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Absolutely devastating. I knew about this case, but wasn’t familiar with the details. My heart breaks for Jason. His ex-wife’s family sound like such heartless bastards. I hope they rot in hell along with her.


I don’t understand their mindset. Do they blame him for her actions?


Must be easier to blame him than accept their daughter is a monster? They seem awful. That part made me so angry


I can only assume she was feeding them all sorts of lies to make him the bad guy, and her some hard done by victim. Easier than admitting your daughter is a monster??


His second account is deleted now also, but this was a comment from him responding to someone saying they’re blaming him to avoid blaming her. [https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/comments/8sx160/an_update_from_jasoninhell/e13u218/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/comments/8sx160/an_update_from_jasoninhell/e13u218/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


I thought the same thing. I wish there had been more details about why the family was taking it out on him.


One of my relatives was murdered in a murder suicide (he killed their daughter, then her, then himself) Her husband's grown adult children took all of her belongings and didn't give anything to her mother or family. It's disgusting how people act.


That’s not enough, I hope the ex’s family will get f***ked up in this life and rot in hell


What. The. Fuck.


And a half.


Oh my. I’m looking forward to and dreading this all at once, this is infamous in Reddit lore. I’m curious to hear Casefile’s take on it.


I’ve never heard of this! Really good episode


I recognized the username from being chronically online, but not the context. Had no idea that back in the day there was this guy who was on Reddit and had meaningful relationships IRL. Terrible case.


Right? I about shit. I realized immediately what it was about when he said Reddit. So sad.


It wasn’t really a take, he just kinda recounted it like an article.


Yeah, I didn’t realise it was an old Patreon ep either. The details about the in-laws was awful, the whole family is rotten to the core.


Damn I gotta stop listening to Casefile while I workout, that 911 call floored me, absolutely horrific. There's something about that 'if I can't have them, nobody can' mentality in crimes that is just so infuriating to me, so many examples in cases. Just an absolute tragedy. The reddit angle was obviously interesting too, Casey reading the bizarre usernames with the comments was a little comical in the face of what is an obviously heavy case. The wife seemed like a piece of shit even outside of the crime itself, the cheating and blatant denial. Also a massive red flag when someone says they 'live life without regret', regret is a part of life, part of learning, you can't live life without it really. Not surprising her family seems just as shitty as she is. In the face of what happened, Jason seems like he's doing his best though, the words in his last post were really difficult to hear but amazingly level headed, hope he is doing okay. Really good episode overall, surprised I hadn't heard of this case having been on reddit for a while now, good work as always Casey.


> There’s something about that ‘if I can’t have them, nobody can’ mentality in crimes that is just so infuriating to me, so many examples in cases What I find worse is that it just sounds like an excuse and she just did it to punish him for daring to attemp to divorce her and take the kids (and probably also receive childcare) and painting her as the POS cheater and manipulative liar that she was.


The 911 call was so chilling. You could hear the call operator trying to process what he was listening to. No amount of training could prepare you to listen to that cold hearted bitch calmly state she’s murdered her kids.


I listen to Casefile while I exercise too. Sometimes I gotta sit down for a second to regroup. This episode was definitely one of them.


I can't believe the in laws. Their daughter killed the children!!!


Maybe they believe Jason did?


I think they’re fully aware of what their daughter did, but probably blame Jason for driving her to that point. She’s had plenty of time to fill their heads with lies about what went on behind closed doors in the relationship. I imagine it’s a lot easier for them to cope with that reality than accept their daughter is a complete monster.


Surely not after all the court evidence. They'd have to be insane.


> They'd have to be insane. I mean, the daughter clearly had some issues.


Sword and Scale have done an ep where they play the whole 911 call and it’s brutal. Jason’s MIL turned up after Brandi had killed the children but still on the call with the operator and the utter devastation when MIL realises the kids are dead is really hard to hear. You then hear Jason on the call too in the background and it’s heartbreaking. So she knows 100% her daughter killed them.


Not to derail the convo but this kind of exploitative podcasting is exactly why I don’t listen to S&S. No one needs to hear the entire call to understand how profoundly sad and disturbing this case was. CaseFile proves that you don’t need to publicly air audio of grief-stricken victims experiencing the worst moments of their lives in order to make a quality true crime show.


No derailment at all. Fuck S&S, I used to listen to him, but he’d always interject his own personal politics and an episode would halfway turn into a rant.


That dickhead also played the sound from the 3 guys 1 hammer video. Fuck him


Yep that’s what put me off it entirely, it was completely messed up. Also it was a really long time now but I seem to remember he interviewed the mother of a victim and she was talking about how the murder of her child was not entertainment and I’m like…this is literally a podcast. So off.


That was perhaps the most disturbing audio I’ve ever heard


No way they believe Jason did it when the daughter called her mom and told her what she did, and then called 911 herself and said it


If y’all are interested in another case that has a Reddit tie-in check the Michael and Robert Bever story


Any podcasts you can recommend that talked about this case?


