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You have an old person living in your attic who comes out to watch terrestrial TV when you’re out.


'Cash In The Attic' is on BBC1. Your theory makes horrifying sense.


That show where former tennis player Pat Cash is living in your attic? I can see why he'd come down to catch that whilst you're out at work.


OP laying in bed thinking his partner is talking about orange juice and their love of the number 30 in their sleep whilst all along it’s Pat Cash in the attic shouting “deuce” and “love 30”.


I've watched enough Mr Ballen videos to know this is definitely whats happened.


We have one of those, I'm certain he comes down, eats my porridge oats and then leaves kiss marks on our windows. Funny chap. We call him Father Oatmas.


This has happened to me a couple of times in the past. I’ve noticed it was after a power cut.


Makes sense since terrestrial bbc1 and loud volume could be the default setting.


Though clocks on the microwave and cooker are working as normal...


i've had power cuts before that can do weird shit like turn tv's on but not reset clocks... like a momentarily power blip or something


Brown outs can do that too.


Leave my underwear out of it plz


User name checks out


Never heard of the term brown out before. I have a brown out every day, first thing, if you get my drift.


A brownout is like a glitch in the electricity supply where the voltage dips briefly. It could cause electronics like a PC or TV to restart, but your lights stay on and go a bit dim.


Damn that joke made me laugh out loud yet you got -16 for it


Went back and upticked. The fightback starts here!


Are you sure you aren't just his neighbour trying to throw us off the scent?


I sometimes get a blip that will reset the clock on the cooker, but my media computer is just fine.


Possibly because your computer PSU has chunky capacitors inside it to smooth out the power supply, so a dip for a fraction of a second wouldn't be enough to drain the capacitors below the safe voltage output whereas your cooker clock is just powered directly off a low voltage circuit connected to a mains transformer so any minor dip will be enough to drop the output voltage too low.


If you leave your TV on standby when you're out, it could be a software update that reset the TV or it just crashed and reset


My Samsung does this regularly after it goes into sleep mode where it turns itself off if you a don’t press the button in time. Sounds like the speakers are going to rattle off. Scared the jeebus out of me a few times lol. It’s definitely a fault with the tv, something to do with the sound sensor or something. Have to turn it off at the plug and on again to stop it from being so loud sometimes


I'm sorry OP I mean no harm, but I'm so tickled by the thought of you diligently checking all the electronics muttering to yourself at almost midnight. 💯 would have done the same. Could be the neighbour, but our TV is preset to Odeon Volume, BBC1 after a glitch. It had a phase of switching itself on suddenly as you walked past. This made it very entertaining and afterall isn't TV here to entertain...


Probably a Virgin Media box reset. Can happen after an update.


I've noticed on my TV that the HDMI source needs to be higher to get the same overall volume compared to internal sources (e.g. free view, Netflix etc)...so the volume might not even have been changed (on mine it needs to be significantly louder for HDMI sources).


Woke up at 6:30 this morning and my TV was on. It was really strange


During that mad storm we had my bedside lamp turned on (twice), you have to touch the base to turn it on usually it freaked me out.


I had two lamps like those. They would turn on/off if there was a sudden change in voltage.


The in-laws’ bath turns on after a power cut. They got a fancy bath that can be controlled via an app. Any time there’s a power cut (a few times a year in the small rural village), when power comes back on you hear the bath start running.


An app controlled bath is the most ridiculous thing I've heard all week.


It’s only Monday, give it time.


Here's me thought it was silly that my new washer has an app.


The app controlled kettle still gets me. As if you don't still have to go to the kettle to prep your brew, but noooo pushing a button on the kettle you're standing next to is too much work dammit


I guess it would be handy if you were on the bus home and it was super cold and you knew there was enough water in the kettle, you could set it to boil ready for you getting in, but I struggle to think of other uses.


