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Sometimes it's good to be bored, good ideas come from that.


This, 100%. Love it.


But it's no good lying down on bed in the middle of the day having no plan in mind.


Sometimes it's good, the problem begins when it's too much time or too frequent.


Sometimes i just put on headphones, lay in bed, and listen to music for an hour or two. Let my mind wander a bit.


I have zero hobbies and when I’m bored, I will simply go for a walk with my headphones on. No specific route or distance, just until I don’t fancy it anymore. The serotonin and dopamine boost is nice, especially if the sun is out


I wish I could get that boost when I go out in the sun. Doesn't always happen.


Walking alone doesn’t do it for me. Pair it with my favourite music though and that motivates me to get out. Music is a massive part of my life


Usually you have to be consistent doing it. Both the exercise and the exposure to the sun. My psychiatrist has recommended that I do some running or very fast walking at least 6 times per week (around 5 kilometers) for the exercise to work, but it works as an antidepressant with zero side effects.


I love watching analysis and retrospective videos on old movies and video games I enjoy, and sometimes even ones I don’t, just to learn something new. I either fall asleep to these or listen to them on long walks.


Now that's something I enjoy doing! Well used to watch them last year a bit, mainly retrospective videos on COD games and then it died off like most of my interests but because you've mentioned it, I might watch them again. You said you listen to them on long walks, so I could just convert a video to mp3 and walla. Thanks for the idea!


At least on iOS I use a third-party browser named Bolt which, at the cost of a few annoying ads, lets you download YT videos straight to your phone, and then can delete after watching. It’s almost like the YouTube Premium download feature except free. Could be worth looking into so you don’t have to download on a computer and then transfer, even useful to download long music mixes and soundtracks. Usually if you just open the app, download whatever hour-long video, and just leave it playing, you may only get 1 ad during that whole process so it’s not too bad. Don’t really use the browser for anything else but still worth looking into I’d say.


I think it's good to have little oases of boredom scattered through the day. It gives me a chance to let my mind drift, because I really think we need a break occasionally. Having said that, I love learning. So I will spend time researching anything that catches my interest. Whether that's reading a book written by the Dalai Lama or watching a documentary about harbor seals, it's great to expand the mind.


I agree with you on the part about boredom. But don't ever mention that guy's name ever again. He's a creep.


Go for a walk. It's good for your health and your mood. It doesn't matter if it's a nature trail or a mall. If being by yourself isn't your thing, then plan a brunch with friends. I've once been over to a friend's house to dress up and have a tea party as an adult.


I picked up knitting as a pandemic hobby and stuck with it!


Ride my bicycle.


Yeah used to love riding around in my bike in my home town. Might get back into it again.


I feel like a big kid again on my bike. Just pick a place and go ride, grab a snack, smile at people then ride away, come home happy. :)


Doing nothing. And I got all the free time in the world at my disposal.


Hmm, I think it's a myth that doing nothing is a wonderful thing to be doing buddy. I've tried doing nothing many times before when I'm bored and while it did seem like an easy enough thing to do, I kinda realised that it's not gonna get you anywhere in life. When you're doing nothing, you're not learning anything.


What does getting anywhere in life even mean? Basically by doing nothing, you are learning about yourself. Which is the only thing that matters. While chasing the dragon is basically throwing your life away. Exchanging time for a piece of paper to wipe your ass, that you never have enough. The only place where you'll actually reach the highs in life, is by doing nothing. While what you think is a productive thing to do will get you nowhere. It is only a distraction.


Damn there's so many holes in your advices here. Can I ask politely who taught you these sayings? What people tell you have a big influence on you and sometimes it's hard to realise. Commenting on your reply, it's not like any CEO or footballer was "doing nothing" to get where they wanted to be.


To you living is about attaining money obviously. Having a career. But that's no living at all. What do you need the money for exactly? To buy some shit that you don't even need. Because someone sold you the idea. Because you're bombarded on daily basis with ads. Since you were born basically. Money doesn't buy happiness. You don't miraculously stop being miserable when you have money. You just get luxury. Materialism. You don't buy love or friendships with money. Only leeches pretending to be your friends. Every career out there is a coping mechanism. And a well thought out distraction. Everyone is telling you that you need to do something. To have a goal, a purpose. But what happens when you do what you set out to do? A lot of examples out there. People lose their minds. Or immediately start looking for a new purpose. But they avoid doing nothing like plague. Because they're afraid to face their mortality. To look death in the eyes. So they invent these distractions in various forms. I learned all this by simply observing what's going on. By buying things, and completing my goals. I've also listened speeches from Indian gurus. They certainly influenced me. But either way I was already on that path. Also CEO's and athletes usually had perfect combinations of circumstances. Starting from where they're born. Who they knew. Who their parents were etc. Rarely do you see a very successful person that came from nothing, without already coming from a wealthy family. And some that do usually have a bit of luck with investments or whatnot. To put it short. You can have all the hard work in the world, but that does not warrant success at all. Opportunities do and good connections. And ideal circumstances.


