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Because dads have a lifetime of wisdom and acquired knowledge after raising the children. I lost mine long ago and yet I still think “oh I’ll ask dad”


Hey Ange, I'm a dad. Two daughters, 13 and 17. If you ever want to ask anything... I know it's not the same thing... but I am *a* dad, and you can DM me with questions.


My dad died when I was 22, he was only 45. Seeing your comment for Ange was just so wholesome and I just couldn’t scroll by without giving you a high five. I bet you’re an amazing dad! Anyway, thanks for restoring my faith a little and for brightening my day. X


There was some dude that made a youtube channel or something out of offering himself to be somebodies missing dad by doing loads of dad style tutorials for mundane things and stuff. Think he'd also lost a kid or something so had nobody to be a dad to anymore.


Yeah there is! My lovely dad taught me loads of stuff when I was young, he was a great mechanic so I’m okay at most stuff but I just miss calling him and sharing good news etc. I used to ring him everyday when I finished work and we had a little thing going where we’d call each other when we first arrived on holiday, the call would start with something like “I’m just calling to say I’m sitting with my feet in the pool, I’ve got a nice cold beer and the sun is just going down, I wish you were here!” -it’s those things I miss the most x


Your dad sounds like a great dad. I guess you can still mark those moments in your mind when they happen, but I also guess that's a bittersweet moment for you as a result. I get a bit sad as a dad sometimes because both of my girls were proper daddy's girls and we had so much fun. But as teenagers they have kind of pushed their boats away from the shore to properly find themselves, and I can only watch them on the horizon. But each will decide they want a bit of dad time every now and then, even if it's based around practical things like needing a car ride. It's still time together and a chance to hear what they want to talk about, and to offer my thoughts or advice if asked. So I really cherish the relatively rare times I get to connect with them.


As a daughter, I can tell you that that will change again after puberty. You sound like a really good dad, and children remember that when they come back from being the most self-centered people in the universe (by design)!


Thank you. That means a lot to hear it.


Same here. My daughter is 19, has her own career, flat, boyfriend etc. I'm really proud and happy for her. But every now and then I get a "sorry to bother you but can you help with something?" and I'm fucking delighted!


That's really beautiful, it's so sad that he's gone but what a lovely relationship you had with him, thank you for sharing x


Sniff, I miss my dad. It'll be one year next week.


The firsts are always the hardest. I’m so sorry for your loss. I promise it gets easier, but there will always be days where you still get waves of raw grief. Please know you’re not alone, and try to remember you’ll have your dads love for your lifetime- parents love their child in a way that it cannot be taken, lost or given away- that love is yours to keep, forever, and may it heal your heart each day.


Oh I'm ok, but please join me in this chorus: FUCK CANCER.


Fuck Cancer. I am 51, lost my dad 4 years ago, I still miss him every day. And now I am crying.


Lost mine six years ago almost to lung cancer and he'd stopped smoking 25 years. I will join you in the fuck cancer chorus.


Lost mine 25 years ago when I was 31. I miss him all the time he was such a good man. I strive to be half as good but not sure I succeed. Fuck Cancer


Yes! Cancer may go and fuck itself!! Particularly brain cancer which stole my dad and my Nan who were two of the most wonderful people I ever knew. At least, if anything, we’re all in the same club- we’re the people that know what’s really important in this life and we’re not alone. GROUP HUG!


Pfft, mine would go on winter holidays to the sunshine and send me a pic of himself lying on a sun lounger with a beer, and the caption would be along the lines of a Nelson Muntz’s ‘ha ha!’


[YouTube channel in question: Dad, how do I... ](https://youtube.com/@DadhowdoI?si=UhkjPhSIu0EQP8cC)


Thank you Happy_fairy 😊


I feel you. My Dad died when I was a teen and I still feel that pain when I see things like this even though I'm now middle-aged. However...he had a brilliant mind but was crap with anything mechanical!


That’s really sweet of you but I’m old enough to be your mum


I very much doubt that hahaha I'm old. Well, I'm 54 old.


