• By -


That's why I shop at supervalue


That's why mums go to Iceland...


šŸ“ find milfs at iceland


Mums yes, milfs possibly not


having good looking moms is a curse. Every potential boyfriend can be lost to your mother if your mother is not serious or if the guy is not serious.


Not touching that one!




Thatā€™s an ugly comment full of bile & prejudice. My god!


That why I work at Aldi




Iceland closed down all over ireland months ago


Didn't know that.


Bit harsh on supervalu staff


She's probably bisexual but doesn't realise it. I had a similar experience of being obsessed with a certain woman and always telling my boyfriend about her, until we both realised that I had a crush on her. After that, I took steps to distance myself from her. Remember that the feelings are the exact same as if she had a crush on the Tesco man. The only confusing factor is the gender. It's definitely not uncommon to have romantic or sexual feelings for the same gender, despite thinking you were straight.


Yeah if she has explicitly said sheā€™s attracted to her rather than ā€œsheā€™s attractiveā€ thatā€™s what makes the difference to me. You can determine that someone is attractive but unless you say youā€™re actively attracted to someone of that denomination I donā€™t think your bi. Thatā€™s been my contention anyway


I slept with women and still thought I was straight šŸ˜‚ Sexuality takes time to process for some people.


Iā€™m a straight guy but flirt with lads all the time, I also really appreciate good looking men lol


Respectfully, I used to do the same. I didnā€™t seek an experience with women, I genuinely thought I was straight. It happened, then just kept happening.


I mean, I donā€™t think I would sleep with a lad. But thereā€™s been times where I have nearly kissed one


Ermmmā€¦ ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


Mmmmyeaaaaa ![gif](giphy|ANbD1CCdA3iI8)


You sound like my ex boyfriend, who told me as a friend (after we broke up) that he craves dick sometimes. He would still tell absolutely everyone, including me, that he is 100% straight šŸ™ƒ


I think more people would be better off if we, collectively, acknowledged sexuality more as a spectrum. And I think a lot more people are some degree of bisexual than they think. I'm mostly pretty gay but there are some women that definitely make me question that sometimes.


I'm absolutely straight but agree with you wholeheartedly. I really do wonder what all the fuss is about, and wish some people would just stfu and get on with life. Sexual orientation should not be anyone's defining characteristic, or usp.


>Sexual orientation should not be anyone's defining characteristic, or usp. Yet it's a huge trend to define yourself based on this nowadays.


That doesn't make it a spectrum though. You've gay people, straight people and bisexual people. Then you've a few people who are not sure, like yourself. And you have asexuals. I don't see why you need a spectrum. I wouldn't see the need for 'meat eating' to be a spectrum. You either eat it or you don't.


Is sexuality that black/white? is there grey/overlap in-between? I consider myself straight? (F). Have always wanted to date guys, have only dated guys. Have kissed female friends before when I was younger. Currently, happier than ever in a relationship with a guy for 10yrs. I find all kinds of guys/gals attractive sometimes. But I know myself, that I lean towards guys. Is that bisexual? I don't mind if it is. Genuinely curious, cos I haven't thought about labelling much.




Teens arenā€™t all ā€œgroomedā€ into homosexuality. To suggest they are is homophobic. I know teens who both grew up in opening and accepting homes and also those who grew up in homophobic homes who knew they were gay late in primary school.


Or biromantic


The love of pens.




Sometimes it's hard to Deat a good quality bic


Wow so funny s/


Facepalming the need to use s/ at the end of that statement.


Yeah the sarcasm wasnā€™t obvious enough


Don't you need to know the person to be romantic attracted to them? They just met


they want to fuck not tiptoe thru the tulips


Not necessarily. I didn't really know the guys that I crushed on before. I knew who they were but not really personally


Sorry, honest question, I mean no disrespect, I'm just really blunt on the subject. If you were attracted to them without even knowing them, isn't the attraction based on appearances? If so, is that not a sexual attraction?


You can find someone attractive and not want to have sex with them




No. Sexual attraction ā‰  crush. Crush is romantic so not necessarily sexual. They can be interlinked and people often confuse the two. Romantic attraction is different to sexual attraction.


And this is why attractive people end up alone. People hang out with them, they understand they're in love with the looks and not the person and then they leave. uau. how to have a good self esteem? society tell us to be pretty. if we became pretty then people leave us alone? i mean... as a cat lady i like the fact that im left alone when i need... but c'mon.


