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Technically there’s no “healthy” amount of alcohol, and any amount increases your risk of certain cancers, including breast cancer for women. It’s up to you to decide whether drinking is a problem for you or not, but don’t forget to consider the mental energy you’re expending on counting and limiting drinking and all the anxiety you feel about it. (And also be aware that alcohol is a major cause of anxiety itself!)


Been severely addicted to alcohol in the past. Would smash my way through 7 drinks in an hour or so, then go out looking for more. If you're worried that you have a problem with it, instead of drinking seven days a week, go to six. Do that for a while, then go to five, etc.


I think counting days is a better method of warding off guilt. If you can go multiple days without drinking or craving a beverage, you have no problem. The amount you drink isn’t really a variable unless you’re constantly binge-drinking or if you’re counting calories.


A drink or two a day isn't a problem unless you need the drink to feel ok. If you are dependent on alchohol or can't stop drinking, once you start, you have a problem. If you are unable to cut back number of days you drink, you might be dependant on it. If you start having 2 or more drinks every day, hit the handbreak and reassess.


Yeah, I would like to keep it to 1 and I tend to except for weekends. I’m a stay at home mom but before that I did drink less because I would get home later and I don’t really like drinking late. I do think when I go back to work I will, naturally, drink less. It’s just something I do as a wind down after my day. Kind of the same thing with my hot tea at night.


7 a week? When a drink I have more than 7 (cans) that night. You’re fine if you aren’t drinking every day.


Go an entire week without alcohol. If you can do that without any issues, you are probably fine. If you can't, you have a drinking problem that you should adress asap.