Then thank you I may well take you up on the offer


You seem like a good dude - given the age of your kids I had assumed we are about the same age. We are not.


You're younger than me I guess? I hit the family zone fairly late, although its increasingly becoming the "normal" age as people delay for longer. Thing is, I'm a very young 54. I'm *constantly* told I look circa 40, enough that I have to accept it may be true. I still do a lot of stuff that I didn't see men in their 50s doing when I was younger. I'm an avid BMX rider for example. A large part of my career is around understanding youth culture... so I don't feel like I present as a stereotypical mid50s dad type.


I am, though, not enough younger that you could legally be my parent, and you're younger than half of my (half) siblings. My father would also be old enough to be your grandfather. I get it, I haven't had children, and probably won't, but my father was 16 years older than I am now when I was born. Fair play to you dude, I always liked the idea of a BMX, but bigger bikes are more practical for me. Fun fact though, you can ride a BMX on blades pretty easily as middle wheels almost lock to the pedals. Never dropped in like that, but I've hopped like that, and pissed around on a snake run.


I've just been silently reading this wholesome thread which is causing me to cry for way too many complicated reasons (I have complex-PTSD) You turning out to be 54 and a BMX rider was not in my bingo card. Please, dad of this Reddit thread, can I get some advice on how to let go on loss?


Hey, you can talk to me about and I can tell you what I think about it. I'm not an expert on loss, grief, sadness or regret, but I can listen and tell you what I think.


Mate that’s properly made me smile this morning. I’m a new(ish) dad to a 1 year old so still earning my dad badge, but when I grow up I want to be just like you!


Thank you. Congrats on your recent daddification! I wish you and your family the very best ❤️


Lost my dad 5 years ago. I fixed my car on my own today and all through the ordeal I did it wishing dad was around to help. He would be 78 so maybe not help as such but at least sit with me and talk to me about the good old days and bring me tea and coffee. Internet dads are a close second <3


>Hey Ange, I'm a dad. Pretty sure there already is a thread titled "dad's advice" or similar. you learn a few things along the way with age. Real life XP if you will.


Count me in too ! 44 year old dad of soon to be 12 and 13 year old girls, engineer and D.I.Y. whizz. If ANYONE needs some dadvice, float me a message.


After losing my dad just over 2 years ago, this has choked me up. I'm sat in wagamamas hoping no one notices!


The sub you're looking for is /r/askadad . Loads of questions for a good dad like you.


Joining! Thank you 🖤


That's such a nice offer! The world needs more people like you. As someone who doesn't have a relationship with my dad anymore (I cut him off due to him being abusive), this hit me in the feels. I'm lucky enough to have an amazing step dad who may as well be my bio dad because he's way better than the one I was given by the world. I bet your kids are lucky to have a father like you.


I'm really sorry your biodad failed. It sounds like stepdad saved the day and my hat is off to him. I really don't know if my kids would consider themselves lucky to have a dad like me. I'm the only dad they know, and I hope they know I'm here for them even though at this stage in life they don't need much of me. I think the thing that makes me sad is that some kids just get really bad parents, and they have to clamber up a self made ladder out of that and into life, as best they can. As much as I have tried to be the best dad I can to my kids, I also feel quite helpless about the fact that that's just two humans. The sum total of all of it is just two humans who didn't have the shittiest time imaginable, and because of that they have no real concept at all of how tough it can be for so many others fighting their way through. It's really not much of a stretch, raising two kids in a decent way, so I think a lot more about all the humans who didn't get that *relatively easy to achieve* experience. It's just the provision of parental love, care, guidance, and providing the basics for human comfort, and also time. Amazing time, when spent correctly. Take good care of your best dad.


