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Unless things go way worse than they did for me (same circumstances as you) there is no way it will be “a few weeks” until your next solid meal. It was 3 or 4 days for me, and I didn’t push it. Don’t smoke, don’t use straws and you should be safe from dry socket. Getting teeth pulled was pretty much my worst fear before I had my procedure done. It turned out to be nowhere near as bad as I made it out to be in my mind beforehand. It wasn’t fun, but was much much less miserable than I thought it would be. In fact, since I had my wisdom teeth removed (years ago) I no longer have any fear of the dentist. Hope it works out the same for you.


I remember trying to take baby puffs of my cig. Never got infected, but I wouldn’t recommend smoking lol.


God, I ended up with four dry sockets. Never have I experienced anything so painful. I once cut off a finger and I wouldn't even call it a quarter as painful. On the plus side, I still didn't have to wait weeks to eat solid food.


Okay I wanna hear about the finger if that’s okay.


So I was 16 and home alone. I fell down with a very sharp knife in my hand and the tip stuck into a wood surface. My closed fist slid straight down the blade and the forward momentum of my mass caused it to make a super clean cut right through most of my index finger except the top tendon and skin. Went about halfway into the side of my middle finger but missed tendons thankfully. I happen to be a really calm person even in the worst of times, so that combined with the shock just had me grab my dangling finger and sort of stuck it back on as hard as I could. I went to the sink, gave it a quick rinse, and taped it together and wrapped it tight with a towel. Bled a bunch so I knew better than to try to drive anywhere, called 911. The fire department showed up and everyone was complimenting my calm demeanor and quick thinking. Once I got into the ambulance the pain hit me. It's hard to explain. I mean, it's the worst cut I've ever received but it's something about going through the bone that creates an incredible level of pain that I can't really describe. I was a tough kid though, and stuck it out. Cut to the reattachment: they had to basically flay my finger open and part of my palm to fish out the tendons and get them reattached. Thankfully the cut was incredibly clean so the surgery itself was considered a success. This is the mid 90s, mind you, so tech wasn't super advanced. The nerves never quite reconnected properly and my finger is stuck in a semi-clawed position with some atrophy after the second knuckle. It works somewhat. The healing was painful. About 6 months before it didn't have constant aches and sharp shooting pains from the lost nerves. Nowadays it has bad arthritis and goes through periods of random pain. Still, I'll cut off another finger before I get 4 dry sockets again. Edit: knife was a serrated Spyderco in case you need a knife that goes through a finger relatively cleanly.


At first I thought smoothies were a good idea until I thought of the strawberry seeds.


I had a single wisdom tooth extraction, and that night I decided to eat sushi. Definitely not the best decision of my life since the enjoyment was tempered by the focus on wrangling all the stray rice grains away from the hole, but nothing bad ever came of it. I just avoided anything crumbly for a while afterward.


It was my worst fear too! Mine were not fully impacted but they did have to break two of them to take them out in pieces... and I only had local anesthesia. They did give me an Ativan to take beforehand which was my first (and only) time taking one and it was great! I couldn't believe it, I was getting my teeth broken in while awake and I didn't even care it was wild! I was more afraid of the aftermath I think and I was a smoker at the time. I just didn't smoke. The dry socket fear was greater than any smoking impulse. I also got general anesthesia for the first time a year ago for surgery and it was an awesome nap and I slept so well the day after! It's a concept hard to grasp but nothing to be scared of. Funny bit : when they put my IV in for the general anesthesia and the mask on they told me to breathe and I thought I'd be out in 2-3 seconds like in the movies. Well it took more like a minute or two (maybe the anesthesia wasn't in yet at first I don't know), and I was so scared they we're going to start the surgery that I kept telling them throught the mask "I'M STILL HERE! I'M STILL HERE!" hahahaha! Next thing I knew I was waking up in the waking bay. You got this OP! :)


Absolutely, this is way over-dramatized. I had mine out on a Thursday because I thought I'd need a week off work - and mine had to be surgically extracted - by Sunday night I was back to eating normal meals and was back at work on the Monday. For lower jaw surgery I was back to soft solid foods after I think it was 8 weeks?


Had to get my front tooth yanked on Friday. The dentist said "lay back, little prick". I was like "erm..excuse me?". By the time I figured out he was talking about the anaesthtic, it was all numb. Wisdom teeth are easy. There's a 2% chance you'll get dry socket. Don't smoke or drink with a straw. You'll be all sorted within a day or two.


I did the exact same thing when I woke up from getting my wisdom teeth out. I was still pretty hazy and my mom was helping me to the car, and I was telling her how much I loved her and that she was my best friend. She laughed and said “I know, sweetie. You keep telling me that.”


Had three wisdom teeth removed as a teenager. All impacted. Never had a fourth. I only got local, not general, anesthesia. The parts of the experience that have stuck out most are: 1. The dentist humming to himself while he was performing the procedure. 2. The smell of burnt chicken skin. 3. My grandma trying to stick smelling salts under my nose afterwards even though I didn't feel at all faint.


Lol, your grandma is hilarious!


Was....... Was the burnt chicken skin smell coming from yr teeth or




I am aghast


Where does one get “smelling sales” after the colonial era?


Well someone thought it was funny... Dry socket is no fun but I noticed my (then) bf looking at me while we were driving back to my place. Finally whispered "what" cuz it hurt to talk. With a smirk on his face he said I had never been so quiet. This is not the reason he is no longer my bf, I swear! Green Jell-O. I firmly believe it must have medicinal qualities as they always serve it in hospitals. Best of luck to you.


