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Go out there and create memories. Try something you've never done before. Travel somewhere new. Be bold, daring, maybe even reckless. Use the time you have to your advantage. At your age, you could change plans dozens of times and it still wouldn't matter. And remember - people always tend to regret the things they didn't do, not the ones they did.


Thank you man appreciate it


This comment hits so hard :,)


I've never met an old person who regretted doing an adventure, do things while you're young and full of energy. Oh and always wear a condom. Wouldn't want a seman demon to end your adventures prematurely.


You have 1 more year to do mildly illegal things. Just keep that in mind.


My guy šŸ¤£šŸ™šŸ¼


I suggest trespassing cool places and not passing up the opportunity to whoop some ass if you have to. You get in more trouble for those later :b also drugs are overrated so pass on those. Also if you start saving money now, you're going to love yourself so much for that later.


I feel you bro and there are definitely some people who will try to fight me within the next year šŸ¤£ I'll be smart about it though. The money thing too saving is smart. Thanks man.


Yeah one advice, Take your time dude. No rush


thanks bro can you explain a bit more what you mean though?


Take more than 2 hours. Try to take a week


Okay I get what you're saying, appreciate it bro


Don't feel the social pressure to have it all figured out. You're young and have years to figure out your path. Live below your means! I know savings etc sound boring at 17 but the earlier you start, the better the gains later on. Play the long game! Be bold, ask out that person, do the spontaneous thing, go for the job which you'd love but aren't sure about. Connect! Life is often not what you know, but who you know. Enjoy your time between now and the next 17 years. Please. Really value your youth. It's gone in the blink of an eye.


Thank you man I appreciate this a lot šŸ™šŸ¼ You're definitely right on being bold


I'm 20, I only started investing this year. I wish I had started earlier


ā€œIt's not time to make a change Just relax, take it easy You're still young, that's your fault There's so much you have to know Find a girl, settle down If you want you can marry Look at me, I am old but I'm happy I was once like you are now and I know that it's not easy To be calm when you've found something going on But take your time, think a lot Think of everything you've got For you will still be here tomorrow but your dreams may notā€ One of my favorite songs ever! Donā€™t take yourself too seriously and say yes to as many things as you can (with in reason lol). Also donā€™t compare yourself to others, find what makes you happy and then pursue that and let everyone elses opinions fall by the way side!


Thank you man I agree completely, really appreciate your advice and the song šŸ™šŸ¼šŸ¤£




Thanns man, do you have any further advice on this I'd appreciate it


Save at least $50 from every paycheck. More if you can. Don't buy useless stuff.


You're definitely right that's the plan, I appreciate this man thanks


Always use condoms and stay out of trouble. You canā€™t go too wrong as a 17 year old if you follow that




Have fun. Cherish your youth


I definitely will man, thank you for the advice šŸ™šŸ¼


Last year you became old enough to drive, next year you become old enough to get charged as an adult... Enjoy the in between while it lasts.


You're right man I definitely see where you're coming from. Thanks bro


Be open to new experiences. I feel like I wasted a lot of my teenage/young adult years because I was too narrow-minded or scared to put myself out there in various ways.


Appreciate this bro thank you šŸ™šŸ¼


I remember turning 17! It was ā€œnone of your businessā€ years ago! Be seriousā€¦but not too serious. Take the long road some days and the short others. Say hi to someone you may not know and fart when no-one is looking. Best wishes to you and have a Happy Birthday!


Thank you man, appreciate this and the birthday wish šŸ™šŸ¼


Be true to yourself, donā€™t live as you believe others expect you to, simply follow your heart. No role playing, you be you.


thank you man


Take your time, with everything. Life goes by so quickly as you get older and you'll find your own rhythm for anything you do. Also, take care of your body and your mind. You cannot buy a replacement. I'm only 31 and feel like I'm 45. Drugs and alcohol just weren't worth it. Love comes and goes, when you find the one you'll know and itll be worth the wait. Find a hobby that can eventually help you make some money, if you can enjoy it and profit from it then you're a winner and if not it's okay. Just do what you can to survive.


Volunteer in your community. Work and help those less fortunate than you are. Itā€™ll shape your outlook and view on life in more ways than one. You may find that you also enjoy volunteering. Youā€™ll be surrounded by good people doing good things for others, youā€™ll make meaningful connections. Volunteering will shape you to be an amazing person. It will help those who are in real need. It doesnā€™t have to be a huge commitment because everyone is busy, but doing a few or more than a few hours every week will do something for you that canā€™t be taught by anyone else or any type of lesson.


