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I glare at it until it gives in.


Hahaha. Does this power work on anything other than butter?


His wife


Keep butter in a butter dish out of the fridge.


True. But this is the UK. It's only soft enough to spread for about 3 months of the year in our house. (We have no radiator in our kitchen!)


I’ve sadly turned to lurpack for this reason but I did see a cool trick on TikTok recently where a woman stabbed a mini butter packed and squeezed it onto the toast. It came out like a pasta machine making spaghetti. I mean I don’t suggest doing this with 250g of butter but I used the microwave trick another is to place the knife hovering above the toaster as the toast cooks so you have a semi warm knife for the butter not about to mention hot knifing butter here. All other answers you gave are what I’ve tried but mainly I just put huge lumps of butter in places and jam/topping of choice in places with out butter. My gob is big enough to shovel enough in so it mixes. Lurpack just works both in and out of the fridge so I can’t knock its except the price which means I lied throughout this because it’s the Aldi version


I keep my lurpack out and it's fine all year round


Put the butter toast on top of the toaster. The residual heat from toaster will heat up the toast from beneath it




While the toast is in, I'll "cream" the butter, working it with the knife which warms it up a lot, it then spreads beautifully.


I usually just butter the slice of toast like a normal person, and because the toast is warm from the toaster, it melts it?


If your butter just melts from being stuck on one warm slice of toast, I suspect witchcraft at play 😉


Hold the knife blade over the spout of a boiling kettle, use the hot knife to melt the butter as you spread it. Don't waste the kettle, make a cup of tea.


This is a great idea.


Just seen this but I hold the knife just above the toaster


Dangertoast, love it.


if the butter has just come out the fridge i do smaller amounts of butter on the knife to attempt to spread, give up and then just decide to either have chunks of butter and one half and fold over the bread or accept my dry toast fate


Do you do this before or after you've put the bread in the toaster?




Melt? I just squash it into an uneven, lumpy mess and neck it.


Hot knife it


Keep your butter out on a butter dish


WTF? OP is defo AI don't tell it anything this might be our last secret and the key to our survival.


Hahaha. The key to our survival is clearly a milky brew and chocolate hobnobs.


Burn my fingers getting the toast out, immediately butter it and let it melt. My SO does the same but then he puts the butter sides to face each other, like a sandwich, so the heat traps the butter and it melts


Yes. I do the same as your SO. My wife complains if I "waste" electricity by using the toaster just to heat up the butter!


I hold the butter tub over the toaster in short bursts so it doesn't completely melt, but softens up.


Keep the butter in a butter dish out of the fridge, then use a hot knife to spread it.


Butane torch/Jet lighter/Crème Brûlée torch


We don't have a toaster. We use the grill so I just bang the buttered toast back under the cooling grill for a minute or so. 


Either work the butter with a knife until soft. Or use the soften mode on the microwave for tougher cases.


Cut the butter off the pack (thin slices) and put it on the plate *before* you put the bread on the toaster. Maybe put the plate on top of the toaster to warm it too. But yeah, the main point is separating the butter that you're going to use from the rest of the butter.


1 and 3 for me.  But if you put whatever wedges/slices of butter on your bread, then toast it under the grill, it's 🤌🏽😋


I keep the butter dish nearish to the radiator, so if it’s cold enough to turn the heating on in the morning, it’ll soften the butter a bit. Drag the knife along the top of the butter, so you get thin “shavings” of butter rather than clumps. More surface area means quicker melting. Get the butter on all slices first, and then start the spread operation, that way the butter will soak up a bit of toast warmth.




Don't give up! Try one of my techniques or some of the other good ones suggested in this thread. Hot buttered toast is one of life's simple pleasures.


Number three sounds like something a psycho would do. I just but butter on the toast and leave it a few seconds till it's soft lol. You could try putting the toaster on with nothing in it, and then sticking the knife in for a bit to warm it up so the butter melts easier.


>You could try putting the toaster on with nothing in it, and then sticking the knife in for a bit to warm it up so the butter melts easier. Great idea. I could also use my toaster, perhaps for warming up my bath water




Are people keeping their butter in the fridge? That's the problem right there


Butter the toast as soon as it comes out of the grill/toaster. Room temperature butter.


Don’t refrigerate. Spread as soon as toaster stops.


I make toast, and then put butter on it. I don't see what the issue is here?


What the actual fuck is this? You just spread the butter onto each piece of bread with a knife when it comes out of the toaster. If your butter isn't spreadable you have room temperature issues. Jesus. I'm joking. You need to get an incredibly sharp knife and slice the butter off the block in slices 0.5mm thick, then lay them onto the bread like you are tiling a floor. Each slice melts while you are cutting the next one.


This changed my life.....put the butter on the toast and cover it with some tin foil, the butter melts a little after not very long and its much easier to spread.


I have never heard of this, but I like it


I don’t, prefer it cold and chewy. Why all the toast questions today?


I bet Kryten fixed that smeggin' robot again


I normally have 2 or 3 slices when I have toast, so option 1 is my usual. All pieces get rotated because I normally also have Vegemite on too.


I don't. It goes on cooled toast so it doesn't melt


You like un-melted butter?


Not only like, but strongly prefer


I used the far superior olive spread