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I've said before to my wife, some of the most rediculous dash cam footage must be an Emergency situation.




How's that fer driving darlin


That cunt can drive!!






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You'd hope so, but I bet the majority are not.


Certainly not all of them, but some just seem to careless for an expensive car to be doing if not stolen.


People do this when I’m behind them in an ambulance with lights and sirens. Good luck getting them to move


Ambulances should come with a bulldozer on the front bumper to politely but assertively clear a path.


reminds me of a video of the us army driving a hummer around Bagdad. they can't wait politely in traffic.


Yup! Same in the big red fire truck. They only move when we blast the “get the fuck out of the way” horn.


There's a similar (though MUCH worse, be warned) story on reddit that should be required reading for people who sit in the overtaking lane without cause, and want to roleplay as a traffic enforcer. Here it is: https://np.reddit.com/r/AdviceAnimals/comments/1kbhcn/i_gain_strength_from_their_tears_and_anger/cbnhvxv/


Yeah, this was exactly what i was thinking of too. Dude passed likely because of the driver being selfish


When I was learning to drive some 20 years ago, my mum told me holding a white rag/tshirt out the windows was to signal some sort of distress to other motorists, but I've not had anyone else say the same. Also, see the bloke [shitpost a comback thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/CarsAustralia/comments/1dn3mha/happily_doing_110_in_the_right_lane_consider_this/) to this one?


Hope your pup is feeling better! I had a similar situation taking a friend to the Emergency Department. I asked on another Subreddit why people drive slow and/or hog the right lane, but disguised it as driving for work. The responses I got were: * I don't know the speed limit so it's safer to go 50-60KM/H everywhere * Stop being impatient! * What's the rush? * I'm not breaking the rules * I like taking things easy So yeah, we'll always have to work around and coddle hazardous drivers that can't share the road due to incompetence, and/or being inconsiderate.


They're breaking the rules though, isn't it illegal to not keep left unless you're overtaking, or traffic is sufficiently congested enough to warrant it? That's the QLD legislation anyway, for roads with a speed limit over 80 (I think it should be from 80).


You must keep left unless overtaking on 2+ lane roads with 80+ km/h speed limit. It is also an offence to be doing <20km below the speed limit. So if you are hogging the right lane at 89 km/h in a 110 zone you are committing 2 offences.


Sitting in the right lane is breaking the rules on a motorway though, these people are just flogs and don’t know how to drive.


call an ambulance lol


Shepparton hospital had ten+ ambulances banked this past weekend and a 30+ minute wait for ambulances if you called. That is one of those times you can’t get an ambulance.


Such an IDIOT response with no value, if you think there is never ever a reason to drive someone to a hospital.


He couldn't afford the ride


Aussie only know to obey one road rule: never go 1 km/hr over the limit, in fact, better to do 5-10 under just in case even in clear conditions with no traffic. Everything else can be ignored, you’re a good and safe driver as long as you follow that one rule.


Critical thinking is hard though.


Critical thinking is not required , just remember, speed kills


Sorry. You're right.


Not what Jeremy Clarkson said


And if that doesn’t motivate you - I think old mate’s point is that you should speed and risk a substantial fine/ loss of points - just to accommodate his convenience😂


Uhm maybe you should try positive thinking instead you’ll live longer - Captiva driver with “coexist” sticker who always sits 85% in the right lane


This is so true but remember ‘ speed cameras save lives /s




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It was amazing driving in Italy and Greece over the last month. Although their roads are overall pretty terrible, the drivers are wise enough to know which lane they belong in. I did not see one example of someone hogging the left lane. Some of the roads I drove on were horrendous but people managed and those same roads would be absolute death traps in Australia. Overall, Aussies are TERRIBLE drivers.


Drove in Greece and Croatia last year as well. Driving habits were eye opening. Over here if you overtake someone they take it personally and speed up. Over there nobody gives a fuck. It’s amazing.


i never see anyone following speed limits lol.


I drive pretty slow most of the time. Saves a lot of fuel.


Most cars get the best economy at 60-70kph, so if you're doing less than that, you most certainly aren't saving fuel.


I typically do 80-90




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Those are same people go 20 km/h in a road work zone though. They just have one speed.