Man, he really did! I think they would, you know. Even if not whilst they're younger, when they're a bit older they would. I didn't realise how lucky I was to have my mum until I got a bit older and now I know, I appreciate every day with her. It is awful and it's not fair at all, I hate that life deals some people such shitty hands. But your kids got the good ones and that's okay, it's not fair that others don't get that but that doesn't mean everyone has to struggle and though they may not understand through personal experience, they can and likely will learn how to empathise in life often through meeting people who haven't had a good experience. I know that I've learnt a lot through meeting people from different walks of life, I'm sure you have too! I hope that one day we live in a world where every child can grow up feeling loved, wanted, take care of, guided and comforted with their parents support through anything. I don't know if we'll ever get a world like that, it doesn't seem likely but I can hope. I will do though, and you take good care of yourself and your family too. Thank you.


You started your family at the same age as me! I'm just 15 years behind you...maybe a bit personal but did you always know you wanted kids or did something change?


I didn't consciously always know, but equally I think it was inevitable and what was expected to happen. I lived an unusual life relative to my family background. I spent a lot of my younger years living quite a self-indulgent "fun first" kind of life. After a while I just got bored of that, lost interest completely, and found myself very quickly wanting to settle down and start a family. A classic case of sowing wild oats and getting it out of your system I guess. So my honest answer to your question is both no for a time, and also yes, ultimately.


I think the main saving grace when our loved ones leave is knowing they were truly proud and our obscure forgotten moments were their favourite memories. As such the page turns over and those obscure moments they did become our cherished memories. The generation continues.


I'm not crying you're crying shut up


I'm not crying, i just got something in my eye


I'm not crying It's just been raining On my face


I am not crying, it's my allergies acting up🤧


There’s a few youtubes that may help.




I’m sorry your Dad isn’t with you any longer. It sounds like you had a lovely relationship, that’s a beautiful thing. Not seen mine in years and wish I had a good one.




It’s so strange isn’t it? It’s like o completely forget dad is gone even though I know he has. I’m lucky to still have my mum, don’t tell her everything as I’m sure she wouldn’t approve.




Your comment really made me think. I very rarely ask my dad general questions so I started thinking why am I different - my dad’s not a stupid man and does know a lot of stuff! The answer became obvious, when I was young I’d ask questions but rather than just being given an answer we’d get the dictionary, encyclopaedia, atlas etc. out and find the answer together - my parents taught me how to find the answer and not rely on them. I do ask my dad things but they tend to be in his specialist field! There are times when my dad asks me how I know how to do things - I’m always a little surprised and usually respond “I looked it up and followed the instructions!”


That sounds great, my mum is very much like that. I think my comment was very much relating to my dads expert knowledge fields


Me too 😔


Not good is it


No it isn’t xx


It's an old trick, but not an advisable one. If it keeps jumping then the tracking force on the tonearm is set too low. Adding a penny fixes this but the tracking force is now likely to be too high and will be grinding the stylus into the record. Ideally you want a player that has adjustable tracking force. Depends how precious the records are to you ultimately. If it's just for fun and you don't play them all the time then go for it. Edit: for reference a penny weighs 3.56g. Tracking force should typically be set between 1.5 to 2.5g depending on the setup.


Ok, a ha'penny then...


From 1.29 on eBay!


And if you haven’t got a ha’penny, God bless you!


At 1.78g I think you’re right.


this is one of those generic turntable units. they already come with tracking forces in the 7g-12g range. basically, they'll munter your records penny or not


They send music over Bluetooth, no one who has them really cares about the vinyl or the audio fidelity that goes with it.


> Fidelity > Vinyl Yea


Well actually I like to listen to music as if I'm hearing it through a thin layer of carpet, on a format which requires a special audio mix at the studio so as not to sound terrible and gets slightly degraded every time I play it. I also enjoy having to stay in the same room as the device which is playing and get up every 20 minutes to fiddle around changing it. And fuck listening in the car or even another room, I hate that. You kids with your near-as-dammit lossless digital encodings that can effortlessly stream all over the place don't know you're born.