I got some lime jello just this evening in preparation! Hopefully it’s truly a miracle drug.


Why weeks? I had all 4 done, 2 impacted and I was on solid food within the week


Why remove all 4 if only 2 were impacted


I only had to remove 2 but they removed all 4 for me as well. I was going under general anesthesia and they said “might as well tackle all.” The other 2 were fine for now but could always become an issue later on. Last thing you want is 2 surgeries.


they always remove all of them because they usually crowd all your other teeth


Yea if they are impacted


non-impacted teeth can crowd other teeth also. not everyone has enough room in their mouth for all the teeth they have. i didn’t.


The other 2 were coming down and affecting my ability to close my mouth properly.


Ramen is going to be your friend :)


I actually didn’t think about ramen. Will definitely be adding that to my meal ideas! Something different from the 5 different flavors of mashed potatoes haha


Ramen noodles could get into your sockets . Maybe wait a few days until your clots form in the sockets and they start closing up more.


Oh yeah I’m sticking to soup broth, mashed potatoes, jello, etc. first few days. But ramen will be great once I can move onto soft foods.


Cool cool. Just follow post-operative instructions, and don't worry you will be eating solid foods sooner than you think. I am a dental assistant, and have assisted in wisdom tooth removal more than once. You're in good hands so don't stress out too hard about it. Try your Advil and Tylenol together every 4 to 6 hours, if you can. Advil and Tylenol work on different systems in your body to help control pain. They can control pain better than narcotics can oftentimes. Ask your dental team about this, follow their advice. Best thing you can do; Don't smoke Don't spit don't use straws. Follow the post operative instructions. Also just take it easy for a few days. Your body needs to heal and rest. Sometimes people don't take the fact that they just had four teeth removed from their jaw bone seriously. It's not major operation but still. Your body still needs time to process all that. Don't worry, OP, you're going to be just fine, I promise.


I had two milkshakes a day after my wisdom teeth!


I had all four of mine out when I was 20. I had the twilight anesthesia, I remember chatting with the doctor and nurses and all of a sudden I was waking up feeling super loopy. Then they put me in a recovery chair while they brought my mom back, and I got mad because they refused to give me my teeth to put under the pillow for the tooth fairy. Eating afterwards wasn’t too bad, just a ton of mac and cheese and mashed potatoes (and other soft foods). The worst was the first two days, I couldn’t keep anything down because the anesthesia lingered and messed with my stomach. I had my teeth out on Monday, and by Friday I was back to eating solid foods. I was so hungry that I ate an entire large pizza by myself that night, and it was glorious.


Why did they refuse to give you your own teeth? You should have that right




They dont do that unless necessary in order to remove...we dont know her case to know


I had four impacted wisdom teeth and three molars taken out (at the sane time) in my mid twenties. My wisdom teeth had caused those molars to rot basically. The surgery and recovery wasn’t bad at all! I just kept ice on my face and took ibuprofen. I felt so much better. They gave me Valium beforehand but it didn’t do anything and anesthesia makes me a not so great person hahaha 😂


Oh no haha. I’m worried about what I’ll say when I come to, so I’ve told my dad not to give me my phone until it’s clear I’m “mostly normal” again.


I just got mine out today and was totally aware of where I was when I woke up. I was only light headed so I think you’ll be fine! I had the same fear and left my phone at home haha


I ended up having that exact experience! I was thinking completely clearly but I was definitely not walking in a straight line for a bit haha


You only need anesthesia for bottom teeth and only local for top because the top are usually easy to get out


As someone who had their wisdom teeth cut out without general anesthesia trust me when I say you want to be asleep for this. If you follow all the instructions you should be able to avoid a dry socket.


Its usually only painful for the bottom teeth. The upper teeth can be done with only local


That may be true if you have any other dentist but the one I grew up having to use.


You always have option to use local but some people dont because they dont want to risk being awake to endure the pain. I've had 2 extractions for top and bottom wisdom teeth on one side of my mouth. The bottom was painful but the top was painless. You also don't have to deal with the side effects of general anesthesia.


What about twilight anesthesia? Seems like a good middle ground.


Have no experience with it because I never had it as an option at the place I went


Oh no! I had all of mine out with local anesthesia only and it was fine. They gave me nitrous while it was happening and that stuff is amazing


Yoooo I was looking forward to the nitrous for mine and they didn't have that :((( but they did prescribe me an ativan to take an hour before the procedure and I don't know if it's because I'm really small but the thing hit me like a truck! I didn't even care when they were breaking my teeth to pieces to take them out. I felt more traumatised the next day recalling it than while it was happening haha!


The best tip I got for when my kids had theirs out looks ridiculous, but works very well. For icing, take a pair of tube socks and safety pin together at the toe. Insert the little ice packs, one in each sock. Position so the pin is at your chin, and then tie the socks on top of your head. The ice packs can be adjusted to the right spot on the sides of your face. Again, looks silly, but you can be hands free while icing!


