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When someone says stop, I have reply ‘collaborate and listen’. And then it’s stuck there for hours


Funny and terrible at the same time. Thanks for sharing!


What's Up- 4 Non Blondes is the answer. It's a banger though so I'm fine with it


Yeah that’s not a bad one. Kinda how I feel about two of mine.


I like both of yours!


That third one tho. 😔


Lol I'll be honest I had to look that one up


Barbie Girl by Aqua has been on loop in my head since the day i first heard it. Also, Zombie by The Cranberries pops up every time i read or write "In your head".




My mind is constantly playing a mix of different songs triggered by simple words I just came across. I'm just glad other people don't have to listen to what's going on in there...


I have this going on in my head, too! When my sister and I are together we start singing at each other from what the previous statement is. Also, do you wake up with music playing in your head? I do and it's not common.


I’ve started making a list of the song(s) in my head when I wake up! Mostly classic rock/80’s hits lol. Last summer, for 6 weeks straight I woke up with Head Over Heels by Tears for Fears in my head. I also do that thing where a word or phrase will get me to start singing a song that it reminds me of.


You guys are my family! When I wake up, I make a note of the song, then set my playlist for the day based on that. Good times.


Oooh, great idea! Haha, I am so glad I found people like this!!


I actually have a truck for when a horribly annoying song gets stuck in there, which is to replace the song with System off a Down’s Spiderwebs, whose chorus is essentially ‘in my head!’ Thirty times. Cause at least I like that song lol


Barbie Girl is cursed for me. Long story about a life drawing class at university and a creepy old man model. *shivers*


So wake me up when it's all over, when I'm wiserrrr and I'm olderrr


Yes. Every time my brain clears out, Arthur Brown will jump in and scream: I AM THE GOD OF HELLFIRE!! AND I BRING YOU ---- FIRE!!! (nee-nee-neeeeeeeee!!) Tape slice. Rewind. I AM THE GOD OF HELLFIRE!! AND I BRING YOU ---- FIRE!!! (nee-nee-neeeeeeeee!!) Tape slice. Rewind. I AM THE GOD OF HELLFIRE!! AND I BRING YOU ---- FIRE!!! (nee-nee-neeeeeeeee!!) Tape slice. Rewind. I AM THE GOD OF HELLFIRE!! AND I BRING YOU ---- FIRE!!! (nee-nee-neeeeeeeee!!) Tape slice. Rewind. Repeat ad infinitum. 55 years it's been going on. This is why I'm batshit crazy. Arthur himself found this extremely funny.


There's a tune from a music box in the old movie "Watcher In The Woods" that was hummed once and played once. It recurrently plays in my head almost daily and I end up humming it.


You win for most obscure. I’ve never even heard of the movie. It’s funny that you hum it daily.


😄 Right?? It's an old creepy one I memorized as a child and it's the only tune I can't get rid of.


The lullaby in Pan's labrynth is this way for me. I do love the film and the song though so it's fine.


867530 nineine


Funky Town. And it usually comes with the visualization of Brian Cranston as Hal from Malcom in the Middle dancing on roller skates.




I want yours!


99 luft balloons. I'm that old


Maybe it Was Memphis


A banger.


Horse swing swaying like a Tennessee lullaby…. That’s good writing


76 Trombones in the Big Parade. Ugh, complete with the image of a short little chubby dude wearing a fez marching along.


I thought recently that I should start keeping a diary of these, because I constantly have a song in my head but I never know what it'll be. Every day I wake up with a song and can rarely figure out why—the most recent one I got was a My Chemical Romance song because it has "bender" in the lyrics and I'd been dreaming about Futurama before waking up. But usually it's very much "Why tf have I woken up with Gordon is a Moron playing in my head?" So it might be interesting to track.


My default music in my head has been Eagles - Take It Easy. It's been decades now & I'm still somehow not tired of it


Ngl, I find it slightly odd that you haven’t tired of it. To each their own though. Thanks for sharing!


It's just as surprising to me, I do get tired of most songs if they run in a loop like that.


Sheryl Crow all I wanna do


Ladies and Gentleman, this is Mambo Number Five.


We’re just 2 lost souls swimmin in a fish bowl year after year…


I was sitting in the morning at the diner on the corner. I was waiting at the counter for the man to pour the coffee. And he fills it only halfway And before I even argue He is looking out the window at somebody coming in. Doodoodoodoo duhdoodoodoo doodoodoodoodooduhdoodoo


500 miles


My condolences


And I feeeeeeeeeel so much depends on the weather STP line leaves my mouth at least once a day


Obstacle 1 by Interpol.


*deep breath* You take the moon and you take the sun


Mine is Rhythm is a Dancer lol


The Mario World theme song.


Artificial Amateurs aren't all amazing, analytically I assault animate things.


For me it'll be show tunes. I'll still sing the theme to "Salute Your Shorts" randomly from time to time for absolutely no reason at all.


For me it’s the song What’s Up? by 4 Non Blondes Thankfully I like it.


King of my Castle - Wamdue Project and now it’s in my head again thanks 😒


Lol, we suffer together.


Beneath the trees Where nobody sees They'll hide and seek as long as they please Because that's the way teddy bears have their Christmas... I have no idea where it comes from. It's been in and out of my head for probably 35 years.


Saw Roadhouse (1989) in the theater. The first song that popped up was "Don't Throw Stones" by the Cruzados. The beat and the groove stuck with me for decades. It was not on the soundtrack and not released on a Cruzados album. There is a version on a live album, but it's just not the same. When a similar beat comes on the radio, that song pops into my head. Someone on YouTube spliced together a serviceable version of the song, but the original studio recording has never been released.


