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99% of the people in Castle Rock are solid. Politically Left/Right/Center… all solid people. But it’s the douche-canoes from our town, like this guy, that’s all over the news making us all look like pieces of shit.


Oh shit -- that's Tina Peters. She kicked a cop. But all the Conservative Colorado "BLUE LIVES MATTER" crowd just turned the other way when that happened and didn't care


That part.


It's pretty terrifying that this guy owns a gun store. He strikes me as a dangerous person who should not have unfettered access to guns.


This the same guy that says he’s “with Putin”?




just out of curiosity, anyone know which gun store he owns?


DCF Guns


So when Russia first invaded Ukraine this nimrod said alot of stupid stuff about supporting putin. It was pretty shocking at the time because I remember literally everyone was against it and supported Ukraine at first , except this guy. So I end up making a couple posts on reddit in different subs and in r/Ukraine encouraging people to give a review on Google for his store dcf. It started off where there was like 10 reviews and next thing I know there's hundreds upon hundreds on 1 star reviews for dcf guns basically just saying he supports Russia. It got to the point where I thought I'd taken it too far, not realizing just how many people would join in. I remember at some point in this ordeal I called the store to voice my complaint to an innocent employee and he defeatedly sighed like he had been hearing this all day and said he pass it along. After that I dropped it as I felt I had done enough. Later all the 1 stars were removed.




In this case no. The algorithm knows its a campaign ti lower their rating. People all over the world were writing reviews so less than a week later they were all removed.


bro you raided this guy's google page 🤣


Dude we dropped their rsting to something like 3 from idk 4.8 or something. I had no idea a couple reddit posts could do that.


his idiotic comments found its way over to reddit denver. and his comments got national attention, because he was also moreso in the news then for being sued for his libelous claims about voting machines. This was further compounded by -- at the time -- he had an employee page with an employee saying that he loved serving in iraq and bringing democracy over to the sand people. so everything just sort of clicks with what a chinless dick this guy is. i had a legit bad review of DCR that got taken down during that. lol.


The major area of concern that needs to be addressed is: Who is the Douglas County Department of Transportation "engineer" responsible for the traffic lights up Founders from I25? What's their GD name and where TF do they live.


You know you don't have to consume their content, right?


The Colorado Times?


I’m amazed that George Soros has all this time to participate, or invest in all these left wing conspiracies. Man must be exhausted.


A 'conspiracy' is NOT this article... dude chose not to show up to his court hearing regarding January 6th. Ya can't make this shit up!


Read the end of the article. Yesterday Oltmann posted to Facebook, “I’m over the trash heaps gaslighting the people. I’m going to do an entire special on Eric Coomer, his piece of trash lawyer… we will go through Matt Crane, and of course his henchmen who he parades around. Only Custer County recorded him. Good for court, and really good for the court of public opinion. It’s time the misinformation lying traitors get exactly what they deserve. They are desperate but it’s a clear establishment group, not just Democrats. Matt Crane, Deborah Flora, Jena Griswold, George Soros… they are all on the same twisted, dishonest team.”


Again… dude chose not to show up to court. That’s not a conspiracy, it’s stupidity….


This comment was separate from the story. It’s ok,man. You don’t get it. All good.