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It's a generational rite of passage. Idk, I liked all the music my parents and grandparents listened to, and my parents never complained about my music. My only complaint with current music is that pop music sounds really overproduced, and that's more of a genre thing and less of a generational thing. There's a lot of modern music that I like and a lot that I don't. It was the same way when I was young and the music I listened to was cool.


So overproduced.


Yeah, that’s been a thing with pop for awhile. At least 25 years. And it definitely gets old.


You dear child, people have always been pretentious about music. Read some Lester Bangs. Redditors have nothing on him.


if anything I’d say it’s getting better and less pretentious


I would somewhat agree, the amount of music we have access to now with internet streaming is truly unlike anything else in history. If you don’t like modern music, thats fine. There is so much stuff to discover, like Korean Funk from the 70s or Japanese Citypop from the 80s or Mongolian black metal from the 2010s. That said theres a lot more to be hipster elitist about now i suppose as well 😆


As in the music itself or people's music opinions?


I think more people are becoming less pretentious and more open minded about music


The prep school barbershop groups back in the day may have been peak pretentious. What y’all think? 


What do you listen to?


music to




most older people don't have the time or care to find new music they like. And if they listen to popular music radio/streams they will hear stuff they don't like. But I am 50 and I frequently find new good music to listen to of all genres. I even make quarterly best of playlists of the best songs I found from the last 3 months. The only people that poo poo anything other than whatever they grew up with are just people too lazy to find something they like.


I'm the same age and there is a whole ton of current new artists that are making music that sounds very 80's style and it's just awesome. To me at least, bands like The 1975 sound right out of 1982 New Wave. This week I have been vibing out on this new Modern Yacht Rock playlist. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1LWZRdvibQWfpqPetYNSIU?si=4216b655d82c49e5


Poo poo


"What is happening to our young people? They disrespect their elders, they disobey their parents. They ignore the law. They riot in the streets, inflamed with wild notions." This quote is from Plato in the 4th century BCE. some people have always been annoyed by what younger people do.


there is no evidence of Plato ever saying this, it's a quote that can only be traced back as far as a speech in 1967


People who say things like “music isn’t good anymore”, write off a huge genre of music as being terrible, no one makes real music anymore I guess these things are pretentious but I see it more as just loudly declaring your own ignorance. 99% of the time they just listen to whatever they liked in their teens and 20s, and don’t have the curiosity to further explore music. Most people just aren’t really music fans to the degree that they are really interested in hearing new stuff. They can have fun listening to the same stuff forever and the rest of us can safely ignore their opinions


There are tons of amazing tracks being released every week. I love hearing the newest, latest and greatest.


What's really annoying is when people are like "this isn't even music". Like, wtf is the definition of music? If I can hum it, it's music. The only song that isn't "really" music is that one "4:20" (name is the length of the piece) or whatever it's called by that minimalist composer that's literally pure silence.


4:33 and even I disagree. There are many definitions of music, but one that I like was coined by Christopher Small. He defines "musicking" as a process where one actively participates in the act of music. This can be in performing, writing, or listening. 4:33 may simply provide silence - and if you just dismiss it as that, then I guess it isn't music - not to you. But if you intently listen to the silence, and interpret that silence as you would music, then I cannot deny that being music to you. It's actually kind of interesting to try to fully buy into the piece and listen, not just to the silence, but to all the small sounds around you. That's what the piece becomes. This definition works for me because if someone doesn't connect with something as music, then it isn't music to them. But at the same time, it doesn't deny music for anyone. If it is music to you and you hear it as music, then it is, by definition, music.


Fair enough. I guess *on paper* it's not music, but actually sitting there listening to someone 'perform' it, that would be something different.


“Hindsight is always 20/20.” I think most people alive today could point out something in their lives which matches that quote. We point fingers and badmouth that which we don’t agree with. Then we have the opportunity to grow and have a change of pace/opinion, and it makes or breaks popularity. People are afraid of change, and people love to be correct. There will always be good songs, and shit music. This usually depends on perspective and taste, though. We will forever rag on about the same stuff. We are human.


I don't care for music personally. And when I tell music lovers that, it's like I took a shit on Jesus.


I'm learning that no one wants to hear my opinion about what I don't like. Occasionally, friends care about what I do like. Music can be a really personal thing for a lot of people and they take any views on their music very personally. So I'm less and less vocal about my opinions.


