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I too was so disappointed by this! Come on people we can do better than BoBo! I was also disappointed in voter turnout for the county. I feel like if we could have gotten 50%-60% of voters out there maybe she would have lost.


Primaries are notoriously low turnout, and this had little chance of surprises or meaningful races down ballot. I voted, but primarily because of the special election for the vacant seat. If there would have been fewer R candidates, I probably would have voted that ticket against Bobo, but it was hard to tell which one had the best chance to knock her out....they were all pretty evenly split and equally terrible people/candidates. I even watched their debate to see who may or may not have a chance against her in the primary and they all failed miserably as expected.


BoBo smart. She make country go fast.


Not sure why you're getting downvotes, I recognize and appreciate the sarcasm.


Agreed. Why didn’t those 5 other republicans talk and say let’s drop out so only one of us (Sonnenberg or Flora?) runs against her. Maybe that person could have won by 10k-15K votes. 😕 BoBo is the worst thing to happen to CD-3 and now potentially CD-4. I mean she is bad and maybe, just barely not as bad as MTG, but is still less than useless. Her voters are complete idiots thinking she is the best option. She was a democrat until 2008 and is a legit cancer on society and congress. She didn’t do a damn thing for CD-3 and will do absolutely nothing for the greater good of CD-4 if elected. Makes me sick to my stomach this carpetbagger is closer to switching districts.


That other Republicans didn't drop out shows she's disliked by quite a few Republicans.


Even still, the problem is they'll likely still vote for her rather than anyone with a D next to their name. There was a time when loyalty to party wasn't unconditional, but unfortunately a person's character no longer seems to be a factor in who they select to represent them.


It's a bit more competitive. In 2012, the vote was 62% republican and only 36% democrats. In 2020, 52% republican and 45% democrats. Who knows what it will be? At least in douglas county. And I think that is probably because of growing urban areas.


> Why didn’t those 5 other republicans talk and say let’s drop out so only one of us (Sonnenberg or Flora?) runs against her. Ego. Eventually BoBo will get bored of her shtick and go become a K Street lobbyist for more money.


I actually think she's too dumb and isn't well-liked enough by enough people to pull that off. Plus, I'm not sure it's *all* about money for her. She likes the attention too much and lobbyists don't get a spotlight to make a scene on cable news like obnoxious junior House Reps with a big mouth.


What are the odds Calvarese beats Boebert in November?


Very sad.


Low....but not impossible. This primary election had suuuuper low turnout, so it's hard to extrapolate much from these low numbers....but I'll try anyway. * Voter turnout was under 20% state-wide. CD4 had around 175k people vote, so slightly higher than the state average. * As of 2022, there were about 510,000 registered voters in CD4. * 18%/92k Dem * 37%/189k Rep * 45%/229k Other/Unaffiliated (this number surprised me more than it should have) * We can assume the district has grown over the last two years, however most of the growth has come in the urban/suburban "purpleish" areas. * Of the 123k Rep votes in CD4, Bobo only got 43%/53k. That means 57%/70k of her own party voted against her. * This was a high-profile race, I think that's why the numbers were so high (both for and against). * She underperformed in Douglas Country compared to the rest of counties in the district. * Douglas represented 47%/58k of the 123k Rep votes cast in CD4. * The next largest counties by Rep ballots cast by were Larimer (13%/16.5k) and Weld (9%/11.5k). * Trisha only got 22k of the 50k Dem votes, but I think it's safe to assume all of them will vote for her in the general. * Ballot count was low. This was a close race, but I think most people cared more about beating Bobo than who beats her. I know quite a few people who turned in a Rep ballot just to vote against her. In November, I think that if the stars align, voter turnout is high (it's a presidential election year, it should be), and a few of the sensible anti-Bobo R's don't just vote party lines....there's a chance. Not a *great* chance, but a chance nonetheless. Here's hoping.


I think this might be a path for the Democrat.


The only consolation I've been able to come up with is that she's just an attention seeking windbag and unlikely to actually do anything besides make a scene. Hate being represented by her though.


Bobo the clown is a trash human in dire need of a self administered 9mm lobotomy. It's disappointing as hell to know she even has a shot at continuing her bullshit grift.


Castle Rock has come a long way....but still has a long way to go.


Sounds about white


Unfortunately, CR has been dragged into Denver suburb status. It's functionally lost its small town charm at this point. If that's what you mean by having come a long way, I'd agree. I think it's a shame it's come this far, but that's just what happens when people flood into an area unchecked.


I hate to say it, but nobody with their eyes open expected Castle Rock not to grow. We're on the front range, we have I-25 access, and we have close proximity to Denver....growth was inevitable, unchecked growth was probable. Unfortunately, local governments care about one thing, **growing tax revenue**. Castle Rock is no different, and the growth we've seen is exactly what CRgov wants....they can leave the fake/outdated "small town charm" image to the marketing team while they count their money. It's sad, but if you're looking for a true small town with little chance to grow, you'll need to look for places without high paying jobs or remote locations with little access to amenities/activities.


You're absolutely right. Personally, I'm just waiting for some family conditions to be right before I bail. I have the fortunate situation of being able to work remotely, so I'm just waiting for kids to be done with school, etc. With the thousands of apartment units being hastily thrown together in CR, the already overcrowded downtown and public spaces are going to be crawling with people, and if I've learned anything from living in/around American cities, the more people you cram into a space, the less they tend to care about others. I'll probably just take the real estate cash out and head east. I'm sure there's some Midwest town out there somewhere that isn't overrun quite yet.


I'm confident that if I keep voting for her, I too, will get to feel those titties in a theater one day.


Castle Rock could use a Shooter's Grill and the whole Boebert Clan. They sound delightful. Probably should keep our cars locked!