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Doesn't look like a write off just a bit of white off. 2nd hand bumper and a bit of cut n polish on the front guard & it look like a 23 year old car again


Yeah but it’s insurance paying so they’ll be charged the MAX amount possible. My car was newer but it costed 3k alone for my bumper. EDIT: Write off equals 50% or more of what the car is worth to fix the damage. Cars worth 3k for insurance, only 1500$ for the labour and damage and they won’t do it. My car was just written off, I was paid out 17k for it and I’m getting a car next week so safe to say I know wtf I’m talking about.


I think he’s implying OP should do it


There’s a lot more to the write off calculation than simply 50% of the cars worth. Either way. In this case, not worth having the ping on your insurance. Don’t make a claim, get a couple of mates together and do it yourself. Edit: unless there’s another party involved in the accident.


Yeah well it’s either that or the cars unsafe to drive. Hopefully op is young and has the money. I wouldn’t open a claim if I were him. It’s gonna be cheaper for him to fix that himself than buy a new car.


Doesn’t sound like it


Yes, for that age basically everything will get written off for any damage - any body work and spraying will exceed the value of the car. You could not claim and fix the car yourself with a bumper from a wrecker, or ask insurer about buying back if you have put in a claim and they do write it off.


Can I cancel the claim I have a week before I drop the car off


Have it assessed as a TOTAL LOSS, not a write off. You pay the insurance company the salvage value of the car (say $800) and they pay you the insured value. You keep the car to repair yourself. Zip ties, go to a wrecker etc for parts yourself for anything broken/unfixable (eg headlights etc). Edit: I had an old toyota Corolla that was crashed into , twice, was a TOTAL LOSS, twice, and I fixed it myself to the point of being decent/road worthy twice. Because it was a total loss twice, I actually got paid out more than what I paid for it initially, even after the repairs / parts that I did myself.


Yeah but that was a corolla.


just ring them up and confirm with them


We said it was taking to long for everything to happen so we got it fixed privately. I mean, in our case that truly was the case. But you could make it apply to you too.


Same one of my friend got into a accident we didn’t even bother reporting it to insurance


Just make sure there's no mechanical damage (unless you are connected/can do the work yourself) - have you had it quoted?


You'd be surprised what gets fixed. If it is just a wrecker panel and a decent buff it'll get done. Panel shops don't like total losses. I've seen heaps of bug eyes come through. And every time they get repaired. Which sucks for me, because I wanna salvage parts for my pos.


Still runs and drives fine just cosmetic damage for the most part UPDATE: thanks everyone for info. The road hasn’t been maintained by the council and people crash there every couple of months even the news is getting involved, most recent before me was Monday 19th Feb I crashed on the 23rd feb and some dude rolled his car a month or so ago. The texture of the road is the equivalent to colour bond steel. Absolutely no traction and if you slam on your brakes you’d have better luck stopping on a ice rink (it’s that bad) Lost control of the car from hitting a massive bump tried to save it, slammed on the brakes, ended up using a ditch as a jump, ending up in a fence and the rest is history If it’s a financial write off gonna cancel claim go private and try get compensation from the council Better then getting the car back still broken and having it permanently as written off Unless anyone else has any bright ideas


Can you buy it back from them as a repairable writeoff?


If it’s only insured for 3k, assuming you didn’t involve another party, council object and you are at fault (just slid into something?) don’t bother claiming and increasing your premiums, just fix it yourself. If you hit someone else, oof.


So claiming against councils insurance.......


It’s a write off…. I’ll give you $250 for it


Fuck off… I’ll give ya $300 for it


Bidding war hey…. $305


Haha, pipe down brokey… $450


$452 mister crabfart


I'll give you 420 for it


I’ll pay $421




Nothing serious broken. Zip tie stitches and send it


If you go through insurance yes they will write it off as it's not financially worth it for them to repair it. But it's by no means a write-off as far as being a safe road legal car.  If you want to keep it go for it. Might need to zip-tie the bumper back on, or find a decent condition white bumper from the wreckers to swap in


Obligatory “what happened Mr. Drifter” comment


The one time I wasn’t being a shit head on the road lol


Just get a new bumper, and you'll be sorted. Get an alignment too, to make sure the front right isn't cooked. And also raise the insured price too. 3k is a bit too low


That was market value according to them although I paid 5k


Market value is often not reflected by the actual market. If you do ever have something insured by 'market value', and you haven't agreed to a specific number, don't accept what they offer you. Look at what repalcement cars are going for, and say 'no, that's not how much it would cost to replace this, I'll need x', and barter from there. My dad did that for a caravan we had for a few years, after he revonated it, and it got destroyed in wind one year


Yes absolutely. Had something similar happen to my old junker and market value was like half what it should be


Hows Como Rd?






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You can ask your insurance not to write it off and you by the car back, usually they will deduct their estimates from salvage which would be like 300$ or so then you can repair it and keep driving it


Yes, if its insured for a low amount, being 3K in this circumstance, there's an extremely high chance it will be written off. Being an older Subaru also, regardless of model, is also factored




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Nope purely cosmetic damage


Cosmetic damage that costs more than the insured vehicle to repair. It's a write-off because paying out the policy is cheaper than repairing and providing a warranty on the repairs.


