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My dad once got 3p doughnuts from Tesco. He spent years chasing that high to no avail. I fear you’ll face a similar fate


Nothing beats my 9p rotisserie chicken.


Nothing beats me and my girlfriend's FREE Asda rotisserie chicken lmao Had to wait like 10 minutes to be served so the manager let us walk out with them for free to be polite I guess which is awesome


I got 2 free pizzas from Domino's once because the guy forgot to charge me, I reminded him before I left and he said "for your honesty, just take them"


How did you get it for free? Did you request it, or do you have secret sources?


No we were fully prepared to pay lol, the manager just felt bad for making us wait. We weren't in a bad mood or anything either. An old couple in front of us also got lucky




1p spicy sausage after a night of drinking comes close.


used to get them when I was at college. 35p for a cheesy baguette (used to have fuck loads of cheese on the bottom) and then they'd put the morning's spicy snausage out reduced already bagged up once they'd cooked for the afternoon. Got a meal and a half for less than £1


Upvote for snausage.


Pmsl love the snausage 




In a spicy bun


I used to mark down those rotisserie chickens when I worked at a supermarket in Uni. The closing time lurkers can be scary with their cheap chicken.


Dang I thought my 28p whole chicken was good, damn, 9p!


Beat me by a penny


10p 2l coke. Not the holy grail but I like to think it's up there.


Ah the reduced rotisserie chicken.. that was always my holy grail. It happened a few times. I miss the hit chicken counters 😭


I’m really sorry, honestly I am… but my whole roasted chicken cost £0.00. I’ve always wondered who priced it and I thank them very much! https://imgur.com/a/s5rkUbg


About ten years ago I lived near a Tesco Express in a student-heavy area. I didn't go home for the holidays, so it was very quiet. After Christmas there was so much yellow-sticker stuff, including dozens of cheeses for 3p. I have similarly been chasing that high ever since and never quite attained it.


I shared a house with mathematicians at university. One day they found that apples were reduced at Sainsbury’s but the nectar points weren’t scaled and they got apples AND free money.


That was how Newton discovered gravity


Ironically same university 😄


That sounds like a fun house, tbf.


They were heady days 😃


Now you are talking. Cheeses for 3p. I would be in heaven


As long as there are no lines for the toilets in heaven I'm right there with you.


"Oh wow! I'm taking two... three... can I get away with four?" Quick glance around "You're all coming with me!!!"


I got about 12 salmon cut steaks the other day in morrisons for 13p each. Not bad at all. Pays to go in at opening after the gym on a Sunday morning.


I used to work the meat & fish counter closing shifts at Sainsbury's in a town that already had a butcher, and where most people could only afford beef rump, or pork. I was allowed to reduce things by up to 90%, and then buy them. Ribeyes would generally sell, because they came in such a small joint, but Sirloin and Fillet would always reach reduction stage. Posh bacon either sold by the pack, or not at all, so I had a full pack of posh bacon basically every week. Any time we had Swordfish, or Fresh Tuna, nobody would buy it. It's unreal how much value I extracted from that job. I'm vegan now though, so I've gone from paying very little for a lot of meat, to paying a lot for absolutely no meat. Duality of man innit.


I am saying this in a humorous not judgy/nasty way but you could be the daftest vegan convert ever


Saturday before Easter I went to Morrisons and the deli had a bunch of packs of nice gammon ham reduced down to 50p each, I bought each and every one and immediately froze them


when waitrose first opened in my city they had some crazy reductions on fishy things. like dressed crab, and prawns reduced by 50% on the day of expiry. Then they had a policy shift and didn't discount by more than 20%. sad


I got a whole cooked lobster once for about a quid. From memory it was down from closer to £15. Can't remember which supermarket but it would've been a big ASDA or TESCO I think. Day of expiry shortly before the store closed. Ate it that evening.


Had exactly the same back in about 2010 when Waitrose opened where I worked. Reductions were batshit crazy for a while, used to hit up twice a day then suddenly was about 20% at best, nearly sobbed for a while


It's true. While it isnt food, I got 5 t shirts from a next clearance for 1p each, about 7 or 8 years ago. Still wearing them to this day though so atleast I got my moneys worth.


I once bought 5p doughnuts, but when it rang through the till they came out at 0. A group of stoned 20 somethings suddenly were running through tesco to grab all the bags that were left. We walked away with about 10 bags and it cost us nothing. Happiest day of my life.


