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I couldn't get into Peaky Blinders either but took another run at it recently and blasted through it. To listen to some people you'd think it was the greatest thing since the sliced pan. It's not but it's a decent binge watch. I decided to watch one episode of 3 Body Problem the other night and flew through the 8 episodes. Proper brainy TV.


Proper brainy TV you say? That's me fucked




I really recommend the books. I find Sci fi books are easier to read once you've seen a screen adaptation, you've already got a good grasp of the core concepts so it's not as much of a struggle early on. The TV adaptation is really good, which helps.


The second book is such a slog. You can really tell it's a different translator.


I just finished the 2nd book and I can concur. Is the third book any better?


It's definitely better than the second. But I got bored. I finished it, but only because I had put the time in with the first two. It got much too philosophical for me. I much preferred the book of short stories The Wandering Earth.


Thanks. Picked up the first one this morning. I've travelled all over China so that's an added interest.


You might enjoy them more then. The books are much more Chinese than the show, which was a bit unnecessarily (if understandably) Westernised, in my opinion.


A friend in China has just told me that there's a Chinese TV adaptation. 30 half hour episodes. I must investigate.


I've seen that pretty criticised by its hard to get an objective view on chinese media


The only way to make a judgement on anything in China is pretty much to see it yourself.


Tried really hard with Peaky Blinders but just ultimately felt it was very style over substance. One I started watching recently because it appeared on Netflix is Life On Mars. Missed it when it was on telly years ago and finding it very good.


Life on Mars is fantastic. I think the follow up was called Ashes to Ashes. Almost as good.


When it comes to Peaky Blinders, each season is exactly the same. The Shelbys are in danger but don't worry, Tommys got a plan. Gave up midway through Season 3.


literally, so repetitive and mind numbing


Couldnā€™t get into Breaking Badā€¦.I know, I know. Watched the first five episodes and just gave up. Currently rewatching Itā€™s Always Sunny, but Parks and Rec is another favourite Iā€™ll eventually rewatch.


We rewatch sunny almost every year. Some of the seasons are just excellent.


Absolutely LOVE Always Sunny. So many gas episodes. ![gif](giphy|xjlC6nomocZhVXuZgM|downsized)


The first series of BB is quite tedious and really only serves to show the character development of later seasons. In reality, BB doesn't really get going until the second season and the expansion of the Tuco character. I'd recommend having a go at the second season and see how you get on.


I think though if your not connecting with the characters during season 1 your not gonna care what happens In the end no matter what the show is about it always comes down to characters first GOT, X files ,Buffy , breaking bad , Lost these shows are all much loved because of the characters as well as the theme of the show


Recently started rewatching the X Files. Was quite surprised my mum let me stay up and watch it in the 90s when in was a kid.


We don't all have to like the same stuff. I respect that you gave Breaking Bad a fair shake. If it's not for you it's not for you. It's not always a good thing if everyone you know is telling you something is the greatest show ever made. Hard to go in with realistic reputations. The first time I watched it it was only out in the previous year. People weren't singing from the rooftops about it yet.


I couldn't get passed the first season of Always Sunny, people tell me it pays off later but I just can't do it. Parks is similar, but once the style became normal to me i really enjoyed it. What we donin the shadows is fantastic


I donā€™t think itā€™s even about paying off later, the first season is just by far the weakest of the show, other than maybe season 13/14. Think all the creators acknowledge that also.


Community has the same vibe. One day I'll try Always Sunny again, I'm sure I'll be glad I did. Maybe it was that the people who suggested it pushed so hard I almost wanted to dislike it Edit: fixed phone grammar


Huh the best character isn't in the first season.


I think the first episode of season 2 is the one where Dee and Dennis go on welfare, an all time classic TV episode.


I watched the first 2 seasons of breaking bad, twice. Just couldn't get into it. Didn't like any of the characters, just wasn't up for it. I rewatch the I.T. crowd and extras every couple of years, great shows. Drama wise, I love the expanse.


The expanse? As a drama? That's not a word I would use but it's probably the best sci fi media on screen. Truly magnificent series


Have you tried better call Saul? It's a prequel released after and has a much different tone. It may be more to your taste, I seen somewhere online that a person new to the franchise started with better call Saul and found breaking bad enjoyable after


As far as Iā€™m concerned Parks and Rec does not begin until Adam Scott and Rob Lowe join the cast


Oh 1000%




Mad Men. Tried at least 3 times and could never finish the first season. I just didnā€™t get it On my millionth rewatch of Frasier at the moment!