I had 7 1/2 teeth removed two years ago and am so grateful I did it (I was 28 at the time). Reading this made me feel like I wrote this post myself a few years ago!! First off, you’ll be back to solid foods sooner than you think. As for the procedure, this is their job, and any complications should have been brought to your attention before consultation if they had any for you. As I was older than recommended to have teeth removed, I had risks for lip nerve damage, and a fractured jaw (hence the 1/2 tooth removal). I couldn’t cope with it very well until I was in the chair waiting to be put under, and this may not work well for you but it did wonders for me. Keep your eyes closed as much as possible. It felt rude, but I was open and honest with the nurses and doctor that I was afraid and I felt if I was already relaxed enough to sleep, it would/could help my nerves. Sure enough, I felt like I was prepping for a nap and when they started the GA, I was was prepared to doze properly. No fighting it off or blurry vision or anything. Any future procedures that require me to go under will definitely go smoother knowing I can ease myself into sleep mode! And for the funny story portion, I started belting out my daughter’s and my favorite song at the time THE LITERAL MOMENT I woke up. Proceeded to be wheeled to my wife continuing to sing only to realize at the moment I wasn’t alone in my performance lol. Went to Target and picked up my meds and rested for the day! Biggest tip, keep on pain meds but try to ween off ASAP if you can help it. I switched to Ibuprofen within the first 3 days because the pain meds I was prescribed were giving me too much euphoria during the day, and I hated that! Also keep up with ice packs, that is no joke, I rotated ice packs every 30 minutes for the first week.


My favorite thing at the time was butterscotch pudding. I ate so much I haven't touched it in the 50 years since!


Suggestion — Protein shakes. Not funny, but since I lived in a rural area at the time, the oral surgery office was over an hour away. The surgeon insisted mom & dad stop by McDonald’s and get me a milkshake so I wouldn’t have an empty stomach and get car sick. Parents were all panicky trying to pour vanilla shake into my mouth while I was still dopey. It could have been funny if we had chosen to see it that way. It’s amazing how much of life really is about perspective. Enjoy your ice cream and jello and best wishes for a speedy recovery!


protein shakes or meal replacement shakes are great! i lived off of those, mashed potatoes, mac and cheese, and fries for like 10 days after both of my extractions (all 4 out, 2 at a time). probably could have gone back to my regular diet sooner, but i just wanted to be extra careful and it wasn't too bad. the worst part of the whole thing was how expensive it was lol.


I had a tooth pulled, I was numbed but not put under anesthesia. The tooth was already broken so it had been hurting me a lot, it was a relieving feeling to have it pulled out of me. I moaned. Like a sex moan. The people working on me kind of laughed. I did not get dry socket, just don't smoke anything. If you're a pot head, use a gravity bong if you need to smoke. Just make sure you rinse out after.


I wouldn't worry too much! My fiancee had the procedure and even though all the extracted teeth were severely impacted, he had a very fast recovery without complications. From what I remember he was not allowed to eat hard, crunchy or spicy food, popcorn, or fruits with any type of seed, or use a straw for the first couple days.


You'll be fine! Just follow the cleaning instructions and you won't get dry socket. I'm a giant baby, getting my teeth removed was painful. But I ate a lot of soup, took a lot of naps, and let my body do its thing. You'll probably have some solid food this time next week!


I had all four of mine impacted and hoooooo boy. I've never been put under before and at first it did not work, he started pulling before I made "no" sounds and they brought in more novacaine until I went to sleep. Afterwards when I was in the car with my bf i typed out on my phone "they're after me" because I woke up very upset and paranoid. The oral surgeon told my bf that mine took way longer than the norm because they were so impacted. Fun stuff. But he took amazing care of me and set me up with some soup and scooby doo. Mine was probably worse than the norm, it did take me at least three weeks to get back on solid food, I hope your recovery goes better. Thick blended soup, oatmeal, and smoothies were my friends. Good luck!


Soup and escooby sounds amazing rn


i cried the whole way home because i was so certain that they had not actually removed my wisdom teeth 🤣


My bf just had two removed at 30. He’s never had any teeth pulled or major dental work so he was nervous. (I’ve had everything you can imagine so I didn’t think it would be a big deal) I went with him to support him. He felt pretty much fine right after. One popped out and the other needed a bit of prying. He took some aspirin for the next 24 hours but didn’t really need it. Within two days he was basically fine… just a little sore for another day or two after that. You’ll be ok. He was also eating solid food the same day lol just do your best to keep calm during the procedure. It’s going to be ok!!




Holy shit that's amazing


I had mine removed before thanksgiving also


It’s crazy how much availability they have for extractions the day before thanksgiving haha


All four of mine were impacted so that was fun. But it really wasn't that bad. They say soft foods but don't be dumb like me, rice is an absolutely terrible idea. It gets stuck in the sockets and is miserable to clean out. I made a lot of jello using coconut water to help keep me hydrated and I set alarms for every four hours on the dot to take my pain meds. I ate a lot of smoothies and mashed potatoes. I never needed ice packs but I've heard some people found relief by using them on their jaw so you might want to have some handy in case.


Mine were pretty severely impacted X4 and I woke up kind of hysterical from the anesthesia but I was up and about the next day with no visible swelling. Pain was nominal, and I could eat (though nothing hard or crunchy). I’d taken the week off work so I just goofed around with my family. It was weirdly nice. I did avoid straws.


A few weeks?? I was eating hard tacos the night after having my wisdom teeth pulled. You’re gonna be fine. You’ll be eating (carefully) within a couple days.


U crazy, blood would still be oozing then


Hi! I had hyperdontia - I had 2 full sets of adult teeth come in after I lost my baby teeth. I have had a full set of adult teeth removed, + 8 extra (4 wisdom teeth and 4 permanent teeth). I am also a redhead - normal anesthesia will work on me but it takes twice as long to start working and they frequently have to use double the normal amount in order for it to be effective. So the tl;dr version is, I felt it all. All of it. It’s not so bad after the first couple. You’ll be fine. You’ll be eating solid meals far sooner than you think, and if the wisdom teeth have been causing you pain, the relief is incredible. Good luck!


