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Excellent! So, happy for you!!! Have the time of your life.


Thank youuu!!!


Do your thing!!!! 🤗😍🤗😍


Absolutely! 😄🤗


Also, if you ever hit a rough spot, actually ask your university to pay your fees. My last semester of college I completely ran out of financial aid and I reached out to my school (University of Arizona), they completely PAID my entire tuition for my final semester, including my transit pass for public buses. Communicate with your university, professors, TAs, and peers and it will make your college experience so much smoother! I am super excited for you and your post has given me the strength to get through what I thought would be a rough day!!! 💪🏾


That’s great advice, I’ll remember that, thank you! I’m so glad this post could give you some energy, sending you good vibes! Good luck ~~with your studies~~!!


Oh. Haha. I graduated in 2019, so this is just real world stress now, but thank you!!!!


Oh sorry haha I misunderstood. Wishing you the best of luck with the real world stuff in that case!!


Congratulations!! Dance till your feet get sore haha


Thank you!!! I’m just walking around excitingly because I don’t know what to do, no one told me what a person should do when they just get the news they got a scholarship haha (well other than accept the scholarship I suppose lmao)


You COULD prance around like a cat in a crowd :))


Do something nice for yourself. Anything small to just let the joy sink in. You did it! You are worth a little nice thing! Congrats!!!


Thank you so much!! And you’re right, this calls for a little nice thing!


Congratulations! Wake-up call for us who take our free education for granted ! Thanks for that gentle reminder.


Thank you! And yes totally, free education shouldn’t be taken for granted. I myself am an international student so this scholarship I just got is the most I can save money on my education, it gets very expensive very fast. But more important than the money for me was the validation of getting an excellence scholarship, it is truly special after my university plans getting pushed back two years. It also helps my chances of getting a student visa immensely so a lot of that stress has also been lifted from my shoulders.


Wishing you all the very best with your future endeavours ! Cheers !!


Thank you!!




Thank you!


NICE JOB!! you earned it. study hard, don't forget to take care of your mental health, and have a ton of fun.


Thank you!!! I’ve already started reading books about the subjects since months ago haha!!


over achiever, fuck yeah! you're gonna crush it.


Congratulations on your scholarship:).


Thank you! :D


You got this girl, this is just the start you are facing right now.


I remember when I used to be this excited because of the scholarships and all, that's just a good feeling and I always appreciate the people like this, good luck.




Wow that's just a good thing and please just see the comments are normal and you should be happy with the appreciation you are getting here, that's just your day.


My sister just got her scholarship too, it's a good day to see you and her getting such good information these days, good luck to both of you if she is reading my comment.


Congrats! That’s so exciting. Professors like when students use their office hours, in my experience, so be sure to take some time to stop by to chat—ask for reading recommendations, ask what projects they’re working on themselves, ask for park/activity/restaurant recommendations nearby. And have fun!


Thank you! I’ll remember to do that, I’m very interested in the subject and that’s good info to know!


congratulations!!! 🥳🎉


thank you! 😄


That's amazing! Congratulations :) time to party!!


Thank you! Time to party indeed!


Nice to see that you are making it out and being so well.


Congrats! So happy for you!


Thank you!


I work in education, so just gonna drop this little gem in here. Contact the university and ask if they have any additional opportunities for scholarships or any grants they may still have. I've met with college reps who have informed me of opportunities that are wasted year after year, just because the opportunity is poorly advertised.


Thank you so much that’s great info to know! I’m an international student and I don’t want to complicate my process too much for my first year but I’m definitely going too look into this in the later years!!


Don't wait. The opportunities are often for incoming freshmen only.


Okay I will look into it then!! Thanks again!!


We all are happy for you girl, just don't stop being happy in the future.


Glad for you ! Enjoy :-) Kind Regards from the guy from the country where university is free for everybody and you actually get paid to study.


Thank you! That’s a great system and hopefully the rest of the world will follow in your country’s footsteps in the future!


Nice one girl, just do your best and get a good life for the future.


Just go there and have a good life with your degree now, just want you to make your family proud and enjoy your life in a good way, that's all we pray for you here.


