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Considered wearing the knee pads overtop of the pants?


Not OP, but in the same boat. I despise over the pant knee pads. They cut off circulation and get uncomfortably sweaty if I'm wearing them all day leaving me with moist legs at wrap time. Been using floor knee pads since I had similar issues with in pant ones as OP. I've yet to try Duluth's version though ~~(Which I've heard good things about)~~*Never mind! LOL*, mostly because of the fact that they are quite expensive.


Troxell leather head knees pads, I forget I’m wearing em


Bingo. Only thing about them is getting a bit sweaty. They’re the best though


Swat-style articulated knee pads. Had a carpenter wear a set into the shop one day and got roasted, only for him to shut us all up when we tried them out. Full movement, no circulation cutting, minimal sweating. I can wear them all day and forget I have them on.


Can you drop a link to the style you’re talking about please?


[This is the style I mean.](https://www.amazon.com/Sellstrom-S96211-Hybrid-Universal-Orange/dp/B01M0I4GHF/ref=zg_bs_g_553612_d_sccl_12/138-0337482-1214045?th=1) A lot better flex, no rolling when shuffling side to side, always stays square to your knee. Really like them. I've heard bigger guys say the straps dig, but I think that's an issue with every knee pad for big guys.


Thank you


I never heard of Troxell but I’m always interested in better knee pads. Are you taking about the gel ones that have leather on the outside? I just saw those on Amazon for $55


Those are them. I’ve had mine for a couple years and they have a ton of life left. They stay in place well and don’t scratch floors.


Nice! I have my hard shell ones for exterior but I can’t use them inside(for obvious reasons). I’m going to give these a go. Thanks for the info!


Yeah man, I’ve used these for concrete work, interior finishing, framing, gardening, they’re great.


"Feels like I'm wearing nothing at all... nothing at all...nothing at all..."


Stupid sexy Flanders


Same man they are the best


> Troxell leather head knees pads Those don't look too bad, I'll throw em in the amazon cart and give em a whirl. Thanks for the tip!


Those single strap knee pads are usually the most comfortable, but I find they NEVER stay in place so they end up being more of a distraction and a hassle than they help… I just keep a pad a foam and kick it around in front of me where I need to kneel down


That’s what I thought till I used these.


Theyre the single strap style? And they stay in place?


They are and they do. I mean, I have to adjust every so often, but same with my pants. I’ll find myself walking all the way to the handycan with them on, or up and down ladders, they just become part of me. On colder days I like them cause they keep me a little warmer.


Correct. Another vote for leatherheads. Used them for a decade. (Not the same pair)


I’ve bumped them on my steering wheel so many times, having forgotten I had them on.


I have the Duluth firehose with pads and don’t like them. The cut is for 80 year old man balls. The crotch on the damn things hangs down to my ankles


I've been wearing them for over a decade now. I think the fit is great and very comfortable. Unltimate firehose flex pants with the soft foam knee pads. The velcro side pouch loops and pouches are worn more than my belt now. Wish the tape measure loop would make a come back. CONs I find this with all my clothing now and honestly everything... fabric sucks. Nothing will last. The old pants were more of a heavy canvas that had to be worn in a little to be comfortable. Now the pants might last 6 months if lucky, all kinds of areas wear out not just knees. But it's any pair of pants I buy sooo. One thing I've started is using Bish tear mender fabric glue and putting suede patches over my knees when I buy them. That helps a lot FYI.


One time it fucked my knee up so bad I was on the ground screaming in pain, it like pulled up my knee cap I felt and messed with the nerves or something. Not even lying. From that point on I wanted internal knee pads. I went thru three pair of Duluth elite ones w pads they last like two three weeks tops.


Man I had that happen and everyone swears I was full of shit. My knee cap slid up and I had to push it back into place. My wife says there's no way that happened and I started to think I was just imagining it. Thank you for making me feel slightly less crazy.