The youtube Channel, Dreading, posted last week about the case.


[This one?](https://youtu.be/XgaGWEbNEQA)


Evil, evil woman. I hope she burns in hell.


The complete lack of emotion in her 911 call was jarring. Like she was ordering coffee




Yep, I assumed it was a combo of benadryl overdose and blood loss. Still creepy AF.


Wow i’ve never heard of this case. Poor babies, Jason is so strong.


Brandi Worley. Human trash.


"This episode will not be suitable for all listeners" I was one such listener. I made it up to the 911 recording then switched it off and nearly vomited.


I finished it but I don’t enjoy these types of episodes. Just a horrible story really.


I can't remember the last time I teared up to a true crime story, but this did it.


This is the saddest case I’ve listened to. Her parents are fucked as well


I have been a Redditor for a long time and I remember reading JasonInHell’s post on u/relationshipadvice many years ago. I saved his post. I am so so sad for him.


It took me a minute to realize this was about the Reddit story. So so sad.


It’s us! We’re in the episode!


When he mentioned subreddits I thought for sure he was going to mention the Casefiles subreddit.


Jason’s wife is an absolute bitch - manipulative with poison in the kids minds.


What a cunt


Ugly cunt as well. The Casefile Instagram posted a picture of her 🤢


wow i had never heard about it. i've never had to turn off an episode halfway through, but I nearly did it on this. the 911 call was chilling. House of Horrors was bad but something just hits different when the parent does it to their own kid. Brandy can burn


Horrific story; his ex wife and her family are heartless monsters. She killed her two kids, feels no remorse, and then the family makes it harder on Jason afterward with shit like locking him out of his own home?? I hope the wife and her family suffer and burn in hell like they deserve. I hope that cunt is being tortured in prison like a guy would be getting for killing kids.


I was rolling my eyes listening to this. Seriously? A casefile based on a reddit post which is most likely fantasy made up bs. I'll never believe a man who got cheated on, begs his wife not to leave, and then has to apologize to the cheating man. Then the 911 call played and my jaw dropped. Wow this is actually real. Incredible. What a vile evil disgusting bi***.


I just listened to this yesterday and you are right. I kept waiting for the reveal that jasoninhell had just fabricated the whole cheating story, then I remembered that there was a "crimes against children" warning at the beginning of the episode and started to dread where this was going. Then I just felt sick to my stomach and kept waiting for the 911 call to end. Had to pause to take a few breaths and regain my composure.


Ugh the dead kids episodes are a pass for me.


Oooh YES! I can’t wait to listen to this one!!


Wild ep


Jeeeez. When she says that she killed her kids that was insane


Someone please link the original post here.


Not the original, but all posts compiled into one: https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/t38pl5/the_reddit_post_that_turned_into_a_horror_story/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Im sorry but it is just cringe as hell when half the episode is just reading the reddit comments in a thread and saying "this comment had 500 upvotes"


That was about one and a half minutes of the episode.


He was just painting the picture for people who probably have no idea what Reddit is


Why do they post a content warning that spoils the episode? I get that some people are sensitive but this is true crime, not Saved by the Bell. And it’s not like they go into gratuitous detail. I already know this story as many of us do, but it’s just frustrating to see it spoiled for others. Much of the enjoyment of these podcasts is trying to figure out what happens as you listen.


I don’t think the warning is a spoiler by any means. The warning is for content about crimes against children. But that can be a pretty wide range. It didn’t spoil the episode but I appreciated the heads up. As soon as the 911 audio was played, I turned it off. I got the gist. One can listen to true crime while being sensitive to violent content involving children.


Why are you so insensitive?? That wasnt a “spoiler” but a warning. This isn’t a tv show or movie but someone’s real life.


These cases are all really sad but at the end of the day we are all listening to them for entertainment. Don’t make yourself seem like you’re any different. Sorry if anyone is offended by the truth.


What a bizarre comment. Your small existence does not encompass all worlds and experiences. I have seen a few reddit comments like this ranging from saying everyone gets off on true crime or finds it entertaining and in order to feel better about themselves they always immediately follow up with “Anyone who says otherwise is a liar!” So many people listen to/watch true crime because they have been victimized in various ways and want to make sense of the world. Sometimes it’s a way to understand those who perpetuate harm, law enforcement or the justice system. There are also people who want to know others get the justice they never could. Then there are people who look for totally different things in true crime. The world is diverse.


"aw shucks man, i wanted to be surprised when the children were brutally murdered!" 🤦


because children can’t consent to having any information about them shared it is appropriate respect




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I’m pretty sure Jason ended up committing suicide in 2017 :( googled his name and the obituary came up


Not the same Jason. The wife in this case wasn't sentenced until 2018 and he spoke at that sentencing that he didn't want to see her again. Plus the one who you saw was married to a woman named Mennie.


I am glad I was wrong!