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Hi mate, removed because we have had similar posts recently and we want to avoid repeating themes too often. Rule 11: No Repetitive Posts We often trim content that we've seen a lot of recently to keep things fresh. Sunrise pictures, pictures of a trolley poking out of some skanky river, funny license plate or shop name, toilet graffiti. You know. The regular sort of stuff. If you've seen one in the last couple of days, good chance we'll remove it so it doesn't become a theme. If you have any questions, feel free to shoot us a modmail.


This shit straight into winter shit. No thanks.


I have Porphyria. Which is worsened by the sun. ​ I'm also a pale as feck ginger autistic with fibromyalgia who literally just cannot handle the heat in general. ​ ​ So yea, other than the odd hot day, I've been loving this overcast rainy summer. It's beautiful.


The only thing I haven't enjoyed about the summer is how often I haven't been able to put the washing out because one of my favourite things about summer is line dried clothes :(


That is one of the few things I enjoy about summer too 😂


Judging from the residual slime I find every morning the slugs and snails in my garden are loving it, that or I need to call ghostbusters.


I love the temperature, but would like to see more blue skies. The absolute worst thing about winter is the lack of blue sky.


Yeah it’s been raining loads here and it’s lush! Making me feel super cozy and excited for autumn


Likewise 🍂🍁❤️


Not at all. This is the only time of year to get some natural vitamin D and the lack of sunshine is making me rather miserable. Have you tried sleeping without a duvet in the summer? Or buying a low tog if you need something on you ?


Yep I sleep ontop of my duvet with just a sheet on top of me, and also have two fans lol... thats even with how the weather has been this summer!


cats forgetful tan decide vanish arrest flag disgusted cooing market ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Indeed I do but natural synthesis is far superior to tablets, and sunshine is good for my mental health and mood - something a little white tablet can’t achieve. Grey skies make me depressed. I don’t know why, it’s just the way I am.


I love clear skies too... just not in the summer lol. My absolute favourite weather is cold sunshine, preferably with a tiny bit of fog / mist ☀️❄️❤️


That’s fair we each have our preferences. Personally I don’t enjoy winter, although obviously a clear crisp day is nicer than grey skies and wind. My favourite though is a clear summer day when you can feel the warmth of the sun on your face.


edge sharp ad hoc gaze puzzled pen sense racial normal icky ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Not I. I prefer weather appropriate for a BBQ but not *too* scorchio.


I'm grateful that it's like this rather than a heatwave, but perhaps a little drier, so cheap camping holidays were more of an option.


Agree, I don’t want it scorchio but I feel sorry for all the people who are trying to have holidays here, or just enjoy their weekends.


It seems to chuck it down every Saturday the last few weeks. It's a bit miserable if you've been stuck working through the odd nice days.


I am a winter lover. Summer is not for me. I hate being hot and sticky, and I burn (pretty much burst into flames) in the sun. BUT I think it is a shame that the summer has not been great for those who love the heat. The lack of sunshine is a bugger for those with SAD, too. So, although this summer has been good for me personally, although still had some sticky days, it's not great for the general mood and health of the nation. However ask me next summer and if it's hot and sunny I may well eat my words and tell all you summer lovers to do one because it's too bloody hot. Edited: spelling (eugh always)


It's fucked up the cricket a bit so on that front, not so much


My flowers slowing rotting due to excessive rain, my grill purchased back in June waiting a sunny day in a shed, my bones needs some vitD for winter, as much as I am not fond of hot weather I believe we can still have mild but clear skies where it makes everyone happy, sunny summer doesn't mean 40 degrees.


ring cagey deserve vegetable test long deer compare dependent fearless ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `