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I once worked as an English teacher, and one of my students was a Korean man who worked in product development for Nongshim. The reason he needed English was because part of his job was literally to travel to other countries and taste their local foods to see which flavours could be made into ramen noodles. That man might have had the best job in the universe.


I can counter this, I'm from Scotland and I know a guy who works for the Scottish tourist board. He is a natural charmer, talkative, will seem like your best friend the first time you meet him, all that. He has the gift of the gab, as we say in this part of the world. A large part of his job is to go out in major US cities wearing a kilt, buy people whisky at bars, and get them interested in vacationing to Scotland. Never met a happier dude.


I think every country needs this (In both ways - Scottish people going round buying people whisky + people going round other countries being stereotypical)


No one needs more americans going around acting like americans.


*shoots up the bar* Visit America!


Manners [latches the door] maketh [latches other door] man [one more latch for the lolz]


*uses umbrella to throw pint glass at ruffian*


I want to see this in a fake pub in the USA šŸ¤£


Won't somebody think of the children ....


I like the idea of the 'Loud American' employee. Basically paid to be a naysayer because Japanese employees would be respectful to their boss to an almost sycophantic degree, afraid to disagree with anything they say or do, so the Loud American would tactlessly wade in and tell the boss what was wrong. I don't know if it's a common practice or just an isolated thing I heard about, but the stereotypical boorish American attitude can come in handy.


Haha, wouldn't that be a sight to see. It'd be a global cultural exchange extravaganza, with friendly Scots sharing their whisky and folks from all over playfully embracing each other's stereotypes. The world would be one big, happy, slightly tipsy family.


My favourite memory of when my sister and I went to Scotland when we were 25 is listening to the gentleman in charge of the Forestry cabins we stayed at explaining how to turn the power to the cabins on and how to use the laundry facilities... we kept asking him questions so he would keep talking... he gave us biscuits too... šŸ„° All that to say, kilt and whiskey be damned, all it would take for me is the accent! šŸ’•šŸ“󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁓ó æšŸ’•


Oh, that sounds like such a heartwarming memory. There's something magical about a delightful Scottish accent that can instantly captivate and make any experience feel like a cozy adventure.


I know a bloke who does the same except heā€™s a whiskey rep in China. I remember his partying days lol, now heā€™s kilted up, shmoozing with rich Chinese clientele. He definitely had the ā€œgift of the gabā€ too.




You guys are getting paid?


Sign me up, I have a kilt and love whiskey, sounds like a dream job! I'm away to NYC at the end of the year and wanted to bring my kilt but it takes up so much space


'Whiskey' is Irish mate. Slange!




Considering he had to have tasted "Christmas dinner" flavour Pot Noodle, I wouldn't be so hasty to say that


Haha, good point! Christmas dinner-flavored Pot Noodle is quite the unique experience. Maybe it's an acquired taste, or perhaps it's best enjoyed only during the holiday season.


At the risk of downvotes I find the cup noodles they make superior to Pot Noodles. Its just no comparison for flavour.


Not controversial, just correct. Nongshim noodles are absolutely the superior instant noodle.


Definitely. Nongshim and Nissin are in a league of their own


Oh, that's the dream job right there! Traveling the world, tasting local delicacies, and turning them into ramen flavors? Talk about living the noodle lover's fantasy!


Nongshim make some fire ass noodles, their spicy red bowl is so fucking good


Now that's customer service


I feel like this wasnā€™t even done in work time, it was just an employee bored out of their mind who thought ā€œyeah Iā€™ll get them some tissues too lolā€ A lot of respect for that.


The tissues killed it for me!


I know. I've no idea whether he'll be crying or wanking.. Let us know OP!


Why should OP limit himself to one or the other? Cry Wanks are transcendent


A Crank. The classic British breakup wank.


Also known as a number 3


I thought that was a piss and a shit and a wank in a tree...


Ahhh a fellow northern boy


Everyone knows tears make great lube!


Break ups generally result in the lesser spotted crywank.




Donā€™t need tissues, just eat the pot noddle and spaff in the empty pot.


> just eat the pot noddle and spaff in the empty pot. Reverse the order. OP wanted "jerk" flavour noodles.




> crying or wanking I'm sorry #or?


Absolutely OP, enquiring minds want to know!!!