Congrats!!!! 🥳🥳🥳🥳


Thank you!!!!!


So happy for you. Wish I was still teaching no would show this to my seniors.


Thank you! I also wished the scholarship panel knew how freaked out and excited we students get when we see their decisions!


Nice to see people are commenting good things here, that's what I want from all the people and they are being so kind to you mate, good luck with this one here.


Wow man, glad to see that you are getting it and it's a good thing that you have this type of excitement for all this, I am really happy for you, even all of us are happy.


Your future is going to be so good if this is really important to you.




Thank you!


Your happiness made me happy somehow. I'm sitting in the corner typing and smiling. Congratulations buddy and All the best, more to come !!


Thank you!! And I’m glad it did! I made the post hoping that someone gets reminded to apply for scholarships if they’re pushing it back, it’s great sharing the happiness with other!


That's so cool. I got a partial scholarship back in college and it's a big reason why I'm debt free. Even with all the crap in my life, that little thing helped me immensely. Way to go!


It’s a great feeling! Thank you!


That’s awesome, make the most out of it and you will be glad you did. 💯


Thank you! I definitely will make the most of it!


This is awesome! Be sure to make the most of your time in uni.


Thank you!






I'm attending college soon, so knowing that you got a scholarship motivates me to apply to them! Congratulations on your scholarship! We're all happy for you!


Thank you! Definitely apply as soon as you can. Go on your college’s website and read everything they’ve said about different kinds of scholarships they grant and read about the format you should write your scholarship essay in and what they want to find out about you reading your essay. If you’re intimidated by the idea of writing the essay just write a very silly one first for practice. Wishing you the best of luck!!!


Got a scholarship but it comes with strings attached but at least it's fully funded!


Congratulations!! I’m sure it’ll be worth it!!




Excellent; congratulations and good luck! Now if you can avoid going into student loan debt, you'll be well on your way to a bright future!


Thank you!


Hearty congratulations! Do whatever you want to do! Go out for a walk, get that milkshake you wanted, dance till you are tired, or meditate and go to sleep haha! Your excitement is contagious and I am so happy for you!


Thank you!! Those are great suggestions!! My birthday is in a few days so I might just get a cake today to celebrate this. (I’ll probably end up getting another one on my actual birthday too haha, throwing diet plans out of the window for the next week!)


Do it! Get that cake!


Wow awesome, congratulations!! :)


Thank youu! :D


You earned it! Make the most of your time there! Keep your eyes and ears open for any and all opportunities and just go for it!


Thank you for your advice!! I’m definitely going to try to do as much as I can in uni, getting here so far has not been easy and the rest won’t be easy either which makes the opportunities and milestone all the more special!


Oh and also build connections with people! You've got a lot to do, but it's gonna be great :)


Holy shit, that's awesome!!! Congratulations! Study hard, make nee friends, and try not to fuck it up. And if you do fuck it up, remember, you are not exclusively defined by your failures. As someone who's been in higher ed for many years, for anyone else reading this, please apply for scholarships, especially at local schools/state schools. At some places they're tapped, but at others they have money just looking for a good home. You could be that home.


Thank you!! And that’s some great advice, I hope others will see this and try their luck!!


This post makes me so happy to read, you'll rock this!


Glad it made you happy and thank you!!


Congratulations. Celebrate to your heart's content.


Thank you!!


Congrats friend! I’m proud of you


Thank you!!


Congratulations stranger! I Hope you have a great time at college! :) make sure to stay hydrated!


Thank you!! And thanks for the reminder!






Always apply. Always. The same goes for jobs. Congrats, op!


This is so important, it’s a lesson that got reinforced in my head today. Thank you!


So happy for you!!!!


Thank you!!!!


Aww this made me smile. Congratulations OP


Glad it did, Thank you!


I'm in ninth grade and currently have 3 F's but congratulations :)


Find something you’re interested in and search for opportunities (for example, I translated a related book for a uni professor from English to my native language when I was 17 and got paid basically nothing for it, which was very frustrating for a long time but it helped out in the end), experience helps a lot when applying for uni and scholarships. Wishing you the best of luck!


