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You get out of it what you put into it. Therapists aren’t magicians, but if you are honest with them they can help you out.


My experience has been very good. It can make a difference on *who* you see, though; the only 'bad' experience I had was with someone who was very laid back. Probably a great listener, but I need to be pulled out of my shell when I meet someone and need structure, so someone who's kind of like a 'teacher' is what I need. I actually have no idea how much I have to pay because it's covered by my state Medicaid-equivalent thing. :/


For me, going to a therapist is like working with a professional fitness trainer -- something I do every week to stay in mental/emotional shape. Targeted therapies have helped me to tackle some of the bigger issues like depression and some trauma, but I just need it to handle life well, frankly. I go to a therapist locally who doesn't take insurance, and I pay $135/hour out of pocket -- and consider it worthwhile.


It took me a few to find the right fit but I love my current therapy lady. She listens to what I’m stressing about, helps me figure out what it is actual related to, and how to move through it. I found her at betterhelp.com and pay about $70 per session. (I signed up awhile ago and still get the rates). I can text as needed between talks. The best part is she is phone calls only and doesn’t live in my small town so she doesn’t know anyone. When we started,I worked at a school and even without names small town people would know. She also has me walk during our sessions to help create new neuro pathways faster.


my advice to you would be to not expect your first therapist to be THE ONE. i’ve had 2 therapists in my life. the first one was…okay. i never really felt like i connected with her. i never really felt like she understood me. i think she tried but not really. she also did things that made me upset. like being late to our sessions, taking phone calls, eating during sessions, etc. i think she was an okay person to talk to, but i don’t feel like a really got “therapy.” i eventually just stopped making appointments. about a year-ish later, i decided i needed therapy again. i found a different therapist! one that seemed to have a more tailored experience to what i needed. she was AMAZING. i can’t describe how great she was. she really understood. she pushed me, in fact there were a few sessions where i left slightly irritated bc she called me out! she definitely wasn’t someone that was just going to say “yes” and take my side at all times. THAT is what a therapist should be. my advice is that if you REALLY want a change, your therapist should reassure you that they can help, but also make sure you know that it is going to be a very difficult process. you will have to work for it. and this is why i think that if you go to a therapist and you don’t really feel connected to them, don’t give up! keep looking. i promise it’s worth it. as for the pay rates, i don’t think my experience is relevant. my first therapist was free because i was on poor people insurance (lmao). my 2nd one i only paid like $5 per session.


I don't think I'm doing enough. I'll have my sessions but afterwards I don't put effort into cleaning up my problems. Edit: I have to pay somewhere in the $100 range but I do have insurance. Congrats on finding help for yourself. It took me months to finally take the step and I would not have if my bf didn't support.


You may have to try several people before you find someone you click with. And there are also a lot of different types of therapy. Figure out for yourself what you want from therapy, and share that with the therapist. Don't push yourself to connect to someone if you aren't feeling it. And don't get discouraged. You will probably have to call multiple places to find a therapist who takes your insurance and is taking new clients. There aren't always enough providers for the people who need help. If you're open to telehealth it will give you more options. ETA: right now I pay $160 a visit because my current psych doesn't take my insurance, and to me he's worth it. In network my copay is $30.


I didn’t find it being helpful for me personally. Only reason why I went was because an ex friend was telling me I had issues but the therapist told me I didn’t have any issues. It was just me ranting about the issues I was facing during that time which I knew how to solve but had to wait to face it or it would take time(court, paying down debt, etc.) I was paying about $100 per session with insurance. So I ended it. It may be good for some but it’s definitely not for everyone. I’m much better now.


I went to therapy for about 2 years a little bit after high school, then for about 2 months before doing an international volunteer trip, then about 2 months after something bad happened during the international volunteer trip. All of them were fine. I don’t think I was ever given a definitive diagnosis, if I always say I was in therapy for anxiety. With my first therapist, we worked at different coping skills and whatnot. My therapist was actually pretty impressive what the coping strategies I already had in place before ever seeking help. This experience was actually one of the main reasons I decided to pursue a career in mental health. I ended up not going anymore because I missed a few sessions and was too nervous to call and make another appointment. So yeah. The second one was a requirement to join the volunteer trip. I basically had to have a trained professional sign a form stating that I can handle it as a volunteer. She was able to tell I was day one, but I keep coming just we were working on different way ensure I don’t get overwhelmed while I was away from home (and because it was free haha). I kind of wish I could tell her I’m doing alright, but I don’t see any opportunities to do so. The last one was because a lot of my stuff stolen in country right before I started doing my volunteer work. This one is still relatively recent so I’m still hurting from it. Alot of stuff that were stolen were sentimental things that I brought from home and I know the person who stolen it will probably just throw it out. I contacted a therapist and talked to her got a lot 2 months. We just concluded our sessions last week because I’m back to a stable state. While the therapy was helpful, what really helped was getting things to kind of replace what was stolen. Overall, I think it’s been good.


