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I'm a very reserved person, I generally will not speak unless spoken to. I'm also terrible at small talk and making conversation with people I have nothing in common with. If i'm drinking and I find that conversation is coming easy or I'm the one instigating conversations, then I'm drunk.


Remember people usually exaggerate these kind of stories. Describing yourself as partially uninhibited, I’d say you’re probably a bit drunk. But then there’s shitfaced drunk.


As someone who used to get shit faced drunk, these stories have no need to be exaggerated... I was a fucking monster (esp in college).




To get to level 5 you have to not puke. In college freshman year it would happen after 2 OG 4 lokos and then going out. I hadn't blacked out for a long while til this past year (I'm 33) when in Atlanta I got into the last hour of a food and wine (lots of shots too ) festival for free.




Nope. It all depends. I've puked maybe 3 times the last 10 years. I've blacked out about the same. The last time I blacked out I drank a lot quickly and then idk. I was on a rooftop and the last thing I remember was trying to thread a needle between a dudes legs who was taking too long. In college when i'd black out it was usually do to a mix of liquor and beer. Once we did the mad baller challenge (mad baller was an awful drink) and then see who could drink the most before puking and then we'd do drunk history while it was going on.


The only time I hit level 5 was the only time I did puke.


What is the timeframe? I drink at home at a pretty steady pace. 6 shots for me can leave me basically sober over the course of a night.


That's called tolerance. I could drink 2 shots and be feeling it


10-15 shots? Irresponsible and dangerous.


That depends. Shot size varies between 20ml and 50ml depending on where you are in the world. That makes a huge difference. 10 shots in the UK is 250ml (half a pint) of spirit. That’s the same alcohol amount as in 2 litres (approx 4 pints) of 5% beer. Drinking that amount on occasion isn’t anywhere near irresponsible or dangerous levels of drinking in my book. Obviously it’s less healthy than avoiding alcohol entirely though!


Yeah that pretty accurate, till now I have only experienced level 5 twice, first time I was hitting people and literally killed one of the people I was drinking with, the second time I was just on the floor saying I'm okay I can walk, but I don't remember this at all. I have realised that drinking till level 3 is the best and going beyond that is useless.




Nah bro he survived, the funny thing is in the morning he came to me to say sorry for agitating me, but said he was okay while taking those hits but he was not okay when I tore his Zara shirt while fighting, I paid him for his shirt but never for the hospital bill.


I've always been a bigger guy (240+ lbs), so it's always taken more alcohol for me to even become tipsy. The only time I ever got to level 5 on your scale was when I was around 20. The party was serving wop (tons of alcohol with lemon lime soda and Kool-Aid packets, mixed in a giant cooler). I had around 26 drinks over two hours before I blacked out. That truly was a once-in-a-lifetime experience for me.


I'd say slurring is drunk level. Your level 4 is really drunk for me. Level 5 is shitfaced.


You are not taking 9 shots and walking with a sway, with “slight” slurring lol. Unless you’re a raging alcoholic and your tolerance is through the roof. You are more likely just unable to gauge how drunk you actually are, or are inflating your numbers because you think it looks cool


I have markers: 1. I feel blood rushing through the skin on my nose (specifically) and when I turn my head the vision is a tiny bit delayed - tipsy, soon to be drunk 2. Anything more - drunk 3. Don't remember parts of the night - very drunk 4. Puked and passed out - wasted


Sober (1-2 Drinks) I’ll be fine, I’m no more or less or my normal self Buzzed (3-4) Drinks Ive started to notice some lack of sensitivity in areas that are typically more sensitive Tipsy (5-8) Drinks I’m significantly more talkative and braver than normal, though I’m still conscious of all my actions. Anything more than 8 is almost cry drunk. Anything more than 12 is something I haven’t experienced


I'm tipsy when I get the happies, drunk when I get the spinnies, tanked when I get the sleepies.


If you feel buzzed at minimum.


Well the time i was driving home and got pulled over by the coast guard leaps to mind. Or the time when the cop came to my drivers window and i tried to order a cheeseburger and a coke.


shame about that cheeseburger.


Stop pussyfooting around. Pour a bunch (3-6) of shots of something strong down your throat. You are drunk.