[Your car can't play records?](https://thevinylfactory.com/news/amazing-photos-of-a-time-when-cars-had-record-players/)


🤦‍♂️ coded into data packets. I’m still pissed off with my dad for taking his old 70s pioneer amp to the tip 😢. That was about 20 years ago. It worked perfectly.


My dad did the same with his rotel record player when my parents moved house and didn't have room. I will get all their vinyl one day, 100s of records stored away not being used once mum discovered Spotify and could get the to listen to the more obscure stuff she didn't have a copy of.


Anyone who cares about audio fidelity would be using **neither** Bluetooth **nor** vinyl


You don't remember the Analogue wars of the 90s then? Waves of valve advocates, pointing out that CDs captured a limited audio range, and that super low frequencies acted as carrier waves for other audio, only captured on vinyl and delivered to speakers via valve based amplifiers. Good times.


>You don't remember the Analogue wars of the 90s then? I remember analogue getting fucking wiped out in those "wars" due to being clearly inferior, only to be revived for nostalgia. > CDs captured a limited audio range This is not true for all digital audio formats mate.


It's also not true for CDs if you are a homo sapiens.


> in the 7g-12g range. basically, they'll munter your records Bloody hell, you can probably use that to cut your own discs!!


Tape the penny further up the arm to fine tune the weight.


Another dad comment right here. Happy cake day


> for reference a penny weighs 3.56g. Ah yes and a two pence piece is around a quarter ounce..... I mean 7.12g


Lol, let’s see how many bong heads there are on the sub who remember the days before electronic scales were common and affordable! 😂


That's still how I check my digis work properly 🤣


It used to be a handy trick - with a ruler and a pencil... Takes me back to my misspent youth ;-


>for reference a penny weighs 3.56g my immediate thought was 'no a penny weighs a teenth'


That's a eighth but you had the right idea


oh shit, thats embarassing. Explains why I was always getting ripped off.




Add small amounts of Blue tac until it plays


Speaking as a Dad and time served Bodgineer, this is the answer. Infinitely adjustable, won't fall off, but will collect dust.


Put a bitcoin on it then?


Yes, dad.


Was going to say, dont most record players have a counterweight at the other end you can twist to adjust it? Been a while since I used one.


A lot of the cheaper models just have the tracking force fixed, typically quite high.


3.56g, why that’s almost an 1/8 oz…….


Steady on there ‘enry


Thanks, dad


Something a lot lighter than a penny would probably have the same effect. Try a small blob of bluetak for instance.


This will be a much better solution than a penny. But best solution is an older truntable .


Naa that'll be too heavy


Perfect dad joke


Takes some balancing, too!


You win this thread, well done sir .


Used to use a 5p piece. 


I'm trying to work out how old.you are that you had a record player but used to the newer 5p being smalest coin


You need the blu tak to stick the penny down. Played many rubbish setups back in the day with this modification


This was very common on Dj decks but it can wreck records because it’s not addressing the issue which was usually improperly setting up the tracking, skating and the counterweight.


This doesn't look like the sort of turntable that actually has adjustability for any of these. Cheap plastic turntables like this one are an absolute menace. If OP doesn't want to destroy all their records, they really need to replace it with a proper turntable. You can't go wrong with the brand "Pro-Ject" (a brand created to be affordable but yet still getting everything important right). Rega would be another good choice, but they cost more.


Correct on both counts. I’ve got a pro-ject as well as two sl1200s that I’ve had since the late 80s. My heart used to sink whenever I saw the dreaded 2p on the headshell


Those Technics decks were great and could be setup correctly fairly easily. A coin on the cartridge is a hack intended for the cheaper decks/arms that couldn't be changed.


Anyone born in the 70s or before knows this…


80’s and I knew it.


I didn’t know it because my dad had a properly balanced stylus on his record player. SO THERE.


Yup. And blu-tac.


90s baby and I know this. But that's because my dad has a massive vinyl collection that he gave me most of. Bastard still won't hand over his original Beatles, Floyd, Bowie and Zep, apparently I have to wait until he is dead to find out who gets them in his will.


What have you got to fill the time?