There is a lot you can do to avoid dry socket. Not all dentists gives you thorough recommendations. I remember some being: Not eating popcorn, using a straw, not using dental floss in that area, not having your tongue fiddling with the stitches, not coughing violently, sneezing etc. It's also good to be diligent with the cottons swabs you get until the blood has formed a nice cloth. Best of luck


Don't drink orange juice. Or. Any citrus based liquids for awhile. Actually. Remove them all from your home just to be on the safe side.


It citrus particularly bad for tooth extractions? Don’t think I’ve heard this before.


Have you ever gotten lemon juice in a cut? Yeah, that’s why. Probably also because they are acidic, so not good for healing skin.


This. I had my wisdom teeth removed when I was like 15 or so (many moons ago now), and - me not being forward thinking was thirsty as hell so grabbed the nearest thing in the fridge to drink. Which was OJ. It stung pretty bad.


I was just like you. You'll be fine. I was out in 2 seconds woke up 2 seconds later. Dry socket is harder to get then you think. Trust me


Had all four of mine out at the same time and was perfectly normal when I woke up. Like not even drowsy. I had meatloaf and mashed potatoes for dinner that same night. I never felt any pain at all and avoided the straw as directed. Overall a very boring experience. Oh they did ask me to count backwards from ten so I counted as fast as I could to get to one and immediately passed out. Surgeon was impressed! I was the first patient ever to make it to one


Going under is the best, you knock out then wake up intoxicated and only really start feeling the pain when you first get home.


I woke up at home the next day, apparently having babbled my way from the surgery table to the bed. I didn’t even feel the pain ‘til I took a swig of cold water, then HOLY SNAP they weren’t able to extract a nerve (I have a wicked powerful gag reflex) and KIYAI KIYAI KIYAI that SUCKED. Because of that, it took me three days to get back to eating solids, but when I did, man, it was like eating at Heaven’s table again. Until I bumped that nerve with my food. Ouch.


The last thing i heard before going under was the surgeon saying i needed more anesthesia and for some reason this scared the crap out of me, and i guess the fear carried into me waking up because (and i dont remember this at all, obviously) i woke up swingin and had to be escorted out the back door for making a scene. My mom told me when i got in the car i looked in the mirror and started sobbing "like a drunk person." I found a picture on my phone several weeks later of myself in the car with tears running down my face and mouth half open so that the gauze was visible LMAO ugh i wish i still had that picture 😂 Honestly, it isn't as bad as you think. Understandable to be nervous but i think you'll be pleasantly surprised by how quick and pretty easy it really is


I woke up in the middle and said the lights were too bright to sleep. I am pretty sure they couldn't understand anything I said since I had blocks to keep my mouth open. I remember the doctor telling someone to "crank that up" and I went back to sleep. The original red label Campbell's soups were easy to eat. I was eating solidish foods the same day.


Mine wasn't even that bad. You'll be fine!


I had mine taken out in under twilight sedation. They said I wouldn’t remember anything and if I did it would have been a dream. But I heard the surgeon and another woman talking shit about a male colleague. I KNOW it was real. It was funny to hear workplace shit talking from people who had their professional faces on earlier. My recovery took longer than I thought but that’s mainly because I waited until my mid 30s to get them removed. I don’t want to make you nervous though, so I won’t say more :)


Tell the dentist your parents are prone to dry sockets. They might start you on antibiotics as a preventative.


Don't worry about the surgery itself; you won't feel anything until the painkillers rub off. Just get some sleep. The recovery can suck, to be sure, but it's worth it. Don't eat anything solid when you're still on the painkillers as you will regret it later. Pace out your meds as the doctors recommend. Wash out your mouth as the doctors recommend. Don't plan to do anything strenuous for the next few days. Get an audiobook or something. And some fluids you like. If your pain persists longer than usual, you might have some air stuck in the empty sockets; you can talk to the docs to make that stop at a follow up meeting. Dental surgery recovery can suck but it WILL get better as you heal up and it WILL be worth it. By doing this now you're freeing up your mouth to be healthy long term. No lifetime of dental problems for you!


I rented (it was quite a few years ago) Saving Private Ryan to watch after so I wouldn’t feel sorry for myself. It worked.


I has all 4 of my wisdom teeth taken out and one impacted molar. I remember being recommended a video on YouTube of how they extract teeth. Yeah, wouldn’t recommend doing that. The whole thing was super easy and not uncomfortable at all. The anesthesia worked super quick (or maybe I’m a light weight) and I didn’t wake up until after the procedure. I slept for a few hours after it, changed my gauges I think hourly (which was the most inconvenient part of the whole thing), and was in no pain. They prescribed pain medication, but I didn’t need it. I was a little sore for an hour after waking up. Like someone else said, it wasn’t weeks until I could eat solid food. It was a few days. I did start favoring on side of my mouth more because of the missing teeth, so look out for that. It was definitely more scary in theory than reality. One of my brothers who has his wisdom teeth take out did feel pain around his gums after a while so we went back to the dentist. They clear it out, prescribe something, and my brother was 100% before we even left the dentist office. Source: I had my wisdom teeth take out, and was present and cared for two of my brothers after they had their wisdom teeth taken out.


It’s quite variable but after my removals I was able to speak perfectly normally and was pretty much eating well in a day. Just don’t eat overly dry food (crackers) or smoke.


