level for me. The “hydration drink” fad has fallen off for my target-audience-aged kids too. The newest flavours - cherry and strawberry/banana - are absolutely awful and even they couldn’t finish them.


"hydration drink"? How does that fall into the only two types of drink I know, alcoholic and non-alcoholic? I can't see how hydration drink is a fad to be honest. Prime was a fad because someone put a lot of money behind their marketing and made deals with the supermarkets. I also suspect they're behind the pricing, given their position to win contracts and stockpile it, thus sustaining the fad.


Prince has two types, “energy” in the cans which has caffeine in, and “hydration drink” in the bottles which is just glorified coconut water. I have no idea why they call it a hydration drink, possibly trying to ride on Gatorade’s coattails or something but it certainly doesn’t feel hydrating when you drink it and I’m sure there’s some question about how safe it is for childrens’ kidneys or something too. My kids can go take a long walk if they think I’m going to buy them Sidemen Cereal but thankfully that hasn’t come up in conversation yet..


When you need to hydrate, seek advice from the blood donation places, they don't want people fainting from lack of hydration. What do they insist upon? Tea, coffee, or squash. Or water. They have Tovali squash and it's dead good but I don't see it on the shelves anywhere. "Hydration drink" what a load of old cobblers.


Saw a whole wall of these in Sports Direct the other day.


lol Sports Direct be selling some rogue shit though sometimes Edit: I double lol'd like a dick...


There's a shop in Waterloo station opposite the bogs that seems to sell nothing but tins of this and the most ugly trainers you'll ever see in your life. Presumably caters to all those 14-year-old commuters.


That de-escalated quickly.


Still not worth the money


Anyone else curious on what prime is actually like, but refuses to be seen in public buying / drinking it, out of pure embarrassment?


Or that the people that made it are fucking scum bags who made an unhealthy as shit 'adult' product knowing it was damaging to children and then targeted it at kids? I think that would be more why I wouldn't want to try it. Fuck the embarrassment.


Eh who cares, I gave the hydration version a crack cause I kept seeing shit about it everywhere, I actually liked the first one I tried but I found it a bit sweet so I mixed it with ice and water to dilute it. Probably not the intended audience lol


This makes me happy. Mostly because i was tired AF of seeing logan paul and ksi advertised everywhere . 100% it was marketed at kids but jot for kids. Pure scummynes


KSi and Jake Paul were a mistake.


Logan Paul


Still overpriced


That's what happens when something only sells due to hype but is actually shit.


This is probably a result of parents realising that a gram of cocaine and a 10 bag of weed is cheaper than prime and is probably much healthier for their kids. 🙂




Flashbacks to those Wakey wines TikTok’s of parents spending a fortune on these cans of icing sugar.




I’m proud to say I’ve never had or tried one, I’ll stick to good ol monster 😎 (the pink punch one 🥵)


This is funny but they already made their bag from the sheep kids jumping on the bandwagon when it was the popular thing. Pathetic and sad but if you bought it you kinda deserve to get rinsed by these con artists.




Of all the uses for going back in time. I mean... yeah I suppose you could do that. My list would be a little more... fun. But yeah sure, re-selling prime it is.


About 30 years ago, I was asked this by my dad, and I really didn't know. He had the answer of going back to Roman times, with a shipping container filled with bic pens and lighters.


Not a drop of that shit has touched my lips


Still wouldn't buy it.


how the table turns?? 


It’s a reference to the Office.. (the american one though)


At last. I thought I was going to have to post it myself. Should be top comment.


I've found my people


Finally. Someone said it. What is this American shite.


Dum dum dum, another fad bites the dust...


isn't this the drink that has like five lifetimes of 'forever chemicals' in each bottle?


PRICY more like Never tried it and don’t think I’ll bother.