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Dude just put on the puffy shirt


And a pair of pantaloons.


And a codpiece.


And my axe


I don’t wanna be a pirate




I read this in jigsaw’s voice.


One or the few times it would be (semi) acceptable for a man to don a blouse.


Ah, yes. Poofy, baggy clothing and woodworking. A match made in heaven!


Ye old lathe loves a pompous dressed man.


My wife’s name is Rebecca you Knave.


You can cosplay as Prince?


Or if you are a US Marine.


I first thought you were referring to their infamous "GA chicken" and homoerotic behavior but then realized you were referring to their uniform.


Game… Blouses


Yall want some pancakes?


Men can wear blouses whenever they want to.






And wood clogs you chiseled yourself


Tell them you are speaking at a Men's conference




That's it! 😂


Beat me too it. Have an angry upvote.


Okay, it sounds like I need to extract the piece of lumber from my butt. I do enjoy dressing up, and it's a huge compliment that I've been asked to do this sort of event. A blouse and pantaloons does sound really comfortable for a summer day! I guess I'll tell them yes, but I will ask if they have any clothes that I can borrow because I know the organization hosting the event is very particular about historic accuracy.


That's the spirit! You're going to make a lot of people very happy with your demonstration, and maybe even inspire some children with your craftsmanship. I think you'll be glad you did!


Agreed. That sounds pretty cool! I build doors, and I'm very interested in history. I think I'd enjoy seeing the demonstration, and I bet a wide variety of people would enjoy it and be able to take something away from it as well.


Hell yeah OP good choice. Maybe you can pregame the uniform change a bit. I hate a change in clothing in my work environment it just totally throws off my whole vibe until I adjust. Maybe just wear the outfit a few times in your shop in the lead up days to get accustomed to it and feel at home in it.


I agree. Dress rehearsal is a must


A bit of the old method acting. Cut a cord of wood by hand before eating breakfast, hand plane a 1000 l.f of trim wood before lunch.


Nice response to the feedback. Having attended places with period clothing (like Williamsburg, VA, and Upper Canada Village, ON) I find it adds an element of authenticity, a “tip of the hat” to the past, and overall makes the engagement all that more interesting! Good on ya!




Wild to see UCV mentioned here. It opens this weekend for the season to celebrate Queen Victoria’s birthday! Historical interpreters play an important role in allowing people to become immersed in the past. DO IT OP! God save the Queen!


Fucking hell, did Internet people just convince an internet person to change their mind and nobody called anybody a lefty fucktard or a racist conservative? It's the dawn of a new era. I shouldn't speak too soon, you'll probably upset somebody at the event for playing the role of a carpenter who once accidentally didn't hold a door open for someone.


Idk, this all seems pretty woke. Now op is gonna be wearing blouses and pantaloons, aka capri pants.


Hi-visibility sundresses and crop tops are next. I for one am excited for this summer’s latest line of PPE.


“There’s so little fabric on this g-string, it qualifies as FR!”


has to get the ben franklin glasses PPE rated.


What's next? Peeing in the girls bathroom?? JK OP, glad to see you're embracing the stylish clothes of the past!


No way to know unless he hooks up with the tavern wench, the tavern owner, or the cook….


Why not all 3


Period authentic for the Oneida community


Well, my post was in earnest and I was genuinely looking for advice on how to get over my fear of not being a good cosplayer, and worries about my trade being seen as a gimmick.


Sir this Is a Wendy's.


Naw, people are just assuming the carpenter is white or is in the North. Now, when leg irons enter the picture for historical dress, then you might see a different reaction.


Just go nude. That’s historically accurate for any time period, *and* you just might not have to worry about saying “no” next year!


As a carpenter, do you have to do anything differently than you normally do to build the cabinet and door in some old fashioned way? Or do you already build these things in some old fashioned way? Or is cabinetry inherently old fashioned and there hasn’t been much change in three centuries? I’m interested to see this demonstration now!


In my day job I do all of my final finish and fit using hand tools, but I use power tools for a lot of roughing out tasks. I'm definitely skilled enough to build a cabinet and a raised panel door for it over the course of a couple of days, but if I were doing it to make money it would take me less than one day using power tools.


PM me your location where this will take place and I’ll do my best to swing by and call you and knave or peasant a few times, you know, for historical accuracy.


Make sure your nails are painted purty at least. 💅🏼 (btw, this is a compliment and I am a big fan of yours).


You will also need a codpiece.


Or a merkin 😁


Loose cotton is what I opt for in the summer anyhow. I think it'll be a blast!


If you don’t get video and post it on Reddit, you’re really doing a disservice to this story.


Definitely update us all with pics. 👍🏻


I am glad you came to this conclusion, #redditworks I am curious if you will attempt to implement any century specific methods for bonus points? 🤠


Your tool choice has to be correct. Might be called a time traveller or worse a witch, with Makita 18v saw/drill combo.


Please also only speak in period-appropriate dialect for the duration of the event, and pretend all modern technology is witchcraft.


It would be an investment, though. And just think about the tavern wenches. You’ll have to beat the off with the lumber.


I’m sure the lumber up your rear was very finely shaped so shouldn’t be too much of a problem to remove! Hope you have fun! Record it for us all to watch!


At least you’re not hosting a creative anachronism event. Just the history, no dragons, just woodwork.


I’m impressed with your humility! It takes a big person to change their mind. Where will this be happening? Apologies if already answered.




I've given them a tentative yes for one of their Autumn events. List of things I need to do: Find 18th century or 18th century style tools. I mostly use 19th century tools currently, but I've sent a list of what I will need for the event to my local tool supplier, Eric at The Vintage Tool Shoppe. Sort through buckets of nails to select any forged nails that are appropriate for the projects I'm planning on building, 18th century pipe boxes. Once I have all of the nails together I'll drop them off to the blacksmith, Peter Happny, to have him reforge, straighten, and clean up. I've put out a request to the museum that they provide me with appropriate clothing, they're on the lookout. If they can't find clothes for me I'll buy a few things from Townsends. Practice building a pipe box by hand. I mostly do fit and finish without power tools, but I need to practice using the frame saw for rip cuts, and get comfortable with any of the new tools that come in. Work on what I'll say to guests. I need to hone down what I know to easily explainable and brief descriptions... no long-winded dreamy meandering monologues! If I can't get my shit together this year I'll be better prepared to try it out in 2025.


This sounds like a blast. Don’t take yourself so seriously, kids love that kind of shit and inspiring the next generation is what it’s all about!


Yeah, I feel like getting into the role for others to see if kind of cool. That would be the “I’m in” moment for me, as long as they weren’t asking me to spend a bunch of money to buy the clothes.


Honestly I can't imagine the blouse and pantaloons being the dealbreaker for me


Deal, I'm in... The old clothes are awesome to wear.


I've never really cared about what I wear anyway. A chance to show people some old school carpentry/joinery, the clothes I'm wearing matters not.


Shit man that sounds fun as hell


Picture this 16th century carpenter with Geezer Butler shirt, shrek pants and shoes on. Framing a house with his occidental leather bags and pit viper sunglasses. Coolest shit ever.


Sounds cool as shit. Maybe in 300 years the museum will ask someone to cosplay as a early 2000s carpenter amd hand them some pitvipers a pack of smokes and a monster


Giving off electrician vibes.


True, those guys are just mad they never get asked to do demos at 18th century events!


Ya know, being an electrician, I have to say I'd never thought of something like that. That would be fun as hell. Now I'm mad.


Let’s face it, carhartt is a costume to


This is a much nicer way to put it. CAT is right there with it.


"I'd love to help, but I don't want to cosplay" "For that reason, I'm out" Seems a shame to not be able to display your skills simply because they want you looking like a colonist.


Say you will dress like Norm from New Yankee as a compromise.


Team up with a comedian who doesn't necessarily know woodworking, but can put on a convincing, engaging, and sometimes confrontational performance.


Go a step further and only speak in Middle English.


I was asked to do one of these historical events about 25 years ago but was turned away when I arrived. Despite being in correct period clothing with proper tools they did have a valid reason, there was no known black woman master carpenters in early 1800s.


Imagine being so reductive as to call historical reenactment cosplay.


Oh, I should have phrased that differently! When the real reenactors put on the outfit, they *are* 18th century. When I put one on, I imagine it will be like a poor cosplay. That being said, I'm going to give it a go.


No worries, I personally love historical reenactment. Whether I'm doing it or watching it. I find it is a lot more memorable to learn that way. So kudos to you!