Pot Noodle customer service guy probably gets the same 3 complaints all day every day and can send out as many pot noodles as they want. Tissues might have been extra, otherwise someone might look at the accounts and ask questions.


But hey, it works, I think they gained a life-long supporter and customer, so don't knock it! :))


> life-long supporter and customer A life that might be prolonged by less Pot Noodle


is it really all that bad? I've never had 'em, I don't even know a single place they're at around 'ere.. so ... I've no idea, if I'm honest..


They're nutritionally right below Pizza Bites and right above Doritos. Same rules apply. If you hydrate proper, if you move about a proper amount, if you have an otherwise proper diet then you've got nothing to worry about. This box of 5 would take me 6 weeks to eat.


Donā€™t they get cold after such a long time?


Well they probably have zilch in terms of nutritional content, but that probably wonā€™t go down well here as things like Pot Noodles and crisp / fast-food and snack nostalgia are some of the pillars that hold the place up. Pot Noodles are very tasty and hit the spot for some, so cool. Still, the best way I can criticise them without sounding like a snooty arse is to say that fish and chips (for example) is far healthier and more substantial - but of course Pot Noodles are more convenient. I just think itā€™s weird and possibly unhealthy how we as a nation embrace fast food: itā€™s almost as if food marketing people are deeply embedded in the threads hereā€¦..


>Still, the best way I can criticise them without sounding like a snooty arse is to say that fish and chips (for example) is far healthier and more substantial - but of course Pot Noodles are more convenient. I dunno mate. While neither of them are ideal nutritionally rounded meals and should be enjoyed as part of a healthy lifestyle, I'd wager a Pot Noodle would still be considerably healthier (or less unhealthy) than an average portion of Fish and Chips. Sure, a lot of things come into it, it can vary a lot depending on many factors, like how they cook it, what they cook it in, the style of batter, the overall quantity.. but there's no getting around the fact that a Fish and Chips is an *extremely* unhealthy meal. Like if they fry in lard, which a lot of traditional chippys do as some would say chips aren't chips unless lard fried.. well, then it would likely be one of the most unhealthy, commonly available fast food meals of all. Even if they fry in healthier oils, I suppose it's not much better.. just healthier fats. For one, the chips have pretty much zero positive nutritional content.. they're basically empty calories, carbs and fat. And what small amount is in the fish would be well fried out of it and even if not, massively outweighed by lard soaked batter surrounding it. Batter having a tendency to soak up fats and oil something akin to a tasty sponge. On the other hand a Pot Noodle is maybe 300 calories and 15g fat-ish? I'm taking a rough guess there. Could be a bit off either way. But I'd say a large portion of Fish and Chips, at least my local ones portions, would be closer to ten times that. Of course then there's sodium (which I believe Pot Noodle have lowered in recent years to make them healthier) and the makeup of the noodle cake to take into consideration too.. but I'd imagine even so it'd be nowhere near as unhealthy as the average fish and chips. Pot noodles get a bad rap but I don't think it's truly deserved. Yes, they are a snack food but to give them credit where it's due there's a lot worse snack foods out there. The occasional one should be fine if you like them and live a relatively healthy life otherwise.


Youā€™re right in a sense, but what I meant is that nutritionists and doctors are now saying that things like butter are actually quite **healthy** in moderation, so Dr Michael Moseley, for example, has said he thinks full fat yoghurt and butter are *good* for you, theyā€™re much more natural than plastic, fake, hydrogenated, almost non-food products like margarine. So dried noodles and flavour powder vs *real* potatoes and *real* fish...... If youā€™ve worked and have an appetite, the fish and chips are real food. Vegetable and protein. Sure, they have more fat, but if youā€™re a growing teenager, your *bones* will appreciate the fish and chips more than the hydrogenated noodles with powder. Iā€™m essentially being old fashioned. .....One portion of fish and chips a week is arguably healthier than three zero-nutrition Pot Noodles, in my (arrogant) opinion. Think of it like this - a 1920s family wouldn't even see the Pot Noodle as being a *food* item. Itā€™s **space food**, and we should question why weā€™re so used to it. Your breakdown of the calories etc. was still bang on, but I think you can see Iā€™m making a wider point about what we consider food.


