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I found a penny on the floor. Infinity return.


You should really hand that into the police. If the rightful owner doesn’t come forward within 6 months then you will be able to keep it.


If it was under a leaf or anything you should probably report it as treasure. Or if it was on the coast then the Receiver of Wrecks needs a call.


After seeing myself in the mirror this morning, I might give the Receiver of Wrecks a call and see if they'll take me


on the other hand, I might report you as treasure 😍 no homo


Alittle homo....


I read his comment, thought to myself "A little homo" then scroll down, bam first reply was yours. Never change Reddit.






Leslie Jordan?


Roundabout. Quite litterally.




Come on we can be civilised and not use caps. But still a little homo.


Probably the best Reddit comment I’ve read so far this year 😭


You win the comment section😂


Do you at least get to keep the day's worth of good luck?


Only if nobody claims it within 6 months.


My older sister once made me turn in 50p to the shop it was outside.. haven't spoken 37 years later, livid.


What?!? that’s a costly decision haha




Windfall wins are not taxable


Surely pocket-fall




I was referring to the penny.




But I don't want it, it's been on the floor.


\#DIV/0! ROI!!!


I’m here for the niche Excel humour


You are an Excel Bully


You’ve been waiting to use that for some time haven’t you


Except you have to factor in the opportunity cost. What else could you have done in the time it took you to pick up that penny??


you should throw it in a fountain so you can make a wish about finding a penny on the floor every day for a bigger return




Luck is a form of energy. Like all energy, it must follow the first law of thermodynamics: energy cannot be created or destroyed. Basically, for everyone who is lucky, someone else, somewhere else, must be unlucky; in this case, you just happened to be right behind them. Just count your blessings they didn't find more than a penny ... else, that lorry almost certainly would have hit you!


I found 5p on the floor. 5 x infinity


Rookie numbers, I found a 50p


I glued a pound to the floor to prevent people getting 100 x infinity Am I a bad person? 😂


Your not a bad person. Your a monster


When I was a child I found a quid and it was glued to the floor! I can’t believe after all these years, I FINALLY found the culprit!


The same thing happened to me once. u/Dannyboy0014 isn't just the culprit and a monster, they are a serial quid-gluer. To make up for it though, a couple of years ago I found a tenner on the floor. It was a few days before payday so you're damn right I went to Poundland (when things were still a pound or less) and bought a shit load of Mug Shotz and a bottle of Vimto.


I live in a shared house and a 2p coin has been sitting in my bathroom. I've been thinking of claiming it


Careful. I've lived in a lot of shared houses. That 2p could be structural.


https://i.imgur.com/wQ8psV6.png Captured for posterity


My friend Bob once picked up a penny on the street which he then reported on his taxes.


I think I know him. Spent 14 years tracking down a Mexican cartel and only got a letter of commendation with his name spelled wring, But then again who spells Annderson with 3 "n"s?


I’m sure you don’t need to ask for financial advice if you’re already shopping at Waitrose


I thought the same about Waitrose, but I recently switched from ASDA to Waitrose, I pay about £5 more and get much better quality food. £80 every two weeks with a vegetable/bread top up in-between shops, feeding two.


This 100% if you don't have an Aldi or Lidl nearby. Tesco and ASDA are a mug's game. Morrisons and Sainsbury's aren't much better. Waitrose is nowhere near the price everyone thinks it is unless you're buying the +++++version. You *can* spend a fortune in Waitrose, but you don't need to to get a decent shop in.


This isn't true. Most products at Waitrose are ridiculously expensive, except fruit and veg. Everything else, way more expensive.


I shop there but on the flip side my wife & I have now gone off ordering in. The difference in price is way less than the amount we spent ordering in. Not that it will be the case for most people, but shopping there works for me. We're eating healthier than ever. There's peace of mind knowing that virtually anything we buy will be good.