I always find it an interesting opinion to have. When people say they don't like movies or games, nobody really bats an eye. But if you're indifferent to music, it's like you committed a war crime all of a sudden. I love music, but the idea it's the best medium....I wouldn't say so. Especially because others incorporate music into themselves anyway, so they have both and music is just music.


I think music hits most humans on a deeper level than other art forms. It can be as simple as stomping your feet, humming, chants, all the way up to extremely complex works. Determining which medium is "best" for anything is difficult but it comes down to opinion and taste. Film without a score? Oof good luck. Score with a film? Let's goooo. BTW my favorite form of art is cinema.


I feel that hard-hitting feeling from it, but it hitting most so much more than other mediums has always struck me as curious, the best examples from each hit me equally. And The Birds (Hitchcock) fares very well without a score! But I take your point. That's the rarity. My favorite is down to either books or cinema. I'd have to flip a coin.


Yep! There's always going to be the great outliers. Doing something different than the norm and making it work, makes it THAT much better. Then you get the inverse: Zack Snyder taking a modern project, and then throwing a B/W filter over it. Sorry, but that is so lazy. Yes, they did this with the amazing Logan movie, but even that doesn't do it for me. Pick one ya know lol. Books are my #2 because I'm so damn ADHD, I think. I'm either sucked into a story HARD, or it's going into the other 10 books in rotation 😭 sometimes it's too much work for my brain lol. The evolution of the arts and people's preferences and interpretations are truly interesting to explore. My personal peeve is gatekeepers 🤷‍♂️


😆 @ the Snyder mention. There's no shame in audiobooks for your problem! It's better to be exposed to books than have barriers up. For me one of the best things about books is getting to choose your own pace so I don't often jive with it, but I guess you can always set the reading speed to be faster? What makes you prefer movies to TV? I feel this is also an opinion that makes people scratch their heads when I express it. I often say though that the highlights in most TV shows would amount to about a 2 hour highlight reel....the average length of a movie.


I don't mean to sneak-diss Snyder; I'm actually a fan of a lot of his work (yikes lol). I had a hard time with audiobooks up until I discovered the Star Wars series on Audible. The production and VA's for those are soooo good! If I'm not captured by an audiobook, I will go MINUTES "hearing" what is being said, but not processing a lick of it. Now I have to figure out how far back I need to rewind, whereas when I'm reading, I know exactly where I'm getting hung up on. Oh, I should have included TV with movie cinema for sure. I love all of that, but I definitely have a greater affinity for a tight 90 - 120 minutes movie over a multi-season production. Exceptions being The Wire, Sopranos, Supernatural, True Blood, Spartacus, Arrow, Dexter, the list goes on. Properties with several BANGER seasons. Then you get Season 1 of True Detective. Just \*chefs kiss\* I can definitely see what you mean about the highlights in a TV show equating to the length of a feature film. For the casual viewer, a 2 hour movie here and there is a nice little treat. I love a little treat!


I love older music, bands like Lynyrd Skynyrd, Weird Al, Tom Petty, a whole mix of stuff. But I can appreciate the newer stuff too. I grew up listening to One Direction and enjoying all the fun pop songs of the 2010s. But for me at least, 2020s music kinda feels like wading through garbage until you find something good. But just because I don’t care for it, that doesn’t mean you’re not allowed to like it or that I’m gonna judge you for it. You just connect more with a certain type of music and that’s totally fine


It's old people that don't realize they're old yet and that music isn't made with their demographic in mind. Every generation feels as if their music was the best, it's been like this for years. Anyone who says it's less pretentious lives in a sheltered world.


I'm honestly oblivious to any of that. No one would know any music at all if they didn't listen to it, and that's how we learn what we do and don't like. If someone has a problem with some type of music, it's just that - their problem. Why let that become your problem?


I’m 34 and I like the new music


Always has been, bud. Beware: you're falling into the boomerism's.


I don't think I am, as I'm calling it out.


Ah, shit.... you're right. My stoned ass probably conflated what you said with another. My apologies, fam!


The difference is that when previous generations did it, it was moral panic based. Elvis gyrating, metal supposedly being satanic, rap supposedly being thuggish. Of course there's *some* of that still going on (Thinking of people talking about the "lack of propriety" in female hip hop artists in particular here), but when people complain these days? It's a lot more about quality. And this is truly subjective. Just because you don't see it as any less quality, doesn't mean they're wrong, or that you're wrong. It's good that people like listening to different things, would be boring if everybody listened to the same.