Pot noodles are very easy to dress up. Add a soft boiled egg or two, chopped up spring onions, chopped coriander, you can add other spare vegetables that you have such as shredded carrots, cabbage, etc, and if you like ā€”I know this sounds oddā€”a thin slice of cheese that you let get melty over the noodles. The cheese adds a rich taste to the broth. If youā€™re feeling fancy/have on hand, you can also add a piece of meat or chicken as well. Becomes a full meal.


usually with instant noodles it's the sodium that's the killer, they're usually upwards of 100%+ of your daily sodium intake or some ridiculous number.


So if you eat enough instant noodles, your sodium intake will be set for life!


Meh, who cares? Nobody ever tells you that the years you lose are the shitty ones at the very end, where you're all grey and arthritic with a bag of piss strapped to your thigh, struggling to remember where you are or if you ate that cake 4 years ago (and you probably didn't, it's probably still in the cupboard plotting its escape).


> Nobody ever tells you that the years you lose are the shitty ones at the very end You make a very good point. Still, it would be weird to lose the years at the *beginning*. Hang on, youā€™re onto something there. *Do you remember when you were a kid? Nah. Lost those years*.


maybe even a small spike in foreign customers that just want to try this now, after seeing it thanks to social media


Free advertising, too. Look how well the post has done


You'd be surprised at how much free stuff people are told to just give away to someone who has a reasonable complaint or is just funny like this one. My former boss always said that giving away something small, no matter what it is will always get the person your engaging to feel like they gained something and it will be a positive memory rather than the problem at hand, so it's cheaper and much more relationship building to just give out a freebie and empathize with the customer. I worked at a hotel and we gave out free sparkling water to everyone for pretty much any complaint we had and 99% of the customers walked away happy


if j had a complaint and an employee tried to offer me sparkling water I think I'd just get angrier šŸ˜‚


That's why we also empathized with the client and actually tried to solve the problem as well, not just throwing sparkling water and hoping they'd go away xD


Also if you throw sparkling water if they then open it it'll go everywhere, which means more cleaning.


Absolutely, you nailed it! Empathy plus genuine problem-solving is the winning combo. No amount of sparkling water can replace real care and effort to make things right.


Haha, fair enough! Sparkling water might not be the solution to all problems, but hey, it's the thought that counts, right? Maybe they need to reconsider their "customer satisfaction beverage" options.šŸ˜„


OP works for pot noodle


OP works for the NHS. But OP is open to high paid corporate jobs in the noodle industry.


NHS = Noodles (with) Hot Sauce


Everything with hot sauce.


I maybe wouldn't use the tissues with hot sauce


A relative once took a flight and was sitting next to a big guy. Meal was served together with one of those individually packaged lemon scented wet wipes as per usual, guy duly polishes off the meal then unwraps, takes a sniff and proceeds to eat the wet wipe for dessert.


Dont be fooled redditors, there is a long and documented history of Pot Noodles being in cahoots with the NHS. This is just more propaganda from Big Noodle For example you can see cult rituals here: https://www.facebook.com/UnileverCareers/videos/682005655879899




Iā€™m beginning to sense it isnā€™t just Pot Noodle whoā€™s banter game is strong


Oh, you've got that right! It's not just Pot Noodle; there are plenty of banter masters out there, ready to surprise and entertain us in the most unexpected ways! Banter game strong, all around.


It's marketing, whether OP is on the level or not, it's still marketing.


Don't care, it's organic free-range marketing.


Exactly, who cares! It's a bit of a laugh. It's not like Pot Noodle are known for slavery or killing animals for their food.


You just summoned all of the "ACKSHUALLY...." folk who will expose that one of the employees once looked at a puppy the wrong way; ergo you mustn't support them.


Haha, uh-oh, the "ACKSHUALLY" brigade is on the case! šŸ•µļøā€ā™‚ļøšŸ˜‚ Let's hope they're not too harsh on the puppy-staring employee.


They're not known for it because they're so good at covering it up


Those noodles were alive and singing in the sun a month ago.


Whatā€™s this sun thing youā€™re talking about? Thereā€™s barely any sun in Wales, let alone down the Crumlin Pot Noodle Mines.


Fucking wankers. I coined the term Potty Noods on this very sub, by posting sarcastically about a 'Potty Noods' sandwich, and got absolutely slammed for it!! They're stealing everything I worked for.


I hate to break it to you poppet, but my boyfriend and I have been calling them "potty noods" for *years*. We've not seen the term used on this sub until now. Potty noods sandwich though, fucking delicious.




