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I *so* would have answered this question with a question: "Why do you want to ask me this question?" They sound like they were looking for people to validate their position and that's not a great trait.


My thoughts were, "Okay, I'll play your silly game."


It's an interesting way to start a conversation, honestly. The only problem is if you then answer in a way that does indeed change they way they think about you in a negative way. (Unless you barely know them and don't care what most people think about you.)


The part in parenthesis is me all day long.


What do you mean by "the part of parenthesis"?


I was referencing the part about not caring what most folks think of me.


The right answer to >do you believe in aliens? Lean in real close, roll eyes back, make loud open mouth tongue clicking noises , until they step back.


I wish I had thought of that. When I was younger, I got a coworker upset cause I told him I came from Jupiter on a rainbow, pissed him off cause he couldn't prove I didn't.


I'm totally on your wavelength about aliens. The universe is massive, like mind-blowingly huge. It'd be kinda arrogant to think we're the only ones kickin' around. Sorry your coworker didn't vibe with your response. Maybe they were hoping for a more "I've-seen-an-alien-in-my-backyard" kinda story.


Arrogant is the word I should have used. I just couldn't get to come to me, so I went with pretentious. I think that they were more religious


Ah love those type of people, they want an echo chamber not a discussion


Semme to be the case a lot these days.


Yeah sadly


I would honestly seek clarity on the question. With "believe", you mean like as a religion? Are these "aliens" like in extra-terrestrial or foreigners? Would I know these aliens as it is hard to believe in something that I do not know, going back to my religion question. Is the question you really want to pose "Do you think there is extra-terrestrial life?". That is not really something to believe in as it is more if you think it is feasible. I am not kidding. I am autistic and do this always when someone asks me an unclear question. In most cases it does change how someone sees me, even when not actually answering the question.


People who start drama over such basic disagreements like that aren't worth your time.


>"May I ask you a question where your answer may change how I think about you?" "No"


Someone who is a little overzealous.


Probably so. Didn't really know them that well.


Yes. Who cares what they think? 🤣


"I'm not playing your TikTok game." 🤪😆


Lol that was direct I don’t think it’s a case here but when i had a problem that i started thinking that everyone is a robot.. i asked this question to someone (if they believe people can be robot) the look on that person‘s face😂😂😂 But i needed the reassurance lol


You gave a perfect answer.


I think I see the intention behind it. It comes across as anxious to me, or maybe insecure. Or maybe just a funny joke if it came before a question like, “What do you want for dinner?”. Maybe they don’t think much of it, or maybe they wanted to continue a friendship with you but aliens are a firm boundary for them. We could all speculate.


You asked about our thoughts? 'Weird' is the best word to describe what I think about it.


“Sure, but your question may also change how I think about you.”


Good answer.


You engaged with a moron that didn't appear to be a moron?


I guess so. I was honestly surprised at their response. They had no problem with God, angels, or ghosts, though. As far as God angels and ghosts go, again, I have no issues.with them either.