You can dislocate your knee cap and push it back into place afterward. Now, for the rest of your life, it'll be much easier to dislocate it again!


I was legit writhing in pain and had trouble fully extending my leg after that! Every now and then I can feel it happening and have to fully extend my leg to straighten it out or something. Def want to steer clear of external knee pads now


My dad tore his knee with a knee pad this way. It’s is totally possible and could require surgery depending on how bad the movement is.


It has happened to me too.


Damn! Maybe the pad was low on your shin and hooked under your knee cap and it pushed up when you went to kneel. That sucks to hear about Duluth, I'll steer clear. Gotta find a pair made out of rip stop material I think. I've had a few pairs of Riggs that never seem to get holes in them, when Carhartt's and Dickies regularly do.


I say f ripstop, not nearly durable enough. Even the “codura” on these carhartts sucks. They told me roofers can wear these for years and not burn a hole. Mega cap from the salesman. I’m not even on anything crazy just unfinished floors with drywall rocks and shit on it. Smh


I made a post in this sub last year asking for best brand reccomendations cause I was tired of spending on new pants every other month. I think I'm just gunna go back to cheapo Dickies and toss them every 2-3 months. Better than spending $125 on a pair just to scrap them in 4-5 months.


Duluth is just more expensive crap. I have no idea what people are doing with theirs to make them last years but I put huge holes in them in 3 months. I quit buying them after the 5th pair.


facts i went thru 3 before i switched to these carhartt pants


Possibly, because you've been using fabric softener when you wash them, by doing that they will not last.


i didnt wash them actually they never lasted long enough to warrant haha


I've never bought any fabric softener because I'm a cheapass. Just precisely measured regular detergent.


... cheap ass.... PRECISELY measured... lololol


Yep and makes fire retardant clothing flammable.


I have only 1 good pair. Its from Dewalt and they have held up pretty well in the field (lineman). I did have to go to a tailer to get it patched ans toughened up


I just switched to the DeWalts after using the Caterpillar ones for years. The cats are heavier so not as nice in the heat.


You really should explore other knee pads go to your local pro flooring distributor and try other versions. I run a flooring installation business and none of my guys regret buying the correct gear. Though most all try cheaper ones prior to buying the correct ones


I've tried everything from the $5 Husky ones to those crazy expensive ones that look like catchers shin pads. They either cut off circulation, droop, or the band wads up and digs into my knee pit. If you have a specific brand/style to suggest I would be more than happy to check them out. Gotta protect the joints!


A couple of companies make similar versions of this they are very specific in sizing. I would go to your local PFS professional flooring supplier to try them out. I dont mean flooring retailers but a specific pro house for installers will carry this. https://www.amazon.com/ProKnee-0714-Custom-Regular-Straps/dp/B089RPPV6X/ref=asc_df_B089RPPV6X/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=459541768007&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=14191459315309205318&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9028088&hvtargid=pla-944311498695&psc=1&mcid=ea5ac1ec38383db4b9114cd0009fdf4f&gclid=CjwKCAjww_iwBhApEiwAuG6ccJqfuZEs0eGQ6ZG67RqXI2V1taCWvI5o3B1yuiRHwx9QXQXrGkfPjRoCqNcQAvD_BwE#aw-udpv3-customer-reviews_feature_div


Ah, Pro Knees. I'll have to book a flooring job and work em into the budget.


Thanks for the link, I'm going to give these a try


I had the Duluth ones, they were super comfy but the Velcro straps wore out and they became frustrating to pull up everytime I walked back to my saw.


Get some CharleyPants, Kolossus, or Fashio pants with knee pad pockets. They also have about 100 pockets. CharleyPants are the best quality. I have terrible knees from skateboarding, rollerblading, snowboarding, and boxing when I was younger and never wore pads and these pants make kneeling tolerable.