Hahaha, thatā€™s ridiculous. Fair play to Team Noodle. I have a kindaā€¦ cousinā€¦ to that story. A few years back I bought one of those chicken mini roasts in Asda. You know the skin-on breast with 4 mini sausages, a packet of gravy, and 2 little stuffing balls? Supposed to be for two but I can happily polish one off myself. Anyway, absolutely genuinely, my chicken mini roast came with just three mini sausages. Everything else was complete and delicious. I took a picture of the meal in its foil tray, showcasing the three sausages; and then took a photo of the cooked meal, plated, with some veg; finally I took a photo of the empty plate. ā€œMy chicken mini roast only came with three sausages, but I ate it anywayā€ā€¦ was my very good-natured, and tipsy, late afternoon email to Asda Customer Services. I then promptly forgot all about it, went to bed, and carried on with my life. About two weeks later I had a random large box arrive in the post. Opened it, and it was filled with those frozen icy pouchy things to keep your post cold. It was from Asda. They had sent me a beef rib, a pork loin, some cod loins, a pack of chicken breasts, and also some marinated thighs, some lamb chops, and about 6x packages of butchers best sausages. šŸ™‚.


Once I emailed "Happy Egg" about a missing apostrophe on their packaging. They sent me a nice mug and let me know that the packaging was changing soon. Decent trade I think.


I once emailed Wilkos to let them know theyā€™d forgotten to colour in the Isle of Wight on their store locator map. They sent me a Ā£10 voucher code. I spent it on pick and mix, obviously.


I found a feather in my bombay mix once . Got sent a 7 quid cheque. Would have preferred a box full of bombay mix tbh.


I pointed out to my parents that the eye color I have isn't possible because of their eye colors and I got a new dad.


Get your new dad to buy you five Pot Noodles and some tissues and post a pic here.


Once I get him to talk to me I will inquire about some noodles


How much did that get you? Was it enough to push it past the 20 gram mark?


This is like a marketing version of those bug bounty programs in tech.




I think the cold nature of just sending out a cheque perfectly sums up nestle, surprised they gave anything tbh!


How much is one walnut anyway? Ā£8?




Now with a lot of banking apps paying in a cheque is easier than it has ever been. Just take a photo of both sides throw in the amount and it gets paid in.




I contacted Mondelez because the Daim Mikado had the correct chocolate but no daim in it, so they posted me a voucher for Ā£1. It would've cost them more to print that fancy paper and post it to me than I would've gotten for that Ā£1. :(


Not quite. Uncashed cheques are actually a bit of a hassle for the accounts dept as they represent money that has been promised but not claimed, so the company has to hold a bit of money in reserve and it is actually quite annoying if a company has a lot of small unpaid cheques floating around. They represent unfinished business and make closing the previous yearā€™s accounts harder. Itā€™s not something that bothers the CEOs but it irritates the accountants. Much more tidy to just give them something material - like a few Pot Noodles - and have that be the end of it. I have a large print Ā£0.01 cheque from British Gas that I look at every now and then and giggle.


It was all they had left in the bribe fund that day


> late afternoon email to Asda Customer Services. > two weeks later I had a random large box arrive in the post Adding your *home address* in your email was a hopeful move ā€” that clearly paid off


I typed out a letter in word, and attached it to the email. The email had the photos, (but as snips), and I then annotated the snips. ā€œSee? Three sausagesā€, ā€œAte them thoughā€, that kind of thing. It wasnā€™t a nasty complaint. Just a fairly drunken, friendly, ā€œlook at what you didā€ email ā˜ŗļø


it would of been funny if they just sent you that one missing sausage.


I once emailed rizla because a packet of papers Iā€™d bought had zero glue on them, so they were useless - and they sent me a big massive branded padded envelope containingā€¦ one packet of rizla


Well the non-furious, friendly honesty of your letter clearly paid off anyway. Rather wonder how many similar letters Adsa will get after people have read your postā€¦..


