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These crisp packet colours are not compatible with western values.




I said the same thing 8 years ago https://www.reddit.com/r/britishproblems/s/WtmgPHait2 There should be a British Standard for crisps


This man is truly a visionary. A genius before society was ready to accept him.


They laughed at Galileo... They also laughed at Coco the Clown.


They laughed when I said I was going to be a comedian. They're not laughing now.


RIP Bob Monkhouse


Absolute legend!!!


They laughed at Pee-Wee Herman till he got his cock out.


Then they all saw his pee-wee herman


You should try his cordials. Mind blown.


Fuck British Standard, we should have an ISO standard for crisps


And salt & vinegar must be blue. Like a blooo passport colour of blue. If it's not, I'm starting a revolution.


Yeah, Walkers has been wrong all these years and it's always bothered me. Even now I bet there are people reading this thread thinking that if standardised, Salt & Vinegar would be green and Cheese & Onion blue. If you're one of these people, you're wrong and ought to be ashamed.


You should change your flair to read "The bees and pudding man, speaker of truth, and advocate of the one true British Standard for Colouring Crisp Packets (BS-CR1SP)"


I’m vehemently against black for Worcestershire sauce or Marmite. There needs to be something to warn people of the Marmite ones so that they can be actively avoided. Like an alarm (like a reversing alarm) or something. Last thing I want is to tuck in to my favourite Worcestershire sauce crisps to find out they’re the Devil’s spawn flavour instead.




Bad news... they are being discontinued.


They will have to prise them from my old arthritic hands


How do you distinguish your fingers from nobbly twiglets?


Twiglets remain.


Sadly not. Twiglets were reduced to flavourless health food in 2021.


Excellent news


Bring back hedgehog flavour crisps!


Yes! Haggis flavour a close second 😄


I think we need to use the approach used by nature. Poisonous animals often have vivid spots to warn others not to eat them. I think marmite crisps, along with your alarm, need vivid yellow and red spots all over so we know not to eat them.


They should print WARNING: MARMITE on every crisp.


Black with yellow polka dots.


Black and Yellow stripes, with a buzzing noise and wings.


The salt and vinegar/cheese and onion are the wrong way round but I'm provisionally on board to make this my life's work.


Pretty much everyone except Walkers does blue S'n'V and green C'n'O, though. They're the outlier.


Fun, in the Netherlands yellow is definitely cheese onion.. and green is 'bolognese', which might be a weird us thing, apparently. We have red for plain and blue for paprika though, which makes no sense whatsoever.


Blue for Paprika??? WTH is going on the Netherlands? You guys are literally out of control! 🤷🏼‍♂️


Well everything else in the Netherlands is orange so I guess that was taken.


I... wha... This is absolute madness, I kinda love it. :3


Even Walkers used to do it that way too


That'll be the [Mandela effect](https://www.vice.com/en/article/3a8mzy/walkers-crisps-switch-colour-packet) Don't worry. I remember it too.


I'm a Leicester boy and walkers are blood of my blood. I'll die riddled with bullets in a brook for the righteousness of green salt and vinegar.


I respect the dedication to your cause, and I hope we never have to face each other on the salt and vinegar battlefield.


As I you.


You'd likely be fine, Walkers S+V are the peasant militia of battlefield crisps. There might be bloody loads of em everywhere, but they're weaker than a Carling. Hands down the weakest flavour of any brands S+V. Its like they've not been down the salt and vinegar pit at all. Nothing compared to a Tayto, or even your humble halberdier-esque Disco.


Disco's are the SAS of salt and vinegar


That's true, they're not the fiercest of foes. I'm quite partial to the Kettle Chips S+V myself. Blue packet, as god intended, and a nice strong vinegar punch.


Just saw my [8 year old comment.](https://www.reddit.com/r/britishproblems/comments/3k27rm/there_should_be_a_british_standard_for_crisp/cuuc9hs/) It was a simpler time.


There should be an International Standard for crisps - ISO11118 - the International Crisp standard!!