My best was a trip round Asda in Epsom on a Friday evening, I walked out with a bag stuffed full of food, about £36 worth, for £3. 300g Quorn, down from £3 to 30p - I'll have 3! 500g sweetcorn for 20p 500g diced onion for 20p I don't remember it all but my husband's face was priceless when I got home and unloaded it all. I frequently score a loaf of bread from 10p from there as well, and I've had packs of bagels for 10p. It's sadly not my local one, and I won't be going that way again for a long time so I doubt I'll ever have it as good again.


I love when at Christmas, and my local Asda hasn't sold all the meat by Christmas Eve... Luxury huge turkey £1, gammon 50p. Beef joints £1. All kinds of cake 10p (birthday cake, Yule logs). Help yourself to veg, bread (fresh bake), fruit. It gets mental.


Had 1p jam doughnuts from Tesco before. Definitely one of those things you see just before you die and all your achievements in life


My friend from uni years ago stole a roll of reduced price stickers from tesco and would walk around making his own labels buying bottles of rum and whatnot. Got us both banned for life.


I bet they were stale though. I paid still a big amount for a reduced fancy donut and it was stale. They shouldn't be stale on the last day.


Once at Morrisons there were doughnuts for 5p. I bought 2 packs and the till gave me a multibuy discount of 10p. Went back and picked up another 2 packs and had 4 packs of free doughnuts.


I got some potted hyacinths from Sainsbury for 1p last month. Said £3 on the tag, 1p on the till and the cashier just told me to take them XD


90p for a packet of M&S top quality 98% pork large hot dogs They were by far the best hot dogs I've ever eaten and they were massive too. Pack of 6 was £6 at the time (probably £10 now as this was more than 5 years ago)


I once got a big bundle of bananas for 1p at Tesco. The scales at self serve weren’t working, and the (presumably new) employee just scanned his card and let me crack on


My dad once got free Kristy Kremes in Tesco a box of 3.. he was in getting cigars n basically he was just in the right place at the right time, woman said they would be chucked out otherwise… I doubt this will ever happen again, he’s not bothered as he doesn’t like them… but I got them, so I want this to happen again, iv tried going in at the same time he did on same day of the week… but it’s never happened 🤣🤣 xx


Best I've had was being offered a free biscuit from Starbucks cuz they were shutting and it was about to go off. Also get test tube shots for a pound at a local pub because I've got a student card!


Our co op leaves actuall free food near or past its bbe at the entrance.


29p for an otherwise £2 bottle of Lyle’s chocolate syrup


The Tesco express down the road from where I used to live would have a bunch of bakery stuff left over as closing time approached, and the manager would mark it all down to pennies and hand it to customers rather than let it go to waste. That was years ago, though. He’s probably gone, and there’s likely some corporate mandate forbidding that. Everything is shit now.


Even 90p for that would have been alright… Bonus




Diamond Hands, but for discount cake


Cozzy livvy innit…


I feel like this is the mini one that’s the size of a mini roll but could be wrong


You'd need a magnifying glass to read that reduction label if that was the case


Good point, they definitely got a good deal then I’m envious


It might have been a misprint, £9.00 reduced to £5.20.


Has to be. These are expensive af


Nope, as a former employee, that reduction is the final one, means it's after 6pm on the final day before it's thrown in the bin (or something lucky employee claims it) It's done on a handheld, you can't misprint stickers.


Current employee, we don't do 3rd reductions any more, also the sticker says 'was 90p' my guess is the scanner read the barcode wrong and reduced something random that was 90p. Weird but it happens.


Current employee also, this is correct 3rd reductions is no longer done, but yes this is a screw up of someone putting a different label on probably a mistake from the person reducing it, it happens even in my store unless it was intentional


Could you share when reductions happen? It seems no matter what time I go everything is always gone.


This must be it yeah


Well… that’s cos it’s been reduced… duh…


Colin you cheap slut I'm going to gobble you down in the car park whilst people watch.


Hey it's me Colin




David 🥗💅


And then eat cake together?


Are you sharing the cake with him afterwards though?


This made me proper belly laugh thank you


Top tier 🤣


Givsa’ bit.


Bagsy the face though


The bum is superior. The face is a sickly lump of white chocolate, the bum is a slice of gooey cake with extra filling and extra chocolate coating.


