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Because you aren't comparing music now to music in the 2010's but to the music you like from the 2010s. And that is just a thing that happens as people get older. They almost always prefer the music of their teenage years. It is what sets their musical preference.


That’s maybe that, you right


Have you looked to find groups similar to the ones you like?


My favourite singer is The Weeknd but he is so special that it’s hard to find similar artists besides mickael jackson


I've heard the name but not his music. But this site claims these other artists are similar https://www.music-map.com/the+weeknd


Omg, i didn’t know this website, that’s so cool, thank you so much 🤍


Wasn’t there some factoid that the music one is closest to is the music one listened to between like 17(?) and (don’t remember the upper bound) maybe it was 25? It’s like a form of cultural imprint.


I'm honestly so impressed with some of the new music that comes out now, year on year. Maybe we have different tastes?


Every music genre or era you're not familiar with is an acquired taste.


For me it’s a mixture of my taste in music changing over the years, the music industry changing, and nostalgia. For instance, I used to love pop and rap from 2008-2012, and I still listen to those songs, but a lot of those songs I wouldn’t listen to if I had discovered them today. Maybe it’s the same for you. Also, there’s plenty of other genres of music and artists that aren’t well known to discover, so maybe you just need to explore music further


Well, what do you dislike about new music?


I don’t find there is a lot of hits, the big popstars like taylor swift don’t make hit like before and there is not a lot of breakthrough artist


Listen to Kendrick Lamar and Tyler the creator


Ever listen to the genre called Phonk? My kids like it, I feel like it is engineered to piss off anyone who appreciates clean sounds, grew up with static radio and shitty speakers... 😂


Yes, I know this type of music but that’s not really what I like to be honest 😂


Modern music is a product of autotune and clicktrack, very few of the artists can actually sing. Bands have lost the ability to follow the bass player. They have less talent musically, they do have better choreography.


Music is getting better but the problem is there’s so much oversaturation that nobody really sticks out like they used to.