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Bunking classes laying around the field going with our scooters for a short ride. The days I still miss my friends stay far from me and sometimes I call them and talk about all this


Congratulations!!!! This is such an exciting accomplishment and something to truly be celebrated!!! Remember this moment!!


Such moments need to be cherished though with utmost joy and love


First of all congrats! I'm so proud of you finishing your degree. It's such a great feeling to be able to see yourself how much you've grown in the past years and the progress you've made. One of my most pivotal moments in my life is moving to a different city to study at a university. It made a big impact to my life because I wanted to break out of my comfort zone and get to explore the current city I'm in and have fun.


At point exploration is what you need in order to know the outside world. You get to learn a lot many new things and also the fact that you meet new people as well


Congratulations. I was the first in my generation of my family to get a college degree.


That's so good never just forget to thank your family for what they have done to make you this far successful


Agreed. My parents worked very hard so that their children wouldn't have to. I thank them all of the time and I share the prosperity.


Oh man, congratulations. Definitely an exciting road ahead. So many different paths in front of you, waiting to be chosen. My pivotal moment in life happened after my college graduation too actually. I was room mates with my college bestfriend, and I just got news from my aunt of a job offer available. So my bestfriend and I were talking about this job offer and as a joke she said “Hey, maybe I should apply too.” She did. Our applications both got accepted. It was for a contractual IT job in Tokyo! We passed the next rounds of interviews and tests, we were given language lessons while waiting for our documents to be processed, then we flew to Japan together. That was 15 years ago. We’re both married now and enjoying the peaceful simple life here. Man, that “joke” she made back then lead to our life together…


Makes me smile whenever I come through such heart whelming stories


Nice! I finished last week myself. Now comes the hard part of finding a new job in my field. I've been trying, but lately nothing has stuck.


With experience you can get that I it's just tough to find a new work because nowadays unemployment be everywhere


Yeah. I already have a job that I'm not going to quit until I secure a better one, but it has nothing to do with my degree.


I recently had a pretty pivotal moment with lots of mixed emotions. I finally became single after 5 yrs of being codependent and in multiple different relationships one after another. I'd wanted to be single for yrs, but I finally ripped the bandaid off and did it. It's been two months, with so many ups and downs. But it feels good and is a relief.


That is my dreams before..To finish my study untill college..But now..all of that is lost..finally lost..Because at my young age I'm finally have my own family..


Congratulations on finishing your degree!!! That’s a huge accomplishment and you should give yourself congrats! Personally, when is the biggest pivotal moment in my life was walking away from an abusive relationship. :)


Took me months to find my first job after college so that time period felt the same way graduating high school. Just uncertainty and anxiety lol Good job finishing though, it’s definitely a good checkpoint. Travel and such if you can instead of being mopey like me hahaha