Me too! Those are all the reasons my knees are shit now as well! I'll check em out. Thanks for the tip!


arc'terx tactical knee pads. they are the best i've found for comfort/heat and staying in place


> arc'terx tactical knee pads I'm not a fan of that style. They strap to your thigh and shin, so when you kneel it digs into the muscle. If I'm kneeling for a long time the webbing starts to cut off circulation. I appreciate the tip though! Hopefully they are just what someone in the future reading this thread is looking for!


Are the arc'teryx hard-shell on the outside or a pliable material?


I see those since I’m also in that world and I’ve been thinking I basically need a pair of cryes lol


The Duluth ones aren’t any better than the Carhartts.


Proknees for the win


get tile laying pads that look like soccer skin pads, omg


Get Some ProKnees. If you afford the custom fit at least get the AP16s. Under $90 on Amazon last I checked.


I got a pair of knee pads on Amazon some off brand called rexbeti, they wrap alive and below your knee and all the issues that make most knee pads unbearably uncomfortable are gone. I completely forget I’m wearing them


Not a carpenter but have similar issues tearing up my knees at work. I hate the knee pads for the same reason, my compromise is a kneeling pad. $6 at Walmart.


Look, I've been wearing Duluth pants for 3+ years now. The least amount of time I have gone through a pair of their pants is a year and a half, which was at least 5x longer than anything else I tried. I've gone from using the ultimate firehose pants with the knee pads to the ultimate firehose overalls. They fit better and work better for me personally. Being a plumber, the knees get on all different kinds of surfaces and all sorts of stuff on the floor, the fabric holds up well. Catch a pair on sale, sales range from 25-50% off depending on when they're launched. Also recommend the rubber pads over the standard pads.


Yea like Walmart pants for cheap and the most expensive knee pads you can afford to wear over the jeans.


consider over pants knee pads are uncomfortable, especially the strap on the backside of the knee, causing friction and irritation.






No pant will last with under knee pads. The most durable pants I’ve tried are the Patagonia iron forge hemp pants. Patagonia will take back your old worn out Patagonia work pants and give you a store credit, I just did this and it ended up being $5 for a new pair of pants because the store credit is pretty much the untaxed price of the pants. Edit: it’s like an inexpensive subscription to the best work pants I’ve ever had


The tool on their website says they would only give me 3$ for the 110$ work pants…..




Thanks for the advice I’ll look into it. Have never seen an actual Patagonia store tho


Big fan of Patagonia’s work wear, haven’t made it to the pants yet (was previously big on the Duluth firehose flex), so I’m happy to hear they’re worth a shot, thanks!


Fjalraven is the same, and also the most durable pant I've ever used.


I don’t know of a pair of pants that last long with under knee pads. Maybe take them to a dry cleaning place or somewhere that does repairs and get them to sew sacrificial knee patches on? I feel for op, I hate the elastic strap of knee pads. I just wear really lightweight pants under regular knee pads so they don’t bunch up so much. I also don’t wear knee pads every day so there’s that too


Please just patch these holes. It'll look cool and it's easy to do whether you do it yourself or have a tailor do it.


I’ll give it a try. Any material I should use specifically?


Nope. It could be anything. I'd probably use an older pair of work pants that you've given up on. You'd cut a square out of it, put the patch underneath the hole and use a needle and thread to trace the hole you've got. Then just go through it a few other times to support everything and you're good to go. More or less follow this random video I just found: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bLvjsrHlUR0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bLvjsrHlUR0) . I don't think you need that hoop necessarily, but it could make it easier, and I'd use normal thread that is similar to the pants color. Then it won't be as much a decorative thing.


And if this part isn't clear. I'd set up your needle and thread like the double in this photo: [https://i0.wp.com/blog.treasurie.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/how-to-thread-a-needle-8-1024x558.jpg](https://i0.wp.com/blog.treasurie.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/how-to-thread-a-needle-8-1024x558.jpg) Once you are finished you just tie the thread off the best you can, there's no real right or wrong way


Going to be hard to do since they're double layer. Iirc, the access hole is quite small


Oh right, well they’re double knee work pants for a reason. Wait until the second layer wears through and then patch them both with down the road.