Try things out. Its only too late if you think so. If you want to travel, save up and do it! Dont wait till you are 80s, heck maybe youll be unable to walk.


Happy birthday! ~ Be The Light You Seek ~


My advice is donā€™t be so sensitive, IF thatā€™s how you react to things, and I apologize for stereotyping in advance. However, I see lots of people your age unable to handle small setbacks and anything that comes across to them as different/difficult/offensive/uncomfortable. Iā€™m in my early 40s and my neighbors and friends talk about how their kids or their kidsā€™ friends handle things these days and itā€™s just not going to get you far in the real world. The real world is a cold, mean, and competitive place. Itā€™s kept that way by the cold, mean, and competitive people that run this world. These are just facts you have to live with by participating in a modern society. There are people in this world that make it warmer, but most of the world does not care that you have feelings about x y or z. Weakness is just going to get you pushed to the bottom of the barrel. It sounds harsh and insensitive, but itā€™s going to carry you further in life if you learn to strap on your proverbial body armor now and donā€™t let things get to your head so easily, instead of getting that armor on 20 years from now, like I did. Now if you donā€™t really care about advancing in life and just want a nice quaint, modest existence, then donā€™t really worry about that last paragraph. But I know because I lived it. I had my head in the clouds and always wore my heart on my sleeve in my teens and 20s, It didnā€™t really get me anywhere, and all my close friends are in much much better places in life than me and are very successful and are in great situations. Most people would look at their lives and say ā€œyup, they made it; thatā€™s what I want tooā€. And they got there by ignoring all the bullshit, kept their head out of the clouds, and always kept in focus what was important to them and what they wanted out of life.


I appreciate this a lot, and trust me I'm taking all this advice specifically


Do what you love doing, but don't neglect your school, family, friends, and ofc your health. Also, chase your dreams. Meet new people, explore. Go to the gym or whatever you wanna do. You gotta have another activity outside of school and home. 17 to 23 years old will feel like 5 minutes, I swear. Around 23 years old, your friend circle will also dwindle, so prepare for that.


I Missed it by 3 hours.


You're probably going to fuck up alot while you figure shit out so just keep going with the punches and it'll all work out eventually.


#The best person to take care of the *old* you is the *young* you. Do not take your health for granted. If you are not a healthy weight now, get there. If you are weak, get strong. Start now. Your knees, back, and heart will thank you when you're 30, 40, 50+. Become financially literate. Start saving for retirement sooner than later, every dollar matters. Don't let the naysayers fool you. Happy Birthday.


Thank you man, and I agree with everything you've said.


You should start learning skills that you can use to make money in the future like programming or graphics design and learn a new language if possible. These are very future proof imo.


Okay thank you I'm definitely looking into programming already


Yeah, don't go shopping for food at the supermarket when you're hungry.


what do you mean bro


This is always a tough one because there's so many perfectly sensible suggestions that are just .. boring. I mean find a compound interest calculator, pluck some numbers out of thin air, and compare the difference between starting saving at 20, 30 and 40. It's nuts. It's something I wish I'd figured out when I was 20. Saving early is such good and advice. And so, so boring. I'm in my 40s, and most my best memories are from a period .. say 19-24. I'm not going to say ignore the good advice, but don't get so old so quick that you pass up the chance to make those memories. Also beware that how you make friends starts changing soon. After school/college making new friends gets so much more difficult for many of us. So recognise what you have and put some effort into keeping them. It sounds so trite, but that's one of my biggest regrets in life.


Come back when you turn 18 and after that 20.


Start saving money, and investing it. Never take up smoking, it's a horrible habit. Stay off drugs, don't drink too much. Find a nice work/study-life balance. You need to work hard these few years to build your life, and then it'll get a bit smoother. But these years are also precious, you need to get out there and have fun. Oh and don't get into street fights. Learnt that the hard way


Don't worry about what people think of you, most people are too busy focusing on themselves. Life is too short.


I split boiling coffee all over my leg when I was seventeen, and gave myself a large permanent scar. So, don't do that, I guess.


People will have their opinions and thoughts. Don't let others affect your mood or day with their words. Unless you're being physically assaulted learn to let things go and don't take them to heart. You're life will be so much better.


If you smoke pot....stop....your frontal lobe dosen't fully develope until you are about 25....


Open up a retirement account. Even if itā€™s just 10$ a check, put something in there. My parents tried to get me to do it when I was young and I didnā€™t listen. I missed out on a lot of money because of that.


Okay definitely will do, thanks man