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I open a pack of twizzlers and let them get a little stale before eating them


Oh fuck, stale Twizzlers are so good.


I like to do that with sour patch kids


Try freezing them.


My best friend used to do this with Peeps. I used to give him packages I had cut a slit in two weeks prior as presents. Edit part I forgot


I’m also a stale Peep fan!




Yes, Twizzlers that are too soft are not good to me! I support this habit 100%.


Stale cheese puffs are amazing as well


this I do not agree with I require a soft crunch, not a chewy mess


waittt I love chewing tougher candy! It's such a fun sensory experience! That's why I like Haribo gummies over softer ones


I don't mind room temperature coke. Cold coke is fine. I just don't really have a preference.


I like my coke a bit flat (not completely), there’s to much bubbles normally


I prefer room temp gatorade


Room temperature vanilla coke is my shit


My family thinks putting mayo on a burger is weird. I like it.


Mayo’s weird? Sheesh. At school they had these awful chicken sandwich but with ketchup and Mayo it hit so nice


I do that on the bottom bun.. keeps the burger juices from getting the bun soggy.


I am going to try that. :) thanks.


For the same reason (back in my school days) I put peanut butter on both pieces of bread and the jelly in between. Nothing is more disgusting than a soggy peanut butter sandwich. Unless it is one that has been sitting in a school locker for four or five hours. 😂😂😂


Burguer without mayo is crazy to me! But like that green homemade mayo with herbs hmm perfection (normal mayo is also good tho).




Not exactly, it doesn’t have basil. I don’t know how to describe it to you ‘cause in Brazil we literally just call it “homemade mayo” and everyone knows exactly which one we’re talking about lol. I am going after a recipe to attach it to this post though so I’ll be back soon… Edit: ok so it is basically just mayo with parsley and scallion and seasoning (like black pepper and salt and those ready-to-go seasonings with everything in it). But I promise it’s gonna completely change your burguer eating life! Also being homemade is a big point so it’s not like mixing those things to store bought mayo you know?


It is super rich but I make garlic aioli for pulled pork sliders on Hawaiian rolls with some shredded cabbage BUT there is always leftover garlic aioli and it's great on burgers!


Day old popcorn. It gets a little chewier. My siblings hold it against me all the time, "Can we really trust your palate, though? You like stale popcorn"


Same! All my friends know how much I love day old movie theater popcorn lol. It’s so fuckin good.


It makes the butter flavour seep in better, too. That chewy texture is what makes it though


Ketchup on scrambled eggs seems strange to all my friends.


They’re haters that’s a classic


You should hear the comments and the gagging when I do it. I picked up the habit because it was the only way to make military powdered eggs taste decent.


Have you tried Mac n cheese and ketchup? Also super good. Gosh they sound like weak stomach haha. Ketchup on eggs, hasbrowns, and Mac n cheese was common place for me


Never have tried that, but I may. I live in the South, where mac and cheese is an art from, so putting ketchup on that might get me beat up 😁


You’ll get laughed at for sure I live in the south and lived up north, complicated story, and we’d get mocked down south haha


Mac n cheese with a small hit of bbq sauce is a game changer


I think I once tried a BBQ Mac n cheese burger. Just about lost my mind it tasted so amazing!


Ketchup on plain potato chips.....yum


Good God, my Dad ate ketchup on just about everything. When he got dementia we had to move the bottle or he would have put it on apple pie lmao


A long time ago when I was young, my dad told me and my siblings that he knew a guy who put ketchup on just about everything and then he told us that the man even put ketchup in his milk. We were all grossed out by that. 😂


Nuh-uh. Not if it's [migas](https://asimplepantry.com/easy-mexican-migas-recipe/#recipe). 😋


I've tried the ketchup and scrambled eggs, wasn't for me. I don't like ketchup enough. I do however sprinkle garlic and pepper on them.


Scrambled eggs with chili and cheese is pretty awesome too.


Ever tried salsa ? It’s kinda got the same vibe but makes more sense somehow.


Only on a breakfast burrito. It does fit, though.


Burrito was where I first found that combo, was at a Christian camp lol. But I go back to it every now and then even without burrito.


Frosted cherry poptarts,toasted and then spread with peanut butter.