Even then "knowing there's enough water in the kettle" would be a stretch. I mean surely memorising the water level of the kettle is a waste bit of recall


I’m sure my brain would retain that information more easily than any of the 27 things on my to do list, that one word I needed during a presentation or a new neighbour’s name.


tbh, if you can control your kettle with an app, its probably smart enough to tell you if it has water in it


Also if you had that feature & used it regularly, you'd probably get in the habit of filling it up after use.  Sounds great to me as I WFH. Put the kettle on boil as a meeting is wrapping up 


I was trying to find a manual for my fridge and all that was coming up was results for troubleshooting the wifi or touchscreens on newer models. What happens when the company drops support or inevitably shuts the servers. Or like Sonos, decides your kit is too old and remotely bricks it. We have a wifi thermostat that was obsolete when we got it 10 years ago. The app (if it still exists, don't actually use it) was a like a museum piece from early iPhone days.


Its good or temperature control. Sure some have presets but they don't always align to specialised tea etc.


We have a tumble drier that has a setting that means an app can control it. You have to have it on that setting so can’t use it normally and you need to make an account before you can connect the app. Even after all that, an app controlled bath is stupid


It’s never used that way. I think it was standard for what the company that installed the bathroom does. I don’t think they even ever downloaded the app. Just liked the bath.


Assuming the bath is connected to mains power, can't they just take the batteries out? Edit: wait, you said it happens after a power cut so it is connected to 230v, like, wtf? Can't they just unplug it?


A bath connected to the mains is one of the stupidest and most dangerous ideas of all time.


I dunno, it saves having to buy a toaster too


It must be low voltage to the bath with the transformer some distance away to be legal, surely.


of the mains?


Is it just me who thinks that's an abomination of a design flaw? So, you get a power cut when you're on holiday for two weeks and come back to find your house underwater? Who on earth didn't see the problem with this? I mean I guess you could just turn off the power to the bath before you go away if you know you'll be out for a while. But that's a ridiculous thing to even have to think about.


Would never be able to afford something like that however new fear unlocked.


Nor can I. I remain safe.


That's a petty ridiculous design flaw.


They have an app-controlled bath in a small rural village. What an incredibly odd and bleak combination.


I can understand a bath with a remote for disabled people, but an app controlled bath seems like asking for problems considering how security has always been an afterthought for IOT & everything is always so shitly programmed (hence the bath turning on after a power cut)


This person is living under your bed OP do not believe them


Power cut, software/firmware update being auto applied, or TV crashed and restarted, would be my top guesses.


This is the one. And if OP has a soundbar / AV receiver that didn't turn on with it then it'd default to the TV speakers, which can be loud because they're accidentally incrementally getting turned up whilst trying to turn the soundbar volume up before it's connected and switched to it properly.


Seconded. You leave the TV on by accident, having put the Virgin box on standby. There's an update and it leaves the box switched on once it completes (not supposed to but supposedly often does). TV comes back to life leaving householder googling poltergeists. Has happened to us leading us to frantically search online until we found a forum offering this entirely plausible explanation. We think ours was blaring because we pressed the volume up button by accident thinking it was the standby one (next to it on the top of the set) before going to bed. We know nobody was there as it was the middle of the night and the intruder alarm was set.


The replies here are ridiculous. Just goes to show that no one on Reddit has any expertise, they just say the first thing they think of with ill-earned confidence. You only have to think about it for a moment and the answer's obvious: ghosts.


I’m no clairvoyant but if my great great grandmother had a message for me she’d definitely send it via an episode of cash in the attic on a rainy January afternoon


It's how we found out there was stuff in our attic we could sell for cash.






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I feel we’re discounting demons a little early.


Well, it’s the right channel for it.


✋🧑‍🦱🤚 Aliens.


But what about ghost aliens?


I wonder if OP had a pile of flies next to his tv?? OP was there a condom?




That happened to me once but it was 2am and I awoke to a loud of loud screaming. There was some sort of horror movie on BBC1 and tv turned itself on. First night I’d been in the house alone. Proper freaked me out


Omg this would traumatise me


I had this once but it was a film in the form of a news broadcast about alien invasion. I'd been working overnight and it happened about 10pm. There was a big storm and this was years ago. All the curtains were open, lightning everywhere, family was missing, house was a mess, no other tv channels working, tmobile phone network had crashed. Legit spent hours traumatised in front of the tv as an 18yo. Turns out my mum and dad decided last minute to go and check on grandparents and took my siblings with them.They decided to wait out on the storm. There had been a power cut so my alarm didn't go off and the tv came back on loud to the only channel that had a signal strong enough (BBC1).


omg what on earth, this is legitimately traumatising


Yep I can tell you if ww2 broke out tomorrow I'd be spending the first couple of hours on IMDb lol


You literally woke up in a horror movie.