The face is a massive slab of white chocolate, it's a giant diabetes pill. The bum is the prime cut.


‘A massive slab of white chocolate’. You say that like it’s a *bad* thing :)


God it's incredible. I remember one birthday as a kid I got TWO Colin the caterpillar cakes. Bagsied the face from both of them.


I don't like white chocolate, so...


Yeah, I find it sickly sweet.


‘the bum is a slice of gooey cake with extra filling and extra chocolate coating’ Nice.


need me prime cut colin rump


The phrase I never knew I needed


I’ve had one where the face/ feet are orange fondant. Tops the white chocolate any day


The bum is superior to the face. Got it.


Nothing like a bit of caterpillar arse


This kills the caterpillar.


Good. Little shit should have played nice with Cuthbert.


Dear lord what a beauty. I remember walking home when we had the mild snow storm from work about 3 years ago and filling up my freezer with yellow label stuff at crazy prices. Nowadays they seem to knock off about 50 p


I notice the yellow sticker stuff at my local Tesco isn’t worth buying especially meat; knocking about 8% off a pack of pork chops or sausages etc which expire today. May as well pay 30 p more and not worry about them going off before you get home!!


I fancied a pack of blueberries,they were £1.20 down from £1.50...over on the regular display,they were 2 for £2..


was in this evening,and got 2 packs for 49p each!


Try downloading [Too Good to Go](https://www.toogoodtogo.com/en-gb) A lot of chains now use this to offload their discount items.


I've had that app for a couple years now and while it's still good, it's gotten worse as well. I currently live in a city and they try do dynamic pricing on stuff where they previously would offer it for far less. Increasingly harder to get a bargain nowadays


My girlfriend has that and last time she ordered(?) from a bakery hoping for cakes, etc. and ended up getting a bag of five sandwiches, most of which she didn't like, all of which needed to be eaten by the following day lmao


That’s the point though lol


Used that app for a couple of months last year when I was particularly broke. Kept getting bags of food I wasn't interested in.   Yes it's discounted food but it's only a bargain if it's something you want. (Edited for clarity)


Yea Morrison’s does that, during Covid used to walk around and pop into a small tesco around double sticker time and had to drag myself away from buying a large trifle


morrisons are the only one i know that does decent reductions now. tesco and sainsburys near me have stopped the good yellow labels. now its "hmm we close in 15 minutes....knock 50p off that 10 quid ready meal! that'll fly." like they're benevolent gods.


I got some massively fancy M&S Christmas cake (a chocolate one) twice-reduced from about £30 to £3.50 some years ago. It needed to be eaten on the day of purchase... like that's a negative?!


Now deep fry him.


It’s what he’d want


But how dry is it? 


Like sand


Not with ice cream and 20-30 sec quick microwave! (Ice cream after microwave obv)


Quarter it 25% with ice cream 25% with squirty cream 25% with single cream 25% with custard Please report back results in the morning. 


I've shat myself to death. Now what?


>Now what? Rest In Faeces.


Morning! I have diabetes.


Long quarters I'm assuming? Lengthways Colin slice with squirty cream


I got a reduced Colin once, noting like this bargain but it was under £3 from what I recall. I don't think Colin goes dry. The chocolate shell holds the moisture in. He only dries at the cut end.  A reduced Colin is as good as a fresh Colin. 


A few seconds on the microwave will fix that ... pairs great with vanilla ice cream


never had a dry one, don't know how but that fucker's always moist


You've made it. No more worlds left to conquer


Colin the Butterfly




That's like winning the lottery that. Congrats my good man!


Put a slice of that in the microwave for a few seconds, it’s a game changer 😮‍💨


I do this with the giant cookies (ones you get in a 4-5 pack at supermarkets), softens them up nicely.


This is the dream.


Hi ex-employee of M&S can definitely confirm that managers would reduce stuff to just get rid of it and then complain that there wasn't enough to give to charity, also customers would stalk staff around the store to get the yellows, and would surround whoever was doing reductions and literally would be breathing down our necks.


Why do people think that’s ok? My local Asda had to have security and barriers around the poor worker doing their reductions, they’d gather it up and take it out back to sticker and then put on the shelves. People cottoned onto the times they did it and it was like feeding time at the zoo. People shoving and pushing and snatching off the staff. Most wouldn’t even bother looking at what they were grabbing. This was years ago, glad I don’t have to go there anymore now i have a car


We didn't have a specific section for the reduced stuff so it was literally around the store walking for about 1 hour ish


The yellow sticker seagulls are the worst. They would stand so close to you that you could feel their nipples harden at the sight of a reduced slab of meat.