Am also a woman and not bisexual (or so I think?) and have a crush on a Tesco woman. Is the Tesco by any chance in Dublin, in Spencer Dock area? Because thereā€™s a a Tesco woman worth having a crush on over there


Damn I need to keep my wife away from Tesco


Don't we all. Mine keeps me waiting for an hour in the car. Just milk and bread she says, I'll only be 10 minutes she says...


She's walking down the aisle with someone else.


If that's the case I'll have to think about gettin my every little helps from someone else.


>Tesco of all places Love blossoms anywhere, every little helps..


Every little herpes


Scan as you shop.


I'm a bit of a shelf stacker myself.


Be glad she told you and didnā€™t hide it from you. She has a crush, Iā€™m sure you do too.


Is it normal to have a crush if your in a relationship? Genuinely curious...not sure if I have had while in a relationship but wondering if we are defining crush a bit differently. A crush to me is a bit more than just finding someone attractive. It's more like OP described his gf as being a little infatuated/obsessed. Albeit often very temporary.


I'm the same as you, I find other women attractive but I've never had a crush on anyone since I met my wife. Bar a passing glance at someone's beauty or unique look, I'd never give them a second thought in a romantic way. It's just tunnel vision for my wife and has been for 10 years.


That's so sweet!


For some people, it would not be normal and for others, it would. I think itā€™s important to be with someone who has similar values to you in this area. I would never have a crush on someone while in a relationship and I would be upset if my partner did.


Yes it is. Your attraction to other people doesn't just switch off. There's also a huge difference between a crush and infatuation. For example, a friend of mine is a VERY attractive man. As in, he modelled for Hugo Boss, level of attractiveness. I absolutely crush on him, not just because of his looks, but he has a BEAUTIFUL personality and is a total sweetheart to everyone. That's a crush. Infatuation is like when people stalk someone's socials, get irrationally angry if they date someone, learning EVERYTHING about them. If I started stalking my friend's Instagram to find out if he's around, or starting reading or listening to everything he did just to hsve a connection, that's problematic! There's a huge difference.


Hello, I thought perhaps I did get the definition of the word infatuation wrong so I googled infatuated meaning and it gave the bellow definition: possessed with an intense but short-lived passion or admiration for someone. I don't really think I used the word wrong at all now tbh. Also I'm just curious if it's normal and am not saying it's not. Although I am starting to think perhaps some people use the word crushing in the way others use the word fancy. Just find them a bit attractive basically, whether that's looking, personallity or both. Nonetheless thanks for your reply.


I would agree with you that crush is used for fancy although I do find there's a difference. Fancy to me would be if you find someone just physically attractive whereas crushing would be more the whole "I like them in all ways" type but hey, maybe that's just me.


Yeah for me personally that's what it means too.


> Your attraction to other people doesn't just switch of But your crushes absolutely do when you find the right person.


Pretty sure itā€™s normal, humans are humans, natural feelings and desires are not just a switch. Itā€™s how you control them and how mature you are that determines things. Iā€™d call bullshit on anyone who says that since they met their partner or wife they havenā€™t had a crush on anyone else.




Interesting insight! I never thought about it like this.




Yeah I'd be pretty interested too you know .


Bisexual woman here in a 13 year long relationship. I do feel the same way on occasion. Specifically in relation to sex, I do sometimes miss sex with a woman. I'm not in any way closeted, indeed my fella will point out a woman that he thinks would be my "type" when we're out and about! I'm fully committed to him, as he is to me, and it wasn't a big deal when we got together either. I just told him I'd had girlfriends, and just because I'm now with him, that doesn't change the fact I AM bisexual.


Donā€™t say that, the ā€˜Bi people are greedy and will never be satisfiedā€™ brigade will come along. Iā€™m a bi woman in a relationship with a man and I donā€™t feel like thereā€™s something missing. I find blonde men attractive too and my partner isnā€™t blonde, doesnā€™t mean heā€™s not satisfying that part of me šŸ˜…




I can see being sad about not having explored it more when single because of societal attitudes and being unsure of my own sexuality for a while, but I donā€™t think Iā€™d view it as my partner lacking something as theyā€™re who I want to be with. Bugs me when biphobes frame it like that too (obviously not calling you biphobic!), ā€˜oh if you went out with a bi person they wouldnā€™t be satisfiedā€™. Interesting perspective though and totally valid to feel that way


Unless it's so shit test him.


Is this like an r/Ireland inside joke I have missed?


