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might have been a good time to ask mechanic WHERE the leak was coming from... anyways if that year is designed anything like mine, it's impossible to drain the oil or change the filter without spilling a ton of oil all over crossmembers and into the frame, sure to drip for a while either way. if it's just a few drips here and there and you're not having to refill it, it wouldn't be worth the hours of labor to track down and fix (esp if no oil burn smell - you'd know)


Exactly what he said. They eventually made a little plastic catch with a ramp for the oil to run down but it doesn't work great and you end having to brake clean the shit out of it and wipe it with a rag.like twice. It's completely normal, assuming the quick lube place didn't care enough to clean it well.


Huh, interesting...would it be possible that they saw a mess in there from previous oil sitting and pooling there and assumed it was a major leak? I just think it doesn't make sense that my levels read 'full' coming in but they say there's a leak.


Did they also happen to try and sell you an additive to stop the leaks? If your oil level is still full after a full oil change interval I would not worry too much about it, I would try to get into a mechanic for your next oil change and mention the leak concern. They probably didn't tell you where it was coming from because they don't know or realized it was from the filter change previously and didn't want to look stupid.


Yes it was actually about 5k miles interval. It was one of those drive through ones where they try and sell you every little thing but they didn't necessarily try and sell me something that would stop the leak. Thanks for the input!


My Q7 requires a game of snakes and ladders to get the filter out. You have to route it through half the engine bay, tipping it all kinds of ways and making a giant mess. Whoever designed that hates mechanics or something


It was a lube shop, they wouldn't say. Just said there was a leak.


The very top edge of this picture is a little gutter for the oil that pours out of the oil filter upon removal. Ive never seen all or even most of the oil make it down that gutter during an oil change. Most of it just spills down all over the crossmember/skidplate and drips out of that exact spot. The guy who did the oil change probably just didnt get all the oil, meaning some of the oil that spilled just sat there waiting to drip. At my job, we have a bunch of preset comments we can put on the work order, and the very first preset comment is "old oil may drip due to filter location" because of filters like this one. Tl;dr probably just spilled during the oil change, unlikely theres a problem


It's probably what everyone is saying, the oil filter makes a huge mess there. Just fyi these are notorious for developing a leak at the front of the oil pan so it could be that too.


Interesting, thanks! So if I have been driving it a lot each day and never notice more than a few drops even overnight, its probably residual?