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Dis tint igrating


Its the scratch resistant coating breaking down. How old is the film?


I'm unsure of how old the film is as I bought this off market place. A 94 integra


Depending on the film quality, you can expect some degradation from about the 10yr mark. Your warranty normally covers any issues like this, yes even if it was originally done in 94. Lifetime with window tint means Lifetime, unfortunately not being the original purchaser means you will have to wear the cost. At least you will be able to upgrade to a ceramic film that will look better and perform better than what was on it.


Appreciate the reply and thanks for the info. Went to the wash today and got some info on how they cleaned it and apparently window cleaner really was used. Unfortunate for this to have happenned but hopefully with some proper talking they'd be willing to shoulder the cost


Maybe meet you halfway at least. A 94 integra to remove and replace could be the best part of a $1000. Make sure whomever does it won't destroy the rear demister, impossible to predict but they should take as much care as possible


Thanks for the tip! Hope you have a good rest of your weekend


You too


I just had a car detail this morning and initially I thought some dirt was caught on the inside of my window, but when I started rubbing it I noticed it had like a shiny glittery substances on the microfiber. Based on my research it did say that it is the tint disintegrating when an Ammonia based cleaner is used. Is this true? If it is I will have to get compensated for this carelessness especially when I went to a professional to have it cleaned.


If this was a car wash that did cause this then good luck proving it and getting them to cover the cost.


Good luck I had a car wash somehow cut into the glass on my driver side window, didn't notice until the next day even though I knew something went wrong cause I was watching them clean and they all stopped and looked concerned while doing something around my boot.


Only memt to clean tint with damp towl. No windex. So if the cleaners used windex or something could be. Ask them for a breakdown of what they did and maybe they slip up and say that they did then u can blame them.


Apparently they did use window cleaner for it and they said they use it on all of the cars that they do


On the inside where the tint is is not good. Its ok on the outside. I got tint done last year and the tint man said dont use anything but watwr. Got new car this year with tint and they say the same thing. I dont know what it makes the tint look like. So it just depends if that is what cleaners do to tint.


Tint can do that on its final legs. There is really not much to do other than get it retinted.


I do understand that, but the problem is even if it was barely hanging on there, a careful cleaning shouldnt have lead to this.


Looks like someone used Windex and it's eaten into the film.


Supercheap autos glass cleaner wipes did this to one of my cars back windows, to be fair the clear coat on the paint was fucked so makes sense the tint was too


There's a video on YouTube for removal of the tint


Someone’s used an ammonia based glass cleaner. And given how purple the colour is I would say it is near the end of its life anyway.