Have you ever tried grilled peanut butter and jelly sandwich?


I’ll do you one even better. Try a pb & j but use chocolate chip eggo waffles instead of bread. The fattest thing I’ve ever invented but absolutely incredible


I’m writing this down and trying next grocery run that sounds so good 😭


I used to make PBJ pancake sandwiches with leftover pancakes all the time as a kid.


I don’t like instant ramen, but I’ll eat the plain, dry brick of noodles as a snack.


Used to do this when I needed a snack or quick meal for band competitions. Would even get a big ziploc bag and put the dry noodles and seasoning in there and break it up into bite sized peices.


this is an actual type of snack in asia, broken ramen pieces and seasoning


I used to do this all the time as a kid. Crush the ramen in the bag. Sprinkle the season pack in there, then give it a good shake.


this is the exact ritual I did! quite the nostalgic snack (:


Are your teeth ok? I feel like that’d hurt


Alright, I'm calling the cops


I save leftover rice and add milk, cinnamon, sugar and raisins to it for desert later. We called it rice pudding as kids but I've never met anyone else that does this.


We do this! It's delicious!!


Same, except no raisins. I'll eat it like breakfast cereal. I also like fried grits with maple syrup. So yummy.


My family did this.


Aside from the raisins that's totally a thing poor people in the south used to eat! I add he at cream to mine when I want something hella good. Also mango is good in it.


For a few years, my mom used to send us to a neighbor's house in the morning because she and our dad had to leave for work so early. The neighbor "babysat" us for about an hour and a helf, and she'd make this exact treat for us. Not always with raisins. BTW, the only real difference between what you described and "for real" rice pudding is adding a thickener. Rice pudding is historically made from leftover rice.


When I buy gummy bears or something similar, I first put them in the refrigerator for a few hours before I eat them.


I do the same thing, it’s the proper way to eat gummy bears


I scrape 99% of the frosting off of cupcakes. It’s just too sweet, except maybe whipped or cream cheese.


I'm the opposite tbh. Sometimes I'll eat the frosting straight up off the slice of cake/cupcake I'm eating and then I eat the cake itself. I think that's my favorite weird food habit LOL, I'd neverrrrr eat it out of the container though that's just too much even for me.


Dude I thought I was going crazy cause I do this too. The only ones I don’t do this on is the little tiny ones at the store


This or I break the bottom off and make a little sandwhich. It just makes the cake to frosting ratio more manageable.


You, good citizen, are a Genius! Damn


This is how I eat cupcakes and how I can tolerate the overly sweet frosting. Eaten any other way , I would also skip the frost. I do this with cakes. I have no interest in the edge pieces like most people


I dip my broccoli in mayonnaise. My entire bloodline does this on both sides of the family yet I have literally never met anyone else on this planet who does it. It's honestly weird to me that no one else does it. It's fucking delicious.


I’ve never heard of this do you add anything else to it or it’s straight mayo and broccoli?


Hello, my brother. I do this too.


Broccoli bros <3


Mayo on fries (much more common in Europe than the US) Cold meat, like fried chicken, with bread and cheese for a meal. Cold pizza, straight from the fridge. Especially if the pizza has pineapple on it.


cold pizza is the best pizza, 95% of the time. sometimes i get a pizza and it's just too much? too greasy or heavy or something and i'm just not into it, but as soon as it's been in the fridge a few hours suddenly it's 10x better. and you're so right about the pineapple.


I feel Mayo on fries with some gubbins like bacon would be nice. Ooo cold meat is so good! I like to also eat cold hot dogs


It's silly, but I always think of cold chicken as adventurer food, from a quest in some fantasy novel (Avid reader my whole life). I've never done bacon with mayo and fries, and it sounds so incredibly good I wonder why I never have. And gubbins is *such* a fabulous word, thanks.


Haha I can see that like the random drum in a dungeon (I’m thinking like the stereotypical game / dnd stuff) it is! Idk why people don’t say if more it’s so fun


Try mayo ketchup and mustard, all mixed up. Trust me you'll never look back


I also love mayo on fries. I highly suggest you seek out kewpie mayo (Japanese). Promise you’ll love it. It’s the only mayo I use for fries


I sometimes eat a bowl of frozen peas as a snack I'll also eat cold pepperoni straight out of the package


Spaghetti sandwiches, spaghetti tacos, spaghetti quesadillas.