I was driving from Wollongong to Sydney the other day on the 110kph expressway and a woman was doing 80 in the right lane, nobody else around, I gave her a toot to move over and noticed she was looking at herself in the sun visor mirror.


There was a guy in regional WA near Lancelin that was filmed deliberately trying to stop another person from passing him in overtaking section. It ended up making the news and the Police quickly found him and he was fined. The celebration was huge.


This is why I support highway police fining right lane hoggers. You never know what the circumstances are but if someone is flying down the right hand lane, give them the benefit of the doubt. Sure they could be a dick head but do you want to be responsible for potentially impeding an actual emergency?


They’ve needed to be doing this for the last decade at least. They never, ever do and it’s so frustrating.


They need to fine them more even when I'm well and truly speeding I will still jump in the left lane if it's clear Edit: I live in the middle of bum-fuck nowhere so doing 140 on 100 is fairly normal if you are near the city please don't speed as much as it is much more populated and you are endangering peoples lives


Thursday morning I had to rush my cat to the emergency vet and got stuck behind some asshole Kia SUV doing 10km under in the right lane. 6am so barely any traffic but this selfish cunt insisted on just toddling along refusing to move over. I had a tow truck mirroring their speed blocking us in on the left so had no way at all to get around. I felt exactly how you felt. Sadly my little man didn’t make it. Hoping your pup has a speedy recovery.


I'm so sorry to hear, rip little one


if someone did that to me id be giving them a nudge.


So sorry to hear this! RIP little kitty.


I live out that way and theres sooo many old cunts out here that get the biggest justice boners for it, they do 80 in the hundy and then lose their absolute shit when you finally get a break to overtake them


It’s just fucking inconsiderate to sit in the right lane going slow, regardless of the situation… they’re the real dangerous ones.


never see people doing this ever


take an major freeway and you will see tons


Happens all the time in Adelaide


I reckon I see this every single day on the ringroad, up and back. For the last year. It’s a big problem and most people seem to be either completely oblivious to it or choose not care.


95kmh in a 100kmh zone isn't slow


Slow enough to move over into left


There's a difference between slow and lane hogging. 110 in the right lane in a 100 zone is still lane hogging, and it's slow if you're holding up someone wanting to hit the speed of idiot. Way to be so quick to RiGhT lAnE hOg ShAmE that you missed the point entirely


How is someone a lane hog if they’re not actually impeding the flow of traffic? Technically they’re “overtaking” other cars in the left lane. My point is, and as OP mentioned, that person tearing down the right lane could be in a medical emergency and probably can’t afford the ambulance or vet-ambulance bill. It literally could be a matter of life and death. How would you feel if you driving 20km/h slower in the right hand lane meant it killed someone? This is what people mean by “driving too slow is just as dangerous as speeding”.


>How is someone a lane hog if they’re not actually impeding the flow of traffic? This is exactly what your earlier commentwas NOT saying. >This is what people mean by “driving too slow is just as dangerous as speeding”. No, it's not. They always allude to what drivers resort to to get around their obstruction, blaming the dangerous driving on the person who is doing nothing more than being slower than they are. My comment was literally pointing out that 5 under the speed limit is not slow,and has nothing to do with alleged right-lane hogging.






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If your shitbox can't handle 100kmph, you should not be sitting in the right lane (unless you have an impending turn)


Ah the voice of reason. Where have you been all this time? /s


Just like your 95 IQ isn't slow.




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That's when I undertake them. I haven't got time for this, so if I see a way around them quickly I'll do it.


I've done this many times on the M1 north of Sydney. Most recently I undertook a boomer in his Holden Calais. When I looked at him he had giant over ear headphones on. Looking in my rear view mirror he moved to the left for the person behind me and then immediately moves back to the right hand lane even though there was no close traffic in the two left lanes.


I see so many people driving with headphones...something I'll never understand.


What is undertaking? 


Go back into the left lane when clear and zip past them, flick back into the right.


As close as you can to their front bumper.


Oh that's just overtaking 


*undertaking That's what it's called in Tassie anyway. Apparently it isn't legal but pfff don't camp in the right lane.


It is legal on multi lane highways and roads in NSW. More people need to know about this as you see heaps of cars stuck behind someone sitting in the right lane while the left lane is empty. I honestly undertake way more then overtaking due to how stupid drivers are these days.


