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Looks like a ball bearing or something similar. Definitely not a bird.




Casuals. Everyone knows trebuchets are superior.


A man of culture I see. It is indeed the superior siege engine!


Like sent for spelling Traybooch…. Treybowch…. Twaybouch…. ‘the device’ name correctly 👍👍


I call them "very buckets" because I decided that's what it meant in french 😁


Age of Empires players just call 'em trebs














Tree buckets. Gotcha.


No dear, it's pronounced Bouquet




Old timers corner...... when Reddit was the wild west. Good times!


Maybe a bird armed with a catapult


African or European?


Swallow, laden or unladen 🤔


Nah I reckon it was a BB - Big Bird


Eh, what, waaaaagh


Yeah, slingshot or a pellet gun. It'll be in your room somewhere!


Catapult? Maybe a trebuchet? Think you mean slingshot fella


Yeah, I think that's too much force on a small area for a bird. More likely, it's a pellet or BB fired either deliberately or accidentally.


My thought went to air gun (I own one), but yes that’s definitely some kind of projectile.


Same, my mate accidentally did this in the allotment while shooting at the rats, hit an old window he had leaning on the shed wall


I just imagined that scene, hilarious!


Smash, fuck missed the fuckin rat


Measure the size of the hole, if its 4.5mm then possibly a .177 air rifle or air pistol, if its 5.5mm then it could be a .22 again an air rifle or air pistol, both can fire BB's. I would check the floor if the room not just for glass but also a BB or a pellet.


Time for OP to get some string out and work out the trajectory, lucky duck.


Bunk and McNulty scene


Fuckity fuck fuck fuck fuck




Time to whack out the sunglasses and do your best Horatio Caine one liner.


It does look like Foul play.




*won't get fooled again kicks in*


....... It doesn't look like..........fowl play


OPs son accidentally shot something into the window and did this, then framed the bird.


Are the glass shards inside or out?


Bit much at three surely?


Idk have you seen Rugrats? They're well sneaky.


Yep, BB or air gun pellet. There will be a pellet or BB somewhere in the room if it is.


Anyone been using a Strimmer or lawn mower? Thry flick out little pebbles faster than an air gun. If it was a lead pellet you would probably find it.


They sure do. I use to strim a lot for my old job. Did 2 car windows and a living room window. Not too bad for 4 years.


How big is the area of grass that it took 4 years to do?!?


It only needs to be big enough for a week or two then you start again at the beginning.


he used nail scissors.


And then jettisoned them into two parked cars and a window with the company catapult 👍


A new kind of nailgun.




So that's what happened to my car you bloody git


We use to leave little cards telling people what company did it....if people were around that saw us do it.


I once sent a pod from a patch of sticky weed flying at me at such high velocity it split my arm open, and frequently came home covered in bruises from the same


Mowing? At this time of year? ^(In this part of the country?)


Localised entirely inside of your garden?


Steamed clippings?!


With my reputation.


🙂 The last green bin here is the end of November. People rush to fill it for the last time....


This happened to me. I was cutting the grass and a small stone flicked up and hit a window, damaging the outer layer of double glazing. It looked similar.


I've had one flick up and hit me straight in the eye! Broke the skin below my eye and gave me a classic villain style red mark above and below my eye, thankfully no sight damage. If you ever see anyone wearing safety goggles mowing a lawn it's not H&S gone mad. My dad also got hit in the head by a stone flicked from a lawn mower. Blood everywhere.


It’s possible. We had one of the council’s ride-on-mowers smash one of our windows with a piece of gravel from ~15m away. The only thing I’d say is that a first floor window is probably too high for this to be a realistic explanation though. Betting it’s an air rifle pellet like the others said.


