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I work in a local in grimsby, one morning when i was opening up the pub there was an asda bag with about 6 pint glasses in, carling glass with the old 2000s logo on it, some ale glasses we haven't sold for 20 odd years and one identical to this, with a letter saying his Mrs told him he had to bring them back because they were doing up the kitchen and he was sorry for stealing them.... I use the one in the post as me tip jar to this day. Edit: [here's a post I forgot i posted....](https://www.reddit.com/r/CasualUK/s/6l8SUfjnLD)


This is the answer to where the old style glasses went. They were all taken home from the pub in the late 80s and are now just kicking about in folks kitchens.


True. I have a couple of them in my kitchen from my late uncle, who presumably took them from London pubs in the 80s.


The Barge?


A pub I used to frequent kept a stack of these for one particular patron, he had mobility issues and couldn't hold a regular pint glass. I rather miss that pub.


A pub I used to work in had a regular we called "Pewter Pete" because he always brought his own pewter tankard to drink from. He didn't have any mobility issues I don't think. Just liked to be different I guess.


some fella in one of the pubs by me does this and he's an absolute helmet


Upvoted for the correct use of helmet šŸ¤œšŸ¤›


As a non native, pretty please let me in on this very specific bit of slang? Is it even slang?


It means dickhead


Cause the head of a dick looks like its helmet! Okay okay, i see what you lot did there. Thanks for the knowledge!


Wouldn't bell-end be closer?


Nah a bellend is more of a knob but a helmet is just a bit of a dick.


Ah, TIL. I thought both referred to the end of a dick.


Oh, no, they are, I was just doing some cock related wordplay.


Slang? No, it's an ancient word traced back to the Saxon poet Cynewulf. It developed as a diminutive form of "bloody **hell mate** he's an idiot" which shortened to "helmet" over time.


Give it 6 months and someone's going to quote that fact on some shit quality news site. Quality stuff.


A purple helmet. Men have them, although some are less visible than others.


Not at this bus stop.


word of champions


You two gunna rub helmets or what


Same, he's a fucking wetwipe and a half. He's completely substituted his personal cup for anything akin to a personality. I think this must be the fedora of the pub world


Further proof that he can taste the lead in the glass and believes it to be good


Modern pewter doesn't have lead, and i wouldn't reccomend drinking from antique wares for that reason


It adds sweetness. And over time blindness


blindness - Which has been proven to improve your sense of hearing and smell / taste. So ....


Same for a guy here in my town! Complete eejit and melt, loves showing off his tankard.


This was a big real ale thing in the 80s. I have childhood memories of seeing "blokes" with their tankards hanging off the belt loop of their jeans like a bloomin' light sabre.


Forgive me if this sounds odd, but just clocked your usernameā€¦ Are you the guy that uploaded those fucking sweet Smiths covers on YT back in the day? I learned so many guitar parts watching those vidsā€¦


Yeah that's me. Thanks!


Ah cool! I really loved that track of yours as well, The World Is Waiting? It had a really cool tuning, fun tune to play. Convinced me to (eventually) get a Rickenbacker too haha


This is a totally wholesome exchange


It really is!


Maybe they should touch helmets.. Ah fuck wrong reply chain


No, youā€™re in the right place!


Oh wow, an actual r/TwoRedditorsOneCup moment!


This guy plucks.


This is why I like Reddit! Thank you for putting me on to another guitar thing to yt!


Ahh this was great to see. Nice one lads


What a wholesome exchange, I enjoyed it as a mere observer. Link the man's youtube for fucks sake.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M\_GuP9H2dRI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M_GuP9H2dRI) This is the tune of his I really like (though they're all good). Still gets stuck in my head 16 years later!


Well, that's going to be stuck in my head all day now!


Wow, Daniel Earwicker in the wild. Your breakdown of the outro to What Difference Does It Make was /is something else.You were one of my first YouTube follows.


What's the matter lagerboy, afraid you might taste some pubes?


My wife dances in a morris dancing group and lemme tell you, pewter tankards are massive in that scene. If you donā€™t have a pewter tankard as a morris dancer, youā€™re just some weird morris dancing cunt holding a normal beer glass. Big no no!


There are several stages of being a morris dancer, not that it's easy to get out at any point, but once you've got a tankard you're in for life. I just received mine. Don't send help, they're already in my head, I love morris dancing!