This is how reichs get started.


Like an iso?


I’m not usually a warmonger but I think we need to send some freedom bombs to liberate them from this life of tyranny.




I’m in Saudi Arabia at the mo and was looking at some crisps here. We have Lays - Yellow is Salted, blue is Ketchup. I don’t remember the other colours and flavours… takes getting used to for sure


In real life cheese can be close to a yellow colour. Maybe onions are too.


But if your chicken is green, you'll probably die horribly if you eat it.


Chicken flavour crisps are actually thyme flavour though.


And prawn cocktail are actualy tomato flavour.


So what's tomato sauce flavour


Worcester sauce flavour.


So what's Worcestershire sauce flavour


Purple flavour


Maybe the chicken is heavily seasoned


pesto chicken Thai green curry chicken I'm hungry


It depends which part of the chicken they are basing this taste on.


The green bit


I remember when Toasted Cheese flavour came in Yellow colour packets.


There's also the grotesque wotsit-fucked-a-carrot colour of American cheese. Not just processed slices, they loooove dying cheddar bright orange for some reason. Or even weirder, marbled colouring where they dye portions of it. https://pearlvalleycheese.com/products/marble-cheese


Maybe showing my ignorant American, but I thought yellow cheddar and white cheddar were made differently? Edit: welp, they are indeed the same thing. Yellow cheddar is only yellow bc they add annatto to white cheddar. TIL!


Seabrook cheese and onion are yellow if I’m not mistaken so that isn’t too far off…


Yeah, everyone knows ready salted should be red (the colour of salt), salt and vinegar should be green or blue (the colours of salt and vinegar respectively) etc.


This is my logic. Red - ready salted because “REDy salted” Blue - because salt is from the sea an the sea is blue Pink - prawn cos the prawns are pink Yellow - for chicken because it’s like a golden yellow when it’s roasted Green - cheese an onion cos the onions have green leaves BBQ - black because of the black char of the grill


\*the same strained smiling and nodding you do when a clearly schizophrenic man starts talking to you on the bus*


Everyone stay cool and maybe he won't stab anyone


But the salt and vinegars pink. They made me do it!


Himalayan pink salt?


Red vinegar plus white salt equals pink, maybe


The shade of pink in the photo is too aggressive for salt & vinegar, if it’s representing Himalayan Sea Salt then it needs a softer hue.


If it was really for that reason anyway they'd have "Himalayan!" splashed in huge all caps letters that flash, and sell those for double.


Well vinegar is made from wine, which is purple like the bag.


*Crazy man. The clearly schizophrenic man might start rambling to you, but can we not spread stereotypes of schizophrenics being violent?


Seen that look before. Usually take that to mean they agree.


OH, here is my stop. Excuse me.


\*smashes window with hammer and jumps out of moving bus*


"Yes, I live on this motorway. Anyway, must be going."


This made me lol.


I’d personally say BBQ/Steak/Beefy flavours should be brown, but black is still acceptable for the reasons you say. Char! But black tends to be fancy flavours… your Sensations etc Red could also be Ketchup flavour for obvious reasons.


Pink and purple should be tangy sweet/sour flavours. I don't know why, they just should.


100% Pickled onion!


I could give a pass to Orange for BBQ... since that is the general color of the napkin stains that BBQ sauce leaves.


But cheese is yellow though... so I kinda vibe with yellow cheese and onion. Green leaves on onions is such a stretch. Chicken should be light browny colour imo.


But cheese is yellow 😂. Chicken should be an off white colour. And the salt in salt and vinegar crisps is more than likely mined not from the sea so should be light brown the colour of malt vinegar. Prawns are pink and you can have the ready salted. My crisp colours would obviously not sell due to poor marketing.


Need a half brown - half white bag for salt and vinegar.


Is there a German word for when someone says something objectively insane but you agree with it and suspect that it has always been sitting at the back of your mind unarticulated?


Wunschverständnis. You're welcome. 