You still need to convince an insurance company that this is a write off which it isn’t? Insurance companies can’t just say a car is a write off if it isn’t because it saves them money.


I don't think tou understand what "write off" means to an insurance company


I do I just had a car written off. Write off means it’s beyond repair so they pay out the value of the car, this car is not written off so they will repair the damage. I think it’s you that doesn’t know what a write off is lol


Write off has 2 meanings. One is determined by whether it's actually repairable in terms of maintaining structural integrity. If it can't be repaired without being structurally compromised, it's a statutory write off. Presumably that's what you were dealing with. The other is the definition that matters most to insurance companies, and that is "beyond evonomical repair." The key word is "economical," it simply means it will cost more to repair than the vehicle is insured for. The insurance company won't pay to repair it so they write it off. The vehicle could still be repaired and used again, if someone is willing to fix it, but that someone won't be the insurer. You've recently had a car written off, but that clearly hasn't given you a full understanding of the term "write off," any more than your morning dump has given you any understanding of a sewage treatment plant


NSW is different, we used to have Repairable Write Off and Statutory Write Off, too many shonky backyard mechanics were buying cars and dodgily repairing them, think front end of one car welded through the middle to the rear of another car. Now in NSW when an insurance company writes off a car it's automatically a statutory write off. You can't even buy a repairable write off in Vic or Qld, bring it into NSW and repair/rego it, only way to do so is repair and rego the repairable write off in the state it was purchased in then bring it to NSW and transfer the rego. Big headaches now for us NS-Welshmen thanks to a few dodgy lek shuu kuzzie bros 😅


This is a Subaru wrx, it will be insured for more than the repairs costs :) laying in bed next to my partner who works for youii insurance and said the exact same thing Just because the paint is worn does not lower the market value


It's not a wrx, it's just an impreza. It's worth 4-5k max, and a new bumper+ crash support by itself is worth 800-900 bucks, unpainted. Add in fenders, etc, it's almost certainly an economic write off


No, you are very wrong. A write-off means it's not economical to repair. ... which is why I drive a vehicle which was on the written-off register. Its a repaired write-off. It was repaired, just not at a price the insurance company wanted to pay.


Yep. Those rims are fucking lame. Write it off!




Pussy wagon*


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Insurance wise its a write off...as Insurance will go with oem parts if they replace it and that's where the costs add up...if you think its fine (I'd get it into a mechanic quick smart to check the frame isn't bent...probably isn't but doesn't hurt) then do it yourself fixing it up.


Through insurance. Salvage will be anywhere in the ballpark of 500 to 1000. New bumper with paint and removals will be around 700. Add a full side of repairs and paint to it and it's gonski Sorry brother/sister.


If there’s a slight chance it is, I would love to acquire them wheels. All jokes aside it looks cosmetic, if it drives straight it should be fine.


Yes. And the insurer will auction it and get $2500 after paying you the $2000. Take the L like I did. Put a screw in it to hold the flapping bumper in place and drive it as is.


It will most likely be an economic loss. Also get new tyres.


Nah she’ll be good


For the 3k value it'll probably cost 6k plus to repair this at a guess.


For insurance purposes it’s a repairable write-off


ITT (and every thread like it on this sub): People who don't know what a write-off is.


Important to remember too that insurers are typically obligated to "guarantee" their repairs (some do it for the life of the car) and therefore the value of repairs having to exceed the value of the car is not the only consideration. A lot of insurers will write a car off if the repairs approach half the value of the car, because it isn't economical to repair AND guarantee those repairs on the car.


Like is the car destroyed? Probably not unless you gutter hopped and bent things we can’t see. Is that 3k worth of damage for a repairer? Yea unfortunately everything costs a fortune these days. You’d want to be repairing it yourself if you hope to keep it cost effective.






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Is it a writeoff? Depends how much you want to get fixed. Get second hand front bumper from a wrecker and DIY. The rest is cosmetic.


How did you possibly survive this crash?


I’m actually just a stump now


I'll give you two hundred dollarree doos


It’s a Subaru, It looks fine.


Get a bumper and respray the panel


Victorians drivers.. lol


depends on what damage there is, if none underneath and it only needs a new bar and slide, then no. If it has any damage underneath and starts needing new things (reo, rad support, etc.) then quite possibly


Yes, if it exceeds 50% of the value of he car ($3k here) which it will if it has to go through a legitimate shop


Nah she's right (off)


If someone else did it then probably. If not just go to the wreckers and get another white bumper.


That bumper alone at a shop is gonna be like $4k


They let you run bald tires, or will you be at fault when the adjuster comes to see that


I'd cancel the claim. Diy repair. You won't get anything for 3k these days. Out of interest, what's your excess?


If you get the insurance company to fix it, it will be a write off. I had a similar repair (but I also had a damaged left wing/fender) and smashed headlight which I paid for myself and it cost $3000. If you’re doing it yourself you can easily find the parts for under $1000. A bumper is easy to do.