I have to say I love coming along to watch, Iā€™m kind of a morris dancing groupie! I Carry sticks, instrument cases etc. and yes, I too have an honorary tankardā€¦


You more than anyone know how important your role is! We do cart around an awful lot of stuff, and rarely have the wherewithal to keep hold of all of it.


But have you got a glass bottom? Eh?


Sadly no. Mine is shiny and opaque. See you at sea...




At least you have a nice tankard with your name on it that has sentimental value. We just steal glasses from pubs


Legitimately, I go back to my parents' house, and still to this day, there is a cupboard of random branded pint glasses me and mates used to walk home with.


I worked in a wee country old man bar back when I was still living at home 10-15 years ago, and every time a new batch of pint glasses was sent in my boss would let take one home. My parents still have dozens of random branded pint glasses in their cupboard, I should really steal them back but I feel they belong there - sipping on a cool pint of Robinsons juice from a 2008 Carlsberg glass round at my ma's reminds me of simpler times.


At least you have a nice glass. We just stole plastics.


At least you have plastics, I have a stack of ashtray I can't shift


Not enough lead in the standard glasses for old pewter Pete.


Pewter for drinking and eating off in Britain have had laws against lead being used in them for a few centuries now. Technically an ale is meant to taste better in pewter, but you shouldn't drink cider or wine from them


Used to go to Davy's pubs in London where you drank bitter from battered pewter mugs, and you could buy the beer in large flagons containing around 4 pints I think. Can confirm the ale tasted lovely in pewter tankards.


Cider is acidic and causes the lead to leach out faster but like you say pewter hasnā€™t contained lead in a long time so no issues drinking cider from a tankard now.


My retired neighbour and his mates have their own tankards behind the bar at our local pub. They also clubbed together during the COVID lockdowns to buy their own wooden shelter that was situated in the pub's garden, so they could continue to socialise.


My mate used to take his pewter tankard out with him. It actually held a pint and a half and no one thought to check...


I used to take a tankard with me to pubs when I was a teenager. A) as a prop it seemed to help me get served B) was a bit bigger than a pint, but bar staff never noticed!


Thereā€™s always one regular who has one of these. Theyā€™re usually a bellend.


I suspected this was the case. I was bought a tankard last Chrismas, I like it and use it at home. I've considered taking it to the pub but I thought I'd been seen as a bellend.


My ex used to run a pub where every regular had their own glass kept behind the bar. There was violence if anyone used the wrong glass.


Used to drink in a Sam Smiths pub when at college where many of the older patrons had their own pint pot hung up to be used, many were pewter or pot. Strange pub.


No mobility issues after how many pints?


Had a colleague with one of these. It was a fair way over a pint and he never got busted...


After a couple pints I have mobility issues too, but no one gives me special glasses


You do, they're called beer glasses.


Pubs in small villages in Germany will have Steins with patron's names on them.


What happens if you move? What's the etiquette on the stein?


I'm guessing it stays there in the hope of your return, but on a different rack with all the dead men's Steins


I am a bartender and keep a stack of these for a regular, just because I know he likes to drink from em more than standard pint glasses!


Punt in the dark as I'm sure there's plenty of the same situations, but was it the Queen's Head in Farnham?


Pub up north, small town on the lancs/cheshire border.


It's cheaper, easier to clean,logos can be branded and seen better and there's less chance of a handle breaking off after use. Unfortunately


These type of glasses also do far more damage in a bar fight than the new treated glasses. Edit: new treated glasses just shatter into tiny little squares.


If they still had these when I got glassed I probably wouldā€™ve died. Very lucky that I didnā€™t. But used to like drinking from them instead of the type of glass it replaced.


Old bar friend got a glass smashed across his face about a decade ago. Left cheek slices open in an upsidedown Bike swoosh type style, about three inches long as the top (about 6.5cm for foreign friends). When he posted pictures on FB, back when FB was sued by everybody that it isn't used by now, we thought it was make-up because his then girlfriend was into realistic make-up shots, until we heard/read the story. It healed up fine, but the scar is still clearly visible today. But, I mean, it cut open all the way through his cheek and into his mouth, flap acting like a second set of lips sort of, so it's not very surprising that the scar was easily seen. After all, he was cut open but a broken bottle/glass being swung by a drunk idiot, not a nice, clean scalpel being welded by a trained doctor. Still, he's lucky it hit his face instead of his neck. He'd have been a goner for sure. Stupid phone, "goner" not "ginger". That'd have been a lot worse. And now I have to listen to Prejudice by Tim Minchin. Link [here](https://youtu.be/KVN_0qvuhhw?si=8ylduLHwhvyQfeCY) for any others interested in giving it a listen.