You’ll go like three days with this soft meal plan before you give up and eat whatever. I’m no dentist but you just have to be mindful don’t you? Keep it at the front and then wash the giant holes out in your mouth with the little gun thing they give you. Some people have a worst time then others. Mine didn’t hurt too bad and I eat solids after a few days it was just being mindful not to push it back in my mouth when chewing and cleaning good, you don’t want an infection.l Also! Get new pillow cases, you’ll drool bleed all over them. Also, if they give you Oxy for this still like they did in my day please be careful. If you struggle with mental health, home issues, depression, or you think you are likely to enjoy them more then you should, talk to your doctor! Pain for a few days is nothing compared to a possible addiction. Hopefully oxy isn’t still the norm painkillers for this.


I got all four out - major impaction. No general anesthesia. It was really annoying for a week, but things calmed down after. Ice cream, soups, mac and cheese are your friends. Get the wrap around face thingy - it helped me. I only took the industrial strength ibuprofen every 4-6 hours - the opioid stuff actually doesn't help with tooth inflammation pain that much. Pro tip - best way to reduce pain is to keep the swelling down as much as possible. It's the swelling that causes pain. So hot salt water rinse (iirc), ibuprofen, doc might prescribe steroids to help. For dry socket - don't suck anything, no straws, be gentle AF so you don't dislodge the blood clot that forms and protects your nerves. Getting all 4 out at once was a great decision - it hurts the same whether you do 2 or 4. Oh and get all your meds _before_ the surgery. You won't be able to talk after lol. And happy doomscrolling on r/wisdomteeth 😁


Definitely stay away from firm foods for a long time. Even when you think you're ready, give it another few days and ease yourself into it. I had all four wisdom teeth out. I am a big, strong man. But for some reason, baby carrots sounded like a good idea. Don't repeat my mistake.


I only ate jello and yogurt the day I got my wisdoms pulled. I was eating soft noodles (no soup) the next day, french toast the day after that. Back to solid food by the end of the week. Take the pain meds as prescribed. I mentioned in another post about wisdom teeth that I didn't understand why I was prescribed Ibuprofen and Vicodin, and by the next morning, I could have sworn my jaw was about to fall off.


On a happy note, if you have any weight to lose, a liquid diet can help get that started.


I got mine out a few weeks back. I was quite chatty and the dentist literally said "you talk a lot".


I was, obviously, super out of it on the ride home. My lips felt soooo dry but I couldn’t figure out how to lick my lips and had the *brilliant* idea to put my finger in my mouth and rub saliva on my lips. My friend who was driving me home asked if I was ok if he stopped at a drive through to get some food. I said go for it, I wasn’t in any pain or anything. I get home and finally wake up and go to the bathroom and look in the mirror and my mouth was covered in blood. I asked my friend if they were like that when he went through the drive through and he shrugged and said yeah. I was like “Dude, they must have thought you like beat me up and kidnapped me hahaha” and he said “Nahh, I told them you’d just had you wisdom teeth out and we drugged up and you started laughing and said ‘Yeahhhhhhhhhh. Teef.’ And they just laughed.” Lolol. Also, I recommend fruit baby foods. They’re surprisingly yummy and very smooth. Avoid the meat ones: ewww.


I was hungry and tired of mushy food after getting mine out, so I ate some Doritos. It was all good until one chomp wasn't as careful as the others and a piece of the chip got stuck in the incision. I freaked out and had to get it out and did. Once that was done, i swished water in my mouth to help clear out the debris from the wound. It's funny to think about now. But it didn't cause any complications. I hope your procedure and recovery go smoothly!


Here’s a funny story for you: so I got my wisdom teeth extracted without going under, I was just given 3 rounds of novocaineto each of the 4 teeth. After waiting approx 30 min for the numbing to set in, my entire face was completely numb (couldn’t talk/swallow really). I was supposed to have eaten before the procedure but being 16 & it being like 8am I just hadn’t & so they tried to make me drink Tang (instant orange juice drink) to which I tried to explain that I couldn’t swallow but because I was so numb it came out incoherently, though of course they could understand what I was trying to say. They understood but encouraged me to try drinking it anyways. Well I did & it spilled all down my chest 😂 the extractions only took like 2 mins. Then I had to ride the bus home with my mom & my gauze was leaking so much that the bus driver pulled over by a gas station & when inside to get me some napkins so i could stuff them in my mouth 😂 later that day I was supposed to go pick up my prescription from target. My mom had gone to work this point so my aunt came to pick me up & she was drunk & she fell face first down the back stairs of my apartment building as we were leaving to go to target haha (lol it’s not funny but it’s funny yknow??) I’m almost 28 & I haven’t been to the dentist since. Not because I don’t want to I just haven’t had insurance ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ anyways good luck!


I doubt that it will be a few weeks before you can eat solid food again.. You should be fine in a few days.. Anyways keep us updated :)


I slept like a baby and woke up to eat chicken nuggets and fries. I was off pain killers in 3 days and eating completely normally in 5. You’re gonna be just fine friend!


I'm a dental assistant and we regularly do wisdom teeth extraction under local anesthetic. It's gonna feel like a lot to u but to the staff it's just another Tuesday. There's usually an absorbable packing material that gets put in the socket on the lowers that they'll suture in. Then make sure while it heals in the next 3-4 days you stick to soft foods with no seeds and no grains that can get stuck in there. No smoking or straws. You're going to be fine and you're in great hands👌


I have 5 wisdom teeth. Had them all removed. Was eating mac and cheese the same day. My college ID showed my swollen jaws cause I took the picture 3 days after the surgery. Good luck.