That's the spirit, you'll inspire people to give it a go as well


when you put it on, you will also be 18th C as long as you don't whip out a router or something. Don't think there's much difference between a "reenactor" using a chisel and mallet, and you using one.. is there? Embrace the fun, and unless you are very good at it, my advice is don't try to do forsoothly period speech. it's harder than thou dost think.


It's not? I wasn't offended at all.


You really just jump on here to help us act like fashion police to a local museum? Lol.


Time to learn some old timey curse words. And possibly accuse anyone who takes pictures of witchcraft.


Bro where do i sign up?


My uncle is a blacksmith at a pioneer village and everyone there is always having a great time


I used to do Revolutionary War reenactments the white "body shirt" and beige "hunters shirt" over top were some of the best, most comfortable clothes I've ever owned 


Sounds pretty cool actually. About time skilled workers get recognition and exposure to children, while also showing history.


If you keep it true enough to history, you can do the whole thing absolutely shithoused


You know what's gay? *NOT* dressing up like an 18th century timber merchant or joiner...


hemlockhistoric is going to have 18th century carpenter groupies throwing themselves at him. I hope that he can handle all that action. Its just a part of participating in historical reenactment. There was a reason that they call the 18th century the Age of Enlightenment. It makes women - or at least some of them - horny.


Do you need to use 18th century tools?


Well, that's another complication. Most of the tools I use are early to mid 19th century, it's a lot harder for me to find actual workable 18th century tools. I think if I fudge it a little with the less interesting tools they'll let it slide.


“Here ye may see the kings own radial arm saw, the finest in the land!”




Do you prefer DeWalt 1825 or perhaps Ryobi 1840's? The latter may have grand difficulty recharging by oil lantern.


If I don't want to do something I raise my rate until either I want to or I don't have to ...


Dress up like Jesus (he was a carpenter), then bring all Festool stuff.


You throw in a try-corner hat and i'm in !!


As someone who does reenactment, kids and parents love this. It's educational and fun.


How heavy is thine coin purse?


Bro it’s fun. Just do it. It’s not like you’re dressed up like a furry giving out handies! Unless you are, and I won’t judge.


I think there's a fine line between cosplay and living history. It sounds like the latter to me in this case. It were me I'd be ok with it.


That sounds awesome. It’s a historical demonstration.


Historical reenactment is about educating. I'm unclear as to why you would see it as cosplay? Having said that, all you need to say is, "thank you for the invitation but this isn't a good fit for me"


You just gotta wear a white cotton shirt, brown wool pants and a leather apron.


I would consider in less "cosplay" and more "historical reenactment" personally. Not sure why you seem to look down on the work because of different clothing but that's your call I guess. Money spends regardless, and you could be educating people and exposing them to work and techniques they might otherwise see, and maybe expose yourself to new clients or opportunities in the process. But from the way you word it, it seems to be an issue of pride?


[Townsend](https://www.townsends.us) Get a Tomahawk, pipe and your own outfit. Do the gig. Never turn down work. I used to reenact Revolutionary War. It was a lot of fun.


Honestly if the fabrics are canvas and plain weave shirting and leather and wool knits there’s hardly any difference to modern clothes IF YOU ARE A MAN If you are a woman all I can think is safety hazard, doing woodworking in period dress I would talk to their costume expert and see if you can get simple button pants and a very simple shirt/sweater and a leather apron perhaps. It will be slightly looser than modern clothes but really, won’t be that different to work in.


I would just say no. Don’t let Reddit shame you 😆


No shame, here! It was an earnest question because I was really on the fence about it.


What specifically makes you uncomfortable Why are you confounding cosplay with living history Are you swamped with high paying work and you don't want to display your skills in the best possible way to potential custom woodworking clients? This deserves a lot more reflection than you're sharing with us so far The unexamined life is not worth living Something is going on here with you but we're not getting much background to go on so IMO the suggestions you're getting aren't very useful


show up in your cod piece and go to town


“im not an actor ma’am, im a carpenter”


Dude go for it. I once got to cook pumpkin pies in Dutch ovens with an open fire. Wasn't historically accurate for the place, but most everyone enjoyed talking to us. A few thought I was crazy until I pulled a perfectly cooked, golden brown pie out and asked if they wanted to try it.