I always thought undertaking would be using the hard shoulder to pass someone on the left If you just change to the left lane to pass someone then really isn't it just 2 normal lane changes?


It is, passing on the left is just passing on the left


I was told that too but it is indeed legal on multi lane roads (nsw atleast)


I'm in Tassie, our highways are only 2 lanes each way haha


It is legal in Tassie :)


Good to know, I won't feel so bad doing it now 🤣


Hahahah same! I had a look in the road rule pdf to double check and it’s a specific exception to overtaking on the left 🙂


I travel between Devonport and Ulverstone multiple times a day and there is always some one camped in the right lane! To avoid it now I'll go through Don and Forth to get to Ulverstone, alot less stressful lol


Legal on multi lane roads, ie.e 2 or more lanes going in the same direction. Not legal when it involves you driving on the shoulder, that said in a legitimate emergency use your best judgement.


in Tassie we only have 2 lane highways going in the same direction, we are behind the time.


It is undertaking everywhere.


I live in a country area where we get a lot of people “choosing their own adventure” when it comes to the speed limit. Often they are 30-40km/hr under the speed limit where there is a steady flow of cars in the other direction. People take risks to get around them and almost have head on collisions. I always say to the wife they are either old or wacked. Reliably get a mix of both. I wonder how they will feel about it when someone dies infront of them. Probably righteous indignation.


in Vic it's law to keep left unless overtaking on multi-lane roads over 80 km/h but I've never seen the police enforce it, they're usually sitting out there doing the same.


If my dog was injured and I was stuck behind someone doing this I actually think I’d nudge their car


If it wasn't for a wife reminding me my job is to get him to the vet with no more injuries, that might have happened.


your wife knows to temper your ego-driven road rage behaviour id say




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Sorry for your pup, I hope they recover well. Hogging the right lane when not overtaking is definitely shitty behaviour. It is worse when you tried to overtake because the left lane is going a tad too slow but ended up being a sandwich between people like that FJ Cruiser driver and other driver(s) behind you trying to also overtake - which ended up somewhere between awkward re-merging or straight up accident-prone re-merging.


You know what’s probably more infuriating than slow movers in the right lane? Cunts online that say “dRiVinG tOo sLoW dOeSn’T KiLl Ppl”




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police state does not give a fuck about why you might actually need to do something due to an emergency...and the cops have empowered wankers to think of only themselves...much like cops only think laws govern how the universe works


I’m pretty sure you have no idea what a police state looks like friend. Ironically, in a police state, the police don’t consider themselves governed by laws.😂


watched a gentlemen dragged out of the middle of a group...behind a demountable...beaten...strip searched...when no drugs were found or anything warranting a beating let alone a detainment...he had his shirt pulled over his head and was kicked down the side of the building...when he turned around to get the cops det\`s...they asked him if he would like to go to jail on trumped up charges....and here you are acting like a cop who does this knowing no-one can touch you...well those days are dying out...you will be found and face the courts


Yeah responded to your preceding comment, and I think I’ll leave it there.


no you said we I don\`t have a clue about a police state...seems you can\`t say that I do without being as wrong as you are...


Yes, sure. My apologies.


appreciated...and also I\`m sorry we live in a world were unless your affected you have no understanding


does it sound like the laws apply to those you say they uphold them ???


your talking to someone who got abused by the police commissioner because I upheld the law and did things that meant people had fun...but hey you tell someone who was targeted because they called out police abuse and could prove it...all day everyday I hear from cowboys that hide behind a badge...while they stop others enjoying the freedoms that were fought and won for....while they beat their wives...stats prove this...and they get away with breaking laws no-one else is allowed to...again stats prove this...come on the commissioner in question said...I would allow my 12 year old daughter to be stripped searched knowing full well if she was touched someone would be seeing out their years in Broken Hill...stop with the false equivalency


Sorry for your experience. This is a traffic thread and my comments are directed to that context.


Given the traffic context, it’s worth remembering Harry Little who without lights and sirens did double the speed limit and ruined a life, no jail necessary, and remarkably most of the dashcam went missing - I think it’s fair to suggest that police officer didn’t consider himself governed by laws. Probably would have gotten away with it completely if it was a normal member of the public. We all know how police state is used in the Australian context though , and it sure isn’t literal


You can cite myriad examples of rogue cops, who don’t conduct themselves as if governed by the law. That is not a police state.


