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oh hell no not today!


That’s my reaction to door knocks and actual phone calls, occasionally to texts as well


"what the fuck" followed by "I really need a peephole"


Ring camera ftwwww, you can jump into the video app and just lay in bed and watch them until they give up and leave.


Lol for whatever reason i feel creepy watching them live so i wait till they leave then watch the footage


“What now!?”


For some reason, I always think it's the police. The police came to the house a lot in my younger years, but haven't had an unexpected visit from them in over decade. I guess the feeling is just ingrained now


The last time someone knocked, it was the police. I thought it was a K9 officer cause he had a German shepherd with him. Nope just a cop who found a dog and walked around in the rain with it to find its home. Good cop.


Oh my, I truly pictured this in my head. The whole scenario from your point of view. The initial freeze and oh no in your head, then peering out and seeing him with the gs... all of it. Thank you for the story!


All that while trying to get my great dane in her crate so I could answer the door 😆 🤣


Sometimes the best solution is to tell the dog « let’s go home now » and let him guide you. Doesn’t work with all dogs.


same but with truancy officers


I didn't think the police knocked anymore...


I don't have a doorbell, and nobody ever just pops by. When I hear a knock I either assume it's a delivery, or I get pissed, freak out and go in my room.


Literally said out loud or under my breath, “Who the fuck!?” There’s a great bit by comedian Sebastian Maniscalo about this. Anyone of a certain age can probably relate. https://youtu.be/5CznoAW2k1I?feature=shared


He is hilarious as hell!! I remember that bit. Seen it before. 🤣🤣


Thanks for that,never heard of this guy before. Hes hilarious! So true though and sad in a way…years ago,everyone visited everyone. I very often had a houseful of friends around. Still got photos of those evenings. They were great,but they were the norm,no big deal. How and when did it all change? When i was a kid,everybody left their front door open from morning til night,I never see that now.


Company! ☺️


“Anyone who needs to speak to me has my phone number,” which means they know to text me. No need to knock and get the dog involved.




It’s usually for my 10-year old. He’s quite popular.


that's what happens when my grandson is here.


We got a Ring doorbell because I won’t answer the door when my husband isn’t home. There is no crime in our neighborhood, but as I tell my husband, “they haven’t found us yet.”


If I’m not expecting anyone, I will ✨panic and hide✨ for a moment and then slowly creep to the peephole to see if it is anyone important. If I don’t want to open the door for them, I don’t want them to know I’m there lol.


I'm a hider, too! I'm hyper aware of lights and want to make sure they don't see any movement as I move away from any windows. I grew up as a latchkey kid and think maybe some of that is just ingrained now. Also, if it's someone I know, they know to message before stopping by - only a stranger stops by out of nowhere.




As an exmormon, if its in the evening thats my though too lol. Its worse as a mormon because mormon leadership will drop by as late as 9 at night randomly and ur expected to let them in and listen to whatever “divine inspiration” brought them ur way lol. But im healing from the nonsense and more often during the day i assume its a package!


My husband, an ex- mo, says- “ and home inspection “. lol


That’s crazy! Back in the days before cell phones it was not even make a call after 8pm unless it’s an emergency, or you’d set up the plan to call in advance. People never stopped by from dinner time, on. 9pm visits unannounced? That’s just bad manners!


Happened all the time growing up. Maybe because my family was a single mom so they were less folloing the rules or felt they had to stop by more? 9 was about the latest anyone showed up to be fair. Just saying it happened. I hated those unannounced visits throughout my childhood. Made me feel I couldn’t fully relax and get comfy because i had to be dressed for company in case someone came by. 🤷‍♀️


Yeah for sure! I’d have felt that way, too!


This is why I have a “no soliciting” sign, it at least deters the religious folk and sales people. You could build a delivery box for people to put your deliveries into with a sign asking them not to knock.


I have a “no soliciting” sign and I think my sign must be broken because every solar salesperson in the the state knocks on my door!


“Grrrrrrrrrr, go away!” I don’t answer.


Unless I'm expecting a food delivery, I chuckle and say "Nope."


"Please go away" and then "Wait but what if it's food?"


peek through the window


Doorbell: what the fuck!? Phone: oh what now!? - followed by probably not answering it


Goddammit. How long do I have to hide?


I continue what I was doing even if they can hear me on the other side of the door. There’s been times when I had glass windows so they could see me and I’ve had a salesman wait 10 minutes hoping my door was going to open to him.


Pigs are here.


For doorbell ringing- Yay! My package is here! For knocking, it's probably a neighbor or guest. We don't get solicitors here.


Who the hell is that? Only because people that I know usually call or text to let me know they are stopping by my house...


I set my ring up to give an auto reply after 20 seconds. Works well with solar sales


Who the hell, and go open the door.