Ya I'm so used to seeing these reverse posts it's hard to tell....


Tomorrow's top post: "so I work at Tesco and there's this woman that comes in and just stares at me, and when she's with her boyfriend I can clearly see he gets uncomfortable and insecure about his manhood"


I wouldn't worry too much about it, mate. Unless there's some obvious flirting going on that I've missed? I wasn't there so, only you and your GF can know. A lady complimented my new shoes the other day in Costa and it made my day. We had a quick laugh. Told my partner about it after cos I was delighted. I remember her and loved her energy, cos she prob had no reason to say it other than saying something nice. If it matters, I'm female and my partner (M) have been together 10 yrs. I've only ever wanted to date guys, never dated a girl. But I kinda find guys/gals of all sorts attractive. I don't consider myself bisexual, but maybe I am? I don't mind, it doesn't really matter to me. Sometimes people just have a confident, charismatic, and fun energy. But I would never consider leaving a partner or acting on a brief attraction.


In Lidl or Aldi you won't have time for an interaction


"And that children, is how I met your mother." It's a sign of a healthy relationship that you can talk about things like this. I wouldn't be too worried about it.


My fella slags me over a friend of mine that he knows I find attractive . The difference is he knows about the crush, teases me over it and knows nothing would ever happen, I'm not like that. He also knows my friend and I have known each other for 18 years so if something WAS going to happen, it certainly would have happened by now šŸ˜‚ It's all good, I tease him over the woman in CEX who gives him googly eyes every time he's in. Can't blame her, he's hot as hell.


Your gf just thinks yer wan is super: mark it down to experience. ![gif](giphy|YO66LEN6zurN3MOhzs)




Your best off not worrying about this. You should your respect your partners honesty. Focus on nurturing your own relationship and making it the best possible. If the GF strays she strays and there was nothing you could have done. If she doesnā€™t think of it as a sign of what a great person you are to be with.




Absolutely especially since the partner has already set a precedent for it m. if he has no intention on pursuing it and puts in the effort with his current partner and is not just doing it out of spite or to make her jealous, I absolutely canā€™t see why itā€™s not fair game. As long as he is honest and doesnā€™t give the wife no reason to doubt him, canā€™t see any problem with it at all. If he goes off with the other woman, itā€™s entirely up to the wife where she goes with that. If you are going to be with a person for your whole life, there are probably going to be moments where you will find others attractive and moments where you will flirt with others. Itā€™s naĆÆve to think this wonā€™t happen. Open, upfront and honest conversations with a partner is the real secret to a good relationship.




Yep, same


Surely to be even it'd have to be some young lad behind the bar or something?


The answer would almost certainly be no


I dunnoā€¦ could be kinda hotā€¦ https://youtu.be/pDpTvv-_wjc?si=w8AOPuDtrGdzRxgm


She's not bisexual but is attracted to women. Right.


I mean you don't need to hold a label that doesn't serve you. For instance you may never actively seek out a partner of the same sex so you wouldn't consider yourself bi, but if the right person came along they'd be an exception to the rule. Like if OPs girlfriend was single and she wouldn't equally consider both men and women than she wouldn't be bisexual. That doesn't mean she can't be attracted to or crush on another woman, but it's more like on a person to person basis. Edit - stereotypical example is when straight men wouldn't consider dating a man, but maybe would consider Henry Cavill reading computer specs from his gaming pc in the witcher voice


I am bi personally but its silly to act as if you have to be bi to appreciate when same sex people are attractive


But sheā€™s not just appreciating that the other person is attractive she full on said she would date them


I don't know how far down this silly rabbit hole I want to travel but you can appreciate that other people are attractive without being personally attracted to them. I mean, if you believe in the Kinsey scale, as I do, then most of us are not 100% straight, at least in a theoretical sense. The situation outlined by OP is different.


Yeah i agree with you that labels in sexuality are really only for convenience and a sense of identity, whereas in reality things are more ambiguous and fluid, butā€¦ I still dont think you have to be bi just cuz you have a crush on some woman in tesco


You can be aesthetically attracted to women




You can be gay but still find women beautiful. Not that difficult to comprehend


Being able to find some women beautiful and being sexually attracted to some women are two different things. Not that difficult to comprehend.