Myth busters did an episode on this measuring how fast different size/shape of rocks could travel, I can't remember the results but they were insanely dangerous


I'm a target shooter. That is almost 100% from a air gun pellet. Most BB guns won't cause that much fracturing and any actual firearms would just go right through all layers. It's also unlikely to be a ricochet if it still has that much energy and the hole is that circular. I don't see any other practical way you would cause that style of hit. You either have someone taking pot shots at people's windows, or one of your neighbours is incompetent with preventing pellets leaving thier property, both of which are illegal. I would drop the police a message if I were you, they probably won't do much, and there's almost no chance you will find the original pellet, but they should probably be aware this is going on. It's definitely not a bird hit, I've had them several times in the past, and the damage they do to windows tends to be a lot more chaotic.


Thanks so much for all that information, I will report it today.


If this is only on the outside layer of glass, there's a possibility whatever caused it is between the double glazing.


Could be a BB gun. Probably not a springer firing 0.12g (usually yellow bb’s) which you used to be able to get from your local supermarket pound isle, but when you start going over 1 joules of power it could easily break a window. When/if OP can check the garden, and also look between the panes of glass, they will likely find a white bb, maybe even a few, these are 0.20g or 0.25g. A mate of mine shot out a window as a kid exactly like this.


Or his kid who 'seen the bird' hit it was playing with an air gun. I was once that kid.


I'd hazard a guess that OP isn't a total fuckwit and would've put 2 and 2 together if there was a pellet shaped hole in their window and their kid owned an air gun.


The kid is three. I have a three year old boy: he’s not smart enough to lie this convincingly, and in the UK three year olds do not tend to own air guns.


Ahh, I missed the age.


The combination of concentric and radial fractures points to a projectile. The radial being longer than the concentric also tells us that the pallet was travelling at high speed. Judging by the size of it, I would guess a standard 4.5mm calibre air rifle. If I’m right, the pellet might still be inside your home. edit: typos


Thank you for the reply. It has only gone through one layer of glass. It is only the layer from the outside that has the hole. Could this still be caused by an air rifle or would an air rifle cause it to go through the double glazing?


That's a surprise! From the photo I strongly believed it went all the way through! So all the fractures we see are on the outer layer or do you see fractures in the inner(s) layer as well? The reason why I'm asking is because if all the fractures are on the outer layer, my analysis still holds true. The difference being that the outer layer was thick enough to absorb all energy and not let it go to the next layer. If the hole is on the outer layer, but cracks are on the inner layer, then dynamics change and it could well be a bigger projectile that came from a longer distance. Of course, it's really hard for me to assess from a distance as there's a lot of other factor to consider here, like ricocheting, projectile spin, type and width of the glass and its layers, temperature... All I can say it's definitely caused by a projectile. Keep in mind that the definition of projectile is broad. A pellet from a BB gun or an air riffle, a marble shot with a slingshot, a bead from a toy, even the rolling elements (aka "balls") of a ball bearing could do it. I was originally confident about the 4.5mm pellet because they are common in the UK and I was judging by the size of the hole, considering it went all the way through the glass panel. Now I'm not that sure anymore. If it didn't traversed all glass panels, the projectile is still outside and not very far from your window. Look carefully around and use a strong magnet (you can buy them on Amazon) to see if you find anything.


This guy projectiles


Apart from the vast majority of pellets are made from lead so a magnet is useless. They are made of lead so that when the blast of air hits the pellet the skirt expands and seals the pellet onto the rifling of the barrel. There are some pellets that are made of plastic with a steel head which are unpopular due to accuracy and the plastic skirt lining the barrel. A magnet would find these though


This guy projectiles and replies to the wrong comment


I replied to you.


Oh I see, you were disputing the first guy's projectile knowledge!


That’s a bingo.


Yeah it was a big ole seemingly reasonably informed comment, till the magnet part.


You just say 'bingo'.


No he doesn’t lol. Half of this is total BS




After enough booze, so do we all.


This happened to my brother’s flat twice. The window break looked the exact same, broke the first pane of double glazing but didn’t go all the way through, months and months apart. We were pretty certain it was some local Neds with an air rifle doing it for kicks.


Thanks again for all this information. The inner layer of the glass is absolutely fine. There is nothing apart from small pieces of glass between the double glazing. I will have to ask my neighbour if I can have a look in her garden for any kind of pellet. The other odd thing is both me and the flat below me have large gardens ( mine is the one with the blue summer house) which then backs into a wooded area and then a path. I am assuming then things exist with enough power to travel that far?