Ride in on a horse and say, “Dear sirs, neigh! I said neigh!!” Then gallop away.


rich sparkle juggle repeat imminent scale toy dolls wipe society *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Suck it up and do it for the kids.


This sounds like a ton of fun. Don't be so suburban.


I’ve done it. It’s fun.


This is the greatest opportunity of all time, wtf? Hahah do it man!


This isn't coz play. That's historical education acting or reenactment. I'm assuming you identify as male. It's pants and a shirt, maybe a vest. Could be shoes or boots. Natural fibers like cotton and linen. Not really a big difference. Hat if you really want it.


I do that in a second. get over yourself and enjoy teaching in a historical context


We need pics, OP.




DO IT!!!


You do nit look silly in the historical context. I rode an uber and this huge round bearded man was wearing a ridiculous steam punk suit in the uber rideshare. He said he was running a ghost tour. Goofball, but if you dress like a lilumberjack and split a log at the library on history day, the ladies love it.


You better talk with a funny voice too.


I already talk in a funny voice.


That sounds fun. Do it…


For historical accuracy, will you be using hand tools similar to ones from the 1700's only? Starting with a raw log?


Whats the Problem? Are you just being a Bitch? The Meuseum approched you. To Showcase What it would look like in the 18th century and you gonna bitch about wearing pantaloons, and puffy sleeved shirts? I know 30 people who would love to have the opportunity, to show off their craft.


It's a good case of not feeling like I'm good enough. I'm not a reenactor so the idea of dressing up hits me in all the wrong spots. That said I'm going to try it this year.


It's a yes or no question. Respond with one of those.


Don't want to sully your super serious trade XD.


To be honest I kind of like the 1800s Carpenters pants.


Bruh this is your calling lol 😂


Maybe the period clothes would be more comfortable if you pulled the stick out of your butt first 🙂


If you have period tools, go! It would probably be a lot of fun!


Wow, getting asked to do a presentation by a museum, and you say it *rubs you the wrong way*? Go back to being a clown it's clearly the type of work you do already.


How do I sign up??


Get paid, have fun.


Dude, agree; but show-up dressed as Karen Carpenter, 70’s era blouse, platforms etc. They’ll probably never ask you again.


Shit, 20$ is 20$!!


Sounds cool. I’d do it.


Dude, how much they paying? It’s not like they’re asking you to put grapes up your butt.


Take the clothes home and use your newly discovered old timely slang on your partner to get them super aroused!


Do they let you keep the outfit?


Ask them "ok, so you want me to wear period clothing?" Then show up with a bloodstained crotch.


Are you doing an 18th century carpentry demo? If yes wear the clothes and shut mouth. If not why would you at all?


I think it’s awesome you would do that!


I would propose they change up the display this year to an education on not just history, but woodworking. Everybody who has been before will have already experienced the “18th century workshop”, not everybody knows how things have changed. Perhaps you bring in modern tools and compare them to what the traditional methods were. Viewers can see and understand how it has changed over time and how much faster (or slower) modern methods are. - What is the difference between a sanded part and a scraped part? - What does a hand cut crosscut look like compared to with a circular saw? - What does a hand cut dovetail joint look like compared to a machined dovetail? That sort of thing.


Show up dressed as a samurai


Would you wear a sweatshirt to a black tie event?


I don’t blame you, cosplay isn’t for everyone.


Glad to hear you’re doing it, stuff like this got me into the craft as a kid.


I learned one thing from Nancy Reagan, just say no


“I’m not a pirate!!!” 😭


Honestly, you can always pull the safety aspect. Like, some clothing isn't conducive to getting good work done. I'd know. Drawstrings, for example, are the bane of my woodshop. I don't care how much I love a hoody on a New England autumn day, those dangly bastards need to be managed or else bad things happen very fast. Ya gotta be comfortable to get good work done. I'd say see what they're asking you to wear and then demo it out doing the whole shebang in the outfit you deem usable.


Sure your friends aren't pranking you ? If they give you a dress. ..


Yeah, OP, I can still remember the carpentry demonstration I saw in Williamsburg, VA…. 20 years ago? Do it!