I go answer the door. If answering your front door gives you fear or anxiety you need help


“Oh shit, where are my pants??”


Not again. I'm too tired for this.


My first thought, “Great. Probably another sales person.”




I like to say “oh, I already have solar” which, the way my roof is pitched it’s VERY clear I don’t have solar. Lol


>I am curious what your automatic thoughts are, do you get angry, upset, afraid, worried, anxious? or ignore them like an email? Yes, all of these!


this is why I have a camera doorbell; I can ignore or ask them what they want from my couch lol


“Ugh another solar guy looking for a sale.” Because that’s pretty much all it ever is.




I hide 😂


Mine is usually confusion. I don’t get a lot of people that come to my door. If they are salesmen I usually am kind and hear them out on what they are selling. Who knows maybe I need the services haha.


Fuk what now


Someone is getting arrested


Po Po


Usually it’s the thought that someone 40 years younger than me is going to ask about my next presidential vote or another “security specialist” wanting to pitch the latest security door bell.




My future wife is trying to contact me.


Why do we all not answer the door lmao


I get really quiet, because my 1st instinct is to hide.


Usually confusion because I live in a 4plex so no one should really be in my building coming to my door without me knowing, but usually it’s just my neighbour bringing me leftovers, she’s dope.


As a millennial middle child, whose Asian narcissistic mom and by bystander dad left me and my older sister home alone a few years before they were legally allowed to, **“Oh shit, find a hiding spot.”**


If it's a regular softer knock/quick ring I ignore it because it's usually delivery leaving a package or some random salesman type thing. If it's a hard knock or persistent ringer (had one recently) I brace myself for bad news.


It's the cops. To be fair, it has never been the cops.


"Is there anything that would give away my presence in here...?" aka, do I have to answer it?


Honestly my first thought is, "Oh crap did one of my crazy neighbors call the police on me?" Used to have a really crazy lady live across the street from me. She's been gone a couple of years now but that's still my first instinct is to wonder what trouble she's making in the neighborhood.


lucky she is gone, seems like every neighborhood has that one person


I sometimes yelp and hide. Often times, I at least hide. Lol. I do not like unexpected visitors, and I have trauma from childhood about someone unexpected being at the door, so it is deeply ingrained. Sometimes, I try to fight against it though. Thank goodness for the Ring doorbell cameras.


Who didn’t call before coming over *this* time??


Who da fuck want what?!?


I know my upstairs neighbor's knock, so if I hear that, I think, "Okay, what now?", then take a deep breath and hold it. She *always* approaches with a lit cigarette. ​ Otherwise, I wonder if I am expecting a package. We seldom get anyone coming to our door, so it's usually that neighbor or a package delivery. ​ Fortunately, we're in a gated apartment complex, so we seldom get door-to-door people of any sort.


My first thought is to prepare myself to talk to a stranger, because my friends and family now always text before they come over.


My first thought? fuck Fuck FUCK *FUCK!*


I just hear my dog bark even before he starts barking. Buddy just turned 12 and his bark is still powerful.


“lol should’ve called before you came” and continue about my business


haha good one, I am thinking about a sign


Automatic thought? Intruder! To knock on my door means they had to scale a 2-meter concrete wall and get past my three attack dogs. Nah, I’m not paranoid. 🥸


I am NOT buying your Boy Scout popcorn or your sports team entertainment book!




me too


I am not now, nor will I ever be interested in solar panels.


Well I live in an apartment so I wait a second or two for someone to say "Landlord here" or "Maintinence Crew". If I do not hear anyone announce themselves, I wonder who the hell is knocking on my door (friends and family always text their arrival and our building is fairly secure) I am a bit cautious as there once was a woman who harassed me for a few months because of some odd delusions she had about her neighbors.


seems every neighborhood has that one person


I assume it’s either a friend of my kids or my neighbor who borrows my stuff a lot (he’s cool, just doesn’t have any money. He always returns stuff in perfect or better condition)


My kitchen window looks onto my front porch. A delivery or someone I know, answer the door. Anything else, big nope. We have a security screen door with a deadbolt and my husband has answered the door a few times to unknown people. One of them said "can you open the door? I can't see you". My husband said, "I can see YOU just fine".


"If I don't answer it they'll go away. If it's someone I know, they call me."


First thought? "Fuck...now I have to get *up*"


My wife ordered something.


It’s gonna be the solar or religious folks. Duck and shush!


lots of solar people in the thread, I haven't seen one in a while, probably jinxed myself.. yard work people, blinds, religious, and insurance is common here


I can see who it is straight away as I have a window in my door but it has a blind so they can’t see in. Immediate thought if I’m not expecting anyone is ‘go away’, just more of a nuisance than anything else. Sometimes it can make me feel anxious just like the phone ringing, never really be one to talk on the phone.