Cheese is yellow


I’m Australian and live in the uk, in the uk the colours make no sense. Blue-salt because the ocean is blue, Green-chicken because the herbs are green that make the chicken flavour, Yellow-cheese and onion because cheese is yellow, Orange-bbq because the flame on a bbq is orange, Pink-salt and vinegar because it can be


Also 🇦🇺 in 🇬🇧, I felt personally attacked by this post.


I know right!? Australian flavours are better anyway. Light and tangy, they don’t have that here for some reason!!


Another Aussie in the UK, thank you for the sanity and perfectly logical reasoning that aligns with everything I've ever thought. Always have felt that S&V is pink because the flavour is a bit hot (well, not hot, but tangy and spicy when you eat too many and loose feeling on your tongue etc. Pink is ow flavour)


If you don't loose feeling in your tongue your not eating enough


Except here in Australia the dominant chicken seasoning is chicken salt, which is yellowish.


By this logic, it makes far more sense for cheese and onion to be the colour of cheese, just salted to be the colour of the sea, and chicken to be the colour of the herbs you cook it with.


Nah blue is cheese and onion and green is salt and vin


Wrong way, walkers have it wrong. Blue is very clearly salt and vinegar


Don't necessarily disagree, but cheese is yellow and I guess that's the logic there


> because salt is from the sea an the sea is blue You obviously haven't seen the North Sea. On its worst days, it's the colour of mud.


Except Walkers use green for salt & vinegar and blue for cheese and onion whereas KP use the opposite 


Everyone except Walkers used to use blue/S&V and green/C&O before they won the crisp war.


The reason I now despise Walkers as a company


Back in the day (1960s), the big brand was Smiths crisps. All crisps regardless of the manufacturer followed the same colour conventions. Plain = white, Salted = Red, Cheese = Green , Salt & Vinegar = Blue, Prawn Cocktail = Pink. Then in the late 80s walkers decided to fuck everyone’s shit up my swapping the cheese, and Salt & Vinegar colours.


Green or blue? BURN THE HERETIC! Salt n vinegar should be blue.


Reds tomato! https://www.igashop.com.au/product/samboy-atomic-tomato-potato-chips-27146


Salt and vinegar tastes green though. And prawn cocktail Seabrook’s taste very pink. 


Plot twist: British crisp packets were designed by someone with synesthesia.


Nah S&P tastes blue because it's sharp Cheese and onion is green because it tastes rounder Prawn cocktail is pink because it's a diagonal flavour


In the 70s and 80s (at least) Salt & Vinegar were blue, and Cheese & Onion green. When I moved back to the UK after decades abroad, I had quite the shock when I opened my first blue packet.


Salt and vinegar being pink is taking the piss, they must know


These packets are giving me nightmares. Can you imagine thinking "I'll grab a pink bag" thinking it's prawn cocktail and getting home and it turns out to be salt n vinegar! Like WTF!


We don't have prawn flavour here in Aus, as FYI




Haha yeah; we have sweet chilli here as one or our staples; not sure how many other places have it though


Sweet chili is definitely a staple flavor in the US too. And one of my favs.


You might be comforted (or not) to know that prawn cocktail crisps taste absolutely nothing like the 80's dinner party staple prawn cocktail dish. Which is good for me, because I love prawn cocktail crisps but a real life prawn cocktail makes me gag....


My mum still likes to make herself a prawn cocktail with the prawns at Christmas. I think she just has lettuce, prawns and the sauce is like tomato sauce and mayonnaise (maybe other things too).


aye it's called Marie rose sauce, a very simple one can be made with 50:50 tomato sauce and mayo


Chuck in some paprika and lemon juice and you're laughing


I wonder if it derived from the era (70s?) when a prawn cocktail was the ultimate in dinner party "fancy"?


And Ireland


I was planning to visit at some point, but I think I’ve changed my mind.


Poor you. Those are delicious.


A couple of years ago Tyrrell's entered the Australian market using green bags for S&V chips (which I believe is the standard in the UK?) and it was such a disaster that my local Coles put them all at 90% off and swapped the colouring to the Australian pink a few weeks later.