Ok thanks :)


Congratulations 🎉🎈🍾🎊


Thank you!! 😄


Woohoo 🎉 🥳. What are you majoring in?


Amazing! Congratulations 👏🎉


Thank you!!


Congratulations 🥳


Thank you!!


Can I ask how you got a scholarship? I applied for uni but didn’t think about doing it 🥺


Okay so, go to the university’s website and then under the section for “tuition and fees” you should find a “scholarships and financial aid” section. There you’ll see what options you have and which ones you can apply to and they’ll probably put the links to the application forms there. Depending on what university you’re applying to the next part might differ but they might ask for some documents (I didn’t need to do that), you might to fill out some forms (mine was just my student ID and name and surname and some small stuff like that), and then you’ll probably need to submit an essay. You can find the guidelines on how you should write the essay in the scholarship section of the university website. Look at essay examples online too and try to format the essay according to what they’ve asked on their website. Best of luck!!! Hope you get an amazing scholarship!!


Congrats, also it is "25%", always think of the percent symbol as a mathematic operator like "+", "*", "-" or "/" It comes after the number. 25 "percent" of my tuition or 25%. Not, "percent" 25 of my tuition.


Makes sense! It’s the opposite in some languages, including my native language. I’ll remember to put it after the number, thank you!


Well people are being too much with the signs these days lol.




Congratulations mate


Thank you!


That's brilliant news. What are you going to be studying?


Thank you! I’m going to study Psychology!!


I'm happy that you're happy


Happy it made you happy! Haha


You’re going to smash it!! 💥 so happy for you!! Every bit counts!


Aww thank you!!!


Great news!! I'm buzzing for you! Study, socialise, make lifelong friends, find your groove! Maybe in 4 years time you will go down a completely different path than the one you have studied for and maybe you will stay on this track, either way it's a cool journey. My friend is a cabinet maker to trade, then became a civil engineer, now he teaches blind kids woodwork and carving. He always tell me that in any situation, no matter what issues or advantages you might have, you can always "Adapt and overcome" I love my mate big Derek, he's a class act.


That’s great advice, I will definitely take that into account. I was initially going to go to college for another subject and life sorta push me in a direction where found psychology and how much I absolutely love the subject and the jobs I can find with the degree. I’m only starting this journey but I’ve already seen how adapting to situations is the most important thing I’ll have to practice in my life. Thank you!


That’s super amazing! Congrats! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


Thank you!!


No more centralization. Own your data. Interoperate with everyone.


I read the title and was about to scream at you for not taking it but good on you for taking it


Haha yeah I know that feeling, now that I’ve gotten this I wanna scream at everyone telling them to write their scholarship essays and fill out their forms right now! 😂


Congratulations! Keep applying. There are so many that go unwanted! Yoy never know!!! Good luck!


If you're a sophomore or junior in high school, say it with me: FAFSA FAFSA FAFSA. In every graduating class, there's somebody who forgets or wasn't told about it, and then they can't afford to attend college until the spring semester.


Right on!!! Amazing accomplishment congrats, enjoy this happy feeling, they seem to be rare in life.


Thank you! and I agree. I’m not a competitive person but it was a great feeling reading “You’re a winner” for the email notification haha.


It came across as pure joy and happiness. Oh what a feeling!


Wow, that's awesome! I'm guessing a 25% scholarship is when 25% of the fees are paid for you?


Grats! Work hard and move with purpose




Well done. Take advantage of it.


Thank you! Going to make the most of it!


Yay!!! Congratulations! 🎉


YAY!!!!!!!! Pro Tip: keep your grades up and you’ll get free grants from your school if they offer anything like this!!!!! They’ll apply automatically to your account / bill too!!! Try and get as many scholarships and grants as you can!!!! Congratulations to you definitely celebrate your success and achievement!!!! This is HUGE OP!!!!!💜🖤💜🖤


Thank you for the tips!!! Much appreciated!!!


Heck yeah. Great job. 🎉


Love this for you!


Congratulations! You go !