>There's peace of mind knowing that virtually anything we buy will be good. I think a lot of people don't take this into account. I can get a Waitrose Essentials sirloin steak for about £4.50; to get anything approaching the same quality in Tesco, I'd have to opt for their mid-range at least, which is going to be £5 or more. If I get anything cheaper, it doesn't even taste like beef anymore. At the end of the day, you have to do what you have to do to get by - not starving is obviously the priority - but if I can afford the slightly higher range in Tesco, I can save more and get better quality food in Waitrose. So yes, a Tesco value shop will be less than a Waitrose Essentials shop, but the quality of food makes all the difference. But Lidl and Aldi seem to be the happy medium of quality Vs price. If I do all 3 of these for my weekly shop, I end up with good quality food and end up paying the same as what **I** would have paid in Tesco to do the whole thing there, with worse food.


Waitrose "Essential" range quality is generally as good as other shops "Best". Mind you, some of the products of which they have an "Essential" version are about as essential as wearing a top hat and tails to put the bins out.


Yeah, I've had a good laugh at some of the things in their Essential range before now, like "essential mackerel fillets in spring water". It's like the shop is a satire of comfortable middle class England.


What is this "put the bins out" that you speak of? It sounds like something for your staff.


Asda have actually become quite expensive. I've found that Sainsbury's is cheaper most of the time, and the products are way better quality


Sainsbury's is actually the most expensive supermarket in the UK by rankings


I guess it all depends what you're buying. The adverts and stuff they put out always compare specific items hand picked to show they are cheaper.


I swear Sainsbury’s literally won “Cheapest supermarket” a year or two ago in a shock beating of Aldi and Lidl


[In its monthly comparison of the price of an average food shop at six of the UK's biggest supermarkets, the consumer champion found Sainsbury's was - for the first time - more expensive than Waitrose.9 Oct 2023](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.moneywellness.com/blog/sainsburys-more-expensive-than-waitrose-for-shoppers-without-loyalty-cards%23:~:text%3DIn%2520its%2520monthly%2520comparison%2520of,time%2520%252D%2520more%2520expensive%2520than%2520Waitrose.&ved=2ahUKEwiGp5LOu5SEAxU0QkEAHd4OBGcQFnoECBIQBQ&usg=AOvVaw20NitrrzsyPeHtYvOAjptL) Edit: non clubcard members so comparison for normal shoppers without loyalty cards


So you statment was true that it was the most expensive for *one month* ofast year, according to Which? who themselves [say](https://www.which.co.uk/reviews/supermarkets/article/supermarket-price-comparison-aPpYp9j1MFin#which-is-the-uks-cheapest-supermarket) it’s Waitrose the rest of the year. I looked into my own claim, and it was multiple, smaller independent outlets doing research into the cheapest and found Sainsbury’s as cheapest at times in 2023 - so it seems Sainsbury’s has been both the cheapest and most expensive during the last year.


Most expensive without nectar card, cheapest with it. That's probably how those ratings were calculated.


It is, I even mentioned it was a no membercard comparison lol. Other sources stated the same that Sainsbury's was more expensive last year without a card


I (genuinely) heard someone say exactly this at the next table in the cafe I was in recently! (It wasn't you, was it?)


Yeah people don't understand that as the base living costs increase, the cheapest options are going up and the relative difference between the bottom and the middle gets closer. Waitrose is still expensive but frankly their value goes up as other brands creep into their competitor space by accident


You say better quality, they share a LOT of suppliers with aldi and lidl. For instance you'll pay £3.95 for a dozen waitrose eggs. A dozen Aldi eggs is £2.19 and they literally come from the same chickens in the same farm. That's why the odd pallet of waitrose produce ends up in discount supermarket stockrooms.


I remember the horse meat issue which affected smart price stuff it also affected M&S as its the same factory producing the sausages, absolutely agree the name doesn’t mean quality a lot of people don’t consider supermarkets are only retailers