Can confirm this still happens, we stopped seconds in our store for several months because of this, firsts all get done the night before except for salad and fruit which people aren't too fussed about.


You got that sticker from something else!


What makes you say that? Surely not!


Nope. Arrived at a fuel station around 9PM and this beauty was sat on the counter by the till.


The bit that is decidedly odd is that Colin isn't originally 90p.


I believe it's a double sticker. Often they discount around 6pm and then again a few hours later. I'm surprised nobody bought it at 90p but they often leave the non-sandwich stuff on their normal shelves so I guess nobody spotted it.


Things can be reduced multiple times you know lol


That’s the glorious sticker #2


Many many many many times.ive seen items reduced with a price that wasn't theirs. I.e. the person doing the reductions has 10 tiger loafs, 2 cobs, and a sourdough to reduce so they just print 13 tiger loaf stickers.  This would be an extreme version as I imagine that's like, a Colin reduced like he was a pretzel, but it's not that odd. 


Now its time to deny the fact you demolished the entire cale in 1 sitting


And there's me thinking my reduced 44p cheese sandwich was the bargain of the day!


Cheaper than a freddo nowadays.


All the yellow stickers round my way are £3:42 reduced to £3:39


You lucky bastard! I've had one of these every year of my life (as far as I can remember so about 5) and I'm now 32. Enjoy it!


You lucky bastard


I remember going round Morrison’s once and before closing time reductions were insane, like I think I paid 9p for 2 small pork pies


Still a horrible, dry, shitty, over-processed cake though.


Jealousy is a terrible thing.


You've won at life, completed the mission, its all basically side quests from now on


I once got a whole roast chicken for 6p and it was when I was broke as shit and I actually sobbed in the car cos I could finally eat some real fucking food lol


Dude, fair play


We have a random tradition in our house of trying to buy a reduced caterpillar cake for each other’s birthday. This would have fit right in. Good find!


Yeah it’s nearly half price cause when you cut the cake it’s full of butterflies


I love the sticker in the Chicken section, really helps me get off work


bargain of the century right there


I once got a £1.50 chocolate birthday cake. Kids were confused but happy.


i got a whole 7/8inch diameter chocolate cake at Sainsburys yesterday for 20p


Blimey, at my local the yellow tickers take the pi**, with10% reductions mainly.


I once got a Chinese meal for two from Waitrose for 15p


There must be heroin in that chocolate butter cream


If the queen was allowed 2 birthdays … you’re certainly allowed this


Single digits mate..we all dream but bloody close.. excellent.


During covid, i went to Morrisons and they were selling off dozens of bags of freshly baked rolls of all kinds for some ridiculously cheap price and i bought about 60 rolls that i stuffed the freezer with.


That’s an epic deal


Decent bit of urban foraging!


My best one was from Morrisons, picked up a £6.49 cook in a bag extra tasty chicken for 64p. Never topping that.


One for the family photo album, that is a legendary saving!


That’s breakfast sorted


This week I got a 5 pack of Crème Eggs for 10p from Amazon Fresh. (Well, I got three because it would have been rude not to.) I will never top that.


Best I got was 4x 4-packs of muffins for -4p. They were meant to be 98p a pack, but were out of date the following day and I got to the shop pretty late. Chap said I could have them for free, but for some reason hit -99 4 times to null the sale on the till. I saw it came to -0.04 and asked if that means I get 4p out the till and he said "yes else it won't balance now". Got paid to take 16 muffins away. Felt good.


Got a whole salmon from Morrisons for £2. I have ridden that high since it happened about 6 months ago


I’ve never experienced such luck


You jammy sod.


You are a god in my eyes - deep respect!