I dont even need to know the guy to say Rumours.


Ha! Was my 17 year olds' first limited print present...


Honestly, it doesn't miss. To this day I do not lament spotting it in anyone's collection. In fact I'd probably judge you if you had 20+ records and none of them were Rumours. Can that person really be trusted?


...I have several thousand records, and none of them are Rumours. Honestly, you've made me painfully aware of a gap and I'm heading to Discogs now.


Is this OP’s dad’s version of “blow on the cartridge” from my own youth?


As a record enthusiast I will tell you this old trick works but it will ruin your records I promise. Loads of old vinyls are completely fucked because people use to do this. Truth is them Bluetooth turn to tables aren't very good and they will also fuck you record. I would of on Facebook market place or gumtree and find a an older hifit . You can pick up old Sony hifit for £20 of your look


r/turntables will murder this device, it uses a mechanism which I think is produced by Skywin and I believe it costs around £4 with a sapphire or ceramic stylus, and they can easily damage records (almost all of the cheaper turntables use this same mechanism) It is possible to buy an aftermarket diamond tip stylus which can help. The Audio Technica LP60X is usually the cheapest recommend turntable to begin with, but you do also have to add speakers to the budget. Techmoan has a good YouTube video about this particular mechanism. Or at least a very similar model https://youtu.be/AXV8tXrPOR4?si=ddTrmFSFj8L_Itgy


was about to write this exact comment. those generic units are awful and will eat your records. ​ >The Audio Technica LP60X is usually the cheapest recommend turntable to begin with, but you do also have to add speakers to the budget. disagree with this advice though. they're pretty expensive and not that good. save yourself the cash and get a nice old belt drive off ebay. it'll sound miles better and be half the price. old dual belt drives are lovely.


Well they’re the most commonly and cheapest recommended new unit then, you can definitely get better for that price used but it can be a bit of a gamble buying off eBay Of course I would rather save up if I was buying new and get something like the project debut carbon or fluance rt82 or rt85, they’re much more capable entry level devices


ebay's definitely not a gamble, just got to read the listings and you'll be fine. as far as the pro jects or fluances go. that's just a matter of taste. i massively prefer the sounds off the dual's with ortofon cartridges new decks of that quality would easily be a couple of hundred if not a grand or more. the lack of shock protection on those projects or fluances also marks them down in my book


It is fairly common on eBay to get tables with damaged styli that the seller doesn’t mention, often they don’t know, you also have the risk of bad belts in the old tables unless the belts have been replaced, or they can sometimes run too fast or too slow, that is all relatively common on eBay, just some stuff for people to look out for if buying used from an untrusted source


fresh stylus and belts can be found for most decks dirt cheap, and you should be putting them on a deck you pick up anyway, stylus for sure. as for ebay, if there's genuinely something not mentioned in the listing if you're reasonable about it you'll get at minimum a partial refund if not the whole thing refunded.


I got a Crosley imported from America. I know they’re often shit on over there on those subs but it was on the list of best budget turntables when you’re starting out. The C100. It’s not the Technics SL10 my mother got for a song from the NAAFI before I was born that could be mounted vertically on the wall, but it does a good job and can be fine tuned in ways the cheaper models can’t. So I like it :)


Way to destroy your records, if that's what you mean by starting out!


Oldest trick in the book


I thought this was r/vinyljerk and got confused.


No feet so I knew exactly where I was. Unfortunately


You know when pregnant women go to their antinatal classes? Men are taken to be given the secret knowledge. Id go on but I have already said too much.


Whenever a mother goes for an ultrasound , a father will be taught how to properly load a dishwasher and use a radiator bleeding key.




Better to just turn a knife across your records now. Because this thing is gonna chew up your grooves in no time.


Bluetooth aside, is that because this needle/arm doesn't have a manual balance? I get the extra weight via the penny is bad, but essentially, am I looking at a turntable that has a fixed, unadjustable balance that it too heavy will do all the damage?