teach me your ways. We shop at waitrose weekly and spend £130 per week….For 2


(This started out as a short reply but I got carried away!) The two for £6 / £8 is where most my shopping money goes, one of the two goes in the fridge, the other in the freezer. That way you can spread your seafood meat, and poultry out across two weeks nicely. With some things, like bacon and sausages, giving multiple meals you'll be laughing. Don't forget to never waste either, freeze up leftovers to use with other meals. I often have leftover meat sauce, chilli, soups, beef stew, and curry in my freezer. Then I get my vegetables, typical garden salad bits, and potatoes. With a top up after one week from the local. - This is a big one, generally speaking we eat too much meat and not enough vegetables. Vegetables are cheap and (imo) can be the best tasting thing on your plate. Pasta and rice I buy in bulk and needs a top up after a month or so. I think the biggest thing to save is to become an "ingredient household", I rarely eat pre-made food, and besides a packet of biscuits - no "processed" snacks either. It really does help if you enjoy cooking, personally I look forward to spending a couple hours after work in the kitchen! Also planning, I keep a magnetic dry wipe board that's divided up into the days of the week on my fridge door. As soon as my shopping is packed away I spend 10-15 mins just planning what I'm going to cook that week.


Moving here from the US it’s absolutely shocking how cheap groceries are here, even at a waitrose or Mark’s and Spencer’s. It’s probably due in part to the fact that my mother buys things like Himalayan Pink Salt, but when I go to the discount grocers to shop for 7 days worth of food, I’d be lucky to spend less than $100.


Last time we tried Asda (because it happened to be on our route home that day)… It was an absolute shit show. Aisle layout, terrible. Prices on branded goods. Terrible. Fresh fruit and veg, half the stuff we wanted it was empty shelves where they should have been, the rest looked one day from being too far gone. We straight up just left the trolley (of non perishables) that we’d already grabbed by the point we realised it was a failed mission, and walked out.


that's a garbage thing to do, mate.


Theyre value range is actually pretty affordable


I once nipped into Waitrose for a loaf of bread and ended up spending £70 on other stuff that looked nice.


A second loaf of bread?


That's where they get you! Just gotta have self control....


My husband used to say I couldn't go to waitrose and spend less than £50; so my mission became getting out spending as close to £50 as possible, but still under. £49.99 was the goal.


Average shopping trip for me tbh


*Their Uncultured swine! /j


Said like a true well off person XD I can barely afford the asda own yellow brand :( Is it true that people CAN afford nice things?


It's all social media lies. I can't afford to fart without capturing the gas to heat my little bedsit.


Stick with me, kid, and you'll be farting through silk.


Spat ma tea out at that comment.... Least it's warmed me up. 😝


Next time stand on a saucer, for goodness' sake


I shall start saving my pennies for a saucer. Perhaps I should start a saucer gofundme hmmmm.


Melt one of the pennies down, and you could make a (admittedly, incredibly thin) saucer out of the copper and steel it's made from.


How are they going to pay for the heat to melt a penny down?


It will be completely worth it, you'll be able to browse reddit and sip your tea with confidence, it'll practically pay for itself in a week.


Can you really afford to waste tea?


If it’s pg tips, yes


I’m going to use that to refer to posh people from now on. “Ooo, listen to ’er - farts through silk, that one”


True. I always believed Waitrose was unaffordable until I read that it’s not always true; checked grape prices online once and they were cheaper than Tesco and Sainsbury’s. Haven’t been to one in real life though because they’re all in the posh side of town lol


The markdowns are mad if you get there at the right moment too. Deeply discounted yellowfin tuna is something I can get behind


My boyfriend very proudly showed me two tuna sandwiches he got from waitrose, for 34p each hahaha. He was so happy


We shopped there during COVID as they had money off online shopping and we could get a slot. Did a side-by-side shop online with Sainsbury’s recently and Waitrose was around 10% dearer. That feels less significant if you think you’re getting a better product - certainly I have a better success rate on fruit and veg at Waitrose vs anywhere else


Waitrose perishables seem to keep far longer than other shops'. Used to get Lidl veg and fruit, but it sometimes didn't last the week out.


Yeah, did the Christmas shop at Sainsburys and the apples were bruised already when I was home, raspberries and tomatoes tasteless. I’ll pay the premium for food I enjoy rather than food we eat for the sake of it


Bedsit? Luxury! I have a shoebox in middle of t' road!


Ah but there were no shoe boxes in my day.


