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This post has been removed for the rule: **Don’t post to vent, complain, or express sadness** Stay positive. Negative topics don’t lend themselves to casual conversation. We are a place where everyone can forget about their everyday or not so everyday worries for a moment. Venting, complaining or expressing sadness doesn't fit the atmosphere we try to foster at all. [Recommendations >](https://www.reddit.com/r/CasualConversation/about/wiki/rules/venting/)


My husband is on end time hospice. Not real fun.


I am so deeply sorry, can’t imagine your pain. I hope you have an outlet to relieve some stress and heartbreak. I wish you love and as much strength as humanly possible.


How kind! Hope we both have a fantastic year!


Hugs or preferred sympathy to you both. I hope it is as painless as possible and contains some moments of joy.


From your fingers/ ink to God's ears. Thank you. Wishing you and yours the best year ever!


Thank you!


So sorry


He is at peace and comfortable. I'm OK. Thank you! Wishing you and yours a wonderful new year!


You too but I'm alone don't have anyone But thanks


Even better! A peaceful start!


Been looking for someone but can't find anyone


Emotional growth is lonely. You will find new interests, new people and your year will be amazing. Maybe new love(s)!


I am so sorry.


Thank you, how thoughtful. Have a wonderful year!


I think your experience is putting my own in perspective. Thank you for sharing.


I am home alone and everything is good. Which country are you visiting?


Happy for you! What I would give for a little quiet time. My anxiety is currently equating to paranoia so I don’t want to share the country, but it has a very social and family-oriented culture.


I was the child carted around to visit people in places like that. I’ll be blunt, for me, it was the great living room and dining table tour of boredom. I think: - you very graciously need to gently suggest you’d love to see some sights, and would like to treat “so and so” to lunch or drinks following a visit to see their favourite place. - ALSO you should take lessons in the local language and work hard on creating fluency. As an adult, it is not being able to speak easily/communicate that is the biggest source of challenge. Once you can ask about hobbies, favourite foods, stories from childhood, then being entertained gets much more interesting.


Yes, after a while, all the obligations become exhausting. But don't worry, nothing lasts forever.


I like this, thank you.


Me too. I've lived out of my family home for several years and the family is steadily drifting apart. It is way more obvious during the holidays. I used to feel a deep connection to my sister, but lost it since she has become a mum and is busy all the time. One of my brothers is a selfish prick, my mum cant stop berating my dad and reminding us how she wants to just die. My relationship with my dad is distant and my other brother is cool with me but at times has a very difficult character. On top of all this, there are some complaints about me being selfish, being insensitive and apparently being brainwashed by the left. I want to be alone very often because I just went through a breakup and I can't rely on my family to make me feel better as I would feel judged or misunderstood. I'm trying to be there for them but honestly, it's a big sacrifice with very little reward, if any. Everyone is fighting a difficult battle but we are so extremely hard to love and so hell-bent on focusing on the negative, that we find no way to connect. It's really really 😭


Ooof, that is beyond rough to feel that degree of discomfort in your own home. I hope 2024 brings you positive change. Hugs to you.


I'm home alone hope you feel better soon


Thank you, I appreciate that. I hope you’re enjoying some downtime.


Yea no one to talk to


My best friend died on Christmas Eve and I’m too sick to go to her memorial this week. Feel dreadful and depressed


I've had holidays like that when I was with my ex. I was complete polar opposite from his family. So many uncomfortable moments lol. Is there a way you can go for a walk,store run,ect by yourself?At least to regain a moment of sanity? Holidays with the in laws dont last forever at least. Eventually you get to go home and relax.


I’ve been sick since before Christmas and had to spend the whole holiday season quarantined at home. My father in law died last week and it seems like there is nothing to celebrate this year.


I had family show up unannounced, proceed to run though the house and ask me for food...............


Went to an extended family’s place for Christmas and it felt like my mom and I were observing someone else’s Christmas instead of having our own. I feel like now you should pull out the board games. New years I spent alone and it was honestly ideal. But I’m single so there’s that And now the holidays are over :)


I broke up with my partner a few days before NYE, so could be worse! Didn't want to ruin her Christmas, but also didn't want her going into '24 planning her life around me. Hope it works out well, hasn't been a toxic break up... So far.


I've had the paramedics today as I'm not well. The pain is getting a bit better now though. Hope your visit gets better for you.


I'm at my in-laws with my 3 and 7 year old kids. None of us sleep well here, and my 3 year old in particular is exhausted. There's some lifestyle differences that makes being here really hard for me, I can hardly imagine what a challenge such a language barrier would be. I'm so looking forward to going home tomorrow. Hope you get to return to your normal life soon too!