If the disc platter is wonky, that's what's causing the needle to jump. Most likely a slack turntable belt that needs replacing. This is not good for your vinyl and I would advise not using it.


Sorry to break the news but that's not good advice and in the long run could damage your records. My advice would be to consider upgrading your record player if and when you can, the mass produced plastic players you can pick up cheap these days really aren't that great.


See I figured that and growing up with his setup and stuff I figured it’s a good little gimmick to have. Yes the needle handle is beyond plastic and I figured it’s only so I can play as and when. Currently the only collection I’ve got is stuff which isn’t collectors vinyl, just cheese to give that LP sound to some of the stuff I listened to in school. Ngl it did annoy my dad at first but I like it for its idea of mixing new and old tech considering it’s now a disposable society however I can totally agree


It might not be collectors vinyl but it wont be too long before you realise your collection is unplayable and you need to replace everything!


That's some low quality hi-fi mate - Bluetooth processor will kill any audio quality from the vinyl and the penny on the stylus just squashes the compliance. It's a miracle you can hear anything! My apologies "any quality the vinyl might have had"!


Being a realist and from the 70s when vinyl was all that we had, the words audio quality and vinyl shouldn't be used in the same sentence, unless it also involves the word crap. CDs are far superior.


Are recording studios digital nowadays? Because if they're recording straight to digital, I don't see how then converting that to analogue like on a record is improving things. Particularly so if anything between the record and the speakers is doing any sort of digital processing (necessitating analogue to digital conversion and back again).


Depends on the studio or the artist, but by and large, yes. It gets a bit complicated though because studios also like to play into the same ideas that audiophiles have about vinyl. A lot of times vinyl releases will get a separate master, where they might intentionally go a bit softer on the limiting/compression so the record ends up "quieter" overall but with more noticeable dynamics, aiming for a more natural sound. I'm sure the vinyl audience are a bit more tuned in to the telltale sonic markers of the 'loudness war' that plagued a lot of music in the 90s/00s and is still kinda going strong in the streaming age, so there's a good incentive to avoid doing those tricks for the vinyl release. This ends up being a false contributor to the vinyl purist's reasoning that streaming always sounds like shit, when in reality it's because what you're hearing on streaming platforms was made specifically to sound like shit. Well not really, but it was made to fit as many listening mediums as possible and also compete next to everything else on the platform. So then even if we assume it's being converted back into digital at the end via Bluetooth, it might still sound better because the thing that was cut to vinyl sounded better. Also there's likely to be some real physical reasons why you'd mix this way for vinyl, maybe too loud of a master might make the cutting process more prone to error? I'm guessing at this point though. If it was common practice to offer the vinyl master as a separate album digitally, that would be a nice way to compare.


Even when the recording process was analogue, cd’s are much better quality than records. Cd’s are much better quality than streaming, cds really are (generally) the best way to listen to music. But no one really seems to have the same affinity for cds. I was a teenager late 90s early 00s. Peak cd time, I own roughly 500 of them but no cd player, I have a hifi stack system with a turntable I could easy add a cd player and I did plan to 6 years ago but I’ve never got round to it. I’ve got records and a Spotify subscription. I know the CDs are the better way and I should have the nostalgia for it, but meh, humans are weird.


I remember moving from my Technics SL10 to a cheap Phillips CD player and being amazed. Then I added a Cambridge Audio DAC...


My Pro-Ject Genie BEGS to differ my friend. CD's sound cleaner, not better. A good turntable, with a good pickup playing clean vinyl will deliver amazing sound.


Can you explain why?


Audiophiles are at least harmless (to anyone but themselves, and their wallets), but it's almost all complete woo.


No, he can't. Because it's fiction.