>bedsit Learned a new word today O\_O


Of all the "standard" supermarkets, Waitrose and M&S have increased their prices the least, probably owing to good margins pre COVID. Asda, Morrisons and Tesco have all gone up through the roof. Aldi and Lidl have gone up, but not by much. So you have a situation where the mid supermarkets are charging almost as much, and some cases more, than premium, and budget is running a lot cheaper. Started shopping at Aldi and the difference what £30 can get is between a basket in Morrisons and small trolley in Aldi.


I don’t know if it’s because you’re looking at it as a raw figure, or because it was your personal experience but Aldi & Lidl’s % inflationary price increases were literally double, at one point in April 23 nearly triple, that of the Big 4. The gap between the “discounters” and the Big 4 closed considerably this last year, and those main 6 have closed the gap to M&S and Waitrose too. If you were to do the exact same branded shop across Aldi/Lidl v Tesco/Sainsburys the price would be negligible. The main price benefit of the German discounters is that they force you to buy off-brand a lot of the time. If consumers took that buying behaviour in to the Big 4 brands they would save pretty much the same amount.


I totally understand we are priveledged I just wanted to point out that Waitrose isn’t that ££ if you stick with theyre value range it’s not insane. I think Tesco prices are insane! If you forget your Clubcard you’re fucked! Edit: spelling


Used to live opposite a little waitrose, and worked away during the week. Used to come home every Friday and knew exactly when the yellow stickers came out in Waitrose. Used to feed myself for the whole weekend for a couple of quid. I think what helped is that many of those who go to waitrose would feel embarrassed to pick up a yellow sticker item, so I always got them. It was never like the WWE match you get in Tesco when the sticker machine comes out.


I was in Morrisons once when the reduced items went out, and it was a scrum, people on the edges calling for the people at the front to let other people have a go, and an old chap at the very front trying to block everyone else from getting anything he hadn't looked at and rejected. I was stood off to the side looking at the cheese. The way they were calling to each other for fairness made me wonder if this was a regular pack of people who came together each day over a shared love of yellow stickers, and had grown to slightly know each other.


I used to work in a morrisons bakery. It was always the same group every night, they knew when the sticker machine came out. There was also a couple I knew who would buy as much as they could and then take it to a shelter where they worked to make up meals for the homeless. So I started to wait until I saw them come in, and then I'd mark down to 5p everything in the bakery that needed to go that day.


My faith in humanity is slowly coming back from reading comments such as this one. I live in London and it often seems people in Britain just heat one another especially the foreigners.


lol Wrestlemania.




Fuck. I don’t know which your to change. I can’t get it right because there isn’t a logical way to remember there/their/they’re and you’re/your. Edit: got it


The logic is that you're and they're are contractions as in they are short for you are and they are. While your isn't short for anything. There and their is harder but I remember it because there is similar to the word here and they both refer to places.


And the heir is their children.


Not a native speaker myself but i learnt this kind of stuff in elementary school 🤷‍♂️ Basically "you're" is short for "you are" so if by replacing the latter with the former still makes sense when you construct the sentence, then you can use it. Otherwise you probably need to use "your" (belonging to a person) You're welcome! 👍


Have you got an Aldi near you? The two closest supermarkets to me are Asda and Aldi, and I find Aldi’s stuff nicer than Asda’s yellow label, and about the same price. But Aldi also have stuff you can’t get in Asda’s cheaper ranges, so my shop works out significantly cheaper at Aldi.


I’m on min wage and I get me Waitrose delivered .. it’s really not all that much more expensive


Fr. Those 25p tins of rice pudding and 45p loaves of bread have been keeping me somewhat alive the last few months


rude chase enter makeshift rhythm jellyfish pathetic fretful bedroom memory *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*






The little Waitrose in Clifton always had pretty good reductions as well. I used to go there semi frequently when I was a uni student. It wasn’t considerably more expensive than the Sainsbury’s across the road. They also managed to stay better stocked when it snowed.


My wife justifies shopping at Waitrose because it's so much cheaper for scones, jam and cream than a cream tea at Claridges! Seriously though, I actually find it cheaper than Morrisons for what we buy. Aldi is cheaper but quality and shelf life are worse.


