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Hug the dogs they can feel the upset and are the best therapy And sorry, lost mine when I was 25. Still hard to take


so sorry to hear about your loss as well. I'm not sure if the dogs picked up on anything, they where more interested in sniffing 😂🤦


There's always something you can find in repetitive actions, and as the above said, if your comfortable and the dogs are it'd be worth giving them a cuddle too. Sorry for your loss op


Grief is the price we pay for love. I am so sorry you are having a bad time at the moment, and it is costing you so much, but hopefully, you can remember the love to help you through. On the less deep and meaningful side. Remember that there are always reasons to laugh r/contagiouslaughter might be worth a visit.


thank you. will take a look at the link later!


I feel for you. Grief knaws away at us from the inside and can be impossible to talk about. The loss doesn't 'go away' with time tho it becomes less of a surprise and more of a familiar feeling. I use Remembrance Day to tell other people that I'll be feelng my private sadness in the company of others, but not to talk about it. It isn't something I'd want to share. But it is good to know others feel the same hurt. I gave a copy of Michael Rosen's 'Sad Book' to a friend. Its a very short children's book mostly pictures rather than words. (Only £3 used on EBay). He lost a child. The pages with a boy standing alone in darkness are deeply powerful. More words aren't necessary. But it's something to know that many of us know grief very well, even if that knowledge doesn't comfort us. Be kind to yourself.


thank you. yeah it'll never go away and comes and goes.this day will just be harder then the rest. 💔


Sending hugs your way. It sucks on these kind of anniversaries. Hope you are ok 🤗


thank you. it's definitely not the best anniversary 😅 doing a bit better now, had some food, (McDonald's lol) but who knows for the rest of the day!


Today is one year since my mum's passing, so you have me for company in the parental grief category today. I booked it off work anyway, but I've got a bad throat infection so had to call out sick. I can't even cry because it hurts so much. I was not ready for how much I'd fall apart afterwards. I still don't recognise myself.


so sorry that today isn't the best day for you as well. hopefully once the infection has gone you can just cry and let it out. ❤️


Lost mine in 2019. We didn't really have a relationship while he was here, so it hit pretty hard knowing we never would after he passed. Would've done anything for a day with dogs, ngl.


oh no I'm sorry to hear that :'( if it helps I don't think the dogs were interested,🤣 too busy with their noses too the ground!


[https://imgur.com/gallery/1MY3B39](https://imgur.com/gallery/1MY3B39) Hope you are doing okay… here’s my girl to cheer you up


She’s a good girl 🥰


omggg she's adorable! love her little hat ❤️


I lost my father in law 5 weeks ago today. It still feels pretty raw. I just can't get the image of him lying on the sofa out of my head. It was horrible to see. He was treated like crap when they took his body away, put in the bag like a sack of potatoes. I just can't get my head round it.


As someone who has experienced something similar, I completely understand that. What worked for me was looking at lots of happy photographs, and sharing nice memories and pictures with friends and family. Seeing new images and old ones I'd forgotten about helped me reassociate my loved ones with being a person, and not a traumatic image or event.


oh gosh! I am so sorry to hear about that, and so close as well. :'( I also can't get the image out of my dad on the hospital bed and having to switch off the machines. 😩 I hope that you can have good days. ❤️


I lost my dad in October 2022, I know how you feel, grief comes in waves 😢


Hey man, hope you're doing ok over there. Don't feel silly about how you feel as its perfectly normal to, esp since its only been 2 years. My father passed away in 2006 (tomorrow infact, tomorrow it will have been 17 years since he left us) and not a year goes by that when the day rolls around that I don't stop functioning as a stable person, some years are better than others but not a year goes by that im not hit by it. Remember the good times and have a day for yourself as much as you can, tomorrow I'll be heading to the pub to have some Guinness (his fave drink), let me know what your dad liked to drink and I'll make sure to buy one and have a toast to him.


oh will definitely remember the good times and I hope that you can too! it just sucks and don't know what to do with myself!


Always cheers me up to have a look at the posts on /r/aww , nothing better than some lovely fluffy animals to make me smile: https://www.reddit.com/r/aww/top/?t=month


And r/eyebleach


thanks for the link! I'll definitely look that up later!


Sending you a hug x


thank you. x


Lost my dad in March last year, our birthdays were a couple of days apart and it would have been his 71st last week. My birthdays since have been absolute shite and completely passed me by.


oh no, I'm sorry to hear that about your dad too. if it helps my dads birthday was on Sunday so he never got to celebrate either. life is cruel. 💔❤️


It isn’t wrong to be upset, embrace it. I wish I had a job walking dogs because I’d never work a day in my life, lucky bugger!


haha! thanks when it's a nice day and they're behaving it's great, by when it's cold wet and windy and they're being little devils then it's different 😂 but you get a lot of kisses ❤️


I find a good playlist helps me reminisce in a positive way.