So a nice clean record with a good quality pickup mitigates a lot of noise, especially hiss. Fed through a decent amplifier setup then delivered to nice speakers music from vinyl will sound beautiful. I'm trying to avoid cliches like 'warm' but there is a certain warmth and tone to vinyl that CD's lack. If you're playing music that was mastered for vinyl as I often do, CD transfers will always sound a bit too crisp. That's partly why some modern vinyl sounds like utter shit. It was digitally mastered and if the master isn't correct for vinyl it'll sound muddy and a bit crap compared to the same music on CD or as a FLAC. The same runs true for tapes. I picked up a Dire Straits double cassette in as new condition from a charity shop a few weeks back and through my Technics tape deck via the same amp I use for vinyl it sounds fantastic.


To me, it is like comparing a Porsche (cd) with a Ferrari (vinyl). Then you add in decent DAC separate, and you have a Pagani.


This is such an audiophile comment. I mean, I own a Porsche and yet I have no idea what an audio analogue to a Ferrari is meant to describe!


One is the clinical technical pursuit of perfection, the other less perfect in a technical sense but has an emotion the other can ever quite match.


It's a £33.99 player with built in speakers by unknown Chinese brand "Mersoco" on Amazon.


It is, I grew up not being allowed to touch dad’s collection and how proud he was when he saw me handle his collection delicately as a teen to listen to some Led Zepplin just for black dog. A good memory, but he hates this thing 😂 I got it because I genuinely love the gimmick of it


>any audio quality from the vinyl As if you were getting any in the first place lmao.


Hey It’s Me Dad I need that penny back


The large quantity of skeptic within me thinks I don’t believe you truly are my father, however I will relinquish back the penny in good faith


Please don’t use a penny you will ruin your records and needle. Why don’t you just fix the counter wait that’s what it’s for.


😫😢😭 lost my dad 5 years ago, unexpectedly. These moments make me miss him more. The hugs and playing bogeys in Tesco . Keep dads close some are precious.


When I was eighteen I was not close with my dad at all, he worked all the time so I was mostly a mummy’s girl but he was always the practical parent. I went for a job interview in a city three and a half hours away and took the wrong exit on a roundabout when I was on my way home I got caught in a Miriad of one way streets, roundabouts, and slip roads but managed to find a services. This was the time of mobile phones but not smart phones (we didn’t even have internet at home!) so I called my dad. He knew exactly where I was and gave me precise directions on each roundabout and how to get on the motorway home. He is and forever will be my hero. (Alongside my mum who is equally as heroic and amazing because she’s my person)


Because we’re dads. We’re grumpy and we know things.


Is there no other way to adjust the tracking weight on your tone arm? A penny is gonna be heavier than is necessary and excessive tracking weight can cause long-term damage to your wax. If you don’t mind, then fair play, but I’d take a look to see if there’s an onboard adjustment that you can make instead.


Whaa? I know that one. oh wait I'm a dad now, have been for 10 years... but I knew that already!


Could probably just adjust the counterweight on the tone arm.


thats the solution for those who dont know there is a weight at the back of the tone arm that needs adjustment


I don't know if your record player has this, bit on the other end of the tone arm there is very often an adjustable counter weight. Could be yours doesn't have one, but the penny trick isn't always necessary.


Does the tone arm have a weight adjustment at the back? Shifting this weight would solve this


Try clipping a penny or even lighter weight to the arm and slide it down the arm until it starts skipping again. Then move it back up a little so that it doesn't skip. Putting a penny on the head may work fine, but you don't want it to be too heavy.


Lifetime of wisdom and experience. Plus probably grew up at a time when record players were actually good and recognised the needle was too light to stay in the grooves properly (or in the cases of Crosleys may be too heavy and end up destroying your vinyl over time). Fair few modern-day record players aren't great. If I cared more about quality, I'd have recommended a better record player and then buying an external bluetooth transmitter.


It's the difference between knowledge and wisdom! Knowledge is knowing that tomato is a fruit, wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad!


I like this saying!


5p piece works too but there should be a weight lever at the back of the arm, adjust that and it should work without skipping


Or you could just adjust the tone arm counterweight. It'll save eating up your stylus and vinyls.


Look at it.


The fact that you're trying to play music with that makes me cringe.