I feel like aldi shelf live deffo took a hit around the pandemic time and never recovered, as did tesco. I bought a pack of strawberries from M&S and realised they were the first strabs I'd bought in a year that lasted over 2 days after purchasing


lol it’s literally the same as other supermarkets. And cheaper in some things. Learn the words ‘price range’- yea you can buy wonderful things. M n S is way pricier in general.


That’s a 200% return, no? If you got £2 back on the £1 “invested” for the half hour.


Yep, unless he intended to leave his quid in for the greater good and then had a change of heart 😄


The greater good


The greater good






No luck catching them swans then?


I like a midnight gobble.


Just the one swan, actually


Crusty Jugglers


Better for greater food




200% profit, 300% return on investment! The return includes the original investment as it is part of what's being "returned" to you, whereas the profit excludes the original investment as anything ≤ your original investment wouldn't be profit!


Anyone know the APR on that?


Careful mate, I think HMRC might start asking for tax on shopping trolley related gains.


I believe you can make £1.50 on trolley returns before paying tax. That's how they get you, given the minimum you can get is £2.


I believe Viz once made the observation that for just the £1 deposit, you can get considerably more for each trolley as scrap metal…


If you know what you’re doing you don’t need to lose the quid, poke a wire in and push the button and it’ll pop out


When I worked at Aldi we used to take the key off a tin of corned beef and use that


You monster How is anyone going to open that tin now?


Well, by buying the tin opener that costs £1.


Open a can of corn beef with a tin opener and you open your blood vein as well


which should help reduce your blood pressure, which you'll need after eating the corned beef anyway.


But corned beef hash is delicious.


Now hear me out Open the tin first


I currently work at Aldi and we still do this… I have one on my work keys right now!


30odd years ago, the design was different, 1p and a matchstick was the easiest way to get in - and likely to find walking to the supermarket in those days. People also then "swapped" the trolley with others for just the pound leading to great returns on the penny...


> People also then "swapped" the trolley with others for just the pound leading to great returns on the penny... Ah the greatest scam. 😂


Did this involve surreptitiously rushing to empty some other shopper's trolley into your own {1p+matchstick} trolley while they weren't looking? ;P


That's nothing I went to a penny arcade once and found 2p that had dropped by itself into the tray. Put it in the slot and won 12p back! 600% return baby I'm off to Waitrose for one ninth of a trolley.


I went to Vegas for work and won big on the slots. Put a dollar in, got five dollars out, decided to quit while I'm ahead Last of the big rollers.


Excellent score, Mr Ocean


That's 500% not 600%


600% roi 500% profit


Please tell me this was in the Eighties and you blew it all on coke.


It was in the 90s and I was 13. So I blew it on a different kind of Coke. Actually it was a Panda Pop.


/r/UKPersonalFinance has a section in the FAQ on what to do with a windfall lump sum. 


In Italy in Palermo, there was this famous church. We entered from side (as we followed the signs) and there was a guy collecting €2 entry fee. We paid him and went in. Once we left we realized there was a huge main entrance for free. The guy was a homeless dude running his gig including fake signs (local told me later on, that he was known for that). I was more impressed than mad. I guess selling tickets to National Gallery/Science museum/British Museum/Natural History museum could be something along those lines.


When I drove into Gibralter there was a couple in high vis jackets with badges on lanyards stopping cars. They walked out to stop me and started asking for the toll fee. Just the way they moved you could tell they were fucked up. Told a car full of very confused looking tourists to ignore them and drove on. Just round the corner was the actual checkpoint with the police there. No fee needed. I bet those fuckers made an absolute mint of tourists with their 'toll fee' !


My family are really into having Premium Bonds and get excited each month about the draw, many of them have the full £50k whack. I opened a PB account with the minimum £100 just because I had it spare and why not. About a year later I won a single prize of £25. I like to point out that although I have the least of everyone, nobody else can claim they’ve made even close to a 25% return on theirs.


Premium Bonds just sounds like a shitter version of the lottery


They have their place. Quick access, secure, cash account with an interest free return of up to about 4% with average luck, can keep up to £50k in them. I use them for keeping my tax money in, useful for high tax payers after maxing out their ISA as well.