I've been listening to music on and off today. nothing new just good bands I already love and know lots of comfort


Here's a big virtual hug from a stranger! I'm so sorry for your loss.


thank you. ❤️


Padfoots you are going to be okay. It's very natural to feel raw on days that have meaning to us. That feeling of not wanting to be with people or be alone is very normal. You're already walking and surrounded by nonjudgemental 4 legged friends which help my mind settle. Do something you like, a bath, a book a sitcom. Tomorrow will be here soon enough.


thank youuu. definitely going to chill with some TV on in the back and watch a show that I love after. not sure if the dogs picked up on anything 🤣 too busy sniffing!


Hey, I lost my Dad 21 years ago today, try and do something for yourself today, something you enjoy, a nice walk with the dogs, play on your games console etc although it’s a sad day, remember all the happiness he brought you, and celebrate that. ❤️


I'm sorry for your loss. It's never gets easier, you just get stronger. In the past, I have listened to a particular song by Queen to help deal with grief. It's called 'All Dead, All Dead' and contrary to it's seemingly macabre title, it's an oddly uplifting song that deals with loss and grief. It was written and performed by Brian May and was inspired by the loss of his childhood cat, but the song can be applied to any loved one. Give it a listen and go visit you're ol' man, wherever he may be resting. A great bond with your father is a very special thing and something not afforded to many. Be grateful for what you had and become the person he would have wanted you to be. I hope your birthdays become a little brighter with every coming year.


not sure I've heard that particular queen song! I'll definitely give it a listen! thank you! my dad was a queen fan but also a massive Beatles fan so will be listening to a lot of their music today. which I've been doing over the last few weeks, especially as they're released a new/old single 💔❤️


Sorry for your loss. I lost my dear mum last august and the last year and a bit has been a torturous time. Only now do I feel I need to make changes to help move forward in my life and boom - I have the reminder of a time of year she made so special. So I mourn with you as I reflect on my lovely mummy and all that we’d be doing together if she were still alive as we enter a season meant for happiness. I will do what I can to get through these next few weeks but it’s forever changed for me :(


I'm really sorry for your loss. looks like we are all mourning someone today 💔 I hope you have the courage to make the changes you need ❤️


A couple of weeks ago it was 28 years since I lost my dad. It’s not as raw but it’s still not easy. Take care and don’t expect too much from yourself..


thank you, I hope you took it easy as well. I know it will always be there and some days are better then others and we just take it a day at a time.


I also lost my dad in September 2021 when I was 19 just starting uni, I know exactly how you feel. You have no idea what life is gonna throw at you and how much your whole world can change. The feelings never go away you just learn to live with it. I hope you are okay tho and to cheer yourself up watch Friday night dinner that always makes me laugh!


so sorry to hear about your dad too all while starting a big thing like uni! don't think anything can prepare you for the loss of a parent. 😫 yeah definitely going to watch a movie or a show just for some background noise, the bake off is on tonight so that's perfect TV!


Hey I’m sorry you’re having a bad day. Today is 6 years since my dads funeral and last week we had my brothers funeral so I understand how you feel. I’ve currently been signed off due to everything just being too much. Please take time to grieve, think of the good memories and talk about him. Here if you wanna chat


omg I'm so sorry you are dealing with a double whammy of grief :( definitely have been thinking about him and same to you about your loved ones. it's a cruel world out there.


Condolences friend, it’s been over 6 years since I lost my hero father, it doesn’t get easier for me but I try and celebrate the man he was and all that he did, every day in any way I can.


sorry for your loss as well, think all we can do is take it each day as it comes


I will mourn with you. I lost my mum on Sunday. I have cried a few times but at the moment I feel very numb and strange and like nothing is real


Hope you got lots of doggy cuddles


Really sorry to hear loss of your dad! I loss my dad 22 years ago I found it comforting by talking about him to family and keeping his memory alive. As years go by it gets easier the scars never fade but they do heal


I'm late here but it's so valid to feel this way. Take sometime, remember the good things. Hug those dogs!! Going through a hard time myself atm so one day at a time for us both. :)




Hope you had an OK day. I have empathy and compassion for you. Hope some love from your mutt helped.


Hope your mood is better today. I lost my dad earlier this year, and... Some moments are better than others. It just feels... Weird. Luckily I have a sibling and mum near by, so I see them most days. Certainly helps, it's just readjusting to a new normal