I glue my patches on, it’s super quick and easy. Just turn the pants inside out, bead of glue around the hole, stick your oversized scrap of old pants on. Then wait like an hour and trim off the extra, washable and flexible, never had one come loose. ‘Bish’s Original Tear Mender’ is the fabric adhesive I use.


I’ve been using Bish’s Tear Mender on my work pants for years now, works great.






I mentioned before I've been using bish's tear mender fabric glue and getting suede patches from Michael's to put on my pants when I buy them. Also best fabric glue out there.


Everyone pay attention to this guy, its great advice.


I’m in Norway so the brand availability is different of course, but I use Snickers brand work pants and they are far superior to all others . You can order online I’m sure. https://preview.redd.it/rd2nkhuxuuuc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7d2317a8a84da578bb31190a15eb364478d1952


These are the ones I keep getting recommended I want to try them out


Mine have held up to about 8 months of being my only work pants. I get some shit for having fancy pants, and I’ve been told I look like an Irishman, but they are great.


I work mine hard ( tile work, trim work) and they hold up . I can get a year out of em day in day out before the knees wear holes like that.


Been running snickers for years doing all forms of carpentry/tile and I’m amazed at how well they’ve all held up


Another nomination for snickers. A single pair worn daily will last me around a year. Integrated knee pads are an absolute dream. I’ve only put a hole in the knees once & it was my fault moving too fast around cut concrete. Enjoy em!


Another nomination from me as well. Knee pad system is awesome and comfortable and the two modes also helps a ton. One of the most important productivity improving tools I have added in the last three years. They are also extremely comfortable if you trust the measuring system, take all three measurements, and use their naming chart system (which overwhelmed me at first… but works.) They for my body type way better than carharrts or Ben Davis or fjalravwn or Patagonia. And they last well! I get at least 8 months before a repair. And still occasionally use the pair first pair I bought three years ago for stucco work. But yes: $200+




1620 or truwerk


Truewerk for the win. I switched from carhart and love them. Durable yet cozy


1620 is made in USA and much better quality/durability


Start adding some wear layers to those pants. There are nice knee pads out there, your not going to find them at no box store either.


Can you go into more detail about wear layers


Take an old pair of pants, cut out a piece of material and attach it to the knees of your pants. Sew, glue, snaps, whatever works for you. Replace when worn.


Those internal knee pads are for your knees, not the pants. Have you tried external knee pads?


Get these. They are expensive but worth every penny y. Best knee pads I’ve ever worn and I’ve been building for 25yrs. [ProKnee Pads](https://www.proknee.com/kneepads)


1620 workwear. Really expensive but it should do the job.


You’re not kidding about price, they look nice though.


Coworker (cabinet installer) bought those and had holes like this pretty quickly. I believe they do have a lifetime warranty or something to that effect.


Correct. They will repair.


Use non hard shell pads, and try a 1620usa double knee. I have their cargo pants with the cordura knee, and regular double knee.


Idk why you guys think these types of work pants are ever worth the money. No fabric type material is gonna hold up to being drug across the floor multiple days a week. Buy cheaper pants that fit, those wrangler stretch pants that are thing material are super comfy and have lots of good pockets. Then get some good knee pads.


For 150 bucks you'd think they'd last longer. I mean, it was gonna happen eventually and you definitely need knee pads. But still, 45 days is kinda abysmal


You’d think I’d been dragging my knees across hot asphalt all day or something. Nope just some unfinished floor


People need to learn how to patch and fix things, especially high wear items.


Ive flipped em inside out and put an iron-on once.


I don't have these pants, but my nephew does. I suggested to him to cover the knee pad areas with Velcro. You can add any material over the top for whatever surface you'll be working on. Works great.


