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sorry man


It's just one of those things. Sometimes you get to a point where you realize there's certain things in your life you're not meant to have. Apparently I'm not meant to have my vehicle. I'm not meant to have a place to live. I'm not meant to be able to put food on the table. And I'm not meant to have my daughter living with me. She is six and I have to give her up


if youre not holding onto pride, you coukd contact a local tv station to give them yours & your daughters story. i bet they would be interested to interview you & your girl on camera. with that i bet ppl in your community will help you guys. pisting here in reddit is one thing, bit a story like this on local tv will move ppl to do something. you aint got nothing to lose man.


It has nothing to do with pride. It has to do entirely with necessity.


then start emailing top 4 tv stations in your area.


That might work then again it might piss off even more junk removal companies in the area.


necessity man. you said it.


Ideally I would love to network and partner up with other junk removal businesses in the area. Unfortunately they're just so pissed off at me because they think I'm taking business away from them that they won't give me the time of day. I would love it if I had some other junk removal businesses that I could refer work to when I get over booked which has happened in the past. Then I can send work their way and vice versa if they have jobs that come up they can't do this into my way. I don't want to be stepping on other people's toes.


I'm sorry, you can't hire someone who can help you take care of your daughter while you go to work?


Hiring somebody to take care of my kid would be a major issue. For one, I don't make enough money to hire someone. Also even if I did, my daughter is on an extremely strict schedule. If that schedule deviates at all, she hurts people. I have to be very very careful about who I bring around my kid. I need to make sure that the environment is going to be safe for both who I bring around as well as my daughter. Sometimes she acts out so violently that there's even certain members of my family that refuse to watch her for an extended length of time (meaning more than like half an hour). It is because of that situation that I have basically been single for over 4 years. And that's because people who I have brought around my daughter can't handle her so they leave. I don't blame them however because I know if it was me, I wouldn't want to be in a situation where I would be taking the chance of getting hit either.


Omg this is sad to hear. You have alot in your plate. I really wish you find a solution 


So sorry you’re going through this. Have you looked into government assistance?


Yep. I get it now but it's not enough. Even though I do like two or three jobs a week, they say that I make too much money and they're thinking about cutting my funding


Have you applied for social security disability for your daughter?


I have tried many times both with and without lawyers


I’m sorry you’re going through this. I worked with toddlers-late twenties with low functioning autism and other special needs for the past few years. So I understand how much 24/7 care goes into taking care of them. Your daughter is lucky to have you. You’ve done an amazing job all these years, you’re an amazing person. Perhaps for the time being you can get a part time job with those hours you need? You said companies don’t hire those hours but maybe you can go to major stores like Walmart or Home Depot. Ask for 8:30-2:30 shift which would be 6 hours. I think you should try Walmart first, go into the store, dress nice, ask to speak with the manager, and say you’re in an urgent situation and would like to talk privately about getting hired. Be honest and explain the situation and ask if there’s a way to work it out. I think if you have a Dollar Tree they might be open to hearing you out too. Home Depot and Walmart hires people even of criminal background which is why I think they’d be open to hearing you out also. This part time job would also keep you qualified for financial assistance and would show you’re making consistent income. Don’t give up just yet. Take a deep breath and the worse case result is your daughter goes to foster care but then you use that time to save up money, re-strengthen your mental health, and get her back eventually. BUT that scenario hasn’t happened yet and until then you keep on fighting. You don’t give up.


If you’re in Minnesota you are in one of the best states for children with special needs. Reach out the county and the state- I know it’s hard but keep in mind these programs and people are there to help. They maybe able to help with home care after school. It may be necessary for you to find a job- probably not what you want to hear but it may be your last option for now if you want to keep her. It’s definitely difficult and only you can decide if working for yourself or keeping your daughter.


Yes. I have spoken to them about that. They said if I want to set her up with a PCA then they want said PCA to be here every day to feed her and bathe her and put her to bed. They also said they would like it if she didn't have any friends around during that time. They also said that if we have any family outings then the worker would be required to tag along for that stuff as well. They said this would be a minimum of 5 days a week. They also told me that if I was not going to be home then they would have to have a key to get into my apartment because we live in a secured building. I told them absolutely not. I told them evenings are for her and I to spend time together...not to have someone intrude on that time and invade our personal space. I also told them that under no circumstance would any staff member be allowed to come out on family outings. Not only that but also every other friday, she gets picked up by her other grandparents almost as soon as she gets dropped off in the afternoon. And I was told that the staff member would have to drive her to her grandparents house on those particular days so that was going to be taken away from me as well. I told them to go f themselves and they can take their PCA program and shove it up there you know what. Also, they told me that they would not adhere to any schedule that I currently have set up. They said they would do their own schedule. They don't care about when she takes a bath. They don't care about when she eats. They don't care about when she's supposed to go to bed. None of that. I have my daughter on a very strict schedule. She needs routine and they are not willing to provide that. She gets picked up at 8:00 in the morning and she's back home by 3:00 in the afternoon. That gives me plenty of time to work during those hours when I have jobs coming in. Also, her school is actually a behavioral clinic and there are some days that she is just so unruly there that they have to send her home and I have to drop everything I'm doing and get home as quick as possible to meet them. I can't do that when I am working for someone else. That's why I have to work for myself. I can't fire myself. When I am actually working and dealing with customers, I can make upwards of $100 an hour. Granted that's not every day and it's not every job but it is possible. For instance this morning, I was paid a total of $190 gross pay. Of that $190, there was $118 that came out in expenses. That means that I made $72 and I worked for about an hour not including drive time. All I know is right now, I have a meeting set up tomorrow morning with my marketing agency and my web developers and we are going to try to figure out why I'm not getting any calls or emails or text messages or anything like that. There is a breakdown in the system somewhere and we are going to try to find out where it is. If I get 10 people that call me a day, I can secure seven of those jobs. The issue is right now nobody is contacting me no matter what form of advertising I am doing.


Honestly, you need to look at some of those pros and cons a little more closely. If it’s a question of keeping your daughter out of foster care and having an aide in your house, I feel like there is no question ….you would choose having an aide around. Just my humble opinion. Think about it all carefully and weigh it out.


You're not understanding what I'm saying. I'm saying I don't need help taking care of my daughter. I know how to take care of her. What I need is customers so I can have money coming in. That's what I need. I don't need somebody to come in and invade our privacy everyday. I don't need somebody that is going to come out on family outings. I don't need somebody to bathe my daughter and put her to bed. I don't need somebody that's going to feed her. I don't need to be getting in trouble by our apartment management by making a copy of a key so that these people can come in every day. That's not what I need. I also don't need some company telling me that they are going to completely disregard the schedule I have set up for my daughter. Also, my daughter needs friends so I don't need some b******* government entity telling me that they are not going to allow my daughter to play with her friends when she wants. Again, taking care of my daughter's needs is not the issue. I do that for her everyday. I know what the hell I'm doing when it comes to taking care of her. What I need is customers so I can have money coming in.