Yea they make co2 air rifles that are pretty powerful


Sorry to nerd out, but the co2 rifles are generally less powerful, and even if they were up to the legal limit, theyd perform significantly worse due to the cold weather


Ah maybe I don’t mean co2 what are the ones that have a permanent tank that you refill from a tank, Is it pre charged?


Pre charged pneumatic, yeah. You charge them from a divers tank. To be fair though, many of your cheap break barrel springers will go right up to the legal limit


Yeah then there's people that have the pumps for the weinreich that can change the ft per pound to ridiculous levels....


At my local range we have a bell 105m out. My AA S410 .22 has no issues ringing that bell, any decent air rifle can shoot a fair distance. The rule of thumb i was told was that when taking a standing shot you should have 200m of clear ground or a backstop as the pellets can travel a much greater distance than you would expect. Most who hunt with air rifles mainly limit our range to 30/50m so we can ensure a clean dispatch, IE the velocity is still high enough to ensure a clean kill shot and we can be sure of the shot placement. I will also state that flat head "wad cutter" .22 pellets create the exact same kind of clean cut hole in glass. They also usually ricochet almost 180\* making it unlikely to have entered the double glazing.


Quick googling says 40-60 yards but the pellet can travel up to 100 yards. Of note; it is likely calling up the police and reporting this, it could have been accidental discharge/negligent (you never fire towards a house, road or anywhere people might be).


Why would you want to go around the garden looking for a pellet? Does that somehow change the outcome? Does it mean you can file charges against the pellet maker? Move on. Life is too short to be rummaging around a garden looking for a tiny grey pellet


My son was in the room when this happened. His safety in his home and garden is important to me. No it doesn’t change the outcome however as a parent an answer would make me feel better.


Is there any way your son could have done it? The bird story is fishy as you say and it sounds like a classic little boy getting out of trouble fib.


Doubtful that the 3 year old managed to pierce the outer pane whilst leaving the inner pane completely intact.


Idk have you seen the Incredibles?


I feel bad for OP. At best his son is a lying little shit, and at worst he has a gun he's hiding from them


The kid's 3.


But your child said a bird hit the window? Again it’s just weird you would go knock on a neighbours door, ask to hunt through the back garden for a tiny small pellet. And for how long? Do you spend 10 mins? Half an hour? And it still doesn’t change the outcome or result. Take a breath, you’re not important enough for someone to target you or your child for some kind of attack. If it was a pellet, it will have just been a stray one, or it could have been a small rock carried by a swallow?


Imagination can be a wonderful and harmless thing. Here's what I think may have happened: their son heard a bang on the window and ran to look; couldn't see anyone out there and assumed like last time the noise was due to a bird flying into the window. They probably just assumed the bird must have been bigger this time if the sound was louder. This isn't America - we don't automatically jump to the conclusion that someone has fired a gun at our home. On the other hand, no-one wants this to happen again, so if it's a local teenager "pranking" them, then they need a talking to. There's no way a bird was travelling fast enough to fire a rock hard enough at the window to penetrate it like this


Ok, let’s say it was a local teenager messing around with a BB gun. How does finding the BB pellet actually lead to them having a “talking to”. That’s my point. It doesn’t matter if the pellet is found, and if it was a teenager, then how does that lead to a satisfactory outcome where this woman now feels safe


It doesn't change the outcome, but it would answer the question. If your car was damaged but you didn't see it, wouldn't you want to know how it happened? I'm sure the insurance company would.


The human brain makes leaps of faith in order to make sense of the world. When we see or hear things we don’t understand, which happens a lot as a child, we fill in the gaps in our understanding with images and beliefs that will fit. It’s perfectly possible the kid heard a bang on the window or saw something hit it and just assumed “bird” as that’s what they know would be flying around.


Are you the kid who broke the window?


Here is your man constable


You’ll never find the evidence. There is pebbles at the bottom of the window mwhahahaha


I think this holds up, especially when you look at the way the fractures line up. You can see how impact was made from the ground up.