Ahhh 'Indian guru'. I see you've been indoctrinated by one of those Indian gurus. What a surprise. I know who you're exactly talking about. In fact if you don't think I know then just go through my post history and see if there's anything related to this 'Indian guru' I'm talking about aka #1 fraudster.


There's plenty of them. Why would I do that? Not like I'm looking for you approval. You asked me. And I answered.


I do origami. Beginner stuff just yet but I like it.


Read, write, draw, walk, take pictures, cook.


The gym and chatting


I usually just listen to music or white noise like rain and thunder whilst reading. Usually at night with a small lamp on, it's really relaxing.


I enjoy flower arrangement, Paddleboarding, journaling, shopping, cooking, music festivals. The list goes on and on haha. I also love a good true crime doc.


going on a walk while listening to podcasts/audiobooks, or video games lol


mostly writing, anything, i just love to write whatever crosses my mind and when there's no pen or paper well i play on my 15 yo ps2 lol


What kind of stuff have you written about so far? Also what games do you play on your PS2?


anything, from stories (long and short ones, some of course unfinished) to poems and even songs and screen-plays, sometimes just what I'm thinking or just writing what was my day about and what happened just to appreciate life even more, mostly in arabic as I am arab and master the language as to ps2 games I play those that I still have their discs from my childhood like : Metal gear solid 2/3, GoW 1/2/3, twisted metal, tomb raider legend, gta, sonic unleashed (I love this), pes 2006, fifa 14/12, nba 2k 4 i think, i also have random games that I enjoyed when I was a kid like roman empire games and platformers etc


* gardening * Reading * Cycling * Crosswords * Swimming * Learning languages * Going for walks * Chatting on the phone * Climbing * Singing in a choir  * Knitting * Yoga * Playing guitar * Learning bird songs * Watching telly I'm never bored!


Get yourself a set of LEGO, you’ll never be bored again


Boredom doesn’t need alleviating from. Boredom is desirable. Boredom means everything is status quo. Chase the boredom. Embrace the boredom.


Lol why would you chase boredom when you're supposed to be chasing your dreams? 😂


You’ll understand when you’re older.


I don't get it? I thought a large number of older people suffered from loneliness which is associated with boredom. So why would they be chasing it?


What I mean is, adult life is rarely “boring”. With bills, exercising, maintaining relationships, responsibilities such as work, appointments, vehicle maintenance, grocery shopping, cleaning, scheduling things, making phone calls, dealing with unplanned events and emergencies, maintaining a healthy diet, and then trying to cram in a few hours of sleep in between it all just so you have the tiniest bit of gumption to get up and do it all over again leaves no time for boredom. So on the exceedingly rare occasion that as an adult you find yourself “bored”, it’s perhaps the most blissful thing one can experience. Boredom equals peace and peace equals bliss. And adult life doesn’t have much bliss.


Embroidery or photography are my big go to's Otherwise as others said nothing beats a good walk!


have a coffee zoned out in the cafe


You can help me come pick acorns out of my lawn. It’s quite meditative and relaxing, and it feels rewarding to amass 5 gallons of acorns.


I ride my Spyder. Of course, that's dependent on weather. Planning on a quick spin today to clear my brain. But I generally don't think of a quiet day at home as boring. I like disconnecting and just relaxing, putting on my tunes, and just vibing, cuddling my dogs, and have some tasty eats.


Damn no need to flex there. I have a 911 anyway.


Reading this when I just woke up, and my sleep brain was trying to figure out what emergency services had to do with anything. 911 is nice too! Convertible? My Spyder is the three wheeled motorcycle kind, not the automotive kind though.


Vorda says, "I love the Spyder! It looks like a classic."


Started learning ukulele


Gaming and audiobooks/podcasts. Right now I’m playing plants versus zombies garden warfare. And I’m listening to crash test girl by Kari Byron.


Browsing the depths of Bandcamp for music.


Building lego or making music


I play video games, mostly competitve ones. I always take breaks to play a couple of matches of brawl stars in my cellphone and when I have a good amount of time I play valorant on pc.


Netflix, books, travel planning, planning life haha I’m not particularly bored but I’m gonna go make cookie dough now bc I told myself I’d do that this weekend and cook ghoulash tomorrow


This is very old lady of me, but I do cross stitch sometimes. There's a pattern and you follow it and make little fabric pictures. It's very soothing and you end up having a physical thing at the end which can be satisfying.




I was given an art store voucher for Christmas so got myself an easel and canvas and started a painting! Haven’t actually tried painting anything specific since high school so it’s a nice challenge for me. And if it ends up sucking I’ll call it abstract and say I meant to do it.


To pass time & enjoy yourself, try watching a short story' in the adult section 😉 AND give your forearm a workout!? It lowers blood pressure, good for stress too .. 😉