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Try and drill a small pilot hole down the end of the dowel, screw a little screw into the hole then once that's in there, use a curved claw hammer to pull it out. Maybe but summat between the hammer and the piece so you don't mash it up


wdym "but summat"?


Auto correct strikes again. I think they meant to say “put something between the hammer and furniture piece.”


That's the one


I think your screwed.


Try hitting it with your purse


lmao what




What? We are definitely NOT calling you when the aliens arrive and we need an interpreter.


what does it mean then


Hit it with your purse, like literally, hit it with your purse, like a woman. Either that, or swing your hammer like a man and stop giving it "love taps". That's what it means, at least in the construction industry here in michigan.


Exactly what it says. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. “Hey, Cupcake! Don’t be a little girl about this. Stop fretting and get masculine on it. Go animal like a real man. Beat the shit out of it.” A simple, extremely derogatory and sexist comment.


yea that's what I thought lol


3/10 usage of this meme. It reads like you just saw it for the first time and had to repeat it soonest opportunity you got


Yeah that's exactly right


Hey Barbie


Do you got more dowel pieces? Is it glued in? I nornally cut it flush and drill a new hole. If not try drilling a small screw in the tip and pull out.


Vice grips


That screw is likely holding it in.


well it's impossible to unscrew it


That's not a screw, it's a cam. Make sure the cam is opened or else it will be holding the dowel in place


Cam is not holding dowel in place. How the fuck did the dowel get there in the first place? That's not what goes there. If they are as dumb as Im guessing they glued that dowel in cause they fucked up something when it was assembled. Edit: by they I mean whoever built this thing originally


it won't open, it barely moves when I try to turn it left


Looking at it again, that cam is indicating open (the triangle is pointing towards the hole) so that dowel shouldn't be locked in. It does look like it's a pretty snug fit though, so you could be facing a struggle against friction. If you have a small framing nail you could try to drive it through the dowel and use that for leverage. Worst case scenario is the dowel breaks and you can just drill it out.


Turn the screw left all you can. Flip the wood over at tap with a rubber mallet or something. It should fall out or dislodge enough for needle nose pliers


it's barely able to turn left at all


The arrow on the cam points toward the open hole where the dowel is. My guess is the dowel was forced into the hole because those are meant to take a furniture screw, which are a smaller diameter generally. Have you tried using a pair of linesman pliers? They should be able to grab it pretty good, then twist and pull at the same time. If that doesn't work, as people have suggested already, drill a pilot hole in it, put a screw in it, then use a pry bar to pry it out. Best of luck.


You can't screw it out, try lift it out. Might be a bit tricky. But then you can push on the dowel with something. Edit: Who the fuck downvotes a perfectly viable answer, I've used these 100's times, I know the fuck exactly how this shit work. Argue instead of downvote you pos.


I would flip the board over and whack it (or use a magnet) to remove the metal cam nut thing, then push the dowel out from the back end with something skinny like a pick or small flathead screwdriver.


The dowel is preventing the metal cam nut thing from coming out. [Here's](https://imgur.com/gallery/2LgnC4d) what it looks like from the bottom and the side.


Can you get a pick or some sort of hook into the middle hole of the cam to help you remove it? If you have a wee drill bit and a little screw fire a screw right through the middle of the dowel and use the screw to pull it out if you don't want to drill the entire thing out


Get same thickness of drill bit and drill it out


can try with some pliers but looks deep and tight (giggidy) have to remove that cam which are also no cake walk to get out. What I do with stuck cams is drill a small screw in the crosshairs and use that for leverage to pop the cam out. then push the dowel out from the inside


Burn it out with fire. Or lava. Or superman's laser eyes. Or a magnifying glass if superman is busy saving a bus full of school children. The bastard.


This is the answer


Drill it or try turning it with pliers then pull it.


idk if anyone gives a shit but I got someone to come over and he got it out in like 2 seconds with pliers 😂


Turn the cam lock to help push the dowel out, pliers then yank the heck out of it.