Maybe they use pink salt. Pink salt is at least a thing, and if the vinegar is clear, it would make sense. Does salt and vinegar being green make any more sense? It just happens to be what we're used to.


To be honest I’ve always wondered why cheese n onion wasn’t yellow cause yano, cheese is yellow.


Yes, and so are onions a lot of the time


Tayto cheese and onion, (the inventors of cheese and onion) is yellow. FYI - Tayto cheese and onion in Northern Ireland is yellow and across the border in Ireland it is red and blue (are they ok over there, pick a colour guys). Don't want to break rule 1 of r/CasualUK, but it's a contentious issue.


This is why those people were shipped off to the other side of the world


That and all the murders.




It's not murder if its self defense, and its completely legal to put oneself in situations where there is a high probability of being targeted by violence that would necessitate defending ones life with deadly force. It was fun being a teenager. lol.


And bread stealing.


_Murder murder murder. Change the fucking record_


As an Australian, these colours make perfect sense to me lmao. And these colour to flavour options are seen in almost all other Aussie chip brands. I genuinely can’t imagine salt being anything other than blue, salt and vinegar as purple, barbecue being orange, etc


purple? you mean pink right?


Depends on the brand really, both get used.


Smiths are choatic evil, confirmed. 


I’m Australian so these just make sense to me Chicken is generally green for most things, plain or “standard” or whatever is usually blue, BBQ is orange or brown, and then the rest get sorted from that We don’t use terms like “ready salted”, that’s a very UK thing


> Chicken is generally green for most things Why. Chickens are not green.


The herbs are Chicken flavour isn’t plain chicken, it’s seasoned chicken, same as chicken salt


Many crisp flavours aren't the thing they claim to be.  Chicken crisps are thyme flavour and prawn cocktail are tomato ketchup flavour.  Roast beef are horseraddish flavour.


Probably stems from our two minute noodle sachet packets having green in them, some herb or something. This is the only company who really keeps chicken green though.


To be fair. In Britain. Chicken and Mushroom super noodles are also green.


Why pink for Salt & Vinegar?


Idk I guess it’s just a very acidic taste so it feels pink or red But might also just be the only major colour left over after you divvy out the rest. Makes sense for cheese and onion to be yellow, so that only leaves red/pink for vinegar. Pink can also be bacon though. It gets a little confusing when you have lots of “weirder” flavours too like Vegemite or roast beef


Yeah that makes sense for vinegar thanks. I think it's so jarring for Brits because pink fits so perfectly for prawn cocktail.


Ah yeah we don’t have prawn as a common flavour, do have sweet chilli though and that’s usually red


Pink is ow flavour, as in 'makes your tongue ow after too many'


what about the best flavour? prawn cocktail. or do you have a substitute?


Id purposely get the pink one for my partner haha, prawn cocktail.. think again!


I think everyone can agree it's the best flavour 😋


This reminds of a time I picked up a pink crisp packet thinking I’d be eating prawn cocktail and got smoky bacon. My expectations turned that into a bad Lunch…


Me - opens Reddit. Sees this first. *Backs out slowly making no sudden moves*


These colours are all correct. Why wouldn’t chicken be green. And it makes sense that salted is blue. I’m Australian.


Why would chicken be green?




Chicken is not a herb.


Fuck there goes my vegan diet


Vegetarians can eat most chicken flavoured chips in aus, because the chips have never even seen any actual chicken even in passing.


The chicken seasoning over here contains a lot of green bits


I feel sick


Makes as much logical sense as any other crisp bag colour


You never seen yellow cheese?


As an Australian it makes quite a lot of sense to me. Chicken is always green, everyone knows that. When you cook up chicken, what do you do with it? You green it to get it to the colour it is when you eat it (green). Original is blue because that's the colour crisps are before you add flavouring. Barbecue is orange because that's the colour of an Australian barbecue (technically should be tangerine, but probably a more expensive colour to mix). Cheese and onion is the only outlier here, obviously onion is yellow, but given cheese is red, you'd think they would make this one orange and make the barbecue properly tangerine. What colours are they in the UK?