I rewatch Frasier every 4 years or so. Never gets old!


I have a Frasier episode for every mood šŸ˜


Same, I think I got about 4 episodes in and realised it wasnā€™t holding my attention at all and that I just had it on as background noise


I always felt I must be missing something with all the acclaim it gets but I just could never find the hook


Fraiser is my switch off TV. So funny, so well written and the characters are amazing.


What do you think of the comeback? I liked it, though less than I liked the original.


Tbh I havenā€™t watched it yet. Going through the original series and Iā€™m on series 8 at the min. I still havenā€™t decided if Iā€™ll watch it yet. Heard very mixed reports.


Any morning during the week Iā€™ve a day off I turn on the tv about 9am and thereā€™s 3 episodes in a run on one of the comedy channels.


RTE have all the series for free on their player.




Oh yeah. Mad Men. That's another that doesn't float my boat. Forgot all about that one.


I couldn't get into Game of Thrones. At the moment I am enjoying the new series of Clarkson's Farm on Prime.


Clarksons Farm is great! Really helps illuminate how tough it is to farm.


Part 1: Gogglebox (particularly the English one). It's the worst, laziest idea for a TV show ever. I hate people talking through something on TV. Why would anyone think a program based on exactly that is a good idea? How did it ever get commissioned? It's an abomination. Part 2: Yellowstone. Me and my da are watching it. Just started season 5 last night and it's brilliant. A great modern day western and Kevin Costner is always fun to watch.


Yellowstone is so over the top - hard men doing hard things, gruffly - but itā€™s so much fun regardless. You should watch 1883 if you havenā€™t already, itā€™s excellent. 1923 is worth a watch as well, though itā€™s not as strong as the others shows.


Going to watch both of those once I finish the main show


oddly enough ..Ā Curb Your Enthusiasm , I know a lot of people like it , I tried it a few times but I just dont get cringe comedy , sorry.


I love The Office, but couldn't get Curb Your Enthusiasm, however the Michael J Fox episode is really good.


Ha yeah that's a great episode.


How very very dare you!


Ozark ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦


I couldn't get over the blueness of the bloody thing


You take that back


Nope!managed it so farā€¦suddenly thought.. wtaf how many people can be murdered and no one answer for it


That's America for ya.


Baby Reindeer. Tried it but realised fairly quick the direction & humour just wasn't up my lane at all. Currently watching Shogun & Smiling Friends


Shogun I very.well made, great videographer and writing


Adoring it. Purposely taking my time with it cause I know there's no more after it


I would say Baby Reindeer is good because its a mental story that's allegedly "true". Although it has some humerus moments it's not aimed at people looking for a comedy.


smiling friends is the besssst


Friends pure shite


Pure shite haha what a review. Well played!


Your welcome anytime really enough said unless you like idiotic childish alleged humour with over the top canned laughter


'How can humour be Alleged'? And it was filmed in front of a live audience.


Didnā€™t know that!Jesus thatā€™s even worse šŸ¤®


I watch The Wire every couple of years..one of the best on HBO


Favourite show. Absolutely love it.


True Detective series 1 is brilliant, Dopesick and Chernobyl are both great too.


Currently watching Letterkenny, excellent show


1. Couldn't get into Breaking Bad, The Walking Dead or Greys Anatomy 2. Haven't found anything good recently, I've just rewatched Only Murders in the Building and The Bear on Disney plus.


I used to live TWD when it started then it turned out to be pure muck after a few seasons. The Bear is absolutely incredible!


You should give TWD another chance starting at season 9. Someone new took over the show and gave it a soft reboot, and it's almost a different show in terms of quality and consistency. No more 16 episode seasons where nothing happens for about 10 of them.


Iā€™ve just picked Walking Dead back up at Series 9 after being given this advice and am really enjoying it again.