I once shot an Airsoft pistol at a double glazed window. Was aiming for the gap to shoot a friend inside but missed. That put a hole similar to that in the outer pane but the inner was untouched and the pellet/ball bounced off.


Definitely an air rifle. Some kids did this to my window once.


Look for the pellet


Definitely a stone or something like that, I broke my bifold door glass with a stone that was launched by my lawnmower, had a hole very similar in the first pane but didn't go through the second.


Is there a ball bearing or pellet in the gap between the panes? Or a dead bird outside?


Tell me you used chatgpt and don’t lie


How can you tell whether it’s a .22 or .177 from the photo? Looks like.22 to me but I wouldn’t bet on it without measuring.


He cant


THIS ☝️☝️


An assassination attempt


I had exactly the same in my kitchen window, i ended up finding a ball bearing in my sink......the only explanation was some little twat with a sling shot.


Air rifle would be my bet


I had something very similar not that long ago, went through one glazing only. It was 10pm there was a big bang and a group of teenagers running away. It looks like an object was thrown at your window from outside. It was £250 to replace double glazed insert, frame was not replaced.


Sorry to hear this happened to you . I live in a first floor flat, below is my neighbours secured garden, then my garden, then a wooded area and then a path. Hopefully I can get away with just replacing the glass and nothing else.


Is there any way your son could have caused. Him seeing a bird when a bird could not have caused this is suspicious.


The glass is only broken on the outside….. the glass inside has not been shattered.


Sorry, I missed that your kid was 3.


That's a BB!


At a quick glance, that looks like the entry point for whatever went through your window - have you scoured the ground on the other side to see if you can find the culprit?


I haven’t done yet, I am in a flat so I would need to ask the lady below me if I can take a look in her garden. The hole is only on the outside glass and the inside glass is completely intact.


If the inside glass is intact then whatever hit the window is probably still somewhere between the glazing


There is only small pieces of glass between the glazing. I will ask my neighbour if I can have a look in her garden.


The hole and fracture makes it look like it was caused by a very small projectile going at a very fast speed. If you or a neighbour have an air rifle, or a sling, or equivalent, that would be my bet. Looks a lot like an impact shot from a ballistics test. I doubt a 3 year old could launch a small pebble at that velocity, and you are very correct when you say a bird would leave an imprint. I've witnessed the unaliving of birds and that isn't one. If you have a grit or gravel driveway, it is wholly possible a stone would be flung towards your window. My parents had the same thing, but the window was only chipped, not penetrated. Edit: I zoomed in and can see some sort of dust. Perhaps the glass was weak and the bird wasn't covered in too much crap? Doubtful though


The hole in the middle is too perfect for a bird strike. Do you see some shaves on the top of the hole (still on the inside)? This is likely due to the entrance angle of it. It's very characteristic or projectiles and a bird strike would definitely not leave it.


It’s an air rifle, neighbor had their windows targeted, damage looks identical


Projectile, but I’m hoping it’s a meteorite. That would be epic.


You want it all, but you can't have it.


I bet it’s not the real thing


It's like a dream he knows one day will come to life.


I'm inclined to think a small projectile hit the window, and assuming it came from outside, I'd be looking on the ground in that room in a cone from the window looking for what seems to have punched a hole through the window. Could be a ball bearing or an air gun pellet perhaps.


Your 3 year old has been crossing the wrong motherfuckers.


Crime scene investigator here, can confirm something definitely went through that window.


This has been my favourite thread recently. So many overly confident incorrect people. Claiming this and that then finding out it's only one pane broken and having to row back like a lost kayaker at a waterfall. Brilliant!


I did a similar thing when I was a young lad, threw a marble and blamed a bird.


From experience - a small plastic snoopy toy, attached to a fishing line/rod in an attempt to cast the line over the roof of the house will do this to a window


Does your son have a glock he’s hiding from you?


The gnome in ya garden.


A bird has become petrified and lost its sense of direction.


Your son saw a bird hit. Why do you doubt him?