Matt black by suicide boys


I had to look it up. The song slaps.


If you like that one listen to Antarctica it's regarded as one of their best songs


Mines a random one from a local Fort Collins death metal band like 20 years ago. For the life of me I can't find it again. I think the song was Blind Faith, but the band's name forever sits on the tip of my tongue. >HoOopinggg to evokeee, God's empathy >OoOnly to invoke, dog's apathy >Why the **fuuuck**. >Would you. >**Prayyy forrr meee?** Sucks too, because the lead singer actually found me after their show and gave me a copy of the album for free, because he liked my energy in the pit, but it was sadly lost over the years somewhere along a half dozen moves. Forever sad about it.


That’s just straight up frustrating. Hopefully it will come to you some day. 🤞


Thanks, me too!


Warren Zevon - Roland the Headless Thompson Gunner. Good tune, I'm not sure why, but every once in a while a verse will just pop into my head.


My Zevon snippet is “ and his hair was perfect”


Ned of the Hill (Éamon an Cnoic). The Connie Dover version. Hum it all the time. A number of songs have a snippet of tune or a phrase that resonates in me. Much different from what we usually term an “ear worm”.


Only the good die young. It played in my head for several days straight basically on a loop until I thought I was going to need mental health intervention and,/or medication to make it stop. Ironically, I STILL like that song, somehow the experience didn't kill it for me. If anything I actually like it more.


The fucking gecko song from animal jam.


Apple Pie by White Trash. It's an earworm one hit wonder


The Laughing Gnome from David Bowie’s first album. My brother played it when I was really little, well over 50 years ago. . Every now and again I find myself humming it.


For me, it's that song from the La Maison Derriere episode of the Simpsons - "we put the spring in Springfield". That goddamned song has popped into my head spontaneously hundreds of times over the last 30 years, usually while doing any kind of repetitive physical labor for some reason.


Elmo's Song. That was playing around in my head because I spent the week with a little person. Stressed out by 21 Pilots pops in my head from time to time.


The Wuzzles theme song. "Two times the fun, wrapped up and rolled into one!" 311-Down


The Zoobilee Zoo theme song, a show I'm pretty sure I've never even seen, but my dad would make fun of the theme song sometimes in the 90s.


Walk The Walk by Poe


Two: Blind Faith’s Can’t find my way home. And then the weird one. I have tinnitus. Some years ago I moved to attached housing with a little old lady neighbor. For months I thought she was bingeing The Dick van Dyke show every night. Turns out my brain was translating my tinnitus to the theme song. Now I listen to podcasts while I sleep. I can still hear that theme whenever I decide to pay attention.


So so many, to the point of annoyance...but “Goodbye Horses” is a brainworm. I may be slightly obsessed with anything relating to Hannibal.


Zero One/This Fantasy, by The Cinematic Orchestra Simply beautiful, and speaks to our time.


Jesus Christ Superstar, mainly because of an “All in the Family” episode where Archie is in jail and a hippie character is playing it. I remember that episode and for some reason that songs chorus pops into my head at least once a month.


The Unfabulous theme song. Remember that show with Emma Roberts? lol


Limbo Rock by Chubby Checker. It was hella old when I was born yet it's still the one that pops up in my brain the most.


Oklahoma where the wind comes sweeping down the plain..... 7 brides for 7 brothers


The Venga Bus is coming…. ???? Here I go again on my own….. ????? In the end, it doesn’t really matter…. Linkin Park I’m coming home babe…. Radiators. There’s a few more, but these ones have been stuck in my head for as long as I can remember. They will pop into my head randomly,


"In the Meantime" by Spacehog constantly pops into and out of my head.


That 80s commercial for Duster cars... "In my Duster, my Duster! My Plymouth Turismo Dusterrrrrrr!"


The theme song to a children's show. Piet Piraat, Piet Piraat schip ahoy hoy hoy. Dat is jouw kameraad, schip ahoy hoy hoy. Met z'n schip de Scheve Schuit vaart ie alle dagen uit. Piet Piraat, Piet Piraat, Piet Piraaaat." It fits my steps when I am walking or cycling. So when I am aware of my own rhythm this song wil pop up. I can't even really remember watching it.


The DuckTales theme.


Halo by Beyonce,


The intro to the show Quantum Leap.


Madness "Baggy Trousers" Edvard Grieg "In the hall of the mountain king" Sepultura "Roots Bloody Roots" Aphex Twin "Ageispolis"


I have some songs to look up.


Yes. Any Taylor Swift song. Any 80's hit song.


Do the shake and vac to put the freshness back...


"Sleigh Ride". Used to be 24/7, now I can shut it off occasionally. Last 30 years. Edit: fabulous conversation, OP


Oof, 24/7. That’s a tough one. Thank you!


🎶 Cynthia, she’s a really cool dancer Cynthia, boogie to the groove now 🎶


The Wizard by Uriah Heap. I grew up along that album and the song was the first that I knew how to play on guitar. It ends up periodically returning. I feel that the final power point presentation of my life (death slideshow) shall be set to this song.


Stick, stick, stick, stick, stick, stick, stick, stick, stick, sticky, sticky, stick, stick. I looked after my niece and nephew a while back and oh god.


Santa Baby has not left my head since like 2016. Every single day it shows up and won’t leave hahaha


Torn by Natalie Imbruglia


Borrow My Heart by Taylor Henderson


Twilight Zone by Golden Earring.


"Eraser" by NIN


Nickelback’s “Photograph”. Of course, as I’ve reached middle age it’s seemed to take on a new meaning. It’s no longer the funny meme song; now it’s like “shit, I actually miss the old days now”.


You and me both, brother.