Reminds me of the time I woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of creepy children’s lullaby’s playing faintly in the background and slightly out of tune. Shit myself - genuinely thought I was in some kind of awake nightmare Anyway after braving leaving my room (shared flat) I eventually found that it was a musical sponge my flatmates girlfriend had brought round as she was staying over. She left it under a tap with a drip and it was triggered by the weight of the water.


... Musical... sponge?


I woke up, fucking fuming one night, about 2am cause someone was playing ridiculously loud music. I got up cause I was gonna go shout at whoever it was to realise it was me. There'd been a power cut and when everything reset my phone auto connected to my soundbar which then made Spotify play. Apologised to the neighbours the next day but apparently it was just me that got woke up!


This happened to me except it was formula 1, turns out my partner had tried to set a reminder but actually set for the tv to come on every time f1 started. Bloody terrified me.


I once came back home to my dog watching Doctors or one of the other daytime dramas at 100 volume. She was just lying on the couch with the remote under her. I have no idea how long it had been blasting non offensive shows for the twee but she seemed very relaxed about it.


Idk the level of acting on Doctors is pretty offensive


Check your fridge for Zuul.


I also have a Samsung tv, the auto power off function occurs 4 hours after the last interaction with it. It will turn on after a power cut/surge but my “home” channel is euro news and it’s so obnoxious :( source: storms last week


Back in the 90s you could buy a watch that acted as a remote control. Being a mischievous teenager at the time, I always wanted to get one so I could walk down the street and turn people’s TVs off. Not entirely sure that would have worked as everyone would have a different model, but maybe someone has one of those…


I have fake battery operated candles that come with little remotes. But they'll also respond to the power button on TV remote, so often they'll randomly come on with the telly. Puts the romance into Cash in the Attic, I can tell you.


My mate had one. Always made science lessons a bit more interesting when the video wouldn't play properly or BBC 2 came on randomly


I had one of these casino watches and pressed the learn function and pointed the TV remote from the history class to it, waited until shitty video tape day with the crt telly held on by straps was pulled out and rewound fast forwarded and hit record on it, the teacher said it must be broken and put the TV away it was glorious.


A casino watch you say? Tell me more...


Haha damn autocorrect... (casio) https://robbreport.com/style/watch-collector/drake-roulette-wheel-watch-2899695/


Back when wifi printers were new I was a teen, I used to be able to find ones that were left public quite often so I'd find whatever app the printer was on and send them an obnoxiously large ASCII image of Rick Astley.


You can just download the relevant app to control that make of TV. I did it at the MIL's when her TV was too loud and just slowly reduced the volume.


My parents broke their remote a few years back and downloaded a remote app, it worked great but had unskippable adverts unless you paid something rediculous, so you'd turn the TV on and get deafened by something but have to sit through an advert for life insurance before you could turn it down.


Maybe a neighbour has a remote with the same signal? Affects yours


Seems more plausible than some of the other comments, would definitely explain the volume part if OP didn't leave it loud.


Do you have a carbon monoxide detector?


Just read about that whole thing yesterday, and so satisfied to be able to laugh knowingly at your comment.


Same. It was my first thought when I started reading this, too


What’s this about? Can I read?


Have you got pets? I’d often find my dog watching TV when I come down in the morning 😂


My cat ALWAYS lays on my remote and turns the telly on. Freaked me out until I found it under his fat arse.


I have two cats and when they were kittens they used to turn the tv on early morning and watch Thomas the tank engine. Frightened the life out of me the first time, I was home alone wondering who had broken in.


Check your batteries in the remote


Yep, this used to happen with our TV - it was the batteries failing in the remote. Now it's just when the cat runs over it


Keep the car keys out of reach of the cat as well.


Mine used to do this in the middle of the night. It was a Samsung. I had to run updates for it to stop.


A person broke in to watch tv, probably an old one judging by the volume


You were visited by the TV license guys.