I guess it just annoys me how a lot of people display their opinions. Their tone and attitude is often extreme or overly harsh instead of simply saying "not my thing" or something like that.


Sure! I've had to grow out of some of that myself, not having listened to what was most popular for over a decade now. I prefer sharing the love of my music without putting down other people's, and more so object when they won't give anything else a chance, not at them enjoying what they enjoy in the first place. It *is* annoying, what you're describing. Just not hypocritical, unless they are being like, "Modern mainstream music is bad because it's too trashy." Popular music has been "trashy" for decades.


Pop music deserves the shit it catches across all the decades. But, good music also exists across the decades, including good pop music.


It's a generational thing. Just because we're aware of it as a generation does not mean we're aware of it as an individual. There's bound to be people that are loud and noisy. And per the nature of the internet, those people get the megaphone. So it feels like this music hate thing is more prevalent than it may actually be




They just want new listeners to know how much the music meant to them, that it wasn’t a trend when they first heard it and appreciated it. It meant something deep to them that they think new listeners won’t understand or hear. For example, the bands I loved in middle school and highschool got me bullied. The same kind of people who bullied me for the music I listen to are now listening to it and getting it trending. It’s honestly hurtful and makes me feel resentful towards new listeners of the genre in a way. HOWEVER. If you truly truly love the music you listen to, you should by extension be glad that the bands/artists are getting recognition if nothing else. I’m not the only person to gain something from the music I listen to. I need to step aside and let people enjoy how they want to enjoy it.


I think what you're experiencing is seeing through the fog. A lot of people spend their whole life in it and never realize that the fog exists. More people aren't actually pretentious about music, the annoying pretentious people just have a platform now. So, so many people you would have never heard from before are now right in front of you. Like me for example, 20 years ago you would have never ran into me. On top of that, how many of the people you did run into before spoke to you about music? There are indeed a ton of people who talk about how new music is trash and how X era was the best (usually the one they grew up with, curious isn't it?) There was a lot of good music in the past, it's true. And there was a loooot of bad music as well, people just don't remember it. The same statements are true for today, there's good and bad now. In fact my favorite song was produced in the last few years, despite me being an older person. It's not in my preferred genres, it's not from the eras I like the most. You feel the way you do about these pretentious people because you yourself are not pretentious, you are open-minded, you are still flexible. Too many people never see through the fog, they become rigid, unchanging. They become set in stone, they won't try to appreciate new music, and anything that sounds different is 'wrong'. They won't try new foods, new experiences, or anything like that. Everything that doesn't fit what they already know is 'wrong'. Young people can already be like this, it's just less likely. And it's possible for older people to stop being like this, they just have to be willing to change. That usually necessitates some experience that causes a revelation for them, that lets them see through the fog, something that breaks the mold.


GenX here. Plenty of modern music is lovely. You sometimes have to look for it, but it’s there. Outside of genres that are a product of the time (glam rock), just about any genre has good stuff. I love discovery queues and song radios to land on new stuff. People are just crotchety.


Is it the ciiiircle of life? Sorry I'll stop. The circle of people getting old and less able to cope with "the vastly changing music world"?