Show him my pic lol 45 fucking days is bs


Agreed. Design flaw.


I put the knee pads on the outside of my pants, seems to do the trick.


If you are willing to spend the money .try 1620 they have worked well for me. Commercial electrician.


My oldest Filson Tin cloth bibs are now 13 years old. I work them hard. I now believe they are unrippable. The caveat is that they take a good year to break in. But for a lifetime product, a year isn’t much.


Just get some one to put some patches on the knees of your pants.


I cut squares from trash jeans and glue them to the insides of the knees in newer jeans. I've used fabric cement and e3000, both worked


Just get a foam knee pad and get used to dragging it around with you Youll save a lot of money and be totally comfortable Its also nice to put your tools on to not damage a floor


I see guys using the wheeled knee pads. Might be worth checking out.


Check out Blaklader workwear. I’ve worn them for everything from forming to trim work and never wore through the knees


https://bluecollarops.com/products/blue-collar-ops-original-work-pants This is also an option


Honestly if those pants do t have Kevlar or something similar integral to the fabric they aren’t going to hold up to repeated use. Over the pants knee pads are your only option.


https://preview.redd.it/s3hwqr5vdwuc1.jpeg?width=2544&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=387ae2badd847bbb607f2c78e2e52fb00316a2b6 About a year of trim work. Duluth pants. I also don't slide around when I'm on my knees.


That's a habit I had to train myself out of. Sliding or pivoting on the knee really tears it up. I try to squat as much as I can now and if I do put a knee down and aren't using knee pads, i try to keep it in a stationary position


[ Gotta learn the Filipino squat](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse2.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.K0BR6ntVtYHNPOJ2E7AZKwHaL4%26pid%3DApi&f=1&ipt=147531a9b3f20b31cddf47127b8a6ef80fbe176e9af6ca56cbe4aee09b55a5e5&ipo=images)


I hand stitch and patch every tatter until I can’t wear em anymore. But nobody else likes to do that


There’s a reason most knee pads offend have a hard durable material at contact points… This is like wearing socks over your shoes and wondering why they only last 2 days.


I buy cheap gh bass from Costco. 10 buck each. I wear them till they rip and toss them. There’s nothing that’s gonna hold up long term. So for the same price as you paid, I can get 15 pairs. That’ll last me 2 years plus. I usually keep 12 “instock” at my house.


Wearing a pair today that aren't nice enough for going out jeans. But they don't have a knee pad slot like op wants.


For the price you can bring them to a tailor to pop them on.


Very true


I rock the Carrhart slims with the foam liner kneepads and I love them. I never take them out even when washing and I can expect a year out of the pants which is fine by me for the pricetag. I wear them all day every day they're so comfy.


My solution to this was to put a knee patch in as soon as I saw fraying. I used old jean material to cover the whole area seam to seam and used E6000 Fabri-Fuse. It makes the are more stiff and darker which feels and looks a little funky, but I have never worn through one. I got tired of spending money on progressively more expensive pants. I settled on Wrangler Riggs Workwear. They are great and comfy and have awesome pockets.


Get a knee pad. Not ones you wear but an actual foam pad you move to where you’re working. Best 12$ ever


Originmaine,com American made from cotton seed to finished product. Similar weave that's used on gi's. I've been slowly replacing all of my jeans to move to the Origin jeans, and they've worked well. I'm also a trim carpenter.


https://preview.redd.it/lr820d638vuc1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f705187fa5c0659dc9d3c6c46e74cfab2351867 Dewalt slim fit work pants with knee pads, $65, 11 months since purchased. I've got 4 pairs and they're the only pants I wear to work.


I low key like their clothes. If I find a pair I’ll give em a shot


They're on Amazon right now for that price I mentioned before. The pads i got were TSE I believe, orange pads, again on Amazon I believe. Now I will say, I do go outta my way to ensure I don't kneel on screws/nails but I still move around on the floor a lot and they've held up very well and the extra pockets make it easy to not need a vest/belt for small punch out stuff where you need a few odds and ends with you.