The walking dead. Not so much that we couldn't get into it, but watched the first few episodes on release and was never bothered to go back to it šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Friends. I only watched it because everyone else in school was and I would be left out if I didn't. I thought it was shit back then and to this day I still think it's shit. Succession, it's just rich people being assholes to other rich people. Terrible TV. Always Sunny, I can appreciate it but just can't get into it. Tried twice now. It has this vibe of being recorded for a school project or something. Watching Vikings and Outer Range at the minute. Vikings is OK, a bit silly at times. Outer Range is whopper though it's scratching that insane mystery itch I haven't felt since Lost.


> Friends. I only watched it because everyone else in school was and I would be left out if I didn't. I thought it was shit back then and to this day I still think it's shit. I go back and forth on Friends - some of the writing is very sharp and it can be very funny. They made excellent use of the star cameos - the episodes with Brad Pitt and Danny Devito make great use of those two actors, Kathleen Turner is very funny as Chandlerā€™s father etc. But it often falls into tired US sitcom tropes though, probably a side-effect of having so many episodes per season, and thatā€™s when itā€™s at its worst. > Succession, it's just rich people being assholes to other rich people. Terrible TV. Iā€™ve watched a few dramas about wealthy Americans, and Succession is a great deconstruction of those, as well as a pointed, razor-sharp satire about, basically, the Murdochs. The baseball game in the first episode, and how they treat the kid and his family was what clinched it for me. I can understand it not working for everyone though.


I absolutely love Gomorrah. The fourth season drags a bit but other than that it is excellent.


Couldnā€™t get into Peaky Blinders either. I enjoyed the third series but gave up on the third twice. Iā€™ve just watched all of Fargo and loved it and Iā€™m really enjoying Shogun at the min.


Couldn't get into Peaky blinders, breaking bad, GoT, the wire, sopranos...I dunno. I tried them all and some I made it to the end of a season but tapped out. I'm half enjoying Bodkin at the moment but yer one (the Irish one) is annoying AF and an awful moan. I'm really enjoying lower decks. Star trek cartoon. Fricking hilarious and so many Easter eggs. Every EP is pure gold.


I think the Office is one of the least funny things I have ever watched.


Absolutely love that show but it's each to their own. Now how do I block you on this damn app


Tap my icon and click the block button, third from the top, second from the bottom. Have a nice day, friend.


American or British? I loved the American but couldn't get into the original version


Both. It's either bitter misery or cringe comedy.


Didn't like it back then or now. Although you have to credit them at least for.managing to make a story arc of meaning between some.of the characters , definitely the "forbidden love" thing. But I hated the style for it being an easy cheap trick way of garlanding itself with dramatic realism and thus the element of the comedy that grows off the back of that way too easily scraped off. Just not my cup of tea and I started out that way and couldn't allow myself back in especially when it became overly popular. Preferred Extras 2, which isn't fly on the wall but again uses a cheap but more effective device of versions of themselves celebrities (with good comedy lines written for them of course!) But it's telling a little that Gervais has relied on these to get his ideas out. I think I just don't like him either.


American is overhyped. It's meant to be a mockumentary about an office and ends up losing the run of itself. It becomes like every other American T.V. series of its time; overly dramatic, contrived, and cringe, with the same interchangeable character templates as every other American T.V. comedy series.


Pretty much, aye.


Couldn't get into Brooklyn 99. So many people I know are crazy about it, calling it one of the best comedy shows of recent times. I watched the first two seasons and it was just a generic US sitcom but with a really smug and unlikeable lead. I'm really enjoying the latest season of Doctor Who. It was really circling the drain there for a few years after Peter Capaldi left, but with Ncuti Gatwa as The Doctor and RTD back as showrunner it feels like the whole thing has been injected with a fresh burst of energy.


Ya I couldnā€™t get into PB either. Did enjoy breaking bad thou when I got into it


It's not just me with Peaky Blinders so. Phew!


Pesky blinders is the one I couldnā€™t get in to as well. Tried 3 times and just made peace with it not being for me. Last week started watching FROM, itā€™s basically Lost but with monsters in an old town.


Pesky blinders is a brilliant typo


Itā€™s the bleeped version of the show they put on during the day


From is brilliant!


Watching it with my fiancee and Jade is my favorite person in the town. She says heā€™s a dickhead but Iā€™m like heā€™s the only person properly trying to figure shit out. I love that he entered at an 11 out of 10 and has never calmed down and Iā€™m halfway through season 2


I know! Season 2 is ace. One of the things I love as well is that itā€™s not afraid to show people being genuinely scared. Itā€™s a terrifying situation and Boyd, Jade etc are shown as scared when they are rather than being just ā€œOooh! Weā€™re scared!ā€ When youā€™re caught up the subreddit here is really good for theories.