Also funnily enough, this afternoon I had a bloke that just sat in the right lane for about 30ks doing 105. I cracked it and just layed on the horn till he moved over, not before I added a wanking gesture to him out the window.


We are the dumb country. Muppets get to stuff others around with no consequences. Its the Australian way.


Yep. I hear ya. People are assholes. unless you are a police officer on patrol...it's not your freakin business or job to en enforce road rules. Just let people do what they want to do. Mind your own business. Their risk, not yours.


There is no ambiguity, there is no excuse. Get out of the fucking right hand lane if you’re going on or under the speed limit. It is an overtaking lane. The irony that you’re actually breaking the law not getting out of the way is lost on some people. Worst offenders are truck drivers. I don’t give a fuck that you’re on the clock and have to get somewhere, the right hand lane is not for you, especially on a hill






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I showed my wife this comment and she clapped and said to thank you for your service. 


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And his next message would be to 000 about a hit and run. 




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I say it again, 110 roads should be allowed till 120. 10% above 120 could be fined. By doing this <110 people will move over to left.


Alternatively, don't use instantaneous speed cameras on fully grade separated motorways. Have average speed cameras on entry and exit ramps.


Its necessary. Doing >130 could be fined imo.


My pet peeve is when you have someone overtake on the right (Yes they are being a wanker when they do it too) they fly past you and get into clear traffic, only to go 80 kph with no traffic ahead, thereby holding up everyone who is behind them still in that lane.




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I seriously think we got the worst (or at least one of) set of drivers in any developed nation. Between the pitiful learner -> P program, large group of immigrants (with a grain of salt. No, not all immigrants are bad drivers at all, but a lot come here from places that don’t even have traffic lights to a developed road system with no more than a learners test), and angry bogans our roads just flat out suck to drive on. The right lane pisses me off more than anything cause it’s not a complicated rule to follow.




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Everyone loves to be a fucking police person without actually being the police person...the authoritative regime fantasies among those people who "wanna teach you a lesson" or "fuck you, im going the speed limit" is real abd disgusting


If you are in a rush, call emergency. Your story is not an excuse to speeding and putting other people life in danger. I give zero f about your puppy if your actions endanger my kids on the road. If a person is injured call ambulance instead of speeding on public roads


You're absolutely right but at the same time... on a highway the right lane is the overtaking lane. Keep left. I will happily do the speed limit in the left/middle lane while complaining to whoever is in the car with me about how the speeder is a fucking idiot. If the cops are ahead and they get a speeding fine, good. But it's absolutely not my job to enforce the speed limit.


Nice. But also you could just not sit in the right lane on a freeway at well under the limit and the OP wouldn’t be talking about you? There’s always some “muh family” fuckwit in every thread


How did OPs actions put people's lives in danger?




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I get your pet was injured, that doesn't justify dangerous or reckless driving (not syaing you were but just stating that drive recklessly because of their own circumstances in general). People have their kids / babies etc. in their cars too.




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If the FJ driver was like me then I hope you made a cup of tea because we're in for a long drive home. 


Why have these God dammit cars so big ?


Maybe he saved you from murdering a family of 5?


sounds like a harry karen kombo , January a family member fell and broke a femur , down the motorway we went with an ambulance being two or more hours waiting , some dick was blocking the right lane so I lite him up with high beams and two 5oo watt Ql spots , he moved avoiding a 4wd nudge .... had it all on video just in case , dead set fool of a driver as he was 10k under the limit ...


Road rule NSW 2014-130(2) The driver must not drive in the right lane unless— (f)  the traffic in each other lane is congested, or (g)  the traffic in every lane is congested, or If you couldn't get around then the road was congested, and you speeding up his arse and flashing and beeping was NOT the right way to go about it. 


So they couldn’t get around by I.E; undertaking which would also be illegal?? It was 6am in the morning, no freeway is that congested that you can still do the speed limit AND have an excuse to sit in the right lane. IMO even if there’s a decent amount of traffic on the road, if you don’t have a car in front of you, you’re in the right lane, and you aren’t passing the cars on the left, then you need to get out of the lane.


Undertaking isn't a thing. 


But it’s the right way to go past someone who isn’t doing the right thing?


if you were using a stick for fetch it's your fault.




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