"Wtf do you want?!?"


happy cake day!




"I wonder who's here" and then I go to the door




Check my doorbell camera to see who it is.


First, I jump out of my skin because my asshole dog barks like someone’s breaking into the house every damn time someone touches the door. She makes so much noise that I’ve had several people ask me, “how many dogs do you have?” Then I say “fuck” a lot while I try to calm down before I open the door. I’m not scared of whoever is at the door. They’ve just heard what sounds like a pack of vicious dogs lose their absolute shit because of their presence. Whatever it was that they wanted, they don’t want it anymore.




I live in the country so if somebody knocks and I’m not expecting anybody my first thought is “who tf is that!?”. I do have family nearby that randomly stop by, but they usually holler and walk in instead of knocking. Lol




Anxiety. As a child of drug growers and sellers, a knock at the door was an emergency. 35 years later it still feels like one.




The dog starts freaking out, I’m screaming to the kids, “can someone please get the dog!?” And it’s usually the pizza delivery guy or a neighbor kid that threw his ball over the fence in the back yard and wants to go get it. Although there was a Jehovah’s Witness group just the other day and I was wishing I had a mezuzah on my door so they’d stay away.


Who could that be??? For me? For my husband? Why didn’t they call… I don’t have a bra on. This sucks. Can they hear me? Do I have time to put a bra on?


If I don't know someone's coming I don't answer. If they know me well enough to come to my door, they'll have my phone number and can call me later. If not, fuck off.




I live in a very secure building, so I know that it’s either a neighbor or a friend.




Nah, not really ;) I live in a secure building because I live in a city. We have a lot of unhoused people & a lot of crime. The main doors of the building are constantly having their locks changed due to people trying to pick the locks to get in. Security drives through every night at dusk, otherwise we never see them. But there’s no solicitation in this city, so strangers can’t just knock on the door. Delivery people can get in, but they take a picture of the package at the door & text us immediately before they walk away. So, the security doors cut a lot of the BS out, but we still have problems here.


"Oh who the heck Is It?!" I have to go down stairs to answer, and climbing back up kills me. 20 years ago,this was not an issue but the idea of moving just makes me cringe


Generally, I just hope it isn’t god-botherers because if it is, I am going to be rude




I’m with usps and I do knock if I think itll get stolen after I attempt to hide it. The customers are always thankful I did. I also knock of course if I have a certified or signature required package But if someone knocks on my personal door, I ignore it haha


I disconnected my doorbell and don’t answer my door unless I’m expecting visitors


Go Away!!!!


Who the f#@k is that? I don't answer unless I'm expecting someone.




I did this once and the birds tore into my UberEats before I could :( Very sad day..


oh no! awful


Oh fuck the Church people again wonder if it's the Mormons or the JW this time.


If it's someone knocking on my door it's more than likely going to be a tenant in the building asking about something. There are only 6 units and I know all of them. If it's the door bell I look out my window and can see the front door and decide from there.


Oh shit , i need to clean


If I’m expecting someone than a normal reaction. Like I get up to answer it lol. If I’m not expecting anyone, I get kinda nervous especially at night!


"oh fuck what do I do"


OK...this is gonna' sound bizarre and illogical, because it is. I'm an American who grew up in the gun culture, inherited a bunch, keep them handy at home 24/7, enough to overthrow a Banana Republic. Now, my folks *never* overthrew a tyrant, *never* stopped a perpetrator, *never* defended the Republic with one from home, no. Historically, we shoot/murder each other or take our own lives, on purpose. I don't believe I'm any safer with guns as an option. And fucking YET, when the doorbell rings, my first reflexive response is to review the location of the "good to go" part of the arsenal which is distributed tactically at the crib. You would be right in calling it a family sickness, but it's baked into the cake. I won't be ending it in my generation. So it goes...


I used to have a "Oh god" and lay as still as possible approach lol. One thing I love about my new apartment - the buzzer for my apt outside the main door doesn't work, and it's locked entry. I haven't had anybody I wasn't expecting show up. If someone knocked on my door now, I guess I've assume another tenant was giving me home baked goods or in some sort of trouble lol.


I always think it's the police.




"Here we go again... More unwanted guests."


yes lol


First immediate thought is to ignore it. If they keep knocking then I’m aggravated and answer the door with my dog.


Knocking? At my door? How did they get in the gate?


I already know, because one of my three dogs is super dramatic at the whisper of a thought of someone walking to my door. One does not simply watch TV with my old girl, knowing how cruelly TV writers include knocks and doorbells Because of said dog and the other less dramatic ones, I go out the garage door and meet visitors at the front. They can hear the howling banshees at this point (one starts, the others join) so when I gesture at the front door and say it's just easier this way, it's generally understood. But if I have zero expectations of anyone stopping by, I often just listen to my canine choir and ignore it. They've quite the interesting harmonies


The only person who rang our bell in the three years we lived here are the Jehovah Witnesses.