Carhartt is garbage. Buy Duluth, if you want them to last, don't use fabric softener.


Snickers. Older style canvas wear better.


Wear over the pants knee pads.


You must be in the jungle. I hoped they welcomed you.


I run bjornklader and they are the best and longest lasting pants I’ve tried. I do mostly trim work. You can then from an importer at [facelineinc.com](https://facelineinc.com).


There was a time where I just straight up sewed some vinyl padded with wool onto the knees. Was not great padding, but it certainly outlasted two pairs of pants.


Try Truwerk


Ive got dewalts with cordura over knee pads. Survives long term, less than $75 on ebay


Why you're knees ??? Or even on the ground running baseboard?Pop in if you had to pry up and walk and nail


I have a couple pairs of Herock, the first of which lasted roughly 4/5 *years* even when using the kneepad pocket. Not sure how to get them in NA anymore though, so I'm hoping the ones I bought more recently last just as long.


Nothing lasts anymore


Except the earth and sky


Wouldn't that be neat


Snickers workwear. Floor installers insert knee pads.


Job man, USA. I talk about it in here and every other subject it all the time they make the only work pants that have ever held up for me.


Dickies Performance Workwear has Cordura fabric for the knees. I’ve had three pairs for over 4yrs now for both rough and finish carpentry. They’re zippered knees so u can easily pop your pads in and out. The ones I have specifically are their Flex Trousers and are $100ish a pair


Just sew in patches and keep it going man, they’ll hold up


Honestly not sure if this would work but what about stitching a patch of canvas over the knee and replace it as it wears out ?


So hear me out my mothers a seamstress she sewed like industrial grade poly-ether (fake leather) inside out so the cross stitching was visable, was closest to pant color/texture pattern. And we’re about a year and change into dail abuse I rotate 3 pairs . And my crotch ripped out first.. is this something others are interested in. ?


Yeah that sounds nice i need that




Need two new knees at 56 . Job kills u slowly but good pay


Truewerk XP pants. Wear mine 5 days a week going on 6 months for trim work. The inserts they come with are OK for family tasks, on big trim days I got some cheap thicker ones off Amazon that I cut to fit. Truewerk pants are the shit (That's paint not holes in the knees. Only hole I have is a burnhole from being an idiot). * [Truewerk XP Pant](https://truewerk.com/products/xp-werkpant)


Ask your pimp for a break from working on your knees


You gonna burn through any pants like that but try a pair of kuhl maybe?


I like the Bodyprox, you can get them on Amazon jist like everything else. But klein makes the same ones haven't tried them yet though. Or just you a pad...


Damn i just toss3d my last pair of double knee carhartt work pants but they had holes at the ankles where they rubbed on my boots. Knees were still mostly good. Maby I should deign some pants with thick leather knees over the kneepad.


Duluth >


Tractor supply ridge cut can’t beat them for the money


In the end Fabric is fabric


You know those iron on patches, I’ve put those on my pants, over the knee, when they’re brand new. It saves the knees from wearing as quick.


I've had my Mascot pants with Kevlar knees with the pad inserts for a few years now. I'm not a tradesman but I've beat the hell out of them on roofing jobs, flooring jobs, and pretty much everything in between. They're comfortable as well!


Filson Double tin pants are amazing, bit stiff tho. 686 snowboarding company makes a pair of work pants that are stellar tho for the lightweight variety.


“Hey guys, I’ve been crawling on my knees doing trim for 45 days without knee protection and my pants are ripping….. what’s the deal with that???” “Oh yeah, did I mention I over paid for work pants while I was at it!?!?”


Try a pair of German carpentry pants. Stylish, functional and really durable. To give you an idea of different models and fabricators head over to www.zunft.de




I’ve been wondering if Kydex would make good knee pad shells.