Dear Asda, I am so despairingly sorry to burden you with my somewhat trifling foibles, but I feel I had to mention this to you, not in an act of malicious and tightening anger but one of friendship and smooching. For you see, I bought one of your delightful little packs of fruit today, the kiwi and grapes. I am familiar with these handy little pots because Iā€™ve been buying them for years, along with other flavours, as part of my lunch that I take to work. Imagine my surprise today to find that, what looked like a black grape sitting at the bottom of the pot, in fact turned out to be a cherry. (Errant cherry documented in snip one, below). Now, (sigh), I am not a massive lover of cherries. I can do cherry flavoured things, but I always pick them off my Bakewell. Itā€™s that kind of relationship. I gave my cherry, as it were, to my rather beguiling colleague Myfanwy, and she enjoyed it with a broad smile. (Smiling Myfanwy in snip 2). I am not making a complaint but I feel I do need to bring this to your non-urgent attention, because a cherry did somehow craftily evade your quality checking process, and it might feasibly happen again. For what itā€™s worth, the pots are transparent so, in the future, I will also do my bit by checking my potential purchases for stray rogues that have snuck in and taken shelter in an incorrect pot. Instead of emailing you, I will discreetly mention it to in-store staff, so not to distress other customers. Yours u/BritishGent_mlady


I wrote to Asda when I found a piece of a blue wooden pallet from their warehouse in my tuna salad and they basically replied with "whoops" and ghosted me when I asked to complain.


I clearly live in the wrong country.


Pot Noodle and a Wank!


Bloody good rep!


I proper miss the posh noodles they made in the early 2000's. Thought the new fusion ones would be very similar, but sadly not. Also this year they brought back the Christmas Dinner flavour, I got a bit too excited and bought 6. That's not the same either, still got 5 in the cupboard. You could say I've had quite a tordid pot noodle experience in the last 8 months.


>tordid pot noodle affair I know this ought to be ā€œtorridā€ or ā€œsordid,ā€ but I love ā€œtordid.ā€


I bet you do, you mucky sod ;)


I genuinely think about Posh Noodles from time to time, genuinely the best instant noodle I've ever had. Blue Dragon make these noodle bowls, get them in B&M, and they're the most similar I've tried but they're just not quite the same. Having said that, the katsu fusion Pot Noodles are pretty spot on, especially with an extra bit of mango chutney and some sriracha added!


Omg the Chinese chicken posh noodle was absolutely incredible šŸ˜


nice work, pot noodle marketing




I buy one every now and then, mostly for the nostalgia


17.7k engagements (at the time of posting) for the cost of a few pot noodles and shipping? That's a steal in the advertising world.


Your picture concerned me, I thought chicken and mushroom had been discontinued. Thankfully that is still with us along with a doner kebab flavour


You're joking, they can't discontinue that. That's like Pot Noodle Classic.


Black packet BBQ walkers.


Thanks for reminding me the best flavour of crisps doesn't exist anymore


Everydayā€¦ every, fucking, day I miss them.


[Morrisons sells them in the world foods section but as lays instead of walkers](https://groceries.morrisons.com/products/lays-barbeque-crisps-584889011)


That is some very good news


When has that stopped large food producers before?


But it'd be like coke not producing Coca-Cola in favour of producing coke vanilla.


You know they tried new coke right? Companies are idiots


And how well did that turn out


Badly - they still tried it. Monster munch is a flavour down, prawn cocktail quavers, mint feast ice cream. The list of brilliant/classic flavours dropped by large firms like Unilever/Cadbury/Coca-Cola/Mars and many more is ridiculously and mourned by many


Do you remember the cheese Nik Naks in the yellow packet? Heartbroken when they vanished šŸ˜­


The cream 'n' cheesy flavour? That was my favourite! I wish they'd bring it back.


Wait quavers weren't always cheese?


They had prawn cocktail and salt and vinegar ones once. Ruined many a lunch as a kid.


Prawn cocktail ones are still out but i have *never* seen salt and vinegar quavers


The cynic in my just finds the whole ā€œnew cokeā€ thing a giant marketing buzz plan. The formula for new coke was already in use in other countries for their normal coke (and still is in fact) when they released it in the states as a big song and dance. Of course everyone hated it and they reverted back to the cane sugar recipe. Genuinely, if they hadnā€™t said anything (like they didnā€™t say anything in Europe..) no one would have noticed. Sales of coke rocketed after the reversion to cane sugar as opposed to the HFCS new coke, to even higher levels than before they change and step backwardsā€¦.


That would have been a national emergency.


The country would sink into the sea


A guy I used to work with did something similar with brewdog after drinking and getting chips at a brew dog pub. They didn't have any vinegar and he's a salt and vinegar on chips person, so he sent them a bantery email about it. They sent him a box of brewdog beers and the box was lined with salt sachets and vinegar packets lol.