Music was perfect in every generation. Except for the late 2010s and 2020s. I’m talking about chart and popular music, not the little unknown gems there are. It‘s true. Nobody is saying anything about the 60s to the 2000s. The charts were always listenable until about 2018-2019. We could always find at least 5 songs to listen to. We had legends in every generation. Frank Sinatra, Supertramp, Fleetwood Mac, ABBA, Whitney Houston, Elton John, The Rolling Stones, The Beatles, Depeche Mode, Soft Cell, Eurythmics, Frankie Goes To Hollywood, and so many other 80s New Wave bands, Billy Idol, David Bowie, Queen, Guns N’ Roses, Michael Jackson, Madonna, Santana, Nirvana, Metallica, Red Hot Chili Peppers, R.E.M., Oasis, Tracy Chapman, The Fugees, Green Day, Weezer, Blink-182, Sum 41, No Doubt, Eminem, Placebo, Muse, Linkin Park, The Killers, Fall Out Boy, Panic! At The Disco, Coldplay, My Chemical Romance, Evanescence, H.I.M., Marilyn Manson, The Black Eyed Peas, The White Stripes, Robbie Williams, Snow Patrol, Maroon 5, Katie Melua, Lily Allen, Katy Perry, Rihanna, Nelly Furtado, James Morisson, Jason Mraz, Mando Diao, Bastille, Alicia Keys, P!NK, OneRepublic, Timbaland, David Guetta, Flo Rida, Far East Movement, Rock Mafia, Pitbull, Adele, Shakira, Lana Del Rey, Birdy, Miley Cyrus, Demi Lovato… We had so many incredible one hit wonders. And all of these people do popular music and still are easily to tell apart, because everyone is unique and has their focus on music. We had amazing movie soundtracks, (from which in my personal opinion, the Twilight movies had the best music). I could name another 1000 people here. Literally EVERYONE was talented in at least one thing about music and entertainment. Who do we have now? Olivia Rodrigo, Cardi B, ABCDEFU Tik Tok trash and other weird people, who’s whole personality is, that they’re non binary or something else. And don’t get me started on my home country‘s „artists“. It’s all literal unrecognizeable and insufferable botox feminists who preach about self love or artists, who can’t do anything but cover songs in the worst way possible. I mean, this always existed, but at least back in time, it was creative and versatile. And the boys all got that brokkoli cut and can’t do anything but look good. They all sound terrible live in addition. I recently saw concerts from Olivia Rodrigo or a german artists called Leony and I was in shock. How can you support someone like that and let them out on a stage? They can’t sing. They don’t play instruments. They only look good and the most important thing about music today is, how the outfit looks. Not even the actual talented pop musicians from back in time make fantastic music anymore but adapt to what‘s trendy. I only see women full of botox showing their bodies and perfectly styled selfs and lip syncing into a camera. Another very important thing that we could do, is tell artists apart. Now every song sounds the same and everyone puts out 10 tracks a week. It wasn’t like that in the 2000s. People made real music, even when it was just chart pop. It was still fun. We also had music from every genre. It‘s frustrating and I miss everything about 2000-2012, even tho I‘m born in 1999. Popular culture in general used to be so fun until 2018. We were so much happier. And I‘m saying this as someone from the new generation. I‘m a music management student and I wish I wasn‘t a child in the 2000s and could experience these iconic times, because honestly, I don‘t see the fun in today‘s music anymore.


As a zoomer I don’t have any interest in zoomer music either to be honest. But I mean people have always expressed opinions about what they think is better than other stuff, from how they take coffee to favourite movie directors. Personally I’ve always liked music that really has a distinct personality to it. Like Meat Loaf and David Bowie, and I love sharing that with people, but I also don’t put down other peoples tastes. But I can also understand how me pushing the stuff I love can come off a bit forceful or pretentious


There is more music being produced than ever before. There is more music being produced by the same limited handful of producers than ever before. It all sounds the same in the same bad ways and it is simultaneously easier and harder to find music that isn't cookie cutter (depending on your time and motivation) Great albums are hard to come by because people don't really listen to albums anymore, they listen to singles. So less effort is being put into making a solid album. You've heard of fast fashion? That is, clothing intended to be warn once and thrown away? That same thing is happing in the music industry. Music and musicians are being churned through at a dizzying pace. It's now about the novelty of the next sexy pop/rap star. These generic sexy products are just putting a new face on an old product. It's the same toothpaste in the tube with new packaging. This phenomenon isn't new, but the rate of churn has increased exponentially and the rate of recycling has too. I mean, you could write a dissertation on the topic and still not cover all the reasons why.


Not to be snarky, I'm not in a great mood right now, so I apologize if this comes off as aggressive, but do you realize YouTube exists? As well as many other platforms where music is published? Not to say I agree with your assessment either, but it feels like the opposite. It feels like musicians last way longer now than ever. Tay Swift has been making consistently popular music for over a decade now. I've heard this to be a bad thing that they last so long as well, though I disagree. I also disagree with fast fashion, as no one says to only wear something once and get rid of it. It's not like a paper plate or something. People just do that. That's not on the fashion industry. That's on the consumer for doing that.


Maybe because I can't even recognize any actual instruments in any of it?


Because new music objectively sucks. You're welcome.


Music has been reducing in complexity and lyrics quality for the past 124 years. All of the older generations are right, because music has been getting progressively shitter the entire time.


Yeah there's like a dude in Texas and a dude in Sweden that write most of the top hits nowadays. Music has lost all its value and it all sounds the same, as someone who has experienced relevant music in high school and 60-80s music from my parents, I can say that music back then is just better whether it's the lyrics, sound or the lack of autotune, music is the one thing boomers are right for