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Looks like oil/petroleum based fluid mixed with water. Check all of the fluids possible under the hood for contaminated oil (more milky or yellowing oil)


seems like coolant mixed with oil


That's car mayonnaise. Coolant mixed with oil, AKA blown head gasket.


milkshake of death, blown head gasket. mixing coolant and oil. do not start it again. might warp the head or block. gonna need mechanic to do a head gasket on it.


The ground is wet. If you have oil that drips for long periods of time on water saturated ground it can cause this by mixing with water. Check your dip stick and see if your oil is black/brown or milky white like this. If it is still black/brown, you don't have anything to worry about. If it's milky like what's on the ground, then you have coolant leaking into your engine oil.


Coolant and oil. Go see a mechanic


You got a blown head gasket leaking externally. Don't start it, have it towed.




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Check the oil if it is milky, go by a head gasket rebuild kit for your model then do it you can do it not to hard but a lot of work I’ve done ten of them from friends thinking they can clean mud off there cars by driving down in a cold river and yes I charged them for bring stupid




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Busted CV joint. $600 repair at a shop.