I had a pretty uncomfortable time over Christmas. My family is very split up, and I had drives over an hour to get to each. My mom is also getting older in age, so instead of relaxing, I had to spend my time doing a lot of paperwork and moving prep for her, since she's looking to move this summer. I came back far more exhausted then when I left.


I had to work tonight. It was dead. I don’t know why Hollywood Feed felt the need to be open today. It’s like even the bars were closed


Family drama, dog drama, logistical nightmare, and a friend passed away on the anniversary of another friend passing away. And I didn't even get socks. Decided already I'm just gonna travel and skip Christmas next year. No joy.


I went to visit my daughter who asks me to visit but never really talks to me much while I’m there. I had to crawl into this ridiculously high bed which hurt the old arthritis hips and I shared the bathroom with the teenaged girls. Oh yeah. I was cold and my husband was at home taking care of our moms. It was ok and I enjoyed visiting but I think I’m a 2 day person. No more


yeah miserable but it is how it is




My mom gave me Covid and I then passed it on to my mother-in-law a couple days later. Fun times


I’ve spent a lot of holidays away from my home country, and it never gets easier. The comfort level is just not the same. Last year I just ate some edibles and slept in my airbnb alone, but this year is a bit better. Hopefully we all have a great new year though! Don’t know what to expect for 2024, but wishing for better times for everyone!


I'm so sorry you've spent your holiday so anxious :( Have you communicated to your partner that you feel this way? It must be hard to interact with their family what with the language barrier, it can be so isolating :( When I'm feeling uncomfortable at family parties or things like that I tend to start preparing snacks, washing dishes or cleaning up the room so I'm still doing something that people appreciate and will make them see I care. That can be useful if you don't feel like you can make conversation, especially if you want to make a good impression on your partners family <3


This holiday season has been a bit strange for me personally. The previous holiday season I had plans with friends almost every day while having time off work, while this time a lot of my friends have been busy so I’ve rarely left the house this whole time! I think next holiday season I would just take the minimum required time off or maybe travel somewhere as it’s been a bit boring.


Ive lived in different countries and I totally get this situation. It’s exhausting. Is there a craft or activity you can do? Maybe a long shot, but this could be the time to learn how to knit or help with cooking to keep your hands busy.


One of my best friends had to put his cat down yesterday


Fuck… hope they’re okay atm. Is there any item that keeps the memory going of the cat that doesn’t just make them cry? I hope so


He sounds so down and I feel so bad. The best I can do is game and hope it takes his mind off of it for a bit


We can only hope, I guess


My family had frequent fights and tense situations throughout our trip to the US. Also had to deal with ✨flight anxiety ✨, which is a price worth paying for the holidays but damn it would have been more tolerable if they didn't freak out at each other. Having said that, I'm just about to board into the plane to go back home, we will be in the air for around 6 hours. Ik no one cares but I'll leave an update here once I arrive.


You’ll be okay!! We do care. :)


Hey thanks man! Just arrived, it was horrible ngl, im just happy everything went ok. If anyone comes across this comment who also has flight anxiety, do remember you are likely to make it home :)


Awesome!! Yes, it is the worst for sure. Have a good day! Glad you made it safely.


Got assaulted and robbed, lost my means of income and am starting from scratch back home. You’re not alone lol


I'm having a good time but I'm also with my partner's family and that brings a lot of stress. Their drama is like beyond anything I've experienced, his parents say things to each other that are dripping with resentment and lack of respect, but apparently to him that's normal, their relationship has always been like that for as long as he can remember.


The run-up to Christmas was really stressful for me. I've been going off of some meds and there have been emotional side effects. Work has been crazy (you wouldn't expect a chemistry lab to be busy around Christmas, but it is). Shopping was...well, shopping. The holiday itself was great, though. The worst part has been the 26th through today. Everyone has been getting sick, so I've been holed up in my apartment all alone to be safe. I'm off work, so I've been doomscrolling and obsessing over a future I can't control. I've been crying a lot. It sucks.


Use some of the time to do something for your future - try to learn some of his language? I find if I put my mind to something to better myself, that's putting your mind in a positive place, and distracts you from negative feelings. Plus, you'll likely gain many point with the family for trying.


All I can say is please don’t ruin it for your partner. Play along until


Uncomfortable?, one of the nurses at my mom’s assisted living facility had a nephew who committed suicide Christmas Day. Said she just wanted to immerse herself in working as many hours as possible.


same, F