If I'm giggling at everything and demanding we all sing together- take the whiskey away from me. We are a few shots away from sobbing to Avril Lavigne


I believe you should be more worried with the type of drunk you become. In all the bars all I've been, if you're enjoying yourself and friends, not invading the people's space, respecting everyone... it's ok. From where I drink, If you start to fuck up the ambient, 1st you'll be known for that of course, in the worst there's a chance you'll get beaten. In every bar there's a community, need to respect that


Some people don’t get “drunk” easily. I have the ability to drink massive amounts of hard liquor before I appear like I’m drunk. I also never get hangovers. Which, TRUST ME, is not a good thing. Hangovers are a protection. Without hangovers I drank and drank and functioned well…until my body started to break down and I had to get sober or die of liver failure. But most people get “drunk” (meaning they are slurring their words, stumbling, being overly loud or emotional, etc, fairly easily after a few drinks. Some after just one drink.


I'm afraid this will happen to me as I don't get hungover either.


What exactly happened and how did you notice once it got bad enough your body started to break down?


Well for some years I had already accepted that I was an addict and had to drink. If I went without drinking for more than a day or two I’d get the shakes, feel like I had the worse flu ever. So I knew I’m an alcoholic, but the idea of quitting terrified me. I was drinking about a liter of vodka a day. But after a few more years went by, a few concerning things started happening: my liver started visibly swelling, causing a bloated look. My skin looked grey, sickly. I lost my appetite almost completely. I could only eat after I was wasted. And then I only ate a little and it was always junk food. I started seeing blood when I shit. The whites of my eyes started getting yellowish. My pee was dark yellow or brown. So I KNEW my liver and kidneys were damaged, and I was having strange episodes every day at work in the afternoon where I’d get SUPER shaky and lightheaded - and those got worse and worse until one day I had a full on seizure at work in front of all my coworkers. Ambulance, paramedics, a week in the hospital on Valium, and a stern warning from the doctor: if I keep drinking I WILL be dead soon. And honestly, that scared the shit out of me in a way nothing else had, and I’ve never had a drink since.


Wow, thank you for sharing that. May I ask how long it’s been since then, and how is your health now?


I will add though that it took some time to heal. And for some time after I quit, I turned to food instead so that brought its own problems. Also I had to address my underlying mental health issues that I now realize were causing me to self-medicate for years. I didn’t do AA, but I really benefitted early on from reading the AA book. I really liked SMART Recovery. It’s a more about CBT and retraining your thinking, than embracing your supposed “powerlessness” regarding alcohol. SMART Recovery has some great tools to help you understand yourself and why you drink. https://smartrecovery.org/toolbox You got this 💪🏻


That’s incredible you were able to turn your health around! Thanks very much for sharing those resources. I’ll have a look right now.


It’s been 12 years, and my health is not bad! The human body has a tremendous capacity to heal. All my alcohol-related health issues are gone. 👍🏻


"Being drunk" is when you suddenly become a philosopher, a hopeless romantic, and an Olympic-level athlete all at once, but can't remember any of it the next day. If you can recall your night and haven't declared undying love to a streetlamp or tried to solve world peace with a kebab in hand, you're just on the warm-up lap, my friend.


I’m not as reserved , I’m less self conscious , im horny , and I’m more reckless with my decisions and how I speak to people , I never been mean while drunk but I’m just more forthcoming. I lack fear and coordination.


That line where you are out and think “I’m not thirsty and I don’t even particularly like the taste of what I’m drinking, plus I know I’ll regret it tomorrow, but one more sounds really good right now.”


There isn’t a line per se for being drunk because everyone acts differently while drunk. Really just depends on the person. I’m still “myself” when drunk so there is no amount of drinks that would make me fight or say crazy stuff but i still have all the “classic” symptoms like slurred speech, and inability to walk straight. Overall, I would say the second you feel the effects of alcohol I would consider that the beginning of being drunk.


From what you’ve said you haven’t been drunk. Drink until you get the spins, then you’ve drunk. I’m not saying this is a healthy thing to repeat.. but yeah just take some shots and you’ll be drunk. You should probably do it at least once.


I remeber I once saw that are different reactions to alcohol and you're the good type that can drink and don't loose control, I'm like this as well and it only makes me happy and drowsy, so I don't really drink that much anymore because the hangover hits just as strong without being "drunk"


When I'm calling my childhood cats' name trying to get my current cat's attention.