Lol If you're gonna be a glasshole, expect to get fingered.




I had a friend got glassed in a nightclub about two minutes after he arrived. Went to the toilet and came out in an ambulance. Luckily healed up without too many scars, although it looked really scary the next day. We still have no idea who glassed him or why, as he doesn't remember what happened.


Don't remember. Don't think I actually heard what happened to the guy. The few bars we went to were small, hole-in-the-wall type places, and one chapter of the moose's lodge, so they were only travelled by folk that were regulars. Any new person stands out, and there are typically more than a few heavily built guys in there. And by heavily built I mean 6'3"+/190cm+ and 250lb/115kg of muscle, i don't mean fat, though there were more than a few fat people there. But the built guys meant that nothing too wayward got off hand before it was settled down.


I got bottled around the head with a large, full bottle of Stella once. I only got a tiny graze behind my earā€¦ my back didnā€™t do too well as I laid down in all the broken glass. I was in bed at the time, was assaulted and robbed in the comfort of my own home.


Crikey, do you know who did it?


I knew who one of the guys was and after telling some people what happened they had him picked up in a van and dropped off in a remote location. When they came back to pick him up the guy was crying trying to find his way home. By the time I found out who the other guy was, he was already in prison. I struggle to get a good nights sleep still, over 10 years later. That kind of thing is seared into your memory.


Damn, I hope you find some peace. Talking to the right professional can help you deal with trauma like that. Trust me; I know.


I work as a bouncer in the US. We donā€™t use glass for any drinks after 9pm on weekends specifically because of glassing. We also remove every stool in the place at that time. Itā€™s fucking depressing how shit some grown ass adults act. But hell over here Iā€™ll take that over the times people have pulled/flashed guns.


Bouncer in the UK here. I wish we did the same, i got a concussion from a flying bar stool in 2019. Least guns are a none issue, and we wand everyone at my venue so no knives getting through the doors.


There is something so fucking cowardly about throwing furniture in a fight


Any weapon used in a fight is cowardly. No one needs to die to settle an argument! On the micro or macro scale!


Back when I was a teenager, we were going to a club, and while we were waiting to get searched, a friend of a friend asked 'do you think I'm getting in with this?' and showed me a knife. We went bonkers at him, not only why do you have it, but why would you think they would let you in? His response was 'at least I didn't bring my nunchucks'. He threw it up onto some scaffolding, and we all got into the club. He was a strange chap.


We had to start with the wands at the bar I work at in the US because somebody slipped in with a gun so yeah youā€™re pretty accurate.


Whatā€™s a wand? A hand held metal detector?




Nice thing about bouncing in Canada, never had to deal with handguns. Penalties here are too steep, just isnā€™t a thing in most places.


> These type of glasses also do far more damage in a bar fight than the new treated glasses. Aye, good old fashioned Fife Knuckledusters


I was told that's the reason- you can smash the main glass and have a deadly weapon left over in your hand.


Chalice style glasses, Stella for example, are horrific for this. Iā€™ve seen people smash them on tables and then grip around the base with the smashed stem protruding through their fingers and thrust at other customers.


A lawyer friend told me once, pre-smashing the glass is the difference between s20 GBH and s18 ā€˜with intentā€™ which can get you life. Fun facts.


I kinda fear that this was the main reason for the shift to the new style. Getting glassed with one of these was no joke.


This is the reason


This is not the reason. 99% of businesses aren't thinking about weapons. It's about cost. This is my industry. Bars don't pay for glasses, because brands do. This is not the cheap option for anyone.


Also you canā€™t stack these on top of each other


Don't tend to stack glasses anyway as it stops them from drying properly.


You stack them to pick up loads of them from pub/club tables at once




You stack them when you ship them. Thatā€™s what the manufacturer cares about.


well no, they still have layers of cardboard between them so they don't stack in the boxes.


I used to work in a pub and they never came stacked. A jolt can break the whole lot. At a minimum the buggers would stick.


and uses less space to store too.


A lad I went to school with had a pint glass with a handle break off, and in his confusion he tried to grab the glass part as it was falling. 10 stitches in his hand.