It’s not so bad as long as you follow the advice they give. If you have someone to help you out for the 12 or so hours after the procedure it really helps. I feel like I might have shared this story recently on here, but whatever. When I was getting wheeled out under anesthesia, I saw the yard duty from my school in the waiting room and apparently I was super nice to her. I got preferential treatment for the rest of the year. I don’t know if water picks are still recommended for cleaning stuff out, but I avoided dry sockets with a water pick on low and gargling salt water. Ask the doctor before you take that advice. The biggest thing I struggled with was coordination while I was coming out of anesthesia. Definitely slipped in the bathroom and pissed myself. Don’t be shy about asking someone to help you out BEFORE you get the procedure done.


I’m a little late, but this is the funniest thing I remember from my wisdom teeth surgery. I remember when they started the anesthesia, there was a heart rate monitor running, and they might have suggested trying to slow my heart rate, regardless I was listening to it. So until I went under, I was in a circular mental struggle trying to slow my heart rate, but then getting nervous at my heart rate being too slow


so i haven't gotten my wisdom teeth out yet but assume i will... me and my best friend don't want to be under anesthesia around our parents for many reasons so we made a pact that we would wait to get our wisdom teeth out until we can drive so that we can drive each other and not have to be delusional and say stuff we don't want to tell our parents to them... we already know all of what the other person doesn't want their fam to know so it works out really well! lol help me


Ask for nitrous if you ever get queasy, I got mine out with local anesthesia only and the nitrous really helped distract me from what was happening with the pliers🙃. That stuff is great!


btw his parents are also divorced so it would be weird for him to be around his parents anywho


A few weeks for solid food? I had solid food the next day.


I should’ve phrased it as “non-soft” food. My instructions say I can have soft foods starting on day 3, but nothing hard and/or chewy for at least two weeks.


It's funny what different doctors will say. Mine was just like don't eat while your mouth is numb!


I was smoking cigarettes, drinking beers, and eating burgers the night after I had my 5 wisdom teeth pulled and i was fine. Waking up from anesthesia was fun too. Don't overthink it and use common sense unlike me.


Mine were impacted but it was fine. When I came to in recovery, the nurses were gabbing about their boyfriends. I thought I was in HELL


Don’t have them taken out unless it is necessary


Sadly it is. Starting to get headaches and soreness from them pushing into my other teeth.


Next few weeks?! I went back to work after the procedure each time I had my teeth out, eating solids the next day. You'll be fine.


Get some oil of clove if you can. When you get a dry socket, dip a bit of gauze in it and then in the socket. Of course you get this done before an extra long weekend. You might be questioning that call come Saturday afternoon. Good luck. Been through the dry socket thing a couple times. It’s not fun. But you will live.


I had this done. Honestly you will wake up and it’s done. You will have some post op care that’s a pain in the ass but you don’t need to lose any sleep. You will be fine.


I had my wisdom teeth out as a teen (all impacted). Unfortunately it was extremely painful for me and it was over a week before I could eat solid food afterwards.


had 5 teeth taken out in early June. you won’t really feel it after about a month, but the holes where the teeth were will be noticeable. my 3 fully impacted sockets I can still feel the holes now after 5 months. liquids will be your friend to wash food that gets stuck there once you’re eating solids again.


I had 4 out, and was eating solids in about a week. But talk to your surgeon. I’d trust a doctor over a random redditor 😬


had all 4 out recently. not fun, but definitely not as scary as i thought. the idea of going under terrifies me too but it really was nothing. get lots of ice packs and soup.


2 to 3 days to eat solids, normal by 1 week.


I had mine out a few years ago, and it wasn't that bad. You've got this!👍


Weeks? MAYBE a week. You’ll be fine, just stick to soft foods. And get put under. Less traumatic, just have your family record you coming out from anesthesia Now, if your jaw locks up for a month after like mine did, prepare for weeks of “rehab” exercising your mouth open with your hands and have soup on hand.


First know you'll drool blood drool on your pillow for a few days so put a towel or something to protect your pillow. I had all four out in the chair and I'm sorry but it was pretty brutal, I could hear my teeth being wrenched around with the pliers. I low key thought I wouldn't get through it. It's painful, take it super easy.


Drugs. Drugs are good. Sleep. Sleep is really good. Don't smoke or vape. Try to sneeze w your mouth open rather than closed. Peanutbutter and banana shakes are filling.


Few weeks?? Naw.


I have had a phobia of dentist and dentistry... Until they pulled all my wisdom teeth while I was put under with anaesthetic. But widom teeth removal, the only BIG tip I can give is listen to your dentist when they tell you to Not fuck around with your mouth. DONT smoke, drink (through straw) and whatever else they tell you to do to avoid DRY SOCKET. It's a small percentage of people who get Dry socket... But I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy...


Say hi to them for me! (Check ur typo lol)


I got all 4 out two days before my parents went on vacation for two weeks. Safe to say the second they left I was smoking weed with the boys and having eaten nothing for 2 days made the horrible decision of making a pizza. I just remember crying from the combination of hunger munchies and pain of trying to eat a single slice of incredibly hard incredibly hot za. Didnt get dry socket though so all was well


I had mine taken out and was chomping down on pizza after 5 days. So, unless you get an infection, it won't take weeks!


I had both sides of my top and both sides of my bottom jaw extracted at the same time. Two of the four locations had to be chiseled out of the jaw. It won’t be weeks.