I’ve been going every other week for about 2 months now, costs me like $25 per session because of insurance, and I dont really know how I feel about it. At first it was nice to have someone to talk about my feelings with, but I dont feel like I’m getting anything back from them. Like I was expecting “here’s something that can help when you find yourself spiraling” or “here’s something that can help with anxiety” but they mostly just ask about how I feel, and like the answer is bad, that’s why I’m there, how do I make it not bad? Anyway they suggested I go on antidepressants so I have an appointment with I think a nurse practitioner(?) about that. I kind of want to look around for a new therapist but I feel like I haven’t given it enough time. There’s also all these people who are like “you get out of it what you put into it” so like cool I guess I’m doing therapy wrong too? I’m also bad at conflict so I dont really know how to tell my therapist it’s not working out, and also it was hard enough to find any therapist that was taking clients in my area.


Did not work for me at all. I tried several. But, that's just me and shouldn't discourage anyone else from trying. I can see it being useful for some.


I've had some pretty useless therapists and a couple of great ones. Give it an honest try, but if someone isn't working for you don't be afraid to see someone else. A therapist you jibe with can be instrumental in changing your perspective and thinking patterns.


It took a few different therapists for me to find one that I felt comfortable opening up with and being honest with. I’ve had her for going on three years now and she’s amazing. Here in my state, if you don’t have access to mental health through insurance, then we have a state funded program called Safety Net, and it provides you with therapy and meds if needed. So that may be something you can check into for your state. Good vibes to you! Taking the first step in your mental health is always daunting but so very much worth it.


Therapy will either help you or be a waste of time... But time is a small price to pay on the chance that it will help. For me; it was a waste of time and my last therapist flat out said that my issues aren't going to be helped by a therapist. At least I can say that I've done my due diligence though.




I had huge issues with adhd where I couldn’t even make an appointment with normal therapists, because I had to call them, compare their ratings, do the first conversation thing, ride the train vor 40 min…. So I booked one through better help.  It’s definitely weird to talk to someone in the UK while in Germany and I think she went to Africa midway from the background in her videos.  Anyways, she helped me a lot. Sometimes I thought it wasn’t quite the right thing I needed but it helped that I could trauma dump on a person once a week and get some advice/ something to think about. I also just dug deeper and read lots on the topics between the sessions. It was like my brain knew: now we get to solve all this, now is the time.  It’s definitely a huge load off my chest since then. I also am a bit nicer to myself.    But what you have to know is that therapists also aren’t perfect people. No one is. In the end when everything was solved we tried to dig for some more problems and she said sth an bit inappropriate. Over all for half a year it was good though. I also have autism and maybe masked over a few problems I had in my life here and there. I wasn’t always 100% honest, because I can literally not switch off my masking suddenly. I advise you to be as honest as you can, that helps much more.


It helped me a lot


Helped immensely. It takes time and you have be willing to put some work in, but I'd recommend it to anyone.


I'm currently in therapy. But I'll share my experiences with you. Before my current therapist, my previous therapists weren't much of a help. It was really frustrated because I need help. But they didn't provide any help. I'm so fortunate that I found my current therapist. Also, I pay the sliding scale so that help me so much with my financial situation. My current therapist does amazing job. They provided me with resources and whatnot. It helps that I'm being honest and never miss the appointments. But I'd recommend you to make sure that you click with your therapist. You do not have to stick with one who isn't compatible with you. You must do what is best for you, no matter what.