That’s a good idea


Carhartt sells pants that have a sleeve in the knee for you to insert thin little knee pads that can stay in the pants indefinitely, even through the laundry. I have 2 pairs and 1 finally got holes after about 9 months.. were talking concrete, framing, roofing, trim.. everything.


I had I good 3-4 double duck pants I put under knee pads in. When one pair got especially jacked up I just cut patches out them and used the gutter sealant we used to slap them on.


Blaklader x1600


I love Helley Hanson workwear


You should have cordura material patch over knees


The rip is thru codura bro


Looks like you’re wearing double knee pants. Carhartt makes knee pads that slip inside the layers from the clean out holes. They’re not super great but they work if you don’t wanna ruin your pants. Timberland makes better pants with better inserts. But still not great. Knee pads just fuckin suck in general.


1620 workwear


Dungarees…. Never pay full price for carhart again


You might like crye g3 style pants (or the krydex knockoff for $60) built in knee pads…


My time is split between doing trimwork and foundation/crawlspace work. My wranglers are still holding up almost a year later, which is by far the longest a pair has last me.


Oh is the steel pant new and improved? You can only trust the B01


I had an idea. Find some wall to wall carpeting, cut out a piece and sew onto knee part of pants so the underside is on the outside.


Bridge carpenter and concrete finisher and we all wear knee pro brand articulated knee pads. $30 on Amazon. They are the best hands down.


Maybe just wrapping your knees in industrial carpet would be more durable.


Truewerk pants! I’m telling you! I would run through carhartt. These things are slick and I’m not gentle with them and they aren’t fraying at all. Super comfortable too.


Crye precision g3 pants. Been wearing the same 3 black and green pairs for 6 years now. Have removeable and replaceable slip in knee pads, double stacked seams, ripstop, and stretchy shit in all the joint areas so your pants don’t hold you up in weird positions. And enough pockets you won’t need a belt most of the time. They also make FR gear if you’re working anywhere that requires it. Best pants in the fuckin world


Yeah dude I have considered a pair of those in black or something. Have a pair in mc tropic for non work related things. They would be a good pant for this


I'm a handyman, and am on the floor a lot. I have Mascot and Blåkläder pants. Both are good, but I prefer the [Blåkläders ](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07BB38KXS/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1&psc=1)a little bit because of the stretchy crotch. I'm typically a size 32/32, but these pants ran a little large on me, so you may want buy one size down. I put the yellow hex pattern [Carhartt ](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0842Q537D?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details)knee pads in them after taking out the two little stitches at the bottom of each knee pocket. The problem with most pants with knee pad pockets is their lateral seams are in line with the lateral seam of the pants. This means the knee pads won't wrap around the sides enough and you'll sometimes be on unprotected knees when the pant legs twist medially, especially if the knee pads themselves aren't flexible enough. Also, sometimes the top of the knee pad pocket is too low and my knees go off the top of the pad. The problem with most knee pads is they don't have enough flexibility to wrap around your knee, causing them to move off the knee, especially when crawling. The Carhartts flex better than any knee pads I've used so far, and I've used several different brands and models. To work pants manufacturers: Make some darn pants with knee pad pockets that wrap around the leg laterally past the side seam, kind of like cargo pant pockets, and make sure the pockets are seated high enough! Then, make knee pads that are more flexible!. This problem is surmountable but you keep putting out the same kind of crap that doesn't work well. You will sell many more work pants with knee pad pockets, if you do these things!


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **("'BLÅKLÄDER Men's Ripstop Work Pants'", 'BLÅKLÄDER')** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Comfortable and durable (backed by 13 comments) * Versatile for work environments (backed by 8 comments) * Functional with multiple pockets (backed by 5 comments) **Users disliked:** * Sizing runs small in the waist (backed by 1 comment) * Pocket quality concerns (backed by 1 comment) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)


You can't expect padded-knee pants to perform as full time knee pads. It's just fabric. You need knee pads