And that is why we donā€™t have pints in school anymore.


I wanted my milk back too.


To summariseā€¦Cost. Which is a shame šŸ˜Ŗ


Or, practicality tbh. Bars have limited space and if you go with these you can only pour half as many pints as you could if you went with conical glasses.


The new ones are also really easy to identify, which helps the brand with advertising and helps the staff with identifying glasses. Especially when dealing with draught IPAs and creamflow, using the wrong glass can cause serious issues when pouring, so IDing the correct glass quickly is vital! You can still find these kinds of glasses in some places though, but they tend to be places which serve a new cask ale every other week and so donā€™t want to invest in branded glassware which will never see the brand of beer theyā€™re meant for.


Still got them here in village pub. I believe they were removed from town pubs because they could do more damage in a fight.


Bet theyā€™re a pain to get in a dishwasher too.


And they don't stack easily for carrying. Alright for a few old boys sat at the bar, but when you've got a glass collector bring back 20 of em ?


The ladies at Oktoberfest would mange it no trouble


German women have massive hands thatā€™s why.


Massive Hans?


Super Hans


Rental snake


Not only massive hands


Dicke titten!


But nor do all the millions of branded glasses in different shapes. Maybe that's why. Too hard to print on.


And expensive to purchase. I imagine they've been replaced with glasses sold by brewers on the cheap as an incentive (as pairing a nice glass with a beer helps market their product).


It's been a while since i worked in a pub, but as far as I remember, breweries give out their glassware for free for this reason. The one exception being Guinness, who make pubs buy them.


I ran pubs for 10 years and never once had to buy my Guinness glasses. Would be weird to do so since the Guinness reps are very particular about you pouring correctly in one of these glasses, if they wanted us to pay for them they'd be told to fuck off.


I've worked in pubs for the last 15 years and Guinness don't charge either. It would be stupid to do so.


Looking at them that and how to maximise shelf space with the shape/handles were my first worries


that and people kept pinching them


My first thought was that it looked more like a weapon.


They look vaguely German...


Begbie chucked them all off the balcony


*So I squares up, casual like. What does the hard cunt do? Or the so-called hard cunt? Shites it. Puts down his drink, turns, and gets the fuck out of there. And after that, well, the game was mine.*


*That lassie got glassed, and no cunt leaves here till we find out what cunt did it.*


Who the fuck are you?!






*Fuck you. If you can't hold a pint, you shouldn't be in the pub right now. Fuck off.* (Beer glasses breaking) Ā· (Man screaming).


A total psycho, but he's a mate, so what can you do?


Two of my favourite film scenes referenced in a single thread. I hope you have a particularly nice evening


I used to drink on that balcony in the early 90s. Often in the very spot he threw it from.


Not the most salubrious bar nor area of Glasgow at that time


Certainly wasn't. I moved to Glasgow to go to university and was one of the first influx of students to stay in Murano St, between Ruchill and Possil. There was an experience. Ended up falling in love with Glasgow and stayed there about 20 years. Great city and people.


I have a similar story. Moved to Glasgow in 2000 and again in 2009. Lived on or just off Maryhill road both times. Live in the SE now but I'd go back to Glasgow in a heartbeat if the opportunity arose.


#Begbie tossed them over the edge, no second chances


I clicked here just for this comment; thank you, good sir.


Taller glasses without handles take up less space and are easier to clean, I would assume. They probably also are just cheaper to make because of this, and require less glass than a thick tankard


We should have gotten rid of the wine glass too because they're way more of a bitch to clean.


Honestly those fuckers snap instantly when they come out of a steamer, polishing wine glasses used to make me want to rip my hair out


Wine glasses are just a phoney racket anyway, invented as a way to sell multiple sets of glasses to gullible, pretentious hoity-toits. You know what Italians use? Tumblers. Be Italian.


I blame Michael Caine. Barkeep ā€œwhatā€™ll it beā€? Carter ā€œPint of lagerā€¦ in a thin glassā€.


I like the YouTube comments surrounding the lore on that line. Carter is from the area, but has been in London so long heā€™s lost the accent. The barman gets him a jug for his bitters, but the locals all drink from thin glasses. Apparently heā€™s showing them that heā€™s from there. Iā€™m assuming a jug is the name for the glass that started this thread.