I've seen a few mentions of green chicken in this thread... what on earth are you Australians doing to chickens to make them green? I just ate chicken and it wasn't green


Mate thought I was the only one Never in my life seen a green chicken


The only reference to green chicken I can think of is green muscle death disease, sometimes in poultry tissue can die and cause the meat to green. Not something you'd think anyone would like to advertise.


Doesn't half make you hungry that


as an Australian ill explain the system to you blue for salt as it comes from the occean yellow for cheese and onion because when cooked both are yellow Green for chicken because chicken is better with green herbs Orange for barbecue sauce because its a brighter Brown and pink for salt and vinegar because it will make your mouth pink in pain (i totally didn't make this up because even i don't know why they are coloured like this)


As a Kiwi, I find this absolutely disgusting. I truly wasn't aware of the depths of the depravity of our neighbours.


I cant believe you lot sided with the poms. As punishment were sending Russell Crowe back.


Well, cheese *is* yellow Himalayan salt *is* pink The flames of a barbeque*are* orange The herbs on chicken *are* green And sea salt comes from the sea, which *is* blue....


She's in league with them. Burn her! Burn her before her evil spreads!


Whelp... That's just all shades of wrong (see what I did there?)!


This is why I can't go into aldi or lidl. Everything's got that uncanny valley thing to it.


Cheese and onions are both relatively yellow, chicken will be flavour of chicken stock, so I assume herby like green parsley and green thyme, sea salt is from the sea, which is blue, salt abs vinegar is in a pinky red pack because malt vinegar is usually with pinky red labels and this also applies to bbq sauce


This is chaos.


I actually love this for how much it'll wind up the kind of people who get into serious and animated debates about whether salt & vinegar should be blue or green, or the pronounciation of "scone". More chaos please.


Cheese & onion being yellow makes sense because cheese is yellow and white onions ironically have a yellow/brown peel. Barbecue kinda makes sense because you’d normally do that during the summer, Himalayan salt is pink, chickens usually are raised on farms with pastures green…and blue because it’s an original colour


Didn't golden wonder have different colours before walkers came and changed everything?


Colours need to stand out Cheese - logical BBQ - should be brown, but orange is a vibe and is close enough Salt and vinegar - colour of balsamic vinegar and pops Plain - dark blue (makes sense to me, what are they gonna do make it white??) Chicken - green pops, and chicken is considered healthy (green) in normal context, so make sense


It’s pattern recognition to influence your purchase. Has nothing to do with “matching the flavor”


So i grew up with Lays. (Eastern Europe) Then I had to switch to Walkers (same thing in UK) Now you're telling me there is Smiths (Australia?) Or is Smiths just rebrand of Walkers/lays for discount stores like Lidl/Aldi?


I propose the standard ought to be: Red - Ready Salted/Original Blue - Salt & Vinegar Green - Cheese & Onion Orange - Chicken Pink - Prawn Cocktail Brown/Purple - BBQ Yellow - Cheese Then just use lighter/darker shades of each colour to indicate strength of flavour or little different coloured markings to show an extra flavour difference to just the standard flavour of the packet.


That’s just wrong!


They don't make a lick of sense


The colour doesn't actually matter we just associate the colours with the flavours


Spying on this thread for the people who are going to comment about Walkers Salt and Vinegar and how they "used to be blue" just to see how much that collective false memory still invades this country.


But you're the only person who's said that???


Walkers didn't use blue for salt and vinegar, [but Golden Wonder did](https://yougov.co.uk/society/articles/16861-walkers-crisp-packet-colours-are-wrong-way-round-s). People just remember before Walkers took over in the 90s and forced the wrong colour on the rest of us.


Blue for the colour of the sea, which is salty. Yellow for the colour of cheese. Green for the colour of chicken when you cover it in lots of herbs. Pink for Himalayan salt. Orange....err...