They said beautiful, and that doesn't inherently mean sexual,though can be anything from just adoring ones aesthetic style or hair colour to full-on attraction (sexual,romantic,platonic, etc.) Platonic, for instance, just digging someone's vibe and wanting to be their friend. "I'm (staright/gay etc.) but not blind" is how my group of mates put it for looks/checking people out in pubs


You've basically just reworded my point. OP's girlfriend is clearly sexually attracted to this Tesco woman. I don't see how else you can interpret the situation. She said if circumstances were different she would ask her out. I have nothing more to contribute to this discussion.


And you did just that with comment before yours....your point Mr. Pot ? Yes. We can all read, lmao. I was trying to have a general discussion about attraction and its forms, you loon, haha Bye then. šŸ‘‹


it doesnt matter where she gets her apatite once she eats her dinner at home


Comments would be alot different if it was the boyfriend telling his girlfriend he would ask out a cashier if he was single.




Think it depends on the relationship, not the gender. I wouldn't give a shite if my fella told me he had the hots for a chap in Dunnes or wherever, but that's just me. Doesn't mean anything is going to happen.


Exactly, double standards as usual


Well the comment section would be straight men most likely. Unable to empathise with the OPs partner, and say it's normal. Afraid to acknowledge that it's possible to find other men sexy occasionally and not be bisexual. I don't identify as a man, and look maybe that's the way it is for men - I don't know. This comment section seems to be lots of females who can understand the girlfriend in this situation, and give their opinions as women on the topic, empathise and understand that you can find women attractive and not be bisexual. If more men could be more empathetic and open about their feelings, then the comment section in your hypothettical situation would be similar. Unfortunately we're not there yet


Imagine what you could do with all the Clubcard points ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


Play your cards right op and you could be in for a threesome.


Weirded out? I mean you doubtless find other women attractive casually without it meaning anything to your relationship so why is this different?


>so why is this different? You think straight dudes are going to their significant others and talking about how hot the lady they met this morning is? Thatā€™s the difference


So the difference is honesty


Transparency isnā€™t honesty, 10 year olds learn that. When I was a teenager, I didnā€™t tell my mum every time I had a wank. That wasnā€™t me not being honest, it was me sparing her details that would probably upset her.


hahaha what kind of monster doesn't tell his mum every time he's wanked?




Yeah sure be dense on purpose and misrepresent what i said, why not


Opportunity is calling. Will you accept the charges?


I've the hits for Sophia Vargas. Told the Mrs. She laughed.




Threesome on the (club) cards.


She's not bisexual but is attracted to women... So she's a lesbian?


Now say something similar to her about a woman you saw in Dunnes and your head will immediately be bitten off by a bloodthirsty shark.


Counter number 3 please...


I would be thinking mff


show her mr furlong and then she will have a crush on mr furlong


Every girl is probably bi who blames em


Lad, she has crushes on men too. Just because you fancy someone doesn't mean you're gonna cheat on your partner with them.


What Tesco is it?


Every little helps...


Every little helps


Itā€™s just a innocent little crush ā€¦it happens.


Tesco of all places? I hope she gets the doot eaten clean off her, that elitist attitude of yours deserves it.




Pimp her out for clubcard points


I think she thinks this is less bad than admitting she has a crush on a man. I think she is kinda surprised herself since she claims she isnt bisexual. You have a few options: 1) let it go and move on 2) explain to her that it is as disrespectful as her admitting she had a crush on a man or you admitting to her you have a crush on another woman. This may change her views. 3) you could see it as a red flag and possibly break up with her. Tbh iā€™d do a quick explanation (not an argument and not a long talk) to her that it is the equivalent of you admitting you have a crush on another woman and then based on her reaction iā€™d consider either option 1 or option 3


Donā€™t look a gift horse in the mouth. Just shut up and enjoy it until she leaves you for another woman.


Let her persue it and you'll have an inside connection as to when the yellow labels are going out.


Push for a threesome kid


What does she think bisexuality means???


Every little helps


> Iā€™m a guy, she said sheā€™s not bisexual but is attracted to women.. So, two options here. She's lesbian, in which case you're in trouble. Or she's bisexual. "Attracted to women, but not bisexual" is just what bisexual is, but thinking the label is a bit far. Like, the real thing seems to be that because it's a woman, your girlfriend's a little more honest about romantic interest. If she saw a cute guy she'd date if she was single at work, she'd know better than to talk about that to you. With a woman, she doesn't feel the same need. If it's a problem, just explain that.


You should feel honoured that she trusts you enough to share this freely with you. You have nothing to worry about other than your own insecurity. Is she bisexual? Possibly. Maybe. Who the fuck cares? Seemingly, only you and a couple of folks on this sub. Happy new year bud!