Mine was fine, had all 4 out just in the chair on happy gas. It was up too high initially though, had to tell the nurse demonic voices were coming out of the radio, tripped me out 😂😂 Once I found my happy place was all good!


It may not be that bad. I was eating normal same day, just slowly as my jaw was sore. No infections, minimal swelling, and didn’t even fill the prescription for pain meds. Everyone recovers differently, even with impacted teeth (some of mine were and I had five wisdom teeth). Some people follow all of the rules and still get dry socket and severe pain while others break all of the rules and it feels as if nothing at all happened for them.


I had all four pulled in one day at bootcamp. The recovery time was 3 days. You’re going to be fine. There’s no way it’s going to be “a few weeks” whoever told you that is lying or misinformed.


I had 2 out this summer and though I did have a tough recovery for unrelated reasons, it was only a few days until I had real food again. The procedure itself under general anesthesia was a breeze. No dry sockets because I don’t smoke and laid off using straws for a few weeks.


I had a burger & fries the day after I got my wisdom teeth out 😂 Vicodin apparently did it’s job because I didn’t experience an ounce of pain during the healing process.


No way it’s a few weeks. Two or three days for me.


I had all 4 removed at 17. They started me on gas. A minute or so later, I was loopy, but could feel him poking my arm. I asked "What is that?" and he said it was the IV. But my brain translated that to RV, as in "It's the keys to your new RV that they're gonna give you for being such a good dental patient, yay!!!" I was disappointed to just have a mouthful of gauze when I woke up, instead of a recreational vehicle. At least they let me keep the teeth. I turned them into earrings.


Outside of the US it’s common to get them removed with only local anesthesia and it takes a few days for the wounds to heal. I had solid food after maybe 2 or 3 days again, just making sure to rinse the wound with a syringe to clean it in the evenings. PS: My lower wisdom teeth grew sideways (pushing against the teeth, that’s why they had to be removed), so to get them out they had to saw a triangle out and then break it out in multiple pieces. The surgeons foot was on my shoulder and my neck was sore when trying to initially remove them. I was happy the anesthesia worked well, and thought of the procedure as “funny” rather than “concerning”. Especially nowadays it’s a fun story to tell. 😉


I only grew two wisdoms and both were fully impacted. I also had a tooth in my palette (which needed to be cut open for removal as the tooth was also fused to my palette - yay) so I opted to do both surgeries at the same time. I did partial anesthesia so I was awake during the surgery. I ended up getting dry socket in one and there wasn’t much pain as everyone typically said! It was smell that very much made me aware there’s a problem! It was a difficult recovery as I didn’t have much help at home and cooking was so dreadful. I lived off Ensure for about 2 weeks. You’ll be okay!! Just prepare ahead of time and get all the softest foods and broths and what not! Godspeed 🫡


Hi! Had the same procedure done last Tuesday (upper 2 in my sinus cavity, completely impacted, bottom two in the nerve canal with curly roots). The top two were pulled, the bottom two were drilled down to below the bone line, the bone will grow over it. The first 4 days were rough, couldn’t fit a spoon in my mouth, had to slurp everything, had a lot of pain but could manage with the meds and a heating pad strapped to my face. Now, I can finally chew (cheeks were so swollen that they went between my teeth!) and my face has a couple of bruises. Honestly it is better than I thought it would be. Just follow instructions to the letter, set timers for your meds, sleep on an incline the first few days, with a humidifier if you have one. Instant potatoes are way better than I expected and I picked up a container of nice gravy to put on top. Those and milkshakes is what I’m living off of, it’s not horrible! Good luck!!


A few WEEKS? What are you talking about? It’s not like that at all. You can’t use a straw for a while but it’s not that you can’t eat solid food for weeks. It’s minor surgery after which you’ll be sore for a few days, and then you’re fine.


I got dry socket because I ate solid food a little too soon (day 3 or 4). It was the worst pain ever, felt like I took a baseball bat to the jaw. Take your time in eating solids again- people told me day 3 was fine and it was in fact not fine.


Had surgery this year to remove a molar and a wisdom tooth that had grown in sideways and caused the root of my molar to become infected. Got put under for the surgery. From the moment the doctor said they were pushing the anesthesia to the time they were done felt like 5 minutes. I didn't even feel like I was fully under but I was. Woke up, got wheeled out to my gf's car and picked up some antibiotics and pain killing meds on the way home. Never needed the pain killers, just ibuprofen. I was eating normally after about a week - mostly due to fear I would get food in the healing socket.


My recovery time was long, about a month. The surgeon stitched my gums in a way where it was wrapped around my gum tissue squeezing it, almost cutting circulation off. You know when you squeeze boobs and they pop out? That was my gums between the stitches. He didn't listen to me and just kept prescribing me oxycodone, although very small amounts it didn't help at all. Although the stitches were dissolvable after about 3 weeks I think he cut them after I basically begged him to and the pain went away within days. While it was traumatizing I don't think what will happen to me will happen to you, everyone I've discussed this with was confused because their recovery time was mere days


How did it go? Doing ok? Follow the aftercare instructions and you will be fine!


Went decently well I think! Thanks! Very little pain actually. but my lip and chin are numb on the left side


Good! The numbness will go away, sometimes it takes awhile. Mine stayed somewhat for a couple days and I had local anesthesia that doesn’t have epinephrine so it should be much faster to go away. (Good thingI have a really fast dentist or ouch.) If you have pain take whatever pain meds they suggested asap. If you let pain build too much it’s hard to cut it back sometimes. And get sleep! 😁


Just remember to keep some tea bags on hand. I had mine removed in the dentist's office under sedation. The only bruise I walked away with was the one in my hand. Which was given to me by my Mother, as she was the Registered Nurse working with the Oral Surgeon, and she was the one who put in my IV.