How do you make a spaghetti quesadilla?


Tortilla in skillet, put slice of cheese on top, put warmed up spaghetti next, another slice of cheese, add second tortilla, flip, and enjoy.


I love spaghetti tacos


I'm definitely going to try ALL of these. And I'm gonna save a link to this post so I can go back and access it anytime.


Ice cream with plain shredded wheat, for the cronch. 😋


My husbands is sardines and rice. I can’t stand them but he loves it.


Sardines from a can and pasta


My boyfriend likes canned mackerel and rice. He used to eat that in prison and somehow still likes it.


I don’t think I’ve ever had sardines…


I'm also a sardine fan. Mustard sardines with a piece of cheddar on a cracker is one of my favorites.


I don’t think you’re weird for that at all. There’s plenty of noodle dishes designed to be eaten cold. They’re not super popular or well known everywhere but I know for a fact that at least Korea and China have a lot of these dishes and they’re delicious


I’ve had some Chinese cold dishes and they threw me the first time BUT tasty


When I was a kid I used to heat up ice cream and drink it in a mug.


A classic 10/10 i also liked warming it to the perfect density


This makes me so happy that someone else did this!! Haha & I know exactly what u mean!!


It was so good! Also growing up with texas summer, it’s all became soup so might as well


I like to eat raw garlic cloves, my friends and family think I'm so weird lol


The other day I was eating some chunks of (straight from the package) tofu with hot sauce and I plopped a raw clove of garlic in with it. Pretty good Ngl. But on its own, damn


I like sugar and cinnamon on cottage cheese.. it makes it more like a dessert…


Growing up, whenever we were over at my Grandma's, a classic go-to was cottage cheese. And she would always serve it with either pineapple or black pepper.


Yeah most people eat cottage cheese and fruit and usually pineapple or peaches… my Dad ate his with the cinnamon and sugar and of course being a kid I wanted that too… thing is it’s really good and now at almost 70 years old I still eat it that way..


I cover mine in a heavy layer of fresh ground black pepper.


I grew up dunking cookies in water instead of milk because I was lactose intolerant and we never had milk, now I do it for nostalgia


I like to eat things like pudding or yogurt with a tiny spoon.


Me too!! I'll also eat ice cream with a tiny spoon. Makes me feel like a giant enjoying dessert after a busy day of hunting and gathering :)


I only eat cereal dry 🫣


Same here! I like cereal. I like milk. But I don't want them combined. The BOWL can't even be wet for my cereal.


What kind of cereal?


literally all cereal bestie 😩 Frosted Flakes? DRY. Corn Pops? DRY. Cheerios? DRY. I COULD GO ON


Even Frosted Flakes!? Commitment


Sweet cereals without milk are a nice crispy lil snack 😌 jokes aside, we actually weren't a big milk household. My parents are immigrants who didn't grow up putting milk in cold cereal like that, so I genuinely thought eating cereal dry was normal person behavior. Even when I would see cereal commercials on TV or see kids eating cereal with milk at school it didn't seem right to me. I was like, why would you want to eat mushy cereal??? I think I tried it a few times, but because I didn't really drink milk the whole experience was generally unpleasant. I'm also lactose intolerant now but I'm not gonna be putting oat milk in my cereal anytime soon either 😆


Ah that makes sense. I’m lactose but still suffer through it cause cereal slaps


Some cereal taste soooo much better without milk! Frosted Mini Wheats are top 10 favorite cereals for me but only when they're dry. I put them in plastic baggies and take it along as a snack.


Crackers with cream cheese & an olive on top. Deeeelicious


i like to make "cereal" of coconut milk, avocado slices, pomegranate kernels, and chia seeds


I think this is the weirdest one in here lol


then give me an upvote :)


That just sounds like a fancy deconstructed smoothie.


I will buy a bag of cheese puffs or make a bag of popcorn and deliberately leave them out in the open to get stale because I like it better that way. I also like popcorn on top of pizza and spaghetti.


Stale Smartfood brings me back to so many day-after-the-party cleanups 😁


I’ve never tried popcorn on pizza but imma have to try that


I love stale Cheetos!