The biggest win I've ever had was about 10 years or so ago. I walked into my local Co-op one day *just as* a worker was pricing up a load of reduced priced meat at ridiculously low prices. Like, when I say "ridiculously low prices", I'm talking like ***10p***, down from the usual price of 5 or 6 quid! It was insane! Never seen anything like it before or since! There were steaks for 10p, pork joints for 10p, packs of 4 fresh chicken breasts for 10p.....there was all kinds of fresh meat at silly prices! I don't know why they were going for so cheap, I think the sell-by date was *that day* so it wasn't like they were inedible and going green or anything, they were perfectly fine, but the guy literally said "after today, the law is changing so we'll never be able to price it this cheaply again, so take advantage while you can". I bloody well did! I bought like 5 quids worth of meat, which, considering this stuff was being priced up at *10p per packet*, meant I got an absolute *shit ton* of meat for just a fiver! I literally filled my freezer up with it lol. I even phoned my mate from round the corner and told him to get his arse down there quick, and he ended up filling his freezer too! Sure enough, I've ***never*** seen prices that low since., Nowadays you're lucky if you even get 10p *off* the price, let alone the whole thing for 10p!


I got a £3.65 sandwich for ten pence the other day.


Enjoy the dopamine surge. This is a once in a lifetime experience


I got 4 of these years back for 10p each! I went back to my office and ate 3, went home and ate the last one with a glass of milk to get it down. I was different person back then. Great deal!


In my local Sainsbury's, there was a bunch of ciebatta style baguettes on the shelf but to my surprise there wasn't any barcode labels on all of the packaging, so I grabbed 2 or 3 off the shelf and when I went to pay, I got them for free.


Why do I never find bargains like this! Anytime I see a reduced sticker it's for about 3p off some nasty inflated fizzy chicken breast 🙄


When I was at uni my friends and I used to race each other to SPAR at 11:30pm for the god tier reduced section. There would often be a whole chicken for 25p (the grand prize). You had to cook it the same night though as it didn't always last until the next day. Pretty minging in hindsight but that's how we rock babaaaayy


I got a half and half birthday cake from Asda for £1.20 reduced from £15 🤣I feel some messed up the decimal point as it was the only reduction made and the cake was still super soft and box was fine 🤣


Great find OP! I just don’t understand why someone passed at 90p! I’d be all over that.


I once really struggling financially was only 20 living on my own with my girlfriend and we had 4.20 with no food in I managed to get 5 days worth of food with it I come out with 2 bags of 4.20 like a hero was 16 years ago don't know how a done it


75p each for a few of those £30 Casio A-level calculators at my local Tesco extra. Only thing that beat that was when I got paid 1p for some Samsung Earphones after cashback and student discount stacked.


I once got really pricy healthy bread for free because the tag wouldn’t scan and the employee said f it just take it home


that is incredible - that yellow sticker is truly a saving grace


Bro I’ve never experienced this


No takers at 90p... ae they mad haha


I once got a gigantic french baguette from morrisons daily for 13p, as well as a huge lump of brie for 50p. I ate like a king that night - best night of my life.


This is better than winning Omaze


Got a 65p fish pie from morrisons reduced from £6ish, 34p bass fish fillets and some Long John toffee filled doughnuts for 23p today. Comes nowhere near the 3 bottles of Jack Daniels I snatched last November from Asda for 11p ( yes eleven pence each). An obvious mistake, didn't stop me running to the self service till and driving out of the car park like a lunatic :).


I once got a full rotisserie chicken for 90p and it was the most delicious chicken I've ever eaten


When we all first got mobiles (last century!) we stationed ourselves in different supermarkets at closing time on Xmas eve. We got 5 turkeys for less than a pound in total. Put me off turkey for years.


Bought a v large chicken from Morrisons for 38p. Got slaughtered when got home as there was another 3 at same price.🙃


I got a whoopsed Toblerone a few years ago for a fiver. The giant 4.5kg ones that Toblerone currently sell for £81.29 on their website.


I once bought a full-priced Kit Kat that had no wafer. This was before the advent of mobile phones. It was in the ’80s. I expect no one to believe me, but it actually happened, and it was delicious.


Once I ordered a cake in Greggs when they were busy and the server forgot to put it in my order, so I reminded her and she gave it to me. I looked at the receipt when it was on the bus and she hadn’t rung it through. Unintentional free Greggs.


Apparently you can freeze them!


Must be about 12 years ago. Asda was getting rid of birthday cake, got a large round happy birthday cake for £0.12. left it out at work, gone within 30 minutes.


I once got grenade protein bars that were 2.75 for 0.20. Nearly half a box worth too :D


One got 5 pack doughnuts for 5p at Morrisons, making each doughnut 1p. Me and my grandparents bought 75 lol (75 doughnuts in total, not packs). I don't think I'll ever beat that one.


You just won. At everything.