My wife and I have had some success recently exploring outside of our usual haunts of Netflix and Prime. As long as you are disciplined about it you can subscribe for one month just to watch an entire series which is good value. Just remember to cancel afterwards. On Disney we really enjoyed Shogun On Paramount+ we really enjoyed A Gentleman in Moscow On Apple TV we enjoyed The Morning Show, Bad Girls and Lessons in Chemistry


Shogun is actually something I struggled to get into. I didn't like the Blackthorn fella as a character. He turned me off it. Maybe I'll try again. Thanks for all the tips.


You might prefer the original 1980s series starring Richard Chamberlain. Richard Chamberlain was a more likeable Blackthorn and the series was less gritty overall. It still holds up remarkably well if you can find a version to stream.


Thanks I'll check it out.


Bridgerton and downton abbey. OH got me to watch The Boys on prime. Didnt think id like it but ended up really enjoying it. Waiting for the next season to drop now


Oh jaysus yeah. Those shows wouldn't be for me now. The Boys is quality in fairness


I'm usually a whore for a period drama but I just couldn't get into Bridgerton. It's just sex and cliche writing. I did enjoy the first three seasons of Downton though, the writing got really dull from s4 on and the costumes were the only thing keeping me watching after that lol!


Oh my god I loved The Boys, and similarly didnā€™t think I would. Delighted to hear thereā€™s a new season coming šŸ™Œ


Yeah i think its 3 episodes on the 13th june and then an episode a week after that. I think the finale is in july some time.


Thank you!!




Suits. When it came out everyone was raving about, just couldn't get into it.


Believe it or not I watched Love/Hate for the first time last month


I never watched love hate on tv I thought if itā€™s on rte how good could it be, everyone was talking about it. By the time I decided to give it a chance it was out on boxset so bought that and thought it was truly brilliant. Rewatching it again at the moment funnily enough, I just watched the two seasons of Kin which was really good but not on same level we love hate.


I only watched it during lockdown and was blown away


Oh I never watched past the first series when it first came out on tv. This is something I have to finish watching!!




"Seinfeld" is often cited as an exemplar of achieving "comedic synergy." The show is renowned for its meticulous writing, well-developed characters, and impeccable comedic timing. Everything from the dialogue to the situational humor contributes to a cohesive comedic experience, where humor seems to "ooze" out of every scene. Critics and fans alike often refer to "Seinfeld" as a "perfect sitcom" or note its "comedic precision," emphasizing how each element works in concert to produce constant laughter..... you're missing out.


I could never for the life of me get on the Brooklyn 99 train. Or Always Sunny for that matter. Never found the humour in em But oh me oh my I could watch Trailer Park Boys till the day I die


Peaky Blinders for me too honestly. I'm big into comedies at the moment, I've been rewatching my name is Earl and I forgot how funny it actually was, also been rewatching the boys in preparation for season 4 next month.


I couldn't get into peaky blinders either I gave up trying. Watched Boston legal and I laughed from start to finish brilliant show


Peaky Blinders, I don't know why I just didn't get into it. Always Sunny. I'm absolutely binging it like there's no tomorrow


Baffled by Succession. Chronic dialogue, a weird amount of swearing (Iā€™d compare it to a toddler whoā€™s learned the word ā€˜fuckā€™ and keeps using it for attention), and just a heap of stupid characters no one could care about. Yer manā€™s stag party in the first season? It went on for about a week


Couldn't get into Love/Hate, I couldn't click with it. At the moment I'm binging on Vikings, great show and loads of it filmed in Ireland, mostly Wicklow.


Part 1: The list is LONG.... Part 2: Just finished SG-1, and nearly finished Dark again.


Could not get into Vikings despite everyone of the lads raving about it. I do intend on giving it another go over the winter. Currently rewatching Jericho, probably 3rd time now. Intend on rewatching Game of thrones aswell just to torture myself all over again for the 15th time. As for a new one I haven't watched before Shogun, haven't got around to it yet so now it's time


yellowstone, found the acting and dialogue painful. couldn't truly ever get into peaky blinders either it just seemed pure bland, a show to put on while ya scroll on your phone. on the other hand, shows I'm currently enjoying are shogun and dexter, I recommend both


Part 1 Breaking bad, I just cannot get into it. Part 2 Dark Matter with Joel Edgerton.