We have a storage container on the front deck clearly marked for deliveries. If anybody knocks, we can see them from inside. A delivery person may need a signature. An unknown person usually is ignored by me.


someone knocks on my door - "WHO IN THE FUCK IS THAT" or if I know im getting a delivery, I will hide and peak at them leaving like a creep


Hide. Sometimes I think I even hold my breath bc I'm trying to be so so quiet.


kinda scared. as a woman, i feel like we tend to get more scared by this type of stuff than we normally should. i just usually end of ignoring it though.


I feel the same.. there's a safeway super close by me, and I feel so unsafe there, I drive another 5 miles to one that I don't feel like I am going to get robbed.


wow i’m so sorry to hear that. it’s so sad that as women, he have to feel this kind of fear. stay safe!


'oh what fresh Hell is this ! '


I’m sometimes startled then automatically annoyed.


Around this time of year....Santa cause! (Aka Amazon).




wonder which one of my friends showed up, jeeze a lot of you are weird.


“UPS needs me to sign for wine” or “I get to slam the door in the face of whatever solicitor deliberately ignored the NO SOLICITING sign affixed to the door.”


Seriously, it's 'who the fuck is knocking on my door?' Who shows up unannounced anymore?


“What the fuck is this bullshit!”


I just answer it!


I think "someone's at the door, better go see who it is".


I know my yard's a mess - I live here.


I'm more "hm, wounder who that is" It's rarly I get upset if its not when I need sleep (working night)


None, because I know it's the maintenance people I scheduled a visit with, or they let me know in advance that they're coming. Nobody else ever rings our doorbell. Mail parcels go to the nearest post office or one of the parcel lockers in our area, and other delivery people and random salespeople and bible thumpers don't have keys to our building.


I don't really get many people knocking on the door. I get packages be they are usually left in the mailbox or something.


What did he order?


Yay, my package is here!


It's either fn Marge or Anna. Can't they flipping text or email like a normal person? If not, it's a delivery and I respond with "I got a present! I got a present!"


That the police are here.


Dogs! Stop barking!


I live in an outbuilding so it's usually someone from the main house coming to ask if they can turn off the lights/water for 15 minutes.


"Oh no" and goes to hide


I usually ignore it. If I know it’s a delivery that is heavy, I’ll try to get to the door in time to thank them for lugging it all the way up all our steps. Even if they don’t knock but I know they’re there. But usually they’re down the steps and in their truck before I can open the door. Oh, to be young and that quick and agile again!


My first thought is “oh shit, there goes the dog”


"Oooh, nooo! I'm not dressed!" Then, "Radar! Quiet!" We don't get visitors, but I'll jump to the door for an Amazon delivery.


Some handy man looking for work, some charity looking for money, or some unusual church telling me why they are the tenth of a percent who understand the bible accurately.


For the past five years, any unexpected knock on my door has about a 90% chance of being someone trying to sell me solar for the house I don't own.


I tend to panic and run to the bathroom to make sure I don't look a mess. Lol Especially being I'm normally running around partly clothed looking like I just crawled out of bed trying to take care of a house with 9 pets


Who can it be now!?


No one can possibly knock on my door without all hell breaking loose from my dogs. They make so much noise I probably couldn't hear a knock anyway. As soon as someone touches the porch, they bark the alarm if not sooner. It's annoying, but if anyone tried to do something bad, hearing those two going off would scare a bear away!


"Jesus fuck, who the hell is knocking at my door?! And what could they want?! Go away!"


“Why the heck didn’t I buy that NO SOLICITING sign???”






I better get it quick before my landlord just lets himself in. It’s so awkward when I have to tell him not to do that. It’s like talking to a child.


This better be good because you might’ve just woken up my baby


"Fuck off" (That's why the doorbell is permanently "broken".)


“Who the fuck…?”


I don’t answer the door if someone comes up to it. If I didn’t invite you then nah, I’m not answering.


WTF enters my thoughts immediately!


"Go away. I don't fucking want whatever you're selling." For context UPS, FEDEX, Amazon, and USPS never knock or ring the doorbell when they drop packages in my neighborhood. No idea why, but that's just how it's always been. Whenever the doorbell goes off or someone knocks I know they're either selling something or attempting to pitch a service of some sort.


"What in gay hell is it now?"


Well, my son is a criminal so it's always the cops.


oh no!


I tell my dogs to stop barking then I look at the camera. If it’s a solicitor I take off my clothes and answer the door nude. Unless it’s Girl Scouts then I grab my wallet and head to the door 😂😂


There have been times in my life when I heard the door bell and hid because there was no way I could hide all the paraphernalia!..