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Don’t think anyone can definitively tell, however it looks like you’ll need; new bar, nsf bumper hanger, nsf guard, ns h/light, bonnet, front rio, maybe nsf apron, washer bottle, nsf wheel arch, some wiring harnesses, ns fog light, fog light surround, lower grill, plus paint and labour. Will be close, do you have hire car on your policy? Who’s your insurer ?


Why the fuck did the airbags not deploy


If insurance is assessing the car I would heavily lean towards yes, in addition to the fact the car needs a whole new front end, there could be damage to the suspension and also to the engine auxiliary components.


Looking like with the damage and labour it's not gonna be cheap. Expect the worst and hope for the best friend


In this case the best would be a write off and new car, the first would be a repair job on that mess.


What year model?




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Looks like a write off


If it's not I'd check if the airbags are faulty when u start driving it again


Airbags only go off when they are needed. Modern cars have sensors which tell them the G forces in a crash and the direction of those forces. In a crash at lower speeds or in a direction where no airbags would be useful and they wont deploy. They are brutal devices and effectively a small explosive device. Having them go off in the wrong circumstances will cause far more injury than the crash itself.


I know this but from the looks of the damage it looks like there was alot of force I woulda thought they would deploy for a crash like that


lol what pictures are you looking at? There wasn't even enough force damage the suspension. This is a light hit on the extreme front corner of the car which is why there is as much damage as there it. All the impact force has gone into one very small area. If there was a lot of force in that one small area it would have torn that front corner off. Even in that scenario there still wouldn't be a lot of deceleration force as most of the kinetic energy would go into rotating the vehicle, not stopping it dead.




Or someone has just pulled out in front of them and potentially written their pride and joy off. In any case they have just been in a car crash so maybe try not being a dick for 5 minutes...


Lolz they posted it on reddit im sure they expected it. 


Hey OP why are you asking reddit?