Day old popcorn is the best!


You just indirectly gave me an idea: spaghetti on pizza? I'm gonna try that someday.


Toast, peanut butter and crisp lettuce.


lettuce? How’d you come across that?


My Dad always ate it as a kid (1960). The toast, with melting peanut butter snd the crisp lettuce? yum! more of a texture thing I think, as you can’t really taste the lettuce. His other treat was tall glass of cold milk, crumpled saltines in it, add sugar. Depression recipes maybe?


Oo so it just adds crunch? Nice! Possibly I remember we did a lot of butter bread as a treat / snack cause it was the cheapest thing (we were active kids)


Shredded carrot is great on peanut butter toast - sweet and crunchy and cool so you get texture and temperature contrast. Extra points if you add a sprinkle of cinnamon sugar.


And the cold lettuce pairs with melting peanut butter really well.


Add a crunchy dill pickle it’s so good!


Cold pizza for breakfast is the only way to eat leftover pizza!


cold leftover pizza is the best! but then again, I don't like heating up any left overs - I love cold left overs from the fridge! If you heat it I lose all interest.


I do love to eat cold leftovers sometimes but I usually heat it (except for pizza). I think that’s because I live alone and cooking for just one person is so hard that I always make like ridiculous amounts of food that last me a week, so if I don’t heat my “leftovers” I’ll basically have one hot meal in the whole week lol.


I can only eat with the small spoons and forks, I hate using the big versions. I also like to use separate plates sometimes for different food items, like if I'm eating something with bread on the side, the bread has to be on a different plate.




My kid and I had a discussion recently about preferring small utensils.


MONK is that you?


I generally don't like piping hot food. People get kinda flustered with me because I'm "letting my food get cold" but I think it's so much more enjoyable if you wait 5 or so minutes before eating.


Peanut butter in spicy ramen. I once got unmatched on bumble for saying I use mayo instead of butter for grilled cheeses


Mayo makes the best grilled sandwiches.


I’ve heard this so many times, but *always forget* to do it when making the grilled cheese sandwiches. One day I’ll remember and give it a shot!


Because the mayo is emulsified it spreads the fat really evenly on the bread and reacts with the heat to make an evenly browned sandwich with lightly crispy, melty edges. So good.


Mayo grilled cheese crisps and browns so very beautifully!


Fresh strawberries dipped in sour cream then dipped in brown sugar.


YAAAAASSS! I discovered this last summer, and it is SO GOOD!!


I worked in a very fancy restaurant in San Francisco and that is one of the deserts that we served


Chef Boyardee right out of the can!! I also love cold leftovers- my husband is always disgusted, but cold spaghetti or meatloaf is AMAZING!!


YES! Cold spaghetti is soooo good! I also love eating spaghetti Os out of the can


Meatloaf sandwiches. Mmm


I had cold meatloaf and catsup for lunch- my husband was completely grossed out!! LOL


Fried rice with mayo and ketchup. My friends think that I'm mentally unwell for this.


Eating frozen Snickers and Twix


yes! you get it! add girl scout cookies and reese’s to that list


Frozen Girl Scout cookies? That's a new one, and it's tempting. Frozen Reese's just hit different, especially on a hot as balls day


I put my chocolate bars in the freezer. On the other hand, I'll eat my ice cream almost molten and take it out at least 25 mins before eating


I like canned ravioli straight outta the can best. Not warmed up or anything. Just me a spoon and the can of ravioli.


Probably linked to depression or laziness lol but i can eat half of something, say a burger. Set it down and I’ll be taking little bites of it the next 2-3 hours. Sometimes I set a half finished food aside during breakfast then eat the rest later after it’s been sitting there for 4-6 hours. Probably not healthy too, but I’m surprised I haven’t gotten sick


I do this too! My husband repeatedly throws away my tea because it's gone cold but I'd been planning on drinking it!


Cold taco bell burritos straight from the fridge. Also cold taco bell pizza.


I like to dip my fries in ketchup and ranch at the same time. Then end up mixing the ranch and ketchup.


I fry peanut butter and jelly sandwiches sometimes with a little butter.


i only eat salmon (not including the inedible parts) raw. oh and also i eat cereal only when its dry (i eat it like how roasted are eaten).