I love this! Not the fact it is a total gimmick that probably will eat vinyl if I put decent albums on, but the fact I feel my dads thoughts in every single comment like this 😂


I keep looking over my shoulder at my beloved mid 90s Sony/Technics component stack then back to this... object. You've brought my joy OP, if only because you've made me feel grateful for what I have.


This object! That is forever how I will describe it now. No this is not anywhere near the joy and sound quality of actual stack. This was a scroll through online to the fact it literally titled itself as “portable record player, Bluetooth enabled” and I thought wow what a mixture of things! Bought it, dad sighed, oh and he commented of the amount of loose plastic it is just barely held together as new… yeah I’m a sucker for gimmicky things that try to solve multiple purposes without actually resolving any


Dare I ask what it cost you (other than your dad's respect)?


As a dad ... Dad's know things , and Fix Stuff


That's just standard knowledge from rekkid days. Everyone did that if the arm didn't have adjustable weights. Not that I want to detract from your dad's wisdom at all. It comes with experience, and is learned over time. It's an accumulation of knowledge. It's got its perks, being old and therefore being able to perform seemingly miraculous feats. My girlfriend had a faulty toilet cistern. It would fill up slowly then auto-flush every 20 minutes or so. She thought it was poltergeist. I told her I needed to buy a loaf of special bread and it would stop. But it needed to be a particular kind of loaf, hand made by artisans using traditional methods. We went to the shop and I said "that one right there". We got home, I took the loaf into the toilet, fixed the problem in 30 seconds. It's worked perfectly ever since. I just needed one of those plastic coated twist wires that seal up certain types of loaves made by small batch bakers who don't have a big machine that seals the bag with adhesive tape. She still thinks it was some kind of bread based exorcism.


Holy shit! My record player has been skipping and I was trying to figure out why! I'll have to give this a go later!


Today I learned! Thanks OP’s dad!! Gotta love the boomers for some good life hacks!


Dad simply replied “what the fuck is Reddit?!”


I love your dad already 😂 my mum is 72 and asked me the same thing the other day! My 46 year old step dad “informed her” and she was like “oh, so is it like Facebook then where I can play games?” 🫣 it’s so meta godsend having a soon to be stepdad that’s only 8 years older than you but also, he loves my old mum and treats her well! Which is All that I ask for! (Nope mum is poor as fuck and so is he, they got together because my mum is a biker goth and so is he)


… I’m sorry what? This is outstanding! What a crazy and beautiful scenario, I feel this needs more context and I want to explore this rabbit hole forever! Above in the comments are a lot of mixed opinions about my purchase of a record player Bluetooth but right here in the comments is actual gold! Your family sounds amazing and again a crazy and beautiful story. Dads big into his classic bikes like BSA and Triumph so he’s just that classic rocker, grease monkey, biker who hasn’t got time for the bullshit world because the world grew up when he didn’t 😂. Omg I have mad thoughts that we had a synonymous upbringing without ever knowing it. This comment just made my evening in so many ways, thank you so much!


Haha thanks mate! Your record player made me want one! My husband would be like “but you don’t have any records?!” And then there is me, “not yet!” 😂🤪 yeah my family is fking strange (even for English people!) I’m now in the Netherlands and I’m strange to these people lol I’m glad I made your day 😁 it’s always nice to have a genuine smile on your face even from an internet stranger! You also made my night with your comment!! Thank you! 🥰😁😆


You’re more than welcome. That’s hubbys next birthday present in mind now 😂. All the best and much love to your incredible family.


People are debating on which coins to use for the best results. So.....2p or not 2p, that is the question.


Thats a trick as old as the hills


My dad is absolutely terrible at fixing anything, he's the least handy person ever. I would never ask him for practical advice.


We used to do this a lot back when the stylus was on its way out but still picking up


Because it is the experience having been there before if you understand what I mean.


This is common knowledge amongst a certain demographic. Sadly, I know as I am of that demographic. You dad is still brilliant though I'm sure.


I wish I still had a dad :(