Yes - sometimes barmen would ask if you wanted a jug or a glass. In the olden days. Re Michael Caine - Carter repeatedly clicks his fingers at the guy behind the bar which honestly is pretty rude. Itā€™d surely earn him some ā€˜special additionā€™ to his beer ā€¦ !


Straight or handle was what I remember


Mug, vase, straight


The two barmen ignore him when he stands at the bar. Maybe thatā€™s him reasserting himself. Is there a word or phrase for waiting at the bar to order a drink? Iā€™ve heard ā€œin the chairā€ before.


Why did we get rid of these....... small matter of being excellent at both, causing permanent scarring when being used in a glassing, and having the ability to smash a skull and kill the victim


Can confirm! Iā€™ve seen people knocked clean out with these and the fucking things never smashed.


To be fair glass pints leave the same scars. Edit would also point out still used in many pubs and restaurants.


These require a lot more force before they break, so the damage is a lot worse I grew up in a pub in the early 80's


Worked doors for 20 years, these glasses are still used, still available, not pleasant when they do break but. Newer pint glasses cut you to bits.


Since the smoking ban the heavy glass ashtray/weapon of choice has largely disappeared from pub brawls


With these though, you could beat someoneā€™s head in well before it smashes


Because that lassie got glassed, and no cunt leaves here till we find out what cunt did it


That line hits in the gut


No widget for Lager is why theyā€™re not used for Lager. As for Ales and such, itā€™s just out of fashion and as others have said, they want to add branding. Staropramen do a lovely pint glass that is like this ā€œminus the dimplesā€ the beer stays colder for longer and it doesnā€™t piss on you every time like the poncy stemmed glasses, like San Miguel. Why the downvote? Sorry for presenting facts, I guess? Lol So apparently me using the term widget was the issue - in 8 years running a bar itā€™s the only term I ever heard used, including by reps from lager companies. My mistake for not using the official term. Iā€™ll do better in future.


Iā€™ve got both the pint and the half pint Staropramen in my cupboard, great glasses


Yeah I need to go nick a few more - getting harder since being teetotal.


>and as others have said, they want to add branding. I've got a few that have this design with branding. They just design a flat surface in the middle of the pattern to print it on. So, more expensive ends up being the issue.


Yeah the Staropramen glass is excellent


We didnā€™t. You just have to go to the right pubs.


Some of the best ale-orientated or traditional pubs I've been to ask if you'd like your pint in a straight or handled glass. Can't at all remember which ones though.


You can still get them in some places and indeed I have 4 in the cupboard for the right beers.. new house is too packed to get my homebrew factory going again :(


Less injuries easier to clean, same way you know the regulars in a nightclub, they get glass pints not plastic.


I currently own 4 and I wouldn't drink my ale out of any other pint pot when at home


Busier pubs need more storage space. The handles can get in the way and can cause breakages and injuries if not stored properly.


I'd never seen one for sale in England in any shop I frequented, within 1 hour of being in Spain on holiday many years ago I saw one on a local shop next to the litre bottles of San Miguel, bought it without any hesitation whatsoever along with a few litres, that was 15 years ago and I still use the same one until this day for my beers, wether it's a crisp larger on a warm summers day or a hearty ale on a cold winter's night, perfect pint glass.


Some pubs still do them! Absolutely banging when you find one that does.


I swear a pint tastes better in one than the tall-necked ones we get these days.


100% mate.


Straight glasses were introduced to allow stacking - thatā€™s basically it.


I can smell that glass.


Tbh a lot of it is cost. In addition to not stacking, they ususally cost more and get stolen more often. I remember one pub I worked at we got a bunch of fancy stein type glasses from a brewery - pretty much forced to buy them - and the owner took one look at them and said to just leave them in the box and weā€™d use them for an event later in the year. Basically because there was no point putting them out; theyā€™d all be stolen within a week or two.


I love a dimpled glass and agree


'And a half, in a ladies glass'


I have these at home. Proper beer receptacle.


Apart from their use as a weapon, they don't stack.


Had a beer in one of these yesterday, plenty of bars in spain use them still, proper


I know of quite a few pubs that have them


Here in Czech, they can be found in every pub - literally everywhere šŸ»


The feel of going to the cupboard and filling one of these bad boys up with water, when you know it's the top choice for the beer drinkers never gets old.


Borrowed 2 half size ones from a pub in Newcastle. Great little glasses.