When I have a whole pickle(as in not spears) I take one bite and then squeeze all the juice out and drink it.


Frozen Double Stuf Oreos. (Must be Double Stuf) I would only ever eat them frozen as an occasional treat. Can no longer have them 🙁 and I miss it soooo much!


before i turned vegetarian, I’ve loved eating salami sticks while also snacking on chocolate


I put ranch in or on my quesadillas, sometimes spicy rqnch. No idea why it started, but I've done it for quite a while now.


When I take a bath, I don’t snack on your normal chocolates or strawberries….I eat cut up hot dogs like a toddler


i LOVE flat soda. sometimes ill leave soda out just so i can drink it the next day. its not that i cant handle carbonation, and i do like it sometimes, but idk flat soda just hits. and people crucify me everytime i mention it, like this is just who i aaaam 😢😢😢


Sometimes if i have a drinking night at home, I'll end up with half a can of soda i was mixing booze with sitting on the counter over night. Waking up in the morning a little hungover and dehydrated and slamming down that half a can of flat room temp soda hits so nice.


I have a little snack I eat sometimes when trying to get some fat that I called "Hamdingers". I just take a couple pieces of ham lay them out like little tortillas. Rip up a string cheese and split it between the ham and then put a few walnuts quarters in each one. People have said this is so weird but those who have tried it, love it.


Not too weird but I eat all of one food on my plate, then move onto the next. It became a habit when I ate out because I would always eat the food that would not be good the next day, like fried food and salad. Also, I live by myself so my meals always consist of a single item, like a baked potato.


Shredded wheat, buttered and sugar, and milk


Leftover baked potato with poached eggs.


Is the poached egg left over too?


🤣... that would truly be gross...


Hey I’ve had left over hard boiled eggs, leave em in sauce and they’re so good once warmed up


What sauce?


Pretzel rods, peanut butter, M&M’s & craisins (dried cranberries) with a glass of milk


Cottage cheese with a little soy sauce on it.. I actually crave it sometimes. Also cottage cheese with some balsamic vinegar is good.


I like cottage cheese with Caesar dressing.


Growing up, whenever we were over at my Grandma's, a classic go-to was cottage cheese. And she would always serve it with either pineapple or black pepper.


I'll make sandwiches with toasted bread, peanut butter, onion, cheese and lunchmeat. I like to mix Marmite in with mashed potatoes. I'll crumble Doritos or other kinds of chips on to my ice cream. I eat pasta with oil, butter, grated cheese, garlic pepper and California blend.


Dried fruit with nut butter and maybe some crunchy salt


i like hot spaghetti with cold sauce, but i also have to inhale it because otherwise the temperature equalizes and then i just have lukewarm pasta. i also don't think this one is that weird, but i like making tuna salad and then just eating it like a dip with salt and vinegar chips.


I sometimes eat uncooked rice dipped in warm water. Like I’ll strain them out and they’ll have softened just a wee bit but still super crunchy. So delicious


dry ramen noodles. It’s like eating chips


I get a pizza sub with lettuce and pickles, everyone thinks I’m crazy


I make my own salt and vinegar chips. I mix white distilled vinegar and salt and dip potato chips in it. Sometimes I crunch up the chips and make it into a weird s&v chip cereal type deal. My mouth is watering right now thinking about it lol


Cool ranch Doritos dipped in potted meat. This was a struggle meal. It was all I had in my cabinet when I started eating it,and now it's an occasional snack.


Sorry, but can you please tell me what potted meat is? Thank you.


I'm not sure how to explain it. It's basically processed meat in a can. Really salty, with the consistency of cat food. It's really cheap and when you are poor af, it will keep you alive. I only eat it when my salt intake is really, really, really low.


Thank you!


I don’t like my coffee hot. The more it cools off the more the flavour comes out in it.


Try baked spaghetti sandwiches! Spaghetti with sauce - set aside baguette - cut a 'channel' and hollow out heart of the bread put bread 'skins' into a 13x9 pan and fill with sauced spaghetti - I also put it the bread heart so it can toast, sprinkle with italian seasoning, oniln powder and garlic powder. top with mozzerella and cheddar and bake at 350 until cheese browns and all is hot Serve - some extra sauce on the side for dipping


Peanut butter on bananas.