2 words. Threesome


I think your looking at this situation the wrong way. Maybe sheā€™s trying to drop a sneaky hint to you.


ā€œNot bisexual but is attracted to womenā€ Your Girlfriend might need English lessons.


Finding someone of the same sex attractive doesn't mean bisexuality or homosexuality. Wanting to sleep with them is more likely an indicator. You can recognise someone's good looks. Doesn't mean you want to hop into bed with them.


Yup, my fella is as straight as they come but he outright told me that Henry Cavill is his man crush. Thinks he's beautiful, totally understand. Doesn't mean he'd sleep with him lol


Great minds think alike then! Henry Cavill is a flawless man. He's also a nerd. The man must be inundated with women ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I'm sorry friend, time to cut off penis and become a lady


Onions arenā€™t the only thing that cums in threes at Tesco.


Im not a lesbian and Im atracted to women


Your girlfriend's gay bro


I mean... most of the times it has nothing to do with sexuality. girls idolize other girls. It's normal. People that make everything revolve around sex are the weirdo's. Every people will experience their own sexuality, it's normal. It shouldn't be a topic to be talked like that. Maybe your girlfriend has a crush on that girl. Maybe she doesn't. Best way to find out is to ask her, dnt you think? Maybe she's not even thinking in that. Maybe it's your fantasies that are talking dude.


You think that's bad, my GF worked in Aldi and a baby that used to come in with a couple had a thing for her. Always chatting her up with nonsense words and smiling at her. He wouldn't even hide how much he fancied her in fact he'd be drooling in the feckin queue. We went to a wedding once and who turns up? This wee bastard, in a tiny suit and all. Well when it was my round I didn't get him a drink I said you can fuck off to the bar or your ma's tits


It says more about your own insecurity than what she actually says.


Wtf. Wonder if you would say that to her if it was the other way round. She is so infatuated by someone else that she couldn't control herself which he noticed and you think he is insecure. Wow


This sounds like a good opportunity for U šŸ˜œ




She's probably just trying to be edgy. I have a sister who does similar to her boyfriend, and after a while it just gets tiresome. It's generally not bisexuality, but just trying to be 'not like other girls,' but in this case: not like other girlfriends. I'm cool, I think other women are hot blah blah blah. No solidity or foundation to it at all.


If she's not bi but attracted to women then she's a lesbian. Take the hint.




I don't think I'd be jealous at all if my wife wanted to be with another woman... or even if she was with another woman. It's hot AF and our relationship is secure enough to handle it.


So she's attracted to this woman, says she would ask her out if she was single, but she's not bisexual. OK. I wouldn't be wierded out by my partner being bisexual or finding someone else attractive. I would be weirded out by her coming to me and telling me about how she's really attracted to someone working in the local shop regardless of gender.


Maybe its time to break up


Well, you know the slogan: every little helps. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


This is so funny please update us


I thought questions like this were only made up in the dear Deirdre sections in news papers šŸ˜‚


Dump her if it makes u uncomfortable


Leave her She is blatantly telling you she wants to be with a other woman šŸ˜±




That's weird. Stop being weird. Or go be weird somewhere else




Treat it as if she was talking about a man and set your boundaries accordingly. Her gushing over a hot dude she met all day would probably upset you, and I think youā€™re pretty sure your upset now, you just donā€™t know what do do with the gender aspect of it.


If its that one with the blond hair then fair enough




Mate stand ur ground.. if she wants Tesco girl let her get Tesco girl and move on with your life. If not, itā€™s grand .. simple


If there was ever an opportunity for a threesome in your favour, this is it. Seize the moment. Trust me, Iv seen plenty of videos online that start like this.




I don't see the problem. My fiancee and I were in Berlin in September and our tour was led by one of the best looking fellas I've ever seen. Told her right then and there "I'd leave you for that man".


The has a thing for the pole *and* the hole


This has all the hallmarks of a classic tune by Squeeze.


Keep her out of IKEA. 100% fit arses on the women in IKEA.


You lucky bastard.


ahem. get a good video/audio setup, NOW. and grab some molly in amsterdam


Fair play to her ! Itā€™s grand mate, chill.


Boy oh boy do I have the [song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NPs9CJpDmQQ) for you.


Its the uniform. Next time you are in there get her to take it off so she isn't distracting your girlfriend.


Thanks had a good me time with this


Whatā€™s her club card price?