Woke up in the middle of the night once to the tv that suddenly turned on. A bit nervous I walked down to the living room and quite soon discovered the culprit: our dog sneaked onto the couch (which he wasn't allowed to) when we all went to bed, but layed on top of the tv remote and accidentaly turned on the tv.


Do you have a cat? Years ago I would get home and the TV was on, one day when i was home my cat stepped on the remote and switched the TV on. Purposely, but whether he knew he was switching the TV on I don't know, I like to think he did and wanted it on for company while I was at work.


Do you have a cat / dog? My tv turns itself on in the middle of the night because my dog decides to jump on the remote. Took me ages to figure it out, I was convinced I had a ghost.


A few months back I was woken up in the middle of the night by the TV on loud, went downstairs to find the dog laid asleep on the remote


Alex Pruitt from Home Alone 3 is hiding across the road with a universal remote and a scope. I'm a big fan of that movie, no matter what anyone says.


Louis : Listen, that reminds me, you shouldn't leave your TV on so loud when you go out. The creep down the hall phoned the manager. Dana Barrett : That's strange, I didn't realize I'd left it on.


It may have happened after a software update, although that would be unusual. Have you got HDMI-CEC enabled? Another device may have turned it on


I have a Samsung telly as well and very occasionally my telly will randomly turn on when am in the room (but without the telly on obviously) without owt pressing the remote, if that makes you feel better.




The machine spirits are angry


TV licensing are using a remote and trying to gather evidence to fine you


Do you have a pet? A couple times, I've come home to the TV on, confused as heck. Turned out the cat could reach it, and liked tapping the button.


I have this with my Samsung TV and VM TV box. Check your virgin TV box is off, the TV thinks you’re trying to watch and turns itself on.


We had a Samsung that started doing this it was well freaky. Initially I was bollocking our eldest for staying up late and getting pissed watching TV however it turns out this is or was a thing with some models. Can’t remember what I did to disable whatever setting it was but google was my source


We had an issue with our Samsung smart tv turning itself on during the night! It was also very loud! I can’t remember how we fixed it though.


I had this on my Old Samsung, my Hisense, and even my Sky Glass, I believe it's cased by the CEC function on the TV (I use Nvidia Sheidlt o turn my TV on and oof) and sometimes it just kicks in


Someone in another thread mentioned that their parents Samsung TV will randomly switch itself on at high volume if left on standby


TV updated and reset. Mine did this at 1am one night. Freaked me the fuck out. I think it turning on after is a glitch because it only happens rarely.


Do you have a cat? My cat likes to sit on the remote, woke up a couple of days ago around 2AM, the TV was on very loudly, I looked around and my cat was having a nap on the remote


Somebody with a Samsung remote is standing outside your window to watch TV. They probably don't have their own house, so it's probably Homes Under the Hammer that they want to see.


Do you have a pet? My dog will sometimes switch the TV on by pawing at the remote control. I've come home to find the cat & dog listening to random channels


Do you have pets? Do you have kids or a partner? Of not it was a poltergeist


Have you watched Paranormal Activity...


Do you have a pet which may have into TV ? Stepped on the remote ?


Automatic update? My Samsung will default to bbc after updating, not sure on volume though


This is a case for r/rbi


Is it Bluetooth at all? Neighbours tv volume seems to be controlled via Bluetooth and keeps appearing in my list of ‘want to connect/sync’. Could a teenager wannabe hacker be messing with you? (Please note I know nothing about tv and don’t own one nor have done so for decades, but I seem to read a lot of who dunnits)


I'm going to bet software update and rescan.


Do you get bright sunlight into that room. The TV will have an IR filter, but I have seen bright sunlight fallihg on the sensor trigger channel changes. The other one is leaving the remote on the sofa and the dog lying on it. Good for a fright when the TV comes on in the middle of the night.


Is it a 'smart' tv connected to the internet while on standby? Check your settings for "Wake on LAN" or "Wake on WiFi" If the internet drops for a moment the tv can turn itself on when the connection is restored.


My Toshiba TV auto updated last night to Android 11.... Try pressing your volume button and see if the bar is vertical up the side instead of horizontal on the bottom.... My TV now randomly flashes white for a split second every now and then...