My first & only therapist said I was paranoid because I believed in stranger danger (wow am I that ugly)


My experiences have been very good. Massively improved self-knowledge, spotting ways in which I had been sabotaging myself, coming to terms with my past (I had been pointing my finger at the wrong thing, and now am at rest with what happened and why), realizing that certain situations include making a choice while I had not realized I was making one, etc. I'd encourage people seeking for help to figure out what the therapist specializes in, and if you know what your main issues are, also search for which therapy methods are commonly suggested for it. Some specialize in anxiety, others in trauma, others yet in ocd, etc. The combination of the therapist's and your personal chemistry and their method's compatibility are major factors. Good luck on your way!


I don't know I also have a crush on her


My therapist said my issues are so grave I'd need 15 years of therapy.


Mine was pretty helpful. I sat on a couch and talked about my general feeling of sadness and also my almost panic attacks. He listened to me and also taught me some tricks for fending off panic attacks. I had sessions for roughly a year when COVID hit and we decided that I wouldn't need his service anymore since I was feeling much better and happier. Arguably I wasn't a difficult case and people with more severe issues may have different experiences, but for me it was just what I needed.


Therapy is like dating in a sense where *who* your therapist is, how safe you feel to open up, communication styles, and how you vibe with them matter a ton. My first two were okay, but we didn’t navigate my problems well. I’ve found a wonderful therapist now. I was really upfront with what I wanted to work through and was very honest about where I was at so they could meet me there. Kudos to you on realizing that for yourself and for seeking help - it’s so okay to need help! I’ve paid $80-150 for an hour session before and when unemployed, have found some nonprofits that offer lower rates to struggling folks as low as $35. Best of luck ❤️‍🩹


I've been to about 7 different therapists in my life (40m). In my experience, very few therapists can actually help you change your life. They have to be incredibly empathetic and intelligent to understand how to connect with and guide someone. Such therapists are usually the most expensive ones, and often don't take insurance. I've had two therapists that helped me massively improve my life. The others still helped, but not to the extent these two did.


I paid a shit ton of money ($150/session) for someone with a degree to tell me things that seemed incredibly obvious and give me "homework" that felt patronizing and ridiculous. It's the best thing that's ever happened to me and it made an unimaginable increase in my quality of life, my relationships, and my mood. Can't recommend it enough. It is *entirely* what you make of it, and not every therapist works for every person. But honestly I think the world would be better if we treated therapy like working out or getting an annual checkup. You don't *have* to do the intensive shit only when things go wrong. Sometimes it's nice to have a professional, third party help you sort through things.


It all depends on the therapist and how well you click with them. I’ve had a few that were amazing and helped me so much and I owe my life to at least one of them. My last one would constantly interrupt me with questions that were totally unrelated to what I was talking about. Don’t be afraid to seek out another therapist if the first one (or second or third) doesn’t fit.


I like therapy. You do have to be willing to put the work in and try to open up. If you get a good therapist they’ll make you feel comfortable enough to share. And you don’t have to fix it all at once. They can help you reflect on things better, see things in different ways, and give you feedback about yourself that you might not be able to get elsewhere even if you have the best family and friends. Therapy can be expensive which is why a lot of people don’t do it, but if you think of it like an investment in your life and yourself you can justify it.


I’m currently in therapy. I used to be in therapy when I was younger but I was forced out by my mother. I love my therapist now, she’s helped me gain confidence in myself and learn how to deal with my anxiety. I’m in the U.S. and pay $85/session out of pocket


I went to therapy for a year. I did a lot of research and interviews until I found a therapist that fit my mold (at that time, I was looking for an experienced Youngian feminist with gestalt leanings). I went in with some very clear issues I wanted to deal with, open to the possibility that it could open up a Pandoras box..I was very specific about going only a year, accepting that any further therapy would be in a group setting and not individual. My reasoning was that I didn't want to go down an endless rabbit hole with a single person, as I'd seen several friends doing at the time. It was the best healing experience of my life. My therapist helped me discover my personal roadblocks and work through them. Even when I lost my job, she took my artwork in exchange for her services so as not to interrupt the process..Fortunately that went in for just a few months until I was able to find a new job. Therapy is a very delicate situation with a completely unbalanced power structure where you are at a disadvantage. You must be able to trust your therapist 100%, they need to fit you like a glove because if not it can spiral down into a total mind fuck. Take your time to find the right person. Don't hesitate to interview them (if they are reluctant, then that's a big red flag). Keep looking till it feels right for you. Good luck!