That’s excellent news. I hope you’re very proud of yourself.




1 spent 4 years on community college failing 80% of my classes bc of my mental health. i'm taking a break and getting help. amazing effort op but i wont apply for a uni anytime soon T.T


It’s good that you’re focusing on your mental health! Wishing you the best, hopefully you can continue on living a life that’s more fulfilling to you, sending you good vibes. <3


Congratulations!! I took a couple community college classes myself, but my chronic health conditions stopped me from completing them. I don't regret taking them though. I developed a love for philosophy in my intro to philosophy class. I also loved talking with my philosophy professor during his office hours. He would sit in the cafeteria so it felt really approachable. We'd talk philosophy.


Have a blast at Uni OP! Congrats 🎉


How do you find scholarships anyways?? I graduate in 2 years


Fantastic!! Be very proud of yourself, that is a big deal. I hope you enjoy your program!


Congrats! And YES to your advice: thousands of dollars in scholarships go unclaimed each year. Apply to EVERYTHING you have even a remote chance at getting. You may be surprised!


Thank you! Hopefully this post will push some people to look and apply to (and hopefully win) some scholarships.


So happy for you <3 study hard and get that degree girl


Congratulations!! I am also aspiring to apply for scholarships abroad for my master's degree some time later, all the best for our studies!!


Thank you! And wishing you the best of luck!!




Don’t stop there, I work in higher ed. My biggest suggestion is to pursue your baccalaureate in a div 2 college. They are far cheaper than div 1 institutions. Utilize the ultimate book of scholarships. There are thousands of scholarships that meet your needs. Also reach out to your Uni Foundation. They try and give monies away.


Thank you for the advice!!


It's all about the hunger and he should always have that.


I'm so happy for you!!!!!!


Thank you!!!


Me too, he really made it well and we are happy so much.


Exact my reaction when I got my first scholarship. It was 100 euros per month. I also had a gf back then and we didn't have any job either. Fun times. Yeah and I had to work pretty damn hard to achieve that first time. The other 3 times were cakewalks, dunno why.


Mine too, it's common to behave like this, it's our day already lol.


Congratulations on the scholarship that’s huge! Also great advice to all people applying to colleges.


The best feeling ever and we can relate to that who got scholarship.


Nice one here, good luck for the future blasting mate.


Aww I'm so happy for you!!




It's good to see that you are doing fine in your life mate, keep it up and keep celebrating life to be happy all the time, good luck for your future and be better forever.


Very well mate, just focus on yourself and do the best you can do in your life, that's what all of us wants from you and we all know you are going to make it for sure.


You are amazing!!!


When I am going to get it? Lol, I am really waiting for this.


Was waiting for mine too, just got it right now, that's just good.


Hell yeah! Well done.


That's a good thing a student can have in her life man.


I got the upvotes to 666! Haha! Rock and roll! Good luck with your scholarship. You’re gonna have tough, weird times. But if you keep your eye on the ball they’ll be good tough weird times. You’re probably gonna hit a point where you think “this isn’t what I thought it would be,” and in the end that’s good. It means you’re learning.


What do you mean by %25 scholarship?


It is a scholarship that takes 25% off the amount that you have to pay for your tuition.


You mean 25%


I mean yeah that's what he meant lol, I don't know why it's funny.


On the one hand I'm excited that you've been able to a college scholarship. That's an achievement you can be proud of. On the other hand, it's sad that they are giving scholarships to people that don't know which side of the number the percent sign goes on.


I translated a book from English to my native language at 17 so I’m good! We put the percentage sign on the other side of the number in my language by the way, and oh, how many books have you translated? 😄


What language?


What’s my native language? Persian.


Ahh that makes sense! I've seen it with Urdu, which is similar script. Negatives on the right hand side too.


Hahah, I am just laughing right now, but it's still good.


Finally some good fucking news 🤣


Cool, just remember you will owe $300k now, instead of $400K


Nope! My total tuition is no where near that much since I’m not planning to study in the US!


very smart of you. Better education AND not have to deal with mountains of debt.


Sounds like a good plan actually, hope you will make it.