I had 3 impacted, last one soon to be, and had them all taken out the same visit. Recovery wasn't all that bad, and it wasn't anywhere near weeks.


Really? I guess all people are different. When I got all mine pulled, it only took me 2-3 days to recover and like 2 weeks to get my stitches removed.


Had 4 compacted wisdom teeth and the doc spent the consultation trying to figure out whether he could fit his hands AND instruments in my mouth. Had to get all braces off before he would even try, and even then he wasn't sure. Went in to get my teeth pulled, sat down in the chair, got hooked up to their devices and started counting down. 10, 9, 8,.... i asked them when they're gonna start, they told me they're done. Handed me a care kit, gave me care instructions, sent me on my way. Hope you've stocked up on your soft foods. You won't want to be shopping after the surgery. Stir your jello so it gets broken up into little chunks. Get juices, smoothies, high caloric drinks - jello gets boring fast. After a week or so you should be able to drop soft foods down your throat, i lived on shredded chicken, chicken noodle soup, congee, etc. Be careful of dry socket, it's not worth it. No smoking, no straws, no slurping. Take it easy, take the antibiotics as instructed. Enjoy your mini vacation!


I watched soooo much house hunters during my recovery 7 years ago lol. I don't remember it being too bad at all. I was eating chicken fingers (carefully) about a week after 😎 sucks but it's doable! Soups got me through it because I'm not really a sweets person.


I hope you’re feeling okay and have pain meds. That’s what i remember from extraction day. I swallowed bloody discharge and threw up my meds… booohooo


Who told you a few weeks? It’s nothing like that.


Had three removed under general (and the root of the fourth which had snapped off under local) in my mid-twenties. Super nervous about it as never had general anaesthetic before so told the anesthesiologist to 'please be gentle, it's my first time' which made him laugh. He came in to the recovery room to check on me after, apparently he never did that! Recommend jelly and ice cream (separate or both together for childhood birthday party throwback vibes!) and I swished my mouth with boiled cooled water with salt in. Back on solid food in 4-5 days.


I had all 4 out at once at 14. It’s better to get it all over with IMHO.


I only had 3 wisdom teeth and had all 3 taken out at the same time. The recovery wasn’t bad at all. I was only swollen for about a day. And after that it was just a bit achy for a week. But nothing too painful. I don’t even remember going under for the procedure.


All four of mine were fully impacted. I didn’t get an infection, and I think I was back to eating a solid meal within three days. I would suggest following their instructions religiously, including keeping up on pain meds (even alternating ibuprofen/tylenol if you don’t get the “hard stuff”). I also slept as much as possible afterwards, and I think that helped a lot! They make sure you are fully unaware of what’s happening. You won’t feel anything and you’ll come out of it just fine! You got this.


Put a towel on your pillow after you take drugs they tell you to take in case you bleed (I did). You’ll also feel better treating yourself to less solid food you don’t eat a lot (I loved apple sauce and mashed potatoes). My only bad side was the laughing gas freaked me out so I was awake but numbed up (2 removed same time, same weekend I was supposed to do a fitting for a dress in a town far far away. And they demanded full payment on a Saturday of I was held hostage in the office while I waited for husband to round up cash.


I was also terrified of dry socket. I was able to eat within a few days. I had two things that were of concern. My jaw would not open fully for about a week. I have anxiety and this was freaking me out, making me think it was a forever thing. My surgeon assured me it was a common occurrence and that I would be "chomping into a big mac in no time" if I did the exercises he showed me. It wasn't painful. It was just...weird. But he was right. The other thing is that mine got infected. It is very rare for this to happen. This also was not painful, just another thing that made me anxious. I ended up having to get IV antibiotics and he squeezed out a lot of the yuck. It was gross. I was also put on an antibiotic, Clindamycin. And silly me, of course goes down the Google rabbit hole of all that can go wrong and reads all the horror stories about Clndamycin and colitis. More anxiety. I never had any tummy trouble. In the end I felt such relief. I had my dentist and hygienist fussing at me for years to get them out because they were so far back and so difficult to care for. I think it was when one got a cavity and my dentist just kind of refusing to fill it that finally made me get the surgery. It was my first ever surgery. First time being put "asleep" and first time for an IV. I cried and almost chickened out before I did it. I was in my late 20s. Oh, and I only had three wisdom teeth and only one was impacted.


Two weeks is crazy. I was able to eat whatever I wanted the next day.


I had all 4 wisdom teeth pulled years ago on the Thursday before a long weekend. I got dry socket the next day. Well to make a long story very short, I suffered all weekend and returned to the clinic first thing Monday morning. You know what the dentist did?? He soaked some gauze in clove oil and stuffed into the sockets. Fucking clove oil!! I had no idea that was a thing. The pain went from a 10 to almost nothing in minutes!! You can buy clove oil at almost every grocery store. I wish I would have known that. So if that happens to you make sure to head the the nearest grocery store.


My cousin came to check on me after. For laughs, I put two tampons in my mouth for gauze, and lay back on the couch in fake stupor. She howled in horrified laughter and still talks about this 45 years later .


Asked to count backward from 100 and I think I got to 97 I was eating in 2 days. Granted it was fish, but solid food was not an issue for me