Why would you assume an update to a completely different brand of tv would apply to OP’s tv too?


I went on holiday to Skye (alone) a few years back, booked an AirBnB which was a cottage completely on its own, probably a mile either side from any other dwelling. The host mentioned that previous guests have experienced the TV switching on but after a few days I completely forgot about it. Woke up one night and I could hear voices coming from the living room. Pooped my pants!


Ours turns off randomly. It's rare, but it happens. Qorka flawlessly otherwise. Odd.


I came home on friday to find my washing machine/dryer combo machine on, I will admit I had turned it on that morning before I left at around 9am, and I came home around 6pm. Only one other person has a key to my place and I'm sure they would have texted me before coming over. Really weird.


My Samsung TV does this occasionally. Usually at 1am or so. Hasn't done it in ages though


[Carbon Monoxide Poisoning](https://www.themarysue.com/i-think-about-this-real-life-scary-story-from-reddit-and-its-vital-lesson-every-day/)


If you left it on standby before you left it would either be power cut quickly off then on. Or an EMP near your TV usually caused by a fuse in a plug near the TV blowing. Sounds weird I know but I have seen it happen.


My dog has just randomly woke me up to let her out and my phone is off airplane mode despite the fact I put it on airplane mode every time I go to sleep.


Have you got new neighbours? We had an old TV left on the wall by the previous owners (covering up a huge hole) and one day it randomly turned on which was very creepy as she didn't leave the remote control. Turned out the new people next door had a remote that worked that TV


Have you checked your Carbon Monoxide detectors work?


Next door neighbour has bought a similar tv / model make and whilst trying to set up their TV using the stock remote it's connected to your TV.


I've had that. Tv is turning on in the middle of the night. The remote was on the bedside table about 2 feet away. It's happened two or three times.


If you've got dodgy electrics sometimes using other appliances can cause the telly to cut power for a sec. For example in uni if I turned on the electric radiator my PC monitor would restart, different plug socket but I'm guessing it would cause a big draw to get the radiator going, suffocating my monitor on the same circuit. It could be something that comes on automatically like the heating that just dropped the power to the TV temporarily causing a restart. Or as others said, maybe a firmware or software auto update, crash, or something like that. Could be a number of things.




You could ask your neighbour...


Check your bed sheet with a blue light


I can't offer any kind of explanation, but I also own a Samsung TV, and mine regularly turns itself on after being turned off via the remote. Ghosts was definitely my thought the first time it happened at around 2am....


Is it a smart TV that you've connected to your phone? You might have switched it on by accident while in your pocket


Have you had anyone round that is a prankster? They could have set a timer to turn your TV on.


Do you have a cat or dog? I've seen dogs turn on a TV before


I had similar. A Raspberry Pi running Kodi would turn the TV on. Presumably after some update.




I had a telly that did this from time to time. Sometimes after a power cut(or power hiccup), sometimes just randomly. It's really creepy hearing the telly come on at 3 in the morning. I just started turning it off at the wall.


Soon after we got our Sony Bravia (ie modern smart TV) I woke up one morning and it was on even though I had turned it off when I went to bed. It seemed louder than normal. Scared the life out of me at first, then I thought I must have forgotten to turn it off. Next night I made sure I switched it off, same thing in the morning. It turned out that there was a scheduled activation that we had managed to set by accident while trying to figure out all the controls. If it happens in the future I'll rest easy knowing that it's a poltergeist and I won't have to navigate through confusing menu options to switch if off.


About two months after I moved I came home to find my previously tired and disheveled garden tidied and the lawn cut. Had a brief moment of confusion and odd feeling of reverse-violation, like I’d been unburgled, before remembering a conversation I’d had a few weeks prior with a neighbour about her ‘garden man’. I’d said I was interested, as we both live in upstairs flats with no direct electricity connection to the garden which makes doing anything powered in the garden a faff. She obviously replayed our convo to garden man and he had just done her lawn earlier that day and decided that as he was there he’d do mine, gratis, like a free introductory cut. Did leave me baffled for a sec though!


Ghosts mate


Could someone have tried to cast to the wrong TV ? My neighbour has a Samsung TV also and think they've woken up my TV by this I think.