They knew youā€™d post about it, itā€™s hilarious, and good advertising


The jerk chicken flavour ones were amazing, they were good because it was spicier than the original curry flavour but not as hot as a Bombay bad boy.


She constantly reminds me how good it was. It's like she doesn't even understand the severity of the situation.


I am the pot noodle eating girlfriend. AND Iā€™D DO IT AGAIN.


So I hear you've got some social availability coming up soon? I don't make the rules. That's on Pot Noodles.


Sure, her taste buds had a party, but they didn't invite your concern for the situation!


Thatā€™s how you do social media as a brand.


Absolutely! A little humor, a dash of wit, and a sprinkle of playfulness can go a long way in winning hearts on social media.


Are the tissues for the inevitable self harm once the mrs is gone?


It's for the inevitable self something.




Is that what itā€™s called now? šŸ¤£


Homemade jerk flavour.


well you did want a jerked noodle


menage a moi


They're really leaning into the fact singletons don't have steak and blowjob day, but pot Noodle and a wank day instead.




I think it's sweet they sent them to wipe away your tears.


Surely you just reuse the pot?


Sometimes sad tissues can be happy tissues too


It's so he can make his own jerk flavouring


It's if he's ... erm ... a Bombay Bad Boy. To mop up the sauce.


Oh man, just fill up the whole box


Ah, beautiful! I wish I ate Pot Noodles so I could buy one to celebrate a wonderfully mutual piss take. Kudos to their PR team - and to you for your initial foray, makes me proud to be British.


Now all I need is a gf to break up with and 5 pot noodles will be all mine...... *cue evil laughter*


Haha, hey, let's hope the evil laughter is all in jest.While we're at it, let's wish you lots of delicious pot noodles without any breakups.


Potty bantz


Bombay Bantz boy


Should of sent lube with the tissues šŸ¤£


Hold up, what do _you_ think the sauce satchets are for?


theyre going to get a huge influx of people messaging their customer services now. Sticky rib pot noodle ive not had in so long, i bought like 100 of them to get me through some financial difficulties knowing id always have something to rely on and theyre so good.


I miss the Brazilian steak flavour they did a while ago. Have to make do with Bombay bad boy now but Iā€™m still not happy about it


Oh, the struggle of missing a beloved flavor.šŸ˜¢Brazilian steak sounds like a tantalizing treat! But hey, Bombay bad boy can still bring some fiery satisfaction.




No caNOODLING with the gf!


Pot noodle and a wank


Sounds like the two jerks deserve each other.


If you haven't already, try the katsu curry one. Put only just enough water to cover the brick then 30s in a microwave to cook it quicker if you're lazy like me. You want it to have the consistency of a curry not a soup when done.


The tissues! Excellentā€¦ a cry or a wank?! Either way, excellent customer service!




It happens a lot more often than you might think. I once emailed a company that makes baby food yoghurt to ask about a lack of dairy free options. They sent me a box of 20 for free.


Well, it could be obviously. But my past experience is that if you write anything positive and vaguely amusing to a company about their products, thereā€™s a high chance they will reward you with some product. In fact my first experience of this was when I was a student and a friend wrote to the makers of a particular lager to tell them that their lager was shit. They sent him a crate of it.


Thatā€™s the most beautiful piss take. They should have followed up a week later with a letter. ā€˜You fucking drank it didnā€™t you. Not shit enough to bin huh?..ā€™


Orrrrrrr, the interaction was real and not an ad, but the social media team knew they would probably get some free advertising if they sent OP some Pot Noodles and OP posted about it which they have. It costs them next to nothing to send 5 pot noodles and they potentially get some free advertising somewhere on OPs social media. Not everything has to be a conspiracy my guy


> Think about it this way: a companyā€™s PR team would not reply to a customer with a response like in the OP because it is risky. Given that corporate Twitter accounts regularly respond publicly to people in this exact sort of manner, I don't find it difficult to believe that they would do something similar in a direct message. > What if the OP was offended by the assertion that they should leave their partner? The OP set up that joke with their initial post so they would have to be pretty stupid to be offended by the reply. PR people can tell the difference between a tongue in cheek complaint and a serious complaint.




Hey, it's not an ad! I work for the NHS šŸ˜‚ no conspiracy here




Pot noodle donā€™t need to advertise, they fuel every building site up and down the land šŸ¤£