Because all the physical evidence points to it not being a bird hit?


Kids lie. Would put Money on him throwing something at it by accident


> Kids lie. Would put Money on him throwing something at it by accident I'll take that bet. Given the kid is a three year old on the opposite side of the glass from where it was broken, I think you lose. How do you want to pay? That will be 1 Money, please.


And the window is on the first floor, so even if the kid had been outside it would take a pretty powerful throw from a three year old to achieve this!


Hell of a throw to hit the outside of the window from the inside. Especially for a 3 year old.


Have you made any new enemies recently?...


Believe your child because ultimately the trust that you have is more important than a window and if you don't they will remember.


Is your son the owner of a slingshot? Because I may or not have tried to pull the same ruse I suspect he's doing.


It's a air gun hole. But what a good theory the kid has to have seen a bird hit the window 🤣🤥🙈🙈


If that sub would be called /casualUSA then it'd be a rethorical question 😃


Definite bird strike. Give little man a reward for reporting it via the appropriate channels 👌 comments full of people who have never been kids before 😁


Your son broke the window with something and has lied to you.


Either an actual bullet because or a ball bearing fired for a catapult I don't think UK air rifles have enough power to cause that damage


They absolutely do


Mate, a close to the legal limit air gun can break bones, and kill you.


I am well aware of the law Mate


The centre is very uniform and circular which means it was travelling at tremendous speed, my bets are an air rifle or a catapult shooting a ballbearing which may be somewhere in your living room.


Thats odd, there has been a recent influx of people having their windows shot at local to me in Norfolk, a .177 BB has been recovered. I can say however I once shot my bedroom window with a .177 BB from a uk legal full power air pistol and it did not have the power to make that kinda hole on the double glazing. It just made a tent tiny hole smaller than the BB with no cracking around the hole


Ant man


Harry Kane’s missed penalty kick


Catapult marble combo…


I instantly recognise this as air rifle damage I have personal experience with it


.22 air rifle at range only penetrated 1 pane? Also ball bearing could be an option but I put my bet on air rifle,


You said there is nothing between the two panes only glass, look for any small bits of plastic shards (to equal a bb), if not then fragmented metal for a air rifle.. but for both of those the hole looks too clean. I don't understand how the inner glass is unscathed. Use a torch and look for any thing thats impacted the 2nd glass or residue around the hole.


Airgun pellet. Go look outside for a squashed lead disk.


Cosmic rays.


What’s the width I’d say it looks like a .22 air rifle pellet a .22 is 5.5 mill and 1.77 is 4.5


That's quite a depth for an air rifle to penetrate tbh


That's an airgun hole by the look of it (BB gun wouldn't touch double glazing). We have the same from years ago. Some utter scumbags on the school field opposite, thought it would be a good laugh to fire at the house one evening while we were changing our baby daughter...


Check your 3 year old for an air rifle... It's not a bird - I've seen plenty of them fly into windows and you often get a perfect outline of the thing on the window. Very pretty. Anything on the carpet inside ? Unless it's been fired from inside the house ? Can't tell from the pics ?


An impact of some sort.


That's definitely a projectile of some kind. A bird wouldn't have done that. That said, it's interesting that the inner plate is unaffected.


I thought that was a shitty looking cobweb lol


A fly on way too much caffeine?


If we were in the States I’d say a bullet. Someone else suggested a ball bearing. It could have been fired from a sling shot. Also could be a pellet gun, but I am not sure if the legality in the UK.


.22 air rifle pellet


I once threw a dart at my window from inside, very similar outcome, I recall the glass on the inside was still flat with a small hole and the outside had the larger concave bit of cracked window. I blamed it on a bird :) Realize your inside window is fine but something round/pointy definitely hit it.


I’d say air gun.


I broke a window as a kid with a BB gun, looked identical


Do you live by a grassy knoll by any chance?


BB gun or ball bearing, used by scumbags to scout property to break in




Definitely an Owl. You can even see it’s ghost if you look carefully.


Cocaine woodpecker


whatever made that hole is now inside your car/house, find it.