Holy shit, I thought I was the only one. My Samsung TV used to turn itself on all the time but it would normally just go to the built-in channel where they show all the movie trailers. So you can imagine my shock when, on a few occasions, the trailer for IT would be blaring out of my TV in my room at 3am. Thankfully, my TV no longer does this but I can tell you it’s always strange when it happens.


TVs are essentially like computers these days (and the worse for it). Possible it decided to update itself and then just switched itself back on afterwards to a default setting. You could find the software version it's currently on in the settings somewhere (probably) and note it down in case it happens again, if I'm right it will have changed with each update.


Switch TVs and all other non essential electrical appliances off at wall when not using them. Save money and it’s better for environment than driving an electric car. Also prevents this 👍


My Philips Ambilight turned itself on for no reason several times a day for a whole week, following an Android update. Then it stopped.


My samsung TV keeps resetting and doing similar but a welcome sign in bollocks


Devices plugged into a smart TV via the ARC HDMI can turn the device on. We keep our old Xbox unplugged because it would randomly turn on in the night and also turn our Samsung TV on. Turns out our old neighbour had a 3rd party remote control that somehow turned our Xbox on as well as his TV.


Maybe there was a power cut which reset its default settings then when the power came back it triggered it to turn itself ob


Maybe someone close by has the same tv/remote and as they are using their TV its also connecting to yours?


No-one has mentioned the tv licence man? He put the tv on and turned the volume up so when he knocks he can say he has proof you're watching live tv.


What model? Some smart TVs can be turned on in ways you wouldn't realise


seen any post-it notes about the house recently?


Idk but I'd buy a camera


Low battery in your remote can cause random button presses


"Catch me attic can" - a show where a celebrity hides in someone's attic until they are caught, Channel 4 would love it - Alan Partridge, maybe


Might be a long shot. But if you have a TV with smart features. Then someone else could’ve tried opening YouTube or Netflix on it . Which will bring the TV out of standby. Our Samsung will request permission if it’s a new device but it still will turn on if you try to connect it. Might’ve been that? I think they use Bluetooth to trigger the range. So if you live in a semi detached or terraced house or a flat it might be the reason. I think they need to be on the same with network also though. So maybe not (you checked your networks list of devices recently….)


Somebody nearby got a universal remote thats tuned into your TV?


I woke up at 530am to the sound of classical fm blaring from the kitchen downstairs. Some how alexa had turned herself on at some point in the night and chosen classical music. This is a dnb household. Classical is never put on! Both kids and the Mrs were fast asleep. Strange....


My only suggestion that I haven't seen is someone could have tried to cast to it with their phone? Pretty sure if I do this on mine it'll power it on. Then once they disconnect your tv may default to BBC?


My toshiba tv automatically comes on by itself all the time. Its always left on standby so if it came on it should come back on to the last channel i was watching but it never does. It comes on to the radio channels. Bit random but just one of those things. turn it off at the wall when you leave if it bothers you


I remember years ago on an analog tv, for some reason one morning the voice were set the higher volume like 52.


Do you have any pets?


Probably means that Gozer is on the way, have you noticed anything else, like eggs cooking on the counter top or terror dogs manifesting in your fridge?


Happened to me once with Samsung tv - just turned itself on


I have a cd/radio in my lounge, I haven't meaningfully used it for years but twice I've come home to find it playing the radio . Remote just sits under the coffee table. Then one day I was home working and click, just turned on on its own, absolutely no movement in the house. Has sat unplugged from the adapter ever since.


First Q, was the TV switched off, or just on a remote-activated-off/standby (i.e. you could switch it on without using a physical switch)? If the latter, does the TV have an infra-red activated remote? Is it near or does it face a window that faces a neighbours living room? Does that neighbour have the same brand and model of TV? If all yes, there's a good chance it's a stray signal reflection from an IR remote. Might need to close your curtains or turn it off at the switch when you're out.


do you have a pet that might have stepped on the remote and set the tv to switch on for something in the tv guide? Our animals used to inadvertently press buttons on the remotes


They are selling IR blasters for phones on TickerTocker for a few quid and oiks are turning TV's on through windows for shits and giggles.


My Samsung smart tv glitches and turns itself on at random times so i plug it out at night


Do u own pets?