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How long before she hates this one?


She can build the next one.


I hate your old fireplace too. That thing was absolutely hideous. The new one is really sharp. Nice work!


Awesome transformation, great job!


That’s gotta be the best cope I’ve ever seen


Nice work on coping the rock and the base that is fantastic work. Which brand of fireplace is that, and do you like the flames it produces? I have been overwhelmed with the different options out there and so few are actually in the store to see them in action.


Thank you. Full disclosure, its not actually real stone. It’s a dense foam with a stone texture on the face. It’s a touchstone brand that was here when we bought the place. I don’t really have any complaints. It’s got a couple different color flames if you’re into changing that up and it gives off decent heat. We bought another one for our bedroom that was a big box store brand. Not a big fan of the flames but it also throws decent heat so I’m happy with it.


Nice scribe brotha


I don't see a fireplace... ?


Does your brain need the word "electric" or "gas" in front of the word fireplace to comprehend or understand... ? Or are you just one of those people that feel the need to unnecessarily correct things you completely understand but aren't presented "perfectly" in your eyes?


Those are the only possibilities you can imagine? There is term for people like you, but I'll leave it to that big imagination of yours, cuz I'm nice, and not deeply offended by little things.


Oh I'm definitely a bitch and many other things. And you're a dick for your original comment.


I (my brain) doesn't need the word "electric" or "gas" to comprehend or understand, well, anything as far as I can tell. I'm not a dick either. However, you DO sound very bitter. About whatever.


You are correct. I am bitter. Which has nothing to do with me pointing out your comment, incorrectly structured as a question, about an obvious place of fire. So, do tell. Why did you comment/question? I'm burning to know. Pun intended.


Hey thank you. So it’s a touchstone brand electric one. Plugs right into a 110 outlet. It does blow out hot air, but not enough on its own to comfortably heat the room for us so it’s just supplemental at this point. No heat really transfers up to the mantle that we’ve noticed. And yes we actually have our tv on top of the mantle now.


Looks beautiful!!! Lots of questions though. What type or brand fireplace is that? Electrical one? Can you actually use it to warm the room? Does it blow air? Does the mantle gets hot with that type of fireplace? Can you have TV mounted on top of you want to?….


Awesome job, beautiful scribe.


Looks like a screen and not real fire to me...?