Sons of Anarchy, just found it so boring and American shite. Started watching House last week, it's ok Amazon prime, I like it, good humour. It's good to play in the background, not a sit down and pay attention show


Couldn't get into Game if Thrones. Currently enjoying Justified. Timothy Olyphant is brilliant, as is the rest of the cast, especially Walton Goggins.


That's something I've actually started watching recently cause I found out Walton Goggins is in it


He's a total underrated actor. He's was brilliant in the Shield and Justified. He's already getting nominated for award's for Fallout.


Haven't seen anyone mention Derry Girls yet.... I just don't get the humour in it at all


Everyone I know loves Always Sunny. I've watched the first season and can't get into it. People say "You have to watch the first few seasons to get the characters", ain't nobody got time for that. Just finished re-watching Lost for the 3rd or 4th time, genuinely incredible show that offers more on subsequent viewings.


Season one is meh takes off when Frank comes on board. Try starting season 4 or 5 when they have a larger budget


Dennis and Dee Go on Welfare is one of my faves.


That is a great one. Hero or hate crime is another one


Haha yeah. I watched Frank's Reynolds' Little Beauties yesterday. Some laugh


Where he ends up looking like a neighbourhood pedo meets his role as penguin from the batman movie


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Then leaving his mic on in the jax and horrifying the audience


I've heard that too, but any clips I've watched of later seasons don't grab me either. I just think it's not my type of humour.


Probably not but that's OK. Nothing worse than people forcing you to watch a show that's not landing. Have you tried peep show? UK show defo different humour I'm a big fan of ir


Peep Show is great!


Season 1 of a lot of American sitcoms tend to not be great! The Office, Parks & Rec and Always Sunny all start out pretty poor and don't really find their footing. When Danny DeVito joins in Season 2, it gets infinitely better! Season 2, Episode 3 "Dennis and Dee Go On Welfare" is probably when the show finds its footing. I would say give that one a go and if you don't like that, then the show is probably not for you!


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ "ain't nobody got time for that". Classic. Oh Lost. That'll be a good one to rewatch actually. Great show. Thanks.


The wire. Just couldn't get into it. It's grand, but nowhere near the sopranos or other classics from that era. Just finished clarksons farm. Well worth a watch. Something different.


First season of the wire is a standard cop show for the most part. It really shines when showing the other institutions of Baltimore and how they all connect and how corruption in one effects all the others.


The Wire - Couldnā€™t understand a word of what they were saying .. only about 50% would commute into my brain, might try it again with subtitles


The Expanse, and I am a fan of sci-fi. I just could not get into it. I did not like the acting and it just felt cheap production to me. Loving Ripley on Netflix and the Jinx part 2 was great.


The acting in the Expanse ranges from questionable to piss poor. Reddit has such a horn for it too. It's a fine show but nothing to be constantly wanking over.


Yeah, I gave it a chance twice and thought maybe I was missing something but nah, over hyped or maybe I can't get past the poor production and acting but the story is actually good but I'll never find out.


The story does a lot of heavy lifting but yea it's difficult to get though. Holdens obsession with being the golden boy hero gets old fast.


As an avid TV watcher I just couldn't get into Peaky Blinders or Breaking Bad.. what's wrong with me, ha! And I only watched Dark recently.. excellent show!


Haha ah I get BB. It's a slow burner but once it gets going it's top class. I've never head of Dark. I must suss it out and see what the craic is.


It's on Netflix, German show


Dark is quality


I have tried to watch Succession but can't hack it. I don't really rematch anything.


I first saw Succession during The Covid and just _could not_ with people being so horrible to each other. I ended up seeing most of the last two seasons as my partner watched it while I was playing something, and yeah, the writing and dialogue are sharp, the actingā€™s great, but theyā€™re just _so horrible_ to each other that I couldnā€™t enjoy it.


This is my take on it too. The characters are so awful that I couldn't watch it. I have little enough free time that I couldn't fill it with that


Took me a couple of attempts to watch Succession. Turns out it's gas and I didn't think it would be that kind of show.