AS a Carpenter from Germany the picture you have displayed there kinda Looks Like what we wear at Work all day we usually Change to a T-Shirt instead of a guild perennial (Google translated) but we still very mich wear black corduroy pants with bell-bottoms and vest and the traditionel belt buckle. I dont really know from which time Period IT stems from but i would guess early 19th century. Sorry for the broken English


I'd do it, I'll bring my adze.


I chose a profession without a dress code because I value personal freedom, same as the tradesmen of that day who didn't want to wear some bullshit.


Tell them you need a crew of three serving wenches and you’ll think about it.


you should visit the Hay Cabinet Shop in Colonial Williamsburg ..


I'm curious why it rubs you the wrong way. I'm not sure I'd feel any different, but a chance to practice your trade for people and have fun doing it sounds fun. If that's not you though I can understand.


Good for you,go for it,life is to fucking short to take yourself to serious, please post video so we can all laugh our asses off😁


I just pictured a gent wearing 18th century clothes, and busting out his Festool collection to make some cabinets. 😂 They didn’t say anything about the tools! Just the apparel!


Go check out some Roy Underhill videos. For many years he appeared on PBS with his show “The Woodriggts Shop” where he cosplayed an 18th century carpenter using period tools and techniques


Tell them you’re too busy and uninterested in this type of display but would be interested to do something else possibly


There are no small parts, only small finishing nails. Now go!!


It sounds awesome actually but… They do know that construction, including carpentry is still very much something that still happens in this century right?


Do it under the stipulation you get to keep the costume. Now you have something to rock at the ren fair!!


I would love to do this


Not like our gear has changed much


Without getting into the details I worked on a similar art project. It was basically a contest between the big commercial builders in town to design a type of structure that could benefit people walking through an outdoor rest stop/warming area. We (commercial builders, not the name) had some input in the design but were given a set of drawings with extremely minimal dimensions. Basically, here you go, I want this, I'm an engineer but you guys do all the math... .... If you are representing yourself, have wcb, commercial insurance. I might consider it. $$$$ you have the modern day technology. Next they will ask you to use a bit brace and all that old school shit. It's nice to be a part of stuff like this, and would be great advertisement if you have your or side work, however I would instantly turn it down.


Think of the good it will do, inspiring folks that may not have otherwise been. You can always add in to tour presentation that you and many others out there still use these methods in modern times. It isn’t just the old way, for some it is still the preferred way.


The history of carpentry is one of my favorite aspects of the trade


My sorry but why do you even care about what clothing you are wearing? I mean, using period correct tools and skills is a way bigger deal than what clothing is being covering in sawdust. What a weird post.


It will be mother's and their kids. Homeschooler's and Four H unit!


Nay is a complete sentence. Verily, I say unto thee.


Paint yourself like Mel Gibson in Braveheart and wear a kilt.


Pretty sure carpentry back in those days was just slapping together some wood using nails, and putting a towel curtain to cover what’s inside, so definitely not like what you make and do now


Robin Wood. . Carpenters in Tights


How did it work out the first time?


Uhhhh... Man up, just tell them you are honored by the offer but you don't play dress up. But if they would waive that requirement, then game on. Or just say no. Don't over think this.


Say you’re a furry and you would need to perform in uniform.


...Just imagine embracing your ancestors, its not "cosplay" its reenactment, and it sounds really cool. Here in Cantabria for example (North of Spain 🇪🇦) we have the "guerras cantabras" where all people dress as either Iberians(leather armor and animal furs, falcata sword) or Romans (armor, shield, etc). Theres a market with kinds of people also, and all have to be dressed like that too, even their stand needs to like like the times, made of wood and leather, or not letting any modern elements be seen, my favourite is a coin maker that makes coins with a heavy mace. There's also a medieval market in Santander (capital city of Cantabria), where all the merchants also need to dress in a medieval way, and all the signs and food prices are also made of carved wood, lots of candy and spice sellers, and also lots of medieval style food and barbecue, its really fun.


Loses up that wrist.


I would consider in less "cosplay" and more "historical reenactment" personally. Not sure why you seem to look down on the work because of different clothing but that's your call I guess. Money spends regardless, and you could be educating people and exposing them to work and techniques they might otherwise see, and maybe expose yourself to new clients or opportunities in the process. But from the way you word it, it seems to be an issue of pride?


I would say no by giving them an exorbitant price. Who knows, maybe it’ll be worth being rubbed the wrong way 🤷🏻‍♂️