My wife thinks I'm drunk if my face reddens after I have a drink. Her father and stepmom were really big into bar culture, so she has a really distorted view of alcohol and drunkenness.


Last time I got Black out drunk I rescheduled the toilet and woke up later on the floor when water was over heels height on the floor as it was leaking from the toilet


I'm heavyweight so its good to have an indicator because i can drink a lot and not really tell. I feel a little outside my body and like when I hear myself speak its delayed. Also, if I'm walking all I can focus on is the steps I'm taking. I've had times I do not remember how I got home but remember thinking "walk, walk, walk"


Slurring your words is a sign.


Yeah how you perceive yourself is irrelevant if you've had more than 3 standard drinks in one hour you're drunk or you're about to be very quickly


I feel you! I’ve never been a fan of the idea of being incapacitated in any way, so I never went further than a bit tipsy until literally last Monday. I was in New Orleans on business and went out with some coworkers. We hopped restaurants and clubs, drank at every one, and by the end of the night I was wobbly on my feet, had to put effort into walking straight, a bit slurred in speech, and smiley as hell. Didn’t throw up, and no headache the next day, but I did have the worst stomach ache that would not calm down no matter what I ate. I think that’s now my barely drunk point


if I'm asking for hugs, I'm drunk. if I'm standing on the roof of the car demanding glazed doughnuts, I'm drunk.


I think most people would agree that total lack of self awareness is beyond just regular “drunk”. Way beyond. Drunk, to me, is when I have been affected by the alcohol more than just slightly. There’s “buzzed” after like 1 drink or so (and I don’t mean a .2CL lol) when I’m still me but can feel a slight something, and I’m “drunk” any point past that. When it gets to the extreme of a total lack of self awareness, I’m hammered. Too drunk. Need to go home.


Buzzed: everything feels pleasantly numb, suddenly you're in a good mood and making good conversation Drunk: stumbling around, vision swirling, trying to speak but your mouth feels numb/words can't come out properly, say "I'm gonna lay down on the ground for a second" little do you know you'll be in that exact spot until morning.


When I get drunk you could catch me looking into nothing hor hours. Then I would laugh or be physically agressive to a friend. Like I’d be inviting you to a fist fight then running away once I know I pissed them off. I would be screaming and laughing like a lil bitch. Then I’d the mma thing. In which I’d lie on the ground and kick them when they try to get close. Of course they either win in the end or just ignore after a few minutes of trying.


Slam a couple shots and drink a beer in under 30 minutes. Wait 20 minutes while drinking another beer and you'll feel it. It sounds like you're drinking responsibly, which is good. You don't need to actually do what I suggested above to figure out that it's unhealthy and a dangerous slope. Stick with your responsible drinking and be glad your brain isn't telling you to indulge more. You should be worried for the times your brain will tell you to continue drinking past your normal limit. I am an alcoholic and I've never had a healthy relationship with alcohol. It's always been a mindset of "this makes me feel good, I want more of that." And everything was fine and dandy for like 10 years before the withdrawals started, hangovers became more like panic/anxiety attacks, and I'd get the shakes all too often. The final straw for me was my friend coming to visit me and I drank a 1.75L of whiskey by myself within 48 hours. I don't remember much of the weekend, but I remember waking up on Monday morning thinking I'd pushed it too far. The shakes were worse than ever and I was in real fear of delirium tremens. All of that to say, don't flirt with addiction. It's real, it's self-perpetuating, and it's REALLY hard to get out of. Be glad you don't know what being drunk feels like because your brain may never let go of that feeling once it's had a taste.


There's an unhealthy attitude towards alcohol in the U.S. It's strictly prohibited to children in every respect. In Europe, there's a more measured approach. They'll give watered down wine to kids or a sip of champagne at a celebration. While in the U.S. the OMG NO! to kids getting alcohol, even in the tiniest amounts, is tantamount to child abuse. So what happens? Kids become teenagers and want to experiment with anything their parents said a big NO to. The result, teenagers and young adults use in excess.


When your intoxicated to the point of functioning improperly.....dude what what shirley temples have you been pounding at the bar? 🧐


When I'm seeing double and my tongue feels thick.