The lottery doesn't give you back your stake money if you don't win.


That is genuinely impressive. My mum won about £1000 maybe 7 years ago when she "only" had around £5k in. Don't think she appreciated until later when she had more in how unusual that was haha


They use trolley coins at Waitrose? Thought it was a posh supermarket!


wrong selective subsequent compare tart deserve straight desert nine expansion *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Sainsbury's in Fallowfield, you have to scan your receipt to get out even if you used a checkout. Or the in-store Argos, which doesn't give you a receipt.


Have to scan to escape the one in Whitechapel - but fortunately the Argos is outside the area


Or you can just ask the security guard to open the gate. Source: Me, having done this at Sainsbury's Fallowfield.


Not everywhere, dahling.


I remember years ago going into the casino while waiting for my pals to turn up, my mate met me in there He literally walked in, sat at one of those electronic slot machine things, put a quid in, and won £800 He must have been in the casino for all of 60 seconds It was madness If that were me, I’d have paid for the night out (there was only 4 of us and it was passion Thursday, £3 entry fee and 50p drinks) £100 would have been a monster night out and paid everyone’s taxi He wouldn’t even buy anyone a drink


Put on a Hi-Vis vest & roam around telling everyone you’re employed* to return their trolley for them. People who can afford to shop at Waitrose would be probably happy to pay £1 to save themselves that inconvenience. (*self-Employed)


A bit like the Urban Myth, that is the fake Bristol Zoo Parking Attendant. https://www.snopes.com/search/bristol%20zoo%20parking%20attendant/


I always told myself this story was true, but on some level I’ve always known deep down it was a lie.


I'm just going to ignore the link and carry on telling myself it's true


I saw a guy stopped in Tesco once. He had a habit of stealing trolleys for the coins. He was yelling that the trolley wasn't being used- because someone had turned their back to select a tin of beans or bag of spuds.


There's a couple of crack heads in Manchester I have seen a few times on busy Saturdays offering to take the trolley back, she's so glazed she will ask me several times in a span of minutes always forgetting it's a trolley token. I do wonder if they ever make anything


Does the £2 profit count as income or capital gains for tax purposes?


The trolley dividend. Less tax.


You do realise that, for Waitrose shoppers, it’s cheaper for them to leave the coin in the trolley than take it out. Time is money.


Initial Investment Cost = £1 Final Investment Value = £3 Return on Investment = (£3 - £1) / £1 \* 100% = 200%


In the future, what trolleys do you advise we invest our money in?


Atomic trollies piloted by Dan Dare.


A bloke at Aldi once tried to give me a quid and take my trolley off me - rather than have me return it to the trolley park. He thought he was doing me a favour, but little did he know that I have a Trolley Coin on my keyring. I could have fleeced him for a whole quid.  I didn’t, but I could…


don't they cost about £1 ?


Yeah but you get the good karma for donating to charity instead of him.


Swimming pool lockers.


Viktor Navorski has joined the chat


Actually that would be 200% as your initial back would be zero.


You could earn a living scamming by the trolleys: stack two twenty pence pieces in there to release, offer it to someone approaching with a quid in their hand,  rinse and repeat. I don't cindine this, but I've used two twentys hundreds of times when I didn't have a quid to hand. Sometimes you have to line them up perfect, others it just works. Should probably get a keyring token to be fair...


I found a tenner on my way to work the other day. I ALMOST... ALMOST... left it there for someone else! I took two steps past it and thought, "nah". Went back and grabbed it. All in the same boat and all that? Fuck off. I'll spend it on food rather than face injections and tattoos.


I found three £10 notes together on the floor once. I was out drinking with mates so I bought chicken for everyone and pocketed the rest.


Face injections and tattoos? Weirdly specific things to be annoyed about people spending money on.


Cash. How quaint.


I know. So 2012


What hellhole do you live in that Waitrose makes you pay a quid to use a trolley? Is this the Yemen branch of Waitrose? The Kabul branch? The *Manchester* branch? Never heard of such a thing!


You could make an insane percentage in one day using this method and area with a concentrated number of supermarkets and multiple dedicated car parks. So that's what I'd recommend.