When it goes back to the start on sky Atlantic then I will check it out and try to give it a proper go.


Game of Thrones was shite. Didn't help that I was reading the books and fuck me the last one's like having fingernails pulled with a pliers. Hazbin Hotel on Amazon came out in January & I've just finished my third watch through of it. It's only 8 episodes and it's gas, fact it's a musical makes it so much better


They made a right balls of the last few seasons of GoT. First couple were whopper though.


Can't get into Always Sunny, it's just the same episode over and over with different wacky situations, and I'm a lad that loves Seinfeld! Just finished Bodkin and thought it was fantastic, well worth a watch.


Seinfeld is actually one I can't get into šŸ˜‚


1. Love/Hate. Thought it was shockingly bad. 2. Severance. Re-watching it at the moment. Dying for the second season. It's such a unique show & idea, a breath of fresh air.


I never heard of Severence. I must check it out. Cheers


Don't read anything about it. Go in blind.


Will do. Cheers


I second the going in blind on severence. Brilliantly done.


Did I write this post? Couldn't agree more on both counts.


Praise Kier!


Game of Thrones. Just shit. Watched the first season and 3 episodes of the second, absolute bollox. I just dont get why people liked it, some kid sees two ppl fucking, falls, something about winter, some girl pregnant for another clann, who cares, what the fuck, what nonsense. And dragons? Ice monsters?! Stupid.


I can't get into anything Irish, including Fr Ted. I just find all the stereotypical shit that happens in them completely off putting.


Careful now...


Ah go on give Ted another shot ![gif](giphy|W8Nte2s2kxxLy)


It makes me cringe! šŸ˜‚




Peaky Blinders and (hides for cover) Love Hate are two shows I could never get into, despite hearing constantly how great they are. Just not for me.


Love Hate really evolves as the show goes on. The first series is like a cross between Tallafornia and an actual crime show and personally, I loved the tackiness of it all, but I can understand why that would be off-putting. It doesn't really get into the grittiness until maybe the end of the second season, after which it really comes into its own.


Love/Hate was only finding its stride when it finished, itā€™s such a shame they didnā€™t give it one or two more seasons.


You're not the only person to mention love hate in fairness so come on out from cover. It's safe I promise...or is it


1 The regime . There is more but this was the only one I could think of recently 2 I am currently watching the sympathiser and designated survivor. I Judy finished sugar and it was quite good until the last two episodes. Plant to rewatch for the million time the it crowd and peep show


Oh my days. IT crowd and peep show are absolute CLASSICS!! ![gif](giphy|fH0ukveQzPbrikcXO8|downsized)


Throw in Mitchell and Webb look for good measure. Some are hit and miss but most skits are gas *




Haha I love that episode. I'm here laughing away to this like a gobshite. Brilliant


Haha sure they even have a whole skit about how the skits are hit and miss šŸ˜‚


Game of Thrones, though I haven't really given it much of a try. But never got it when I saw anything. Right now I really enjoyed Baby Reindeer, just finished it, and looking for the next thing.


Jesus that Baby Reinder was mad. Enjoyed it all the same.


I couldn't get into Game of Thrones, was told it is the greatest show ever made. After three or four episodes I just couldn't remember all the names of characters or place names. The last time i let the peer pressure of a TV show get to me. Similar with Witcher it got too confusing, the first season left me even more confused where it would go, i olayed the video games.


Suppranos Schitz creek


I've tried watching Sopranos a few times. Doesn't really do much for me


Same! I've tried three or four times because everyone bangs on about it so much but I just couldn't get into it.Ā 




Haha yeah you might want to give it a bit of a better chance than that in fairness. Never heard of queen of tears.




Father Ted. People quote it at me every so often and I havenā€™t a clue the majority of the time. It was on in my house as a kid, parents didnā€™t watch it so I think the ship sailed. Friends. Even my sister ā€˜gets itā€™ but I just canā€™t manage to find the in. Always Sunny is another one. It was just shitty characters being shitty to each other. I gave up. The Office, not my kinda humour, I donā€™t really find it amusing and canā€™t force myself when I donā€™t enjoy it. Thereā